Historical records matching Baderon Fitzwilliam
Immediate Family
About Baderon Fitzwilliam
Baderon of Monmouth
BADERON [II] of Monmouth (-[1170/76]). “Baderon de Monemue” donated property in Monmouth to Monmouth Priory, with the consent of “filiorum meorum Gileberti et Jacobi”, by undated charter witnessed by "…Waltero Marmiun…"[929]. “Badero de Momuta et uxor sua Rohes” donated revenue in Monmouth to Monmouth Priory by charter dated "circa festivitatem Omnium Sanctorum, in die qua michi desponsata fuit uxor mea Rohes" (no year) witnessed by "Galterus frater Gilleberti consulis, qui ipsa die loco consulis uxorem meam michi dedit…comitissa Ysabel, Robertus filius Baderonis, Johannes filius Roberti, Thomas filius Pagani…"[930]. Robert Bishop of Hereford confirmed the donations to Monmouth priory made by "Guienocus dominus de Monemuda…Willelmus…eiusdem Guienoci nepos…Badero hujus Willelmi filius et Rohesia eius uxor…Pagani filii Baderonis…Ricardus de Cormeliis" by charter dated 1144[931]. He mentioned a gift to the Hospitallers for the soul of his wife in his Carta of 1166[932]. The Red Book of the Exchequer refers to "Baderon de Munemue xv m" in Hereford in [1167/68][933]. m ([1 Nov] before 1138) ROHESE de Clare, daughter of GILBERT FitzRichard Lord of Clare and Tonbridge & his wife Adelisa de Clermont (-before 1166). Guillaume de Jumièges names "Richardum qui ei successit et Gislebertum et Walterium et unam filiam...Rohais” as the children of “Gislebertus ex filia comitis de Claromonte”[934]. “Adeliz, uxor Gilberti filii Ricardi, et Gillebertus et Walterus et Baldewinus et Rohaisia pueri Gilberti” donated property to Thorney Monastery, by undated charter witnessed by “Gilberto filio Gilberti, Galterio, Hervæo, Baldwino fratribus eius et Rohaisia sorore eorum”[935]. “Badero de Momuta et uxor sua Rohes” donated revenue in Monmouth to Monmouth Priory by undated charter witnessed by "Galterus frater Gilleberti consulis, qui ipsa die loco consulis uxorem meam michi dedit…comitissa Ysabel, Robertus filius Baderonis, Johannes filius Roberti, Thomas filius Pagani…"[936]. Baderon [II] & his wife had [five] children:
a) GILBERT de Monmouth . “Baderon de Monemue” donated property in Monmouth to Monmouth Priory, with the consent of “filiorum meorum Gileberti et Jacobi”, by undated charter witnessed by "…Waltero Marmiun…"[937]. “Hugo de Laci et Roes. uxor mea et Robertus filius meus” donated revenue to Monmouth Priory by undated charter witnessed by "Gilberto de Monemue…Roberto de Monemue…"[938]. It is not clear from this document whether Gilbert and Robert were sons of Baderon de Monmouth, but this is likely to be correct. [same person as...? GILBERT de Monmouth . “Gilebertus de Monemuta et Berta uxor mea” donated revenue from “molendini de Ope” to Dene abbey by undated charter, witnessed by “Roberto tunc temporis priore de Monemuta...Jacobo de Monemuta, Willelmo de Colevilla, Roberto filio Radulphi, Willelmo de Marisco, Willelmo de Hereford, Ada de Blakeneia tunc temporis seneschallo...”[939]. It is unclear whether the donor was the same person as Gilbert son of Baderon [II]. However, this is a possibility if the witness “Jacobo de Monemuta” was the same person as James son of Baderon [II]. If that is correct, the charter would be dated to some time in the second half of the reign of King Henry II. m BERTHA, daughter of ---. “Gilebertus de Monemuta et Berta uxor mea” donated revenue from “molendini de Ope” to Dene abbey by undated charter[940]. “Domina mea Berta de Monemuta, Ada de Blakeneia...” witnessed the undated charter under which “Hugo Charke” donated “terram...Wudelond” to Dene abbey[941].]
