Béatrice de Vascoueil
Parents: Tesselin de Vascoueil Vicomte de Rouen? & NN de Bolbec (daughter of Osbern de Bolbec and Avelina Crepon)
Spouse: Rudolph (Ralph) I de Warenne
Much discussion in historical sources about her place as niece or grandniece of Gunnor de Crépon. Some (such as Cawley in the Medieval Lands database) place her mother as the sister of Gunnora, while others place her mother as the niece of Gunnora, most frequently as the daughter of Avelina (sister of Gunnora) and Osbern de Bolbec. Here, we have chosen the latter placement.
http://www.medievalgenealogy.org.uk/cp/surrey.shtml Some corrections and additions to the Complete Peerage: Volume 12, Part 1: Surrey
Volume 12, Part 1, pages 491-3 (as modified by volume 14):
RODULF DE WARENNE I ... is said to have held land outside the walls of Rouen under Robert I, Duke of Normandy (d. 1035) ... He also held land at Vascoeuil (dept. Eure), which he gave about 1053 to the abbey of St. Pierre des Préaux,(c) and in the pays de Caux, north of Rouen, where he sold 4 churches with tithes to the Holy Trinity in 1059, and gave another church, also with tithes, in 1074. He m. Beatrice, whose mother was almost certainly a sister of Gotmund Rufus DE VASCOEUIL, [and] da. of Tesselin, Vicomte of Rouen.(f) She was living about 1053.
RODULF DE WARENNE II, 1st s. and h., is known only from his subscriptions to two charters of his father for the Holy Trinity of Rouen. As his father's lands near Rouen and in the pays de Caux did not pass to his son William or William's descendants, it is likely that Rodulf suc. to them on his father's death; he m. Emma, whose parentage is unknown.(d)
1. WILLIAM DE WARENNE I was 1st s. of Rodulf II.
Keats-Rohan's suggestion that Beatrice was a great niece of Gunnor must be viewed as somewhat conjectural. It is an attempt to explain Robert de Torigny's statement that William de Warenne I's (unnamed) mother was a niece of Gunnor, which is chronologically difficult because it seems to leave too few generations between Gunnor and William. Keats-Rohan's suggestion relies on the evidence that Beatrice was the daughter of Tesselin, vicomte of Rouen, in conjunction with Robert de Torigny's statement that a (different) niece of Gunnor married a vicomte of Rouen. But he actually specifies Richard, vicomte of Rouen, who was Tesselin's son. (An alternative conjecture might be that William de Warenne's mother Emma was a great niece, rather than a niece, of Gunnor.)
In Keats-Rohan's revised version, the dates originally given in relation to Rodulf I and his supposed 2nd wife, now apply to the marriage of Rodulf II and his wife Emma - they were married in or before 1059, and were both living in 1074 [cf. vol. 12, part 1, p. 492, notes h and i, citing Cart. Ste Trinité, nos xxix and xxxv]. The charter evidence shows that Rodulf II and Emma had an elder son Rodulf III and a younger son William I. The statement about the Warenne lands in Normandy relates to Rodulf III, and should read something like this (with the original conclusion restored): As Rodulf II's lands near Rouen and in the pays de Caux did not pass to his younger son William I or William's descendants, it is likely that his elder son Rodulf III suc. to them on Rodulf II's death; and as part of these lands had passed to the barons of Esneval by 1152, it is likely that Rodulf III married and left issue.
[Stewart Baldwin pointed out Keats-Rohan's revision in June 1996; the problem was subsequently discussed by Alan Wilson, Todd Farmerie and others.]
And yet another version:
It appears to be through this family that the relationship of two more Norman barons come into play, but not exactly as Torigny presents it. He shows yet another niece marrying Ranulph de Warenne, and by him having William de Warenne and Roger de Mortimer. This is clearly untrue, because Roger appears to have been a generation older than William. The solution appears to be that Torigny (as he had done with the Montgomerys) compressed two people, a father and son of the same name, into one individual. Ranulph de Warenne (I) appears to have married Beatrice, sister of Richard, vicomte of Rouen, and thus sister-in-law of one of Gunnor's nieces (thus it would appear that this family actually does not descend from a relative of Gunnor's, but is genealogically linked to some of her descendants) and had sons: Roger (de Mortimer) and Ranulph de Warenne (II), who in turn was father of another Ranulf (III) and of William de Warenne.
