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A 1787 book (on Googlebooks) called "Mémoires historiques sur la ville d'Alençon et sur les Seigneurs" by Joseph-Jacques Odolant-Desnos has a paragraph that seems to be a translation or transcription from Orderic Vitalis p. 479 (the following is translated from the French):
"The house of Courcy was Germanic in origin. Baldric, surnamed "the Teutonic," came with his brother Ulger and established themselves in Normandy under Duke Richard II. Gilbert, Count of Brionne, governor [like a tutor] of William the Bastard, killed by Robert Giroye in 1035, arranged for Baldric to marry his niece. They had six sons and many daughters. The oldest of his sons was head of the house of Bascheville; Foulques d'Aunou, from which came the lords of Aunou, called le Faucon (the Falcon) because of this lord; Richard, from which came the lords of Neuville; Robert, from which came the lords of Courcy; Baldric, lord of Bocquencey, the land that he received from the abbey of Saint-Evroul on condition of defending it and making it a military service; and Wiguier, who passed in la Pouille. All these lords were celebrated for their valor under William the Conqueror, who gave them large possessions in Normandy. Robert de Courcy was the father of Richard, who declared war at Belleme; he was then very aged. He had a son named Robert de Courcy who married Rohez [Rohese], daughter of Hugh de Grantemesnil, with whom he had 5 sons." Another URL for this quote, in French, can be located at this link: [https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k65033649/f306.image.r=Baldri...]
Quoted from Olderic Vitalis:
Et saepe Fatus Baldricus Magnae Nobilitatis fuit, Gilbertus Comes Brionnae, Nepos Richardi Ducis Normannorum Baldrico Teutonico (qui cum Wigerio Fratre suo in Normanniam venerat Richardo Duci servire) Neptem suam in conjugium dedit; ex qua nati sunt sex Filii, et plures Filiae, Nicholaus scilicet de Bachevilla, et Fulco de Alnou, Robertus de Courceio, et Richardus de Nvavilla, Baldricus de Balgenzaio, et Wigerius Apuiliensis, &c.
in Journal of the British Archaeological Association, Vol. 22. London, 1866. P. 281:
...It is clear, from a passage in Ordericus Vitalis, that the Norman family of Nevil issued from a Teutonic stock, some members of which appear to have offered their services to Richard, second Duke of Normandy, and to have held high office, contracted important alliances, and were actually lords of large fiefs in England previous to the conquest. Baldric Teutonicus was lord of Bacqueville en Caux, and archearius under Duke William. He married a niece of Gilbert Comte de Brionne, grandson of Duke Richard I, and Regent of Normandy in 1040. Ordericus makes frequent mention of Baldric [NOTE: This would be the next generation, Baldric II] and of his brother Vigerius or Wiger; and a charter by the former shews that he had a sister Elizabeth, who was a nun at St. Amand. This charter being granted with the consent of William, king of the English, proves that Baldric was living at least as late as 1066. By his wife, whose name has not yet transpired, but who, as I have stated, was the niece of the powerful Gilbert Count of Brionne, and therefore a great granddaughter of Richard I, Duke of Normandy, he had six sons and two daughters.
1, Nicholas, who succeeded to his fief of Bacqueville en Caux, and thence called " de Bacqueville";
2, Foulk d'Anou, so named from his fief of Anou le Faucon in Normandy, and who furnished forty ships for the Conqueror's invasion of England;
3, Robert, surnamed De Courcy from his fief of Gourde sur Dive;
4, Richard, the first of the name of Nevil, being called "de Novavilla" or " de Neuville," from his fief of Neuville sur Tocque in the department of the Orne, the arrondissement of Argenton, and the canton of Gace;
5, Baldric, surnamed De Balgenzais from his fief of Bonquence or Bonquency; and
6, Vigerius or Wiger, also called Apulensis--of Apulia;
7, Elizabeth, married to Fulk de Boneval; and
8, Hawisia, wife of that Robert Fitz Erneis who fought and fell in the battle of Hastings.
See: Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants, Compiled by J. Orton Buck, and Timothy Beard, 1978, published by the Order of the Crown of Charlemagne, page 292
"Balderic, the elder son, styled by the Norman writers Teutonicus, the Germany, is honourably mentioned in their histories, as a stout and warlike commander. He married the niece of Gilbert, Earl of Brion in Normandy [1], and daughter of Richard de Clare, Earl of Clare, by whom he had seven daughters and six sons.