b) JAMES de Monmouth (-after 1176). “Baderon de Monemue” donated property in Monmouth to Monmouth Priory, with the consent of “filiorum meorum Gileberti et Jacobi”, by undated charter witnessed by "…Waltero Marmiun…"[942]. The 1176/77 Pipe Roll names "Iacobus de Munemutha" in Gloucestershire[943]. [%E2%80%9CGilebertus de Monemuta et Berta uxor mea” donated revenue from “molendini de Ope” to Dene abbey by undated charter, witnessed by “Roberto tunc temporis priore de Monemuta...Jacobo de Monemuta, Willelmo de Colevilla, Roberto filio Radulphi, Willelmo de Marisco...”[944].]
c) [ROBERT . “Badero de Momuta et uxor sua Rohes” donated revenue in Monmouth to Monmouth Priory by undated charter witnessed by "Galterus frater Gilleberti consulis, qui ipsa die loco consulis uxorem meam michi dedit…comitissa Ysabel, Robertus filius Baderonis, Johannes filius Roberti, Thomas filius Pagani…"[945]. It is not known whether this witness was the son of the donor or the same person as the donor´s paternal uncle, although the latter would presumably have been old if he had witnessed this charter. The undated charter under which “Hugo de Laci et Roes. uxor mea et Robertus filius meus” donated revenue to Monmouth Priory, witnessed by "Gilberto de Monemue…Roberto de Monemue…"[946], suggests that Baderon may have had a son named Robert (although this possible relationship is not specified in the document. Robert Bishop of Hereford confirmed the donation of the church of St Roald at Traget to Monmouth priory made by "Rotbertum Baderonis filium" by undated charter, dated to before 1144[947]. It is not known whether this charter relates to Robert, otherwise Payn, son of Baderon [I] or the possible son of Baderon [II] of the same name.]
d) [ROHESE (-[1180]). “Hugo de Laci et Roes. uxor mea et Robertus filius meus” donated revenue to Monmouth Priory by undated charter witnessed by "Gilberto de Monemue…Roberto de Monemue…"[948]. Proof of the parentage of Rohese, first wife of Hugh de Lacy, has not been found in any of the primary sources consulted during the preparation of the present document. However, the charter quoted above suggests a family connection with the Monmouth family, who had founded the priory. Her name suggests that she may have been the daughter of Baderon and his wife of the same name. m as his first wife, HUGH de Lacy, son of GILBERT de Lacy & his wife --- (-killed 25 Jul 1185).]
e) [--- . m ---. One child:
i) WILLIAM . "Walterus de Cormeliis" confirmed the donation to Monmouth priory made by "pater meus Ricardus de Cormeliis" by undated charter, witnessed by "Willelmo monaco, nepoto domni Gileberti…"[949].
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Baderon of Monmouth
- Born c. 1100
- Died 1176
- Other names Baderon fitzWilliam
- Known for Lord of Monmouth
- Parents William fitzBaderon and Havise
- Relatives John of Monmouth (grandson)
Baderon of Monmouth (c. 1100 - 1176), also known as Baderon fitzWilliam, was lord of Monmouth between about 1125 and 1176.
Baderon succeeded his father, William fitzBaderon, as lord of Monmouth in about 1125, when his father either died or retired to become a monk. Baderon confirmed the possessions of the Priory at Monmouth granted by his predecessors, and extended them. His sister Margaret, whose son Robert became prior of Monmouth, and whose second husband, Hugh fitzRichard, was a landowner in Worcestershire, made further grants of land to the priory.[1] Baderon also became responsible for Goodrich Castle, which he is believed to have developed and extended.[2]
At some point after 1130 Baderon married Rohese (or Rohesia), the daughter of Gilbert fitzRichard de Clare, and the sister of Gilbert de Clare, who was the lord of Striguil (or Chepstow) and later became Earl of Pembroke. The marriage took place at Chepstow, and brought together the families of the two neighbouring, and sometimes rival, lordships. Baderon and Rohese had two sons, James and Gilbert,[1] and at least one daughter, Rohese of Monmouth, who married Hugh de Lacy, Lord of Meath, before 1155.
