Immediate Family
About Auxilia di Savoia
d) AUXILIA . "Amedeus filius Uberti comitis et Adaelgida uxor mea" donated "ecclesia S. Mauricii…in pago…Maltacena" to the priory of Bourget by charter dated 22 Oct 1030, signed by "Uberti comitis, Anciliæ uxoris eius, Amedei comitis, Adilæ uxoris eius…Rodulphi regis, reginæ Ermengardis, Odonis, Antelmi"[298]. The parentage of Auxilia is deduced from her son Burchard being described by Rodolfus Glaber as nepos of Burchard Archbishop of Lyon[299], who was the illegitimate son of Conrad I King of Burgundy and his mistress Aldiud. Aldiud was the wife of Anselm, this couple presumably being Auxilia’s parents. Her parentage is also suggested by the charter dated 12 Jun 1052 under which her son "Aimo, Sedun…episcopus" donated property, inherited from "avunculo meo comite Oudolrico…in villam…Ursaria", to the church of Sion "per manum advocatis mei comitis Oudalrici"[300]. Szabolcs de Vajay[301] suggests that Count Humbert had two wives: firstly "---, sister of Graf Ulrich [von Lenzburg]" and secondly "Auxilia, relative of Saint Odilon de Mercœur abbé de Cluny". Europäische Stammtafeln[302] shows only one wife "Auxilia von Lenzburg", in an amalgam of these two proposed wives. None of the sources so far consulted in the preparation of the present document suggest that Humbert had two wives. Until more information comes to light, the simpler solution has been adopted in this document. The primary source which indicates Auxilia's relationship with the Mercœur family (see AQUITAINE NOBILITY) has not yet been identified.
m ( [995/1000] ) HUMBERT, son of --- ([970/75]-[1 Jul 1047/51], bur Saint-Jean de Maurienne). He was installed in 1043 as HUMBERT I "blancis manibus/of the White Hands" Comte de Maurienne, and later as Comte de Chablais.
Studying the Wikis of the various languages concerned, there were 3 or more assumptions for the provenance of this wife of Umberto I Biancamano, conte di Savoia, including "Lenzbourgh (but with unknown parents)" ..but since ML primary sources assigned her parents & brothers, passing that possible connection to her aunt .... von Lenzburg, ..the Spanish name fields have necessarily been moved only to the AKA-alias field.
- there is nothing Spanish here
- the Italic-Franco-Savoy-Spanish connections are centuries below
Blass and Winkhaus believe that Ancilia was daughter of Arnold von Schännis, who was 972-976 Reichsvogt of Zürich, a descendant of the Lenzburgs, Counts of Baden, through the Hunfrieds of Rhaetia and Istria. Moriarty lends his support, however, to Monteyer's theory that she was the daughter of Anselm of Noyen and Adelaide of Oltigen.
The family of Humbert Ier de SAVOIE and Auxilia de LENZBURG
[133759] SAVOIE (de), Humbert Ier (..), comte de Nyon, Aoste, Maurienne, Sermorens
- married before 1020
LENZBURG (de), Auxilia (Arnold Ier & .. [134984])
1) Odo, comte de Chablais, married about 1046 Adelheid MARKGRAFIN
Bibliographie : Europaische Stammtafeln
Humbert married Ancilla (Auxilia or Ancilia) of Lenzburg, the daughter of the master of ceremonies of Burgundy, and had at least four sons:
1. Amadeus I (died 1056), Count of Savoy, successor
2. Aimone (died 1054 or 1055), Bishop of Sion
3. Burchard (died 1068 or 1069), Archbishop of Lyon
4. Otto (died ca. 1057), Count of Savoy, successor of his brother
Some authors believe that he had additional sons.
From her Husbands Wikipedia article
Humbert married Ancilla (Auxilia or Ancilia) of Lenzburg, the daughter of the master of ceremonies of Burgundy, and had at least four sons:
1. Amadeus I (died 1056), Count of Savoy, successor
2. Aimone (died 1054 or 1055), Bishop of Sion
3. Burchard (died 1068 or 1069), Archbishop of Lyon
4. Otto (died ca. 1057), Count of Savoy, successor of his brother
Some authors believe that he had additional sons.
From her Husbands Wikipedia article
Humbert I, Count of Savoy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Humbert married Ancilla (Auxilia or Ancilia) of Lenzbourg, the daughter of the master of ceremonies of Burgundy, and had at least four sons:
Amadeus I, successor
Aimone (died 1054 or 1055), Bishop of Sion
Burchard (died 1068 or 1069), Archbishop of Lyon
Otto, successor of his brother
Auxilia di Savoia's Timeline
995 |
1005 |
1017 |
March 1017
Savoy, France
1023 |
Maurienne, Savoie, Champagne, France
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