1) Nicholas, surnamed de Bacqueville, who by the niece of Gunnora, Dutchess of Normandy, had two sons, William Martell, Earl Warren in Normandy (who left that surname to his posterity) created Earl of Surry by the Conqueror; and Walter de St Martin, the father of Roger, surnamed de Mortimer, who attended the conqueror, subdued Edrich, Earl of Shrewsbury, did thereupon enjoy Wigmore-Castle, and was ancestor to the Mortimers, ancient Barons of England, and to the Earls of March and Ulster.
2) Fulke D’Alnou
3) Robert de Courcei, Ancestor to the Lord Kingsale.
4) Richard de Nova-Villa (Nevil) father of Gilbert, who attended the Norman Duke to England, in quality of his Admiral, and gave rise to the noble spreading family of Nevil.
5) Balderic de Beaugency
6) Wigerious, or Wigman of Apulia
John C. Francis, Notes and Queries, Eighth Series, Volume Nine (London), Jane-June 1896, p. 376
Baudry le Teuton (8th S. ix. 308).—Ordericus Vitalis says that Baudry came to Normandy with his brother Wiger and entered the service of Duke Richard. He gives no hint of his origin, but says Gilbert de Brionne (ancestor of the Clares and of the ducal blood) gave his niece (Neptis) in marriage to him. He (Baudry) is said to have been son of Wiger, son of Charles, Duke of Lorraine, but on what authority I know not. Charles, last surviving son of Louis d’Outremer, died 991, and was succeeded by his son Otto. On the latter's death in 1005 the duchy was conferred on another family. Otto had two sisters, one of whom (Gerberga) married Lambert, Count of Louvaine, and curiously enough one of her sons was named Baldric, Bishop of Liege, and on his nephew's death Count of Louvaine. This Baldric seems also, or after, to have borne the name of his father Lambert. He is mentioned here because the name never appears in the received pedigree of the Carlovingian race. Can it be that the Baudry was an illegitimate son or grandson of Duke Charles? He certainly never seems to have claimed the duchy of Lorraine; not that that tells much. Six of Baudry’s sons are given by Orderic. Richard was pretty certainly the ancestor of the first race of Nevilles, and by a great-great-granddaughter of the great Nevilles. Fulk, another son, was the progenitor of the D’Aunous, and after, it is said, of the Pauletts. From Robert, still another son, came the Courcys, as the querist states. But the Mortimers and the great Warenne family came, it is generally understood, from Hugh, Bishop of Coutances, who was living in 1020, and so a contemporary of Baudry.
A granddaughter of Baudry, daughter of his son Nicholas de Bacqueville (the ancestor, by-the-by, of the Baskervilles and not improbably of the St. Martins), married a Hugues de Varenne, son of Gripon. Provost calls him de Varham, and makes him brother of the head of the Martels. Whether Hugues was De Varenne or De Varham, I cannot see any connexion with the great Warennes. The ‘Norman People,’ a very high authority, does, indeed, trace the Mortimers and the Warennes to Walter de St. Martin, son of the above Nicholas de Bacqueville, but I can see no ground for this derivation, and it seems against the weight of evidence and, as the author of that book gives it, against chronology. T. W. Aston Clinton.
The following information, which indicates that there is not much solid evidence on Baldric, is contained in a post-em by Curt Hoffeman, curt_hofemann AT yahoo.com. Based on it, I added Aimee de Brionne as a wife. However I kept Muriel as mother of Baldric's 1st two children. However unlikely, this leaves Baldric marrying 1st the illegitimate daughter of Richard I of Normandy, and 2nd his great granddaughter.
FWIW (caveat emptor):
But the names "GILBERT" and "GEOFFREY" as the early ancestors of the DE NEVILLES on your list might indicate some likelihood that Baudric's wife was indeed a niece of Gilbert de Brionne, as written by Orderic. Orderic not only stated the fact about the niece of GILBERT marrying "BALDRIC," but named their six sons, including Nicholas DE BASKERVILLE and Richard DE NEVILLE, according to P. H. Baskervill...
In my letter to GEN-MEDIEVAL, I also said that BAUDRY/BAUDRIC le TEUTON and his brother WIGER came to Normandy and put themselves at the service of WILLIAM I, but it was not WILLIAM I, but WILLIAM's grandfather, Richard II of Normandy (996-1026) they served under, according to Orderic.