He was a contemporary and possible kinsman of Geoffrey of Monmouth, who was born in the same town at around the same date. Baderon died in 1176. He was succeeded as lord of Monmouth by his son Gilbert, who was in turn succeeded by his own son, John of Monmouth, in 1190.[1]
- ^ a b c Kissack, Keith (1974). Mediaeval Monmouth. The Monmouth Historical and Educational Trust. pp. 17–24.
- ^ Jeremy Ashbee, Goodrich Castle, English Heritage, 2005, ISBN 978-1-85074-942-4, p.29
- The photo is Le prieuré de Saint-Florent
- Family Links Spouses/Children: Rohese DE CLARE [2229] Rohese DE MONMOUTH [2227]+ Balderon DE MONMOUTH [2228] Born: Abt 1100, Monmouth, , Wales Marriage: Rohese DE CLARE [2229] about 1130 in Chepstow Castle, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, Wales Died: 1176 about age 76
bullet Another name for Balderon was Baderon.
bullet General Notes:
Source <Wikipedia>: "Baderon of Monmouth (c. 1100 - 1176), also known as Baderon fitzWilliam, was lord of Monmouth between about 1125 and 1176.
- Biography Baderon succeeded his father, William fitzBaderon, as lord of Monmouth in about 1125, when his father either died or retired to become a monk. Baderon confirmed the possessions of the Priory at Monmouth granted by his predecessors, and extended them. His sister Margaret, whose son Robert became prior of Monmouth, and whose second husband, Hugh fitzRichard, was a landowner in Worcestershire, made further grants of land to the priory. Baderon also became responsible for Goodrich Castle, which he is believed to have developed and extended.
- At some point after 1130 Baderon married Rohese (or Rohesia), the daughter of Gilbert fitzRichard de Clare, and the sister of Gilbert de Clare, who was the lord of Striguil (or Chepstow) and later became Earl of Pembroke. The marriage took place at Chepstow, and brought together the families of the two neighbouring, and sometimes rival, lordships. Baderon and Rohese had two sons, James and Gilbert, and at least one daughter, Rohese of Monmouth, who married Hugh de Lacy, Lord of Meath, before 1155.
- He was a contemporary and possible kinsman of Geoffrey of Monmouth, who was born in the same town at around the same date. Baderon died in 1176. He was succeeded as lord of Monmouth by his son Gilbert, who was in turn succeeded by his own son, John of Monmouth, in 1190." __________________________________ Source <Collections towards the history and antiquities of the county of ..., Volume 2> Par John Duncumb: "... William Fitz-Baderon was living in 1119, and was succeeded by his son Baderon Fitz-William, who augmented the estates of the Priory. He was living in 1128, about which period he married Rohesia, daughter of Gilbert Strongbow, Earl of Pembroke, sister of Richard Strongbow, the Conqueror of Ireland, and was father of Gilbert, James, Walter de Huntley (whose descendants still exist), and Robert. Gilbert de Monmouth died about A.d. 1190, and was succeeded by his son John, who served as Sheriff for Herefordshire in 1231, and died in 1247, having, between the years 1230 and 1240, made further donations to the Priory. By his first wife Cecily, daughter of William Walerand, he left four daughters; and by his second, Agnes de Musgros, he had issue William, who died vita patris; John, who succeeded to the Estates; Richard de Wyesham; and Walter."
- Baderon Fitzwilliam of Monmouth
- MyHeritage Family Trees
- Seemann Web Site, managed by Bill Seemann (Contact)
- Birth: Circa 1100 - Monmouth, Monmouthshire, Wales
- Death: 1176 - Monmouth Castle, Monmouth, Monmouthshire, Wales, United Kingdom
- Parents: William Fitzbaderon, 'Hawise Fitzbaderon (born Fitzwilliam Of Monmouth)'
- Wife: Rohesia (Roysya) Fitzwilliam (born De Clare)
- Son: John Monmouth
- Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monmouth_Priory
- The priory was founded by Withenoc (or Gwethenoc), a Breton who became lord of Monmouth in 1075.
