Immediate Family
About Ava de Morvois, Countess of Lower Alsace
HUGUES (-20 Oct 837, bur Monza). m AVA, daughter of --- (-4 Sep 839, bur Monza). Her marriage is inferred from the testament of her supposed son-in-law "Gerardus [comes]" who names "coniugis meæ…Berthæ…genitoribus atque parentibus…Luthardi et Grimildis atque…Hugonis et Bavæ…filiis et filiabus ipsorum"[154]. Hugues & his wife had six children:
a) ERMENGARDE (-20 Mar 851, bur Kloster Erstein, near Strasbourg). Thegan refers to the wife of Emperor Lothar as "filiam Hugi comitis, qui erat de stirpe cuiusdam ducis nomine Etih" and in the following paragraph names her "Irmingarda"[155]. The Annales Xantenses record the marriage in 821 of "Ludewicus imperator…filio suo Lothario" and "Ermingardam filiam Hugonis comitis Turonicorum"[156]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Ermengardis filia…Hugonis Provincie ducis vel comitis" as wife of "Lotharius imperator"[157]. She founded Kloster Erstein in Alsace 849. m (Thionville, Moselle mid-Oct 821) Emperor LOTHAR I, son of Emperor LOUIS I "le Pieux" & his first wife Ermengardis [de Hesbaye] (795-Kloster Prüm 29 Sep 855, bur Kloster Prüm). He was installed as LOTHAR I King of Lotharingia in 843.
b) ADELAIS (-after 866). The Miraculis Sancti Germani name "Adheleid" as wife of "Chuonradus princeps", noting that she was “primorum et ipsa natalium perinde titulus gloriosa”[158]. A poem by Walahfridus Strabus records the epitaph of "Adelheidam"[159]. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. Some secondary works[160] assert that the second husband of Adelais was Robert "le Fort" [Capet]. If this is correct, Adelais must have been Comte Robert's second or third wife as Conrad died after 862 by which date Robert's known children were already born. The assertion appears based on the Chronicle of St Bénigne de Dijon which names "duo filii Rotberti Andegavorum comitis, frs Hugonis abbatis, senior Odo…Robertus alter"[161]. Settipani states that the passage is a 12th century interpolation and has little historical value, although he does suggest that it is likely that the wife of Comte Robert was a close relation of Adelais without providing the basis for this statement[162]. A family connection between Comte Robert and Conrad Comte de Paris is also suggested by the former being invested with the county of Auxerre in 865, after this county was confiscated from the latter (as recorded by Hincmar[163]), on the assumption that there was some basis of heredity behind the transmission of counties in France at that time (which is probable, but remains unproven). m CONRAD "l'Ancien" Comte de Paris, son of WELF I Graf in Swabia & his wife Heilwig --- (-22 Mar [862/66]).
c) BERTA (-[6 Nov] 877). Her parentage is indicated by her husband's testament under which "Gerardus [comes]" names "coniugis meæ…Berthæ…genitoribus atque parentibus…Luthardi et Grimildis atque…Hugonis et Bavæ…filiis et filiabus ipsorum"[164]. Pope John VIII recalls "Gerardus comes…cum Berta quondam conjuge sua" as founders of the monastery referred to in his letter[165]. Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks confirmed the foundation of the monastery "in pago Avalensi in parrochia Augustudunensis civitatis in loco…Virziliacus" by "Gerardus…comes", with the consent of "coniugis sue Berthæ", by charter dated 6 Jan 868[166]. The Chronico Vezeliacensi records that "Berta comitissa hujus loci fundatrix" died in 844 and was buried "apud Pulterias"[167], although the year is incorrect. The 13th century obituary of the Eglise primatiale de Lyon records the death "VIII Id Nov" of "Berta comitissa"[168]. m GERARD [de Roussillon] Comte de Vienne, son of [LIUTHARD & his wife Grimhild ---] (-[11 Feb or 4 Mar] 874, bur Avignon).
d) HUGUES (-before 24 Jan 835, bur Milan San Ambrogio). Wilsdorf records that Hugues and Liutfried [II], sons of Hugues, accompanied their father to northern Italy where the younger Hugues died and was buried in Milan, as confirmed by a charter dated 24 Jan 835 under which his brother Lothar I donated property to San Ambrogio at the request of his wife who was Hugues’s sister[169].
e) LIUTFRIED [II] (-[864/66]). The Annales Bertiniani name "Liutfrido avunculo suo et Waltario" recording their support for "Hlotharius [rex]" when he purported to marry "Waldradam concubinam" in 862 and crown her[170].