Abbe' Daoust states that BAUDRY married AUBREE, niece of Gilbert DE BRIONNE. This is the first place I have seen the name of the niece. [Ref: Kay Roemer <roemer222 AT aol.com> 9 Jan 2001 message to Gen-Medieval]
I have read that Gilbert's (de Brionne) niece Aubree married Baudric le Teuton and named a son Fulk, who later became Fulk d'Aunou. [Ref: Kay Roemir roemer222 AT aol.com 24 Jan 2001 message to Gen-Medieval]
Balderic Teutonicus (Baudric le Teuton, Baudry the Teutonique, Baldricus) who had a brother Wigere. They together traveled east to assist their friend the Duke of Normandy. They were the sons of
Wigelius de Courcie, the son of
Charles, the son of
Charles, Duke of Lorraine, who was the son of
Charles III, King of France, Born on 17 sept. 879 & died oct. 7, 929. [Ref: Nietzsche <Nietzsche AT GNN.COM> 12 Nov 1995 message to Gen-Medieval citing: "Royal Ancestry of the Magna Carta Barons" by Carr. P. Collins Jr. ] note: I am seriously skeptical of this ascent - basis?... Curt
Research note: Baldricus Teutonicus De Bacqueville, Lord Bacqueville & Caux... (married) Denefacta De Brienne (dau of Robert De Brienne, Count of Eu & Beatrice De Falaise [Ref: (unsourced) http://users.legacyfamilytree.com/NorthernEurope/f223.htm]
Two bits of information I have found about Baldric, don't know how accurate they are.
“In 1033 Baldric the Teuton, a knight of Robert, Duke of Normandy, was made the first feudal lord of Bacqueville.Baldric had married a great grand-daughter of Richard the first duke of Normandy, and had six sons. The oldest son Nicholas, born in 999, succeeded to his father's lordship and became known as Nicholas de Bacqueville. Nicholas had a son Walter, who was known as Walter Martel (the hammer) de Baskerville. From one of Walter's sons the Norman family of Martell was descended; while another of his sons, Robert de Baskerville, left Normandy for the new Norman frontier in western England”
"Born perhaps 975/980. Living in 1060. Baudric is described (circa 1050) as the archer of Duke William (William the Conquerer), apparently holding the office of the chief of archers. In the feudal hierachy, Baudric was in the service of Arnauld, a powerful and influential Norman noble, but was transferred to the Abbey of St. Evroul-en-Ouche, to which Baudric granted his estate at St. Evroul and other properties in thanks of having been relieved from Arnauld's oppression. This abbey, founded in 560 had been abandoned and then restored about 1050. Baudric's fief of Bauquencei (separate from the fief of Bacqueville-en-Caux) henceforth was held under allegiance to the Abbot Robert.The fief of Bacqueville had been the seat of the family for 200 years. Its castle was apparently destroyed in 1159 when King Henry invaded Normandy. Six male children. Also sons-in-law Wascelin d'Echanfre and Roger de Merlerault. A third daughter Hawise married Robert Fitz Erneis. Elizabeth who married Fulk de Boneval may also have been his daughter, not is sister.”