6. [--- . It is not known which brother or sister of Gunnor was the parent of Beatrice.]
a) BEATRIX . Guillaume de Jumièges records that one of the nieces of Gunnor, mistress of Richard I Comte [de Normandie], married "le père du premier Guillaume de Warenne"[50]. An undated charter records an agreement between Sainte-Trinité de Rouen and "Rodulfo Warethnæ" to buy land "in Blovilla…apud villam…Merdeplud…et terram prati Sottevillæ", with the consent of "dominum nostrum Willelmum Normannorum ducem…et Rotomagensis archiepiscopi Malgerii", by undated charter (dated to [1037/55]), signed by "…ejusdem Rodulfi de Guarethna., Beatricis uxori eius, Rogerii filii episcopi, Huberti filii Turoldi…"[51].
m as his first wife, RODULF de Warenne, son of --- .
RODULF de Warenne, son of --- (-1074 or after). An undated charter records an agreement between Sainte-Trinité de Rouen and "Rodulfo Warethnæ" to buy land "in Blovilla…apud villam…Merdeplud…et terram prati Sottevillæ", with the consent of "dominum nostrum Willelmum Normannorum ducem…et Rotomagensis archiepiscopi Malgerii", by undated charter (dated to [1037/55]), signed by "…ejusdem Rodulfi de Guarethna., Beatricis uxori eius, Rogerii filii episcopi, Huberti filii Turoldi…"[1105]. "Rodulfus de Warenna" sold "totam portionem suam silvæ montium Blovillæ et Scurræ", with the consent of "uxoris suæ…Emmæ", by undated charter (dated to [1059]), signed by "Willelmi comitis, ipsius Rodulfi, Emmæ uxoris eius, Hugonis de Flamenvilla, Leudonis…"[1106]. "Rodulfus de Warenna cum conjuge sua…Emma" sold "Amundi Villæ, Anglicevillæ, Flamenvillæ, Maltevillæ", with the consent of "Willelmi consulis Normanniæ", by undated charter[1107]. "Hugo de Flamenvilla" sold property "quam tenebat de domino suo Rodulfo de Warethana in Amundi Villæ…et in Maltevilla…[et] in Flamenvilla" by undated charter which also records that later "supra memoratus Rodulfus et uxor eius…Emma ac filii eorum Rodulfus et Willelmus" confirmed the agreement, signed by "…ipsius Hugonis de Flamenvilla, Rotberti filii eius, Gisleberti filii eiusdem…"[1108]. "Quidam miles de la Bruere…Alveredus, annuente Adheliza uxore sua" sold "decimas…in Maltevilla et Amunde Villa" to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen, with the consent of "Wido comes et Rodulfus de Warethna cum uxore sua…Emma", by undated charter, signed by "…Goiffredi fratris Alveredi, Hugonis de Flamenvilla, Roberti filii eius…"[1109]. "Quidam miles…Willelmus filius Ansgeri de Salceid" sold land "in Amundi Villa" to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen, with the consent of "domino eius Rodulfo…de Warenna…et uxor eius…Emma", by undated charter[1110]. "Rodulfus de Warenna eiusque conjux…Emma cum filiis suis Rodulfo…atque Willelmo" sold land in "quattuor villarum Caletensis pagi, Maltevillæ…Flamenvillæ, Amundi Villæ et Anglicevillæ" to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen, as well as "totius Osulfi Villæ eiusdem Caletensis pagi" sold by "Guillelmo filio Rogerii filii Hugonis episcopi", by charter dated 1074[1111]. He sold land at Matevilla, Flamenvilla, Amundi Villa and Anglicevilla, all in pagi Calentensis, to Sainte-Trinité jointly with his wife and two sons, dated 1074[1112].
m firstly BEATRICE, [niece of GUNNORA, mistress of Richard I Duke of Normandy,] daughter of --- (-after 1053). An undated charter records an agreement between Sainte-Trinité de Rouen and "Rodulfo Warethnæ" to buy land "in Blovilla…apud villam…Merdeplud…et terram prati Sottevillæ", with the consent of "dominum nostrum Willelmum Normannorum ducem…et Rotomagensis archiepiscopi Malgerii", by undated charter (dated to [1037/55]), signed by "…ejusdem Rodulfi de Guarethna., Beatricis uxori eius, Rogerii filii episcopi, Huberti filii Turoldi…"[1113]. Guillaume de Jumièges records that one of the nieces of Gunnor, mistress of Richard I Comte [de Normandie], married "le père du premier Guillaume de Warenne"[1114].