- Other Holt Pedigree & Family Trees
- The earliest known person the lineage traces back to was a man named Hamo I, Viscount of Alet, France who was born between 963-1023 AD. The following is a pedigree from him:
- Caradoc (or Caragod) de la Boussac (born in Boussac, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France in 1035 AD)
- Baderon Lord of Monmouth (born in Dol, Bretagne, France in 1060 AD)
- William FitzBaderon, Baron of Monmouth (born in Monmouthshire, Wales around 1087 AD) ' Fitzwilliam Baron of Monmouth Baderon (born in Monmouthshire, Wales in 1100 AD)'
- Gilbert FitzBaderon, Lord of Monmouth (born between 1105-1163 AD)
- John FitzGilbert, Baron of Monmouth (born in Monmouthshire, around 1182 AD)
- Richard, Lord of Wyesham (born in Monmouth Castle, Wales around 1223 AD)
- Sir Ralph de Wysham (born in Wyesham Village, England in 1260 AD)
- Sir John de Wysham (born in 1288 AD)
- John de Wysham, Baron of Clifton (born in Woodmanton in 1320 AD)
- Sir Richard de Wysham (born in 1350 AD). His son, Richard Holt, also known as Wysham Holt was born in Holt, Worcestershire, England in 1370. He married Cristine Coldrey and had a son with her named Richard. This son Richard was born around 1420. He married Joan Collingbourne (Darrell) and had two issue: Christian (Berkeley) and Elizabeth (Pownde).
• Reference • https://coadb.com/surnames/holt-arms.htt
- William Fitzbaderon,and his son Baderon de Monmouth owned Goodrich castle Hereford for a few year's the saying is they built the very large tower of the castle.
- William De HATHAWAY (Lord Ruardean & St Briavels)
- Born in 1109 - Hereford, Herefordshire, England
- Deceased in 1173 - St. Briavels, Gloucestershire, England, aged 64 years old
- Parents
- William de (Fitzbaderon) Hathaway (Lord Ruardean & St Briavels) MONMOUTH, born about 1065, Deceased - Herefordshire, England
- Married to
- Hawise (Hadvise) ?, born about 1070 - Monmouthshire, Wales, Deceased - Monmouthshire, Wales
- Spouses, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren
- Married to ? ? with
- William (Lord Ruardean & St Briavels) HATHAWAY ca 1140-1207 married to ? ? with
- Nigel (Lord Ruardean) HATHAWAY 1170-1248 married to Sarah de ** BERKELEY 1189/- with :
- William (Lord Ruardean) HATHAWAY ca 1223-1256
- Siblings
- Baderon De MONMOUTH 1105-1170 Married before 1140 to Rohese "Rose" De CLARE 1111-1149
- Paternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts
- William de (Fitz)Baderon HATHAWAY ca 1045- married
- F ? ?
- William de (Fitzbaderon) Hathaway (Lord Ruardean & St Briavels) MONMOUTH ca 1065-
- Married = 2 children
- Family Tree owner : Dave BRADLEY (belfast8)
Baderon Fitzwilliam's Timeline
1100 |
Monmouthshire, Wales (United Kingdom)
1130 |
Clare, Suffolk, England (United Kingdom)
1170 |
Age 70
Monmouth Castle, Monmouth, Monmouthshire, Wales (United Kingdom)
1993 |
January 29, 1993
Age 70
February 3, 1993
Age 70
1995 |
March 31, 1995
Age 70
1996 |
January 31, 1996
Age 70
???? | |||
???? |
Walter de Huntley was the ancestor to the de Huntley family of wales - the little village of Huntley is in the Forest of Dean Gloucestershire England