Baldric DE COURCY "the Teuton", seigneur de Courcy Born: Abt 969, Courcy, Ardennes, Champagne, France Married (1): Married (2): Before 1020, 2nd wife
General Notes: The following information, which indicates that there is not much solid evidence on Baldric, is contained in a post-em by Curt Hoffeman, curt_hofemann AT yahoo.com. Based on it, I added Aimee de Brionne as a wife. However I kept Muriel as mother of Baldric's 1st two children. However unlikely, this leaves Baldric marrying 1st the illegitimate daughter of Richard I of Normandy, and 2nd his great granddaughter. FWIW (caveat emptor): But the names "GILBERT" and "GEOFFREY" as the early ancestors of the DE NEVILLES on your list might indicate some likelihood that Baudric's wife was indeed a niece of Gilbert de Brionne, as written by Orderic. Orderic not only stated the fact about the niece of GILBERT marrying "BALDRIC," but named their six sons, including Nicholas DE BASKERVILLE and Richard DE NEVILLE, according to P. H. Baskervill... In my letter to GEN-MEDIEVAL, I also said that BAUDRY/BAUDRIC le TEUTON and his brother WIGER came to Normandy and put themselves at the service of WILLIAM I, but it was not WILLIAM I, but WILLIAM's grandfather, Richard II of Normandy (996-1026) they served under, according to Orderic. Abbe' Daoust states that BAUDRY married AUBREE, niece of Gilbert DE BRIONNE. This is the first place I have seen the name of the niece. [Ref: Kay Roemer 9 Jan 2001 message to Gen-Medieval] I have read that Gilbert's (de Brionne) niece Aubree married Baudric le Teuton and named a son Fulk, who later became Fulk d'Aunou. [Ref: Kay Roemir roemer222 AT aol.com 24 Jan 2001 message to Gen-Medieval] Balderic Teutonicus (Baudric le Teuton, Baudry the Teutonique, Baldricus) who had a brother Wigere. They together traveled east to assist their friend the Duke of Normandy. They were the sons of Wigelius de Courcie, the son of Charles, the son of Charles, Duke of Lorraine, who was the son of Charles III, King of France, Born on 17 sept. 879 & died oct. 7, 929. [Ref: Nietzsche 12 Nov 1995 message to Gen-Medieval citing: "Royal Ancestry of the Magna Carta Barons" by Carr. P. Collins Jr. ] note: I am seriously skeptical of this ascent - basis?... Curt Research note: Baldricus Teutonicus De Bacqueville, Lord Bacqueville & Caux... (married) Denefacta De Brienne (dau of Robert De Brienne, Count of Eu & Beatrice De Falaise [Ref: (unsourced)
Regards, Curt
In reality, the dearth of records about him suggests any ancestry is speculatve (at best) not supported by reliable records (those that do are only guesses - my opinion only)... Curt
Marriage Information: Baldric married Muriella DE NORMANDIE, daughter of Richard I "Sans Peur" DE NORMANDIE and Unnamed Norman mistresses . (Muriella DE NORMANDIE was born about 970 in Rouen, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France and died before 1020.)
Marriage Information: Baldric also married Aubrée DE BRIONNE, daughter of Seigneur DE BRIONNE and Unknown, before 1020 in 2nd wife . (Aubrée DE BRIONNE was born about 1000 in Brionne, Eure, Normandy, France.)
Balderic the Teuton, 1st Lord of Bacqueville Balderic Latin: Baldricus Also Known As:"Baudry", "Baldricus", "The German", "'the /German'/", "Balderic", "Balderick", "Baldrick", "seigneur de Bacqueville le Teutonique(Balderich SEUTON) (Balderich de COURCY) (Baldric de COURCY)" Birthdate:circa 977 Birthplace:Bacqueville-en-Caux, Dieppe, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France Death:Died 1033
Immediate Family:
Son of Wigeric and N.N.
Husband of N.N. K. daughter of Geoffrey
Father of Foulques d'Aunou ; Nicolas de Bacqueville, Seigneur de Bacqueville-en-Caux; Richard 'Teutonicus' de Neuville; Hawise fitz Baldric de Courcy; Robert I de Courcy and 3 others.
Brother of Wigerius II, seigneur de Beaugency and Elizabeth de Courcy?, Nun at St. Amand
Occupation:Sieur, de Beaugency, Lord of Bacqueville en Caux under Duke William., sgr de Bocquencé (Bauquencei), avec son frère Wiger, Duc de Neville - Seigneur de Bacqueville Managed by:Jerry Lee Nelson Last Updated:April 17, 2016 About Balderic the Teuton, 1st Lord of Bacqueville
Quoted from Olderic Vitalis: Et saepe Fatus Baldricus Magnae Nobilitatis fuit, Gilbertus Comes Brionnae, Nepos Richardi Ducis Normannorum Baldrico Teutonico (qui cum Wigerio Fratre suo in Normanniam venerat Richardo Duci servire) Neptem suam in conjugium dedit; ex qua nati sunt sex Filii, et plures Filiae, Nicholaus scilicet de Bachevilla, et Fulco de Alnou, Robertus de Courceio, et Richardus de Nvavilla, Baldricus de Balgenzaio, et Wigerius Apuiliensis, &c.