- see below.
f) BERENGAR (-[838]). The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Beringarii H. Turonici quondam comitis filii" as a candidate to govern Septimania, in competition with Bernard, adding that he died young [in 838][171].
m AVA , datter av --- (-4 september 839, bur Monza). Ekteskapet hennes utledes fra testamentet til hennes antatte svigersønn" Gerardus [kommer ] "hvem heter" coniugis meæ ... Berthæ ... genitoribus atque parentibus ... Luthardi et Grimildis atque ... Hugonis et Bavæ… filiis et filiabus ipsorum " [154] . Hugues og hans kone hadde seks barn:
Ancestral File
name: Aba de Alsace (AFN: 3099-56C) sexo: female defunción: número de CD: 0
Matrimonios (1) cónyuge: Hugh II de Tours (AFN: 3099-2Q5)
Ocultar hijos (4) hijo 1: Ermengarde de Tours (AFN: 309G-0RP) sexo: female nacimiento:
France defunción: 20 March 0851
hijo 2: Adelaide de Tours (AFN: 3098-XH2) sexo: female defunción:
hijo 3: Bertha de Tours (AFN: 30DS-868) sexo: female nacimiento: 0794
Alsace, France defunción:
hijo 4: Hugh de Bourges Count of Bourges (AFN: 30DS-4TH) sexo: male nacimiento: 0802 defunción:
Enviado por (1) ladeane270138
Cita de este registro "Ancestral File," database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/9SYB-533 : accessed 2014-05-11), entry for Aba de Alsace ____________________________
aka = also known as
- Other Event(s)
*Note 1: Countess of Tours AKA (Facts Page): Aba
- -------------------- Ava DE TOURS7
- was born in 769 in Tours, , ,
- She was born in 779 in Tours,
- aka Ava ALSACE. aka Ava Countess Of ALSACE.
- --------------------------- http://genealogy-records.info/f_abd.html
- Tours , Hugh (Hugues) II 'le Mefiant' [aka: Count of Orleans;Count of Tours;Count of Upper Alsace]
- b. 0765 Upper, Alsace, Tours, France
- d. Upper, Alsace, Tours, France
- Gender: Male
- Parents: - Father: Upper Alsace , Luitfrid II - Mother: Hiltrude , Miss.
- Family: -Marriage: ABT 0797
- Spouse: France , Ava (Aba,Bava) [aka: Countess of Tourf; Countess of Upper Alsace] b. 0769 Tours, Indre et Loire, France d. Upper, Alsace, Tours, France - Gender: Female
- Parents: - Father: Paris , Beague - Mother: Adaltrud (Aupais,Aupala,Aupals,Alpas) , Miss
- Children: de Tours , Bertha + Eticonides , Luitfrid III
- This family has 3 more children.
- Unregistered versions of GED4WEB© will only output 2 children
- Parents: - Father: Paris , Beague - Mother: Adaltrud (Aupais,Aupala,Aupals,Alpas) , Miss
- see Rootsweb
- Name: Ava (Bava) De Tours Countess Upper Alsace - Given Name: Ava (Bava)
- Surname: De Tours - • Suffix: Countess Upper Alsace - Sex: F
- Birth: 0769 in Tours, France ( _UID: C7FE631FE293844F8D524CF1AD3A638378F5 )
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Father: Girard de Paris b: 0743 in Paris, France + Mother: Rhotrude Martel Caroling b: ABT 0744 in France
- Marriage 1 Hughes II "Le Mefiant" De Alsace b: ABT 0765 in Aachen, Germany
- Married: ABT 0769 in Tours, France
- Children: 1. Adelheid De Alsace Princess Holy Roman Empire b: 0810 in Tours, France ____________________________
Bava de Tours, comtesse de lower Alsace[1, 2, 3] Female Abt 769 - 839
Suffix comtesse de lower Alsace Born Abt 769 of, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Find all individuals with events at this location Gender Female AFN 9HQD-LC Name AKA Ava [2] Name AKA Ava d'Alsace [4] Died 4 Nov 839 [5] Notes TITLES: Countess of Lower Alsace. Person ID I12816 Europe: Royal and Noble Houses of Europe Last Modified 8 Apr 2014
Family Hugues II d'Alsace, comte de Tours, b. Abt 765, of, Upper Alsace, France Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 20 Oct 837 Married Y [3, 4] Children
1. Luitfrid, Herr von Monza, b. Abt 798, of, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Abt 865-866
2. Ermengarde de Tours, Empress of Holy Roman Empire, b. Abt 802, of, , Alsace-Lorraine, France Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 20 Mar 851
3. Adela de Tours, Princess of The Holy Roman Empire, of, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Aft 866
4. Bertha de Tours, of, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Yes, date unknown
5. Hugo de Tours, of, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 25 Jan 835 Last Modified 14 Mar 2013 Family ID F7029 Group Sheet
Sources [S14] #236 Encyclopédie généalogique des maisons souveraines du monde (1959-1966), Sirjean, Gaston, (Paris: Gaston Sirjean, 1959-1966), FHL book 944 D5se., vol. 1 pt. 1 p. 53.