m secondly (1059 or before) EMMA, daughter of --- (-after 1074). "Rodulfus de Warenna" sold "totam portionem suam silvæ montium Blovillæ et Scurræ", with the consent of "uxoris suæ…Emmæ", by undated charter (dated to [1059]), signed by "Willelmi comitis, ipsius Rodulfi, Emmæ uxoris eius, Hugonis de Flamenvilla, Leudonis…"[1115]. "Rodulfus de Warenna cum conjuge sua…Emma" sold "Amundi Villæ, Anglicevillæ, Flamenvillæ, Maltevillæ", with the consent of "Willelmi consulis Normanniæ", by undated charter[1116]. "Hugo de Flamenvilla" sold property "quam tenebat de domino suo Rodulfo de Warethana in Amundi Villæ…et in Maltevilla…[et] in Flamenvilla" by undated charter which also records that later "supra memoratus Rodulfus et uxor eius…Emma ac filii eorum Rodulfus et Willelmus" confirmed the agreement, signed by "…ipsius Hugonis de Flamenvilla, Rotberti filii eius, Gisleberti filii eiusdem…"[1117]. "Quidam miles de la Bruere…Alveredus, annuente Adheliza uxore sua" sold "decimas…in Maltevilla et Amunde Villa" to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen, with the consent of "Wido comes et Rodulfus de Warethna cum uxore sua…Emma", by undated charter, signed by "…Goiffredi fratris Alveredi, Hugonis de Flamenvilla, Roberti filii eius…"[1118]. "Quidam miles…Willelmus filius Ansgeri de Salceid" sold land "in Amundi Villa" to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen, with the consent of "domino eius Rodulfo…de Warenna…et uxor eius…Emma", by undated charter[1119]. "Rodulfus de Warenna eiusque conjux…Emma cum filiis suis Rodulfo…atque Willelmo" sold land in "quattuor villarum Caletensis pagi, Maltevillæ…Flamenvillæ, Amundi Villæ et Anglicevillæ" to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen, as well as "totius Osulfi Villæ eiusdem Caletensis pagi" sold by "Guillelmo filio Rogerii filii Hugonis episcopi", by charter dated 1074[1120].
Rodulf & his first wife had [four] children:
1. RODULF (-after 1074). "Hugo de Flamenvilla" sold property "quam tenebat de domino suo Rodulfo de Warethana in Amundi Villæ…et in Maltevilla…[et] in Flamenvilla" by undated charter which also records that later "supra memoratus Rodulfus et uxor eius…Emma ac filii eorum Rodulfus et Willelmus" confirmed the agreement, signed by "…ipsius Hugonis de Flamenvilla, Rotberti filii eius, Gisleberti filii eiusdem…"[1121]. "Rodulfus de Warenna eiusque conjux…Emma cum filiis suis Rodulfo…atque Willelmo" sold land in "quattuor villarum Caletensis pagi, Maltevillæ…Flamenvillæ, Amundi Villæ et Anglicevillæ" to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen, as well as "totius Osulfi Villæ eiusdem Caletensis pagi" sold by "Guillelmo filio Rogerii filii Hugonis episcopi", by charter dated 1074[1122]. The Complete Peerage speculates that he may have succeeded his father, married and left issue[1123].
2. WILLIAM (-Lewes 24 Jun 1088, bur Lewes Priory). "Hugo de Flamenvilla" sold property "quam tenebat de domino suo Rodulfo de Warethana in Amundi Villæ…et in Maltevilla…[et] in Flamenvilla" by undated charter which also records that later "supra memoratus Rodulfus et uxor eius…Emma ac filii eorum Rodulfus et Willelmus" confirmed the agreement, signed by "…ipsius Hugonis de Flamenvilla, Rotberti filii eius, Gisleberti filii eiusdem…"[1124]. "Rodulfus de Warenna eiusque conjux…Emma cum filiis suis Rodulfo…atque Willelmo" sold land in "quattuor villarum Caletensis pagi, Maltevillæ…Flamenvillæ, Amundi Villæ et Anglicevillæ" to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen, as well as "totius Osulfi Villæ eiusdem Caletensis pagi" sold by "Guillelmo filio Rogerii filii Hugonis episcopi", by charter dated 1074[1125]. Orderic Vitalis records, in recounting a death-bed speech of William I King of England, that "castrum…Mortui Mari" was granted to "Guillelmo de Guarenna consanguineo eius" after it was confiscated from "Rogerium de Mortuomari" who had helped the escape of a French prisoner after defeating troops of Henri King of France in 1054 "apud Mortuum-Mare"[1126]. The chronology of the family shows that the grant to William de Warenne must have occurred several years after the confiscation from Roger de Mortimer. In [1054], he acquired land at Bellencombre, whose castle became the headquarters of the Warenne family in Normandy. He took part in the invasion of England in 1066 and was rewarded with land in 13 counties[1127]. Orderic Vitalis says the king "gave Surrey" William de Warenne in the chronicler's description of post-conquest grants made by King William, without specifying that he was created earl[1128]. He supported King William II against the rebels led by Odo Bishop of Bayeux and Robert Comte de Mortain in early 1088 and was rewarded by being created Earl of Surrey in [late Apr] 1088[1129], although he and his immediate successors usually styled themselves "Earl de Warenne". He was mortally wounded at the siege of Pevensey[1130].