Excerpt from "ON THE NORMAN ANCESTRY OF THE NEVILS, AND THE ORIGIN OF THE ARMORIAL BEARINGS OF THE LINE OF RABY." by J. R. PLANCHE, ESQ., SOMERSET HERALD, T.P. in Journal of the British Archaeological Association, Vol. 22. London, 1866. P. 281: ...It is clear, from a passage in Ordericus Vitalis, that the Norman family of Nevil issued from a Teutonic stock, some members of which appear to have offered their services to Richard, second Duke of Normandy, and to have held high office, contracted important alliances, and were actually lords of large fiefs in England previous to the conquest. Baldric Teutonicus was lord of Bacqueville en Caux, and archearius under Duke William. He married a niece of Gilbert Comte de Brionne, grandson of Duke Richard I, and Regent of Normandy in 1040. Ordericus makes frequent mention of Baldric and of his brother Vigerius or Wiger; and a charter by the former shews that he had a sister Elizabeth, who was a nun at St. Amand. This charter being granted with the consent of William, king of the English, proves that Baldric was living at least as late as 1066. By his wife, whose name has not yet transpired, but who, as I have stated, was the niece of the powerful Gilbert Count of Brionne, and therefore a great granddaughter of Richard I, Duke of Normandy, he had six sons and two daughters:
1, Nicholas, who succeeded to his fief of Bacqueville en Caux, and thence called " de Bacqueville";
2, Foulk d'Anou, so named from his fief of Anou le Faucon in Normandy, and who furnished forty ships for the Conqueror's invasion of England;
3, Robert, surnamed De Courcy from his fief of Gourde sur Dive;
4, Richard, the first of the name of Nevil, being called "de Novavilla" or " de Neuville," from his fief of Neuville sur Tocque in the department of the Orne, the arrondissement of Argenton, and the canton of Gace;
5, Baldric, surnamed De Balgenzais from his fief of Bonquence or Bonquency; and
6, Vigerius or Wiger, named after his uncle, and also called Apulensis, having been born, probably, in Apulia;
7, Elizabeth, named after her aunt, and married to Fulk de Boneval; and
8, Hawisia, wife of that Robert Fitz Erneis who fought and fell in the battle of Hastings.
See: Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants, Compiled by J. Orton Buck, and Timothy Beard, 1978, published by the Order of the Crown of Charlemagne, page 292
"Balderic, the elder son, styled by the Norman writers Teutonicus, the Germany, is honourably mentioned in their histories, as a stout and warlike commander. He married the niece of Gilbert, Earl of Brion in Normandy, and daughter of Richard de Clare, Earl of Clare, by whom he had seven daughters and six sons. 1) Nicholas, surnamed de Bacqueville, who by the niece of Gunnora, Dutchess of Normandy, had two sons, William Martell, Earl Warren in Normandy (who left that surname to his posterity) created Earl of Surry by the Conqueror; and Walter de St Martin, the father of Roger, surnamed de Mortimer, who attended the conqueror, subdued Edrich, Earl of Shrewsbury, did thereupon enjoy Wigmore-Castle, and was ancestor to the Mortimers, ancient Barons of England, and to the Earls of March and Ulster. 2) Fulke D'Alnou 3) Robert de Courcei, Ancestor to the Lord Kingsale. 4) Richard de Nova-Villa (Nevil) father of Gilbert, who attended the Norman Duke to England, in quality of his Admiral, and gave rise to the noble spreading family of Nevil. 5) Balderic de Beaugency 6) Wigerious, or Wigman of Apulia
Baldric 'the Teuton'1 M, #7431 Father Wigelius, Lord Courci Baldric 'the Teuton' married (Miss) de Benefacta, daughter of Richard de Benefacta, Lord Clare. Family (Miss) de Benefacta Children Richard de Neville+ d. a 1066 Robert de Courci+ d. a 1026 Faulk d' Aunay+ d. a 1020 Nicholas de Baschevilla Citations [S1952] Unknown author, Pedigree of Dawnay, Foster's Pedigrees, Vol. II, part 2. From: http://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p248.htm#i...