[S39] Medieval, royalty, nobility family group sheets (filmed 1996), Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Family History Department. Medieval Family History Unit, (Manuscript. Salt Lake City, Utah : Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1996), FHL film 1553977-1553985..
[S5] #552 Europaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten. Neue Folge (1978), Schwennicke, Detlev, (Marburg: Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, c1978-1995 (v. 1-16) -- Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, c1998- Medieval Families bibliography #552.), FHL book Q 940 D5es new series., Band 3.4 Tafel 736.
[S89] La Prehistoire des Capetiens, Settipani, Christian, (??: Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 262.
[S5] #552 Europaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten. Neue Folge (1978), Schwennicke, Detlev, (Marburg: Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, c1978-1995 (v. 1-16) -- Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, c1998- Medieval Families bibliography #552.), FHL book Q 940 D5es new series., Band 1.2 Tafel 200 A.
Source: https://histfam.familysearch.org//getperson.php?personID=I12816&tre...
Ancestral File
name: Aba de Alsace (AFN: 3099-56C) sexo: female defunción: número de CD: 0
Matrimonios (1) cónyuge: Hugh II de Tours (AFN: 3099-2Q5)
Ocultar hijos (4) hijo 1: Ermengarde de Tours (AFN: 309G-0RP) sexo: female nacimiento:
France defunción: 20 March 0851
France hijo 2: Adelaide de Tours (AFN: 3098-XH2) sexo: female defunción:
hijo 3: Bertha de Tours (AFN: 30DS-868) sexo: female nacimiento: 0794
Alsace, France defunción: hijo 4: Hugh de Bourges Count of Bourges (AFN: 30DS-4TH) sexo: male nacimiento: 0802 defunción: Enviado por (1) ladeane270138
Cita de este registro "Ancestral File," database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/9SYB-533 : accessed 2014-05-11), entry for Aba de Alsace ____________________________
aka = also known as
Other Event(s)
- Note 1: Countess of Tours AKA (Facts Page): Aba
was born in 769 in Tours, , , She was born in 779 in Tours, aka Ava ALSACE. aka Ava Countess Of ALSACE.