3. [ERNEIS de Coulonces ---.]
m ---. Erneis & his wife had two children:
a) ROGER de Warenne . Orderic Vitalis records that "Drogo filius Goisfredi de Novo-Mercato et Rogerius Erneisi de Coluncis filius nepos Guillelmi de Guarenna et Ernaldus Unfridi de Telliolo filius, nepos ex sorore Hugonis de Grentemaisnilio" donated revenue[1131]. "Roger son of Erneis nepos of William de Warenne Earl of Surrey" became a monk at Saint-Evroul[1132]. He went to England in [1080/81] with Mainer Abbot of Saint-Evroul[1133].
b) RICHARD de Coulonces (-15 Sep 1125[1134]). Brother of Roger de Warenne, he donated the church of Etouvy to Saint-Ernoul[1135]. m ADELA, daughter of ---. She is named wife of Richard by Orderic Vitalis, who also names his eleven sons and four daughters in the order shown below[1136]. Richard & his wife had fifteen children:
i) HUGUES . His parentage is given in Orderic Vitalis[1137].
ii) GEOFFROY . His parentage is given in Orderic Vitalis[1138].
iii) RICHARD . His parentage is given in Orderic Vitalis[1139].
iv) JEAN . His parentage is given in Orderic Vitalis, who says he was sent as oblate to Saint-Evroul[1140].
v) ROBERT . His parentage is given in Orderic Vitalis[1141].
vi) ODO . His parentage is given in Orderic Vitalis[1142].
vii) HENRI . His parentage is given in Orderic Vitalis[1143].
viii) IVO . His parentage is given in Orderic Vitalis[1144].
ix) RAOUL . His parentage is given in Orderic Vitalis[1145].
x) GUILLAUME . His parentage is given in Orderic Vitalis[1146].
xi) HENRI . His parentage is given in Orderic Vitalis[1147].
xii) ROHAIS . His parentage is given in Orderic Vitalis[1148].
xiii) ADELA . Her parentage is given in Orderic Vitalis, who says she became a nun at Caen Holy Trinity[1149].
xiv) MATHILDE . His parentage is given in Orderic Vitalis[1150].
xv) AVICE . His parentage is given in Orderic Vitalis[1151].
4. [GAUTHIER de Saint-Martin . Robert of Torigny's De Immutatione Ordinis Monachorum records that "Rogerius de Mortuo Mari filius Walterii de Sancto Martini frater…primi Willermi de Warenna" founded "mon. Sancti Victoris In proprio solo"[1152].
m ---. The name of Gauthier's wife is not known.
Gauthier & his wife had one child:]
a) [ROGER . Robert of Torigny's De Immutatione Ordinis Monachorum records that "Rogerius de Mortuo Mari filius Walterii de Sancto Martini frater…primi Willermi de Warenna" founded "mon. Sancti Victoris In proprio solo"[1153]. It does not appear that this affiliation can be correct, although other sources do indicate a family relationship between William de Warenne and Roger de Mortimer (see ENGLAND, Earls - creations 1207-1466).]
Beatrice of Rouen married Ranulph I de Varennes, son of Guillaume de Varennes and UNKNOWN de Torta, before 1036.
Sister of Gunnor de Vascoeuil (De Vascoeuil)
Rudolf I Seigneur de Varrene
Born circa 998
Died before 1059
Rudolf married to Beatrix de Vascoeuil (1020 - 1059), a daughter of Vicomte Tesselin of Rouen and a niece of Gunnor of Crêpon, wife of Richard I "the Fearless", 3rd Duke of Normandy.