Balderick TEUTONICUS Born: ABT 1054 Notes: The Norman family of Nevill came from Teutonic stock. Baldrick was Lord of Bacqueville en Caux under Duke William. He married a niece of Gilbert Compte De Brionne, a grandson of duke Richard I who was regent of Normandy in 1040. Father: Wigerius TEUTONICUS Mother: ¿? Married: Rohaise De CLARE (dau. of Richard De Clare, 1° E. Clare, and Rohese Giffard) ABT 1078 Children: 1. Gunnora De ANJOU 2. Nicholas De BASCHELVILLA 3. Robert De COURSY 4. Fulke De ANJOU 5. Richard "Teutonicus" De NOVAVILLA 6. Balderick De BEAUGENCY 7. Wigerius De APULIA 8. Hawise FITZBALDERICK From: http://www.tudorplace.com.ar/NEVILLE1.htm#Balderick TEUTONICUS
Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry Vol. II Eighth Edition. https://archive.org/stream/genealogicalhera02inburk#page/1470/mode/1up Pg.1470 RICHARD DE NOVAVILLA (4th son of Baldricus Teutonicus, Lord of Bacqueville-en-Caux and Archearius, held the fief of Neuvile sur Tongue, in Normandy, and was father of GILBERT DE NEVILE, who is said to have been Admiral to the Conqueror, by his wife Philicia, dau. of the Count de Damoys, he had a son, GILBERT DE NEVILE, who founded Tupholme Abbey, ante 1168, m. Johanna, dau. of Roger de Clare, and left a son and heir, GEOFFREY DE NEVILE, Governor of Berwick-on-Tweed, m. Emma, dau. and heir of Bertram de Bulmer, Lord of Brancepeth, in the Palatinate of Durham, and had (with a son, Henry, who d. s. p.) an only dau., ISABEL DE NEVILE, heir to her brother. This great heir to m. Robert Fitz-Maldred, Lord of Raby, in Durham (of the illustrious Saxon stock of the Earls of Northumberland), and by him had a son, GEOFFREY DE NEVILE, who assumed his mother's name. His eldest son, Robert de Nevile, Lord of Raby, was ancestor of the extinct Earls of Westmorland and the Marquess of Abergavenny. His 2nd son, .... etc.
Pedigrees of the county families of Yorkshire by Foster, Joseph https://archive.org/stream/pedigreesofcount02fost#page/n47/mode/2up Pedigree of Nevile, of Chevet. .... etc. Baldricus Teutonicus, Lord of Bacqueville-en-Caux and Archearius under Duke William. His history is minutely told by Ordericus Vitalis. = ..... , daughter of ..... and niece of Gislebert Comte de Brionne, Regent of Normandy in 1040. ; ch: Richard de Novavilla. RICHARD DE NOVAVILLA, (4th son Planché), held in Normandy the fief of Neuville sur Tonque, in the department of the Orne. = ; ch: Gilbert (m. Philicia, dau. of Count of Damoys) de Nevile GILBERT DE NEVILE, a Norman, said by Leland in his "Itinerary" to have accompanied William the Conqueror into England, and to have been his admiral. = PHILICIA, daughter of Count of Damoys. ; ch: Gilbert (m. Johanna Clare) de Neville. GILBERT DE NEVILLE, founded Tupholme Abbey before 14 Henry 2, 1168, and endowed it with, amongst other gifts, the church of St. Peter de Burratti, alias Tupholme, and St. Peter and St. Media rasa Tupholme. = JOHANNA, daughter of Roger Clare, Lord of Humeti, Constantiensis. ; ch: Geoffrey (m. Emme Bulmer) de Nevile. GEOFFREY DE NEVILE, gave to Tupholme Abbey the church of St. Germans, of Randby. In 23 Henry 2 he was governor of Berwick, married 1176, died 1194 (5 Richard I). = EMME, daughter and heiress of Bertram de Bulmer, Baron of Brancepeth, which lordship she brought to her husband. She was sometimes called Emma de Humez, and was the widow of Geoffrey, son of Peter de Valoignes in 1167. ; ch: Isabella (m. Robert Fitz Maildred), Henry (m. Alice .... ) de Nevile. HENRY DE NEVILE, married Alice ..... , and died s. p., 11 Henry 3. ISABELLA, sole daughter, and heiress to her brother Henry. = ROBERT FITZ MAILDRED, Lord of Raby, did homage for the lands of his father and brother-in-law, 11 Henry 3, inq. p. m., 37 Henry 3. ; ch: Geoffrey (m. Margaret Longvillers) Fitz Robert GEOFFREY FITZ ROBERT, assumed the name of Neville on account of the great inheritance he enjoyed from his mother. = MARGARET, daughter of John Longvillers. ; ch: Robert (m. Ida or Isabel, wid. Roger Bertram), Geoffrey (m. Margaret Longvillers) Nevil .... etc.
C. FAMILY of BALDRIC Three siblings, parents not known: 1. BALDRIC (-before 1053). Orderic