Tours , Hugh (Hugues) II 'le Mefiant' [aka: Count of Orleans;Count of Tours;Count of Upper Alsace] b. 0765 Upper, Alsace, Tours, France d. Upper, Alsace, Tours, France Gender: Male Parents: - Father: Upper Alsace , Luitfrid II - Mother: Hiltrude , Miss. Family: -Marriage: ABT 0797 Spouse: France , Ava (Aba,Bava) [aka: Countess of Tourf; Countess of Upper Alsace] b. 0769 Tours, Indre et Loire, France d. Upper, Alsace, Tours, France - Gender: Female
- Parents: - Father: Paris , Beague - Mother: Adaltrud (Aupais,Aupala,Aupals,Alpas) , Miss
- Children: de Tours , Bertha + Eticonides , Luitfrid III This family has 3 more children. Unregistered versions of GED4WEB© will only output 2 children see Rootsweb Name: Ava (Bava) De Tours Countess Upper Alsace - Given Name: Ava (Bava) Surname: De Tours - • Suffix: Countess Upper Alsace - Sex: F Birth: 0769 in Tours, France ( _UID: C7FE631FE293844F8D524CF1AD3A638378F5 )
Father: Girard de Paris b: 0743 in Paris, France + Mother: Rhotrude Martel Caroling b: ABT 0744 in France Marriage 1 Hughes II "Le Mefiant" De Alsace b: ABT 0765 in Aachen, Germany Married: ABT 0769 in Tours, France Children: 1. Adelheid De Alsace Princess Holy Roman Empire b: 0810 in Tours, France ____________________________
Bava de Tours, comtesse de lower Alsace[1, 2, 3] Female Abt 769 - 839
Suffix comtesse de lower Alsace Born Abt 769 of, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Find all individuals with events at this location Gender Female AFN 9HQD-LC Name AKA Ava [2] Name AKA Ava d'Alsace [4] Died 4 Nov 839 [5] Notes TITLES: Countess of Lower Alsace. Person ID I12816 Europe: Royal and Noble Houses of Europe Last Modified 8 Apr 2014
Family Hugues II d'Alsace, comte de Tours, b. Abt 765, of, Upper Alsace, France Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 20 Oct 837 Married Y [3, 4] Children
1. Luitfrid, Herr von Monza, b. Abt 798, of, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Abt 865-866 2. Ermengarde de Tours, Empress of Holy Roman Empire, b. Abt 802, of, , Alsace-Lorraine, France Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 20 Mar 851 3. Adela de Tours, Princess of The Holy Roman Empire, of, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Aft 866 4. Bertha de Tours, of, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Yes, date unknown 5. Hugo de Tours, of, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 25 Jan 835 Last Modified 14 Mar 2013 Family ID F7029 Group Sheet
Sources [S14] #236 Encyclopédie généalogique des maisons souveraines du monde (1959-1966), Sirjean, Gaston, (Paris: Gaston Sirjean, 1959-1966), FHL book 944 D5se., vol. 1 pt. 1 p. 53.
[S39] Medieval, royalty, nobility family group sheets (filmed 1996), Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Family History Department. Medieval Family History Unit, (Manuscript. Salt Lake City, Utah : Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1996), FHL film 1553977-1553985..
[S5] #552 Europaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten. Neue Folge (1978), Schwennicke, Detlev, (Marburg: Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, c1978-1995 (v. 1-16) -- Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, c1998- Medieval Families bibliography #552.), FHL book Q 940 D5es new series., Band 3.4 Tafel 736.
[S89] La Prehistoire des Capetiens, Settipani, Christian, (??: Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 262.
[S5] #552 Europaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten. Neue Folge (1978), Schwennicke, Detlev, (Marburg: Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, c1978-1995 (v. 1-16) -- Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, c1998- Medieval Families bibliography #552.), FHL book Q 940 D5es new series., Band 1.2 Tafel 200 A.
Source: https://histfam.familysearch.org//getperson.php?personID=I12816&tre...
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Ancestral File
name: Aba de Alsace (AFN: 3099-56C) sexo: female defunción: número de CD: 0
Matrimonios (1) cónyuge: Hugh II de Tours (AFN: 3099-2Q5)
Ocultar hijos (4) hijo 1: Ermengarde de Tours (AFN: 309G-0RP) sexo: female nacimiento:
France defunción: 20 March 0851
France hijo 2: Adelaide de Tours (AFN: 3098-XH2) sexo: female defunción:
hijo 3: Bertha de Tours (AFN: 30DS-868) sexo: female nacimiento: 0794
Alsace, France defunción: hijo 4: Hugh de Bourges Count of Bourges (AFN: 30DS-4TH) sexo: male nacimiento: 0802 defunción: Enviado por (1) ladeane270138
Cita de este registro "Ancestral File," database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/9SYB-533 : accessed 2014-05-11), entry for Aba de Alsace ____________________________
aka = also known as
Other Event(s)
- Note 1: Countess of Tours AKA (Facts Page): Aba
was born in 769 in Tours, , , She was born in 779 in Tours, aka Ava ALSACE. aka Ava Countess Of ALSACE.