Rudolf and Beatrix had a son: • Rudolf II de Warenne
Beatrice of Rouen1
b. circa 980
Father Tesselin of Rouen b. circa 960
Mother N. N. de Crepon b. circa 963
Beatrice of Rouen was born circa 980. She was the daughter of Tesselin of Rouen and N. N. de Crepon. Beatrice of Rouen married Ranulph I de Varennes, son of Guillaume de Varennes and N. N. de Torta, before 1036.
Citations 1.[S221] Todd A. Farmerie, "Gunnor of Normandy".
1 - de Vascoeuil, Beatrice
Birth : ABT 1020 France
Death : BEF 1059
Gender: Female
Parents: Father: Tesselin, Rouen of Vicomte
Mother: de Bolbec, Berenger Giffard
Family: Spouse: de Warrene, Rudolf Seigneur de Warrene
Birth : ABT 998 France
Death : BEF 1059
Gender: Male
Children: de Warrene, Rudolf II Earl
Rudolf I Seigneur de Varrene Born circa 998 Died before 1059
Rudolf married to Beatrix de Vascoeuil (1020 - 1059), a daughter of Vicomte Tesselin of Rouen and a niece of Gunnor of Crêpon, wife of Richard I "the Fearless", 3rd Duke of Normandy. Rudolf and Beatrix had a son: • Rudolf II de Warenne
It appears to be through this family that the relationship of two more Norman barons come into play, but not exactly as Torigny presents it. He shows yet another niece marrying Ranulph de Warenne, and by him having William de Warenne and Roger de Mortimer. This is clearly untrue, because Roger appears to have been a generation older than William. The solution appears to be that Torigny (as he had done with the Montgomerys) compressed two people, a father and son of the same name, into one individual. Ranulph de Warenne (I) appears to have married Beatrice, sister of Richard, vicomte of Rouen, and thus sister-in-law of one of Gunnor's nieces (thus it would appear that this family actually does not descend from a relative of Gunnor's, but is genealogically linked to some of her descendants) and had sons: Roger (de Mortimer) and Ranulph de Warenne (II), who in turn was father of another Ranulf (III) and of William de Warenne.
Beatrice of Rouen1
b. circa 980
Father Tesselin of Rouen b. circa 960
Mother N. N. de Crepon b. circa 963
Beatrice of Rouen was born circa 980. She was the daughter of Tesselin of Rouen and N. N. de Crepon. Beatrice of Rouen married Ranulph I de Varennes, son of Guillaume de Varennes and N. N. de Torta, before 1036.
Citations 1.[S221] Todd A. Farmerie, "Gunnor of Normandy".
1 - de Vascoeuil, Beatrice
Family: Spouse: de Warrene, Rudolf Seigneur de Warrene
Birth : ABT 998 France
Death : BEF 1059
Gender: Male
Children: de Warrene, Rudolf II Earl
2 - de Bolbec, Berenger Giffard
Birth : ABT 1000 Longueville, Normandy, France
Gender: Female
Parents: Father: de Bolebec, Osborne Giffard
Mother: de Crpon, Aveline Wevia "Duceline"
Family: Spouse: Tesselin, Rouen of Vicomte
Birth : ABT 970
Gender: Male
Children: de Vascoeuil, Beatrice
Birth : ABT 969 Longueville, Normandy, (France)
Death : AFT 980 France
Gender: Female
Parents: Father: de Crpon, Arques "Herfast" Prince of Denmark
Mother: Sweden, Cyrid of
Family: Spouse: de Bolebec, Osborne Giffard
Birth : ABT 940 Longueville, Normandy, France
Death : 1063 France
Gender: Male
Family: Marriage: ABT 979 in France
Spouse: de Pont-Audemer, Tourude
Children: de Vieilles, Humphrey
Birth : Sweden
Gender: Female
Family: Spouse:
Birth : ABT 945 Denmark
Gender: Male
Parents: Father: Denmark, Harald Gormsson II Bluetooth of King of Denmark
Mother: Olafsdottir, Gyrild
1004 |
Vascoeuil, Eure, Normandy, France (E. of Rouen)
1022 |
Mortemer-en-Brai, sur la rivière d´Eaulne, Normandie, France.
1036 |
Varenne Near Bellencombre, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France
1053 |
Age 49
Varenne, Seine-Infereieure, Normandy
Age 49
Abbey of Saint Peter, Les Preaux, Departement de l'Eure, Haute-Normandie, France
???? |