Tours , Hugh (Hugues) II 'le Mefiant' [aka: Count of Orleans;Count of Tours;Count of Upper Alsace] b. 0765 Upper, Alsace, Tours, France d. Upper, Alsace, Tours, France Gender: Male Parents: - Father: Upper Alsace , Luitfrid II - Mother: Hiltrude , Miss. Family: -Marriage: ABT 0797 Spouse: France , Ava (Aba,Bava) [aka: Countess of Tourf; Countess of Upper Alsace] b. 0769 Tours, Indre et Loire, France d. Upper, Alsace, Tours, France - Gender: Female
- Parents: - Father: Paris , Beague - Mother: Adaltrud (Aupais,Aupala,Aupals,Alpas) , Miss
- Children: de Tours , Bertha + Eticonides , Luitfrid III This family has 3 more children. Unregistered versions of GED4WEB© will only output 2 children see Rootsweb Name: Ava (Bava) De Tours Countess Upper Alsace - Given Name: Ava (Bava) Surname: De Tours - • Suffix: Countess Upper Alsace - Sex: F Birth: 0769 in Tours, France ( _UID: C7FE631FE293844F8D524CF1AD3A638378F5 )
Father: Girard de Paris b: 0743 in Paris, France + Mother: Rhotrude Martel Caroling b: ABT 0744 in France Marriage 1 Hughes II "Le Mefiant" De Alsace b: ABT 0765 in Aachen, Germany Married: ABT 0769 in Tours, France Children: 1. Adelheid De Alsace Princess Holy Roman Empire b: 0810 in Tours, France ____________________________
Bava de Tours, comtesse de lower Alsace[1, 2, 3] Female Abt 769 - 839
Suffix comtesse de lower Alsace Born Abt 769 of, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Find all individuals with events at this location Gender Female AFN 9HQD-LC Name AKA Ava [2] Name AKA Ava d'Alsace [4] Died 4 Nov 839 [5] Notes TITLES: Countess of Lower Alsace. Person ID I12816 Europe: Royal and Noble Houses of Europe Last Modified 8 Apr 2014
Family Hugues II d'Alsace, comte de Tours, b. Abt 765, of, Upper Alsace, France Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 20 Oct 837 Married Y [3, 4] Children
1. Luitfrid, Herr von Monza, b. Abt 798, of, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Abt 865-866 2. Ermengarde de Tours, Empress of Holy Roman Empire, b. Abt 802, of, , Alsace-Lorraine, France Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 20 Mar 851 3. Adela de Tours, Princess of The Holy Roman Empire, of, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Aft 866 4. Bertha de Tours, of, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Yes, date unknown 5. Hugo de Tours, of, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 25 Jan 835 Last Modified 14 Mar 2013 Family ID F7029 Group Sheet
Sources [S14] #236 Encyclopédie généalogique des maisons souveraines du monde (1959-1966), Sirjean, Gaston, (Paris: Gaston Sirjean, 1959-1966), FHL book 944 D5se., vol. 1 pt. 1 p. 53.
[S39] Medieval, royalty, nobility family group sheets (filmed 1996), Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Family History Department. Medieval Family History Unit, (Manuscript. Salt Lake City, Utah : Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1996), FHL film 1553977-1553985..
[S5] #552 Europaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten. Neue Folge (1978), Schwennicke, Detlev, (Marburg: Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, c1978-1995 (v. 1-16) -- Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, c1998- Medieval Families bibliography #552.), FHL book Q 940 D5es new series., Band 3.4 Tafel 736.
[S89] La Prehistoire des Capetiens, Settipani, Christian, (??: Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 262.
[S5] #552 Europaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten. Neue Folge (1978), Schwennicke, Detlev, (Marburg: Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, c1978-1995 (v. 1-16) -- Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, c1998- Medieval Families bibliography #552.), FHL book Q 940 D5es new series., Band 1.2 Tafel 200 A.
Source: https://histfam.familysearch.org//getperson.php?personID=I12816&tre...
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for years used here the painting of:
PLZ don't color the medieval tree at random TNX
Ava de Morvois, Countess of Lower Alsace's Timeline
769 |
Tours, Indre-et-Loire, Centre-Val de Loire, France
798 |
Touraine, Indre-et-Loire, Centre, France
800 |
May 28, 800
Tours, Indre-et-Loire, Centre, France
Tours, Indre-et-Loire, Centre, France
819 |
Tours, Touraine, Carolingian Empire
839 |
November 4, 839
Age 70
Tours, Indre-et-Loire, Centre-Val de Loire, France
Age 70
Tours, Indre-et-Loire, Centre-Val de Loire, France
1992 |
December 10, 1992
Age 70
1993 |
January 27, 1993
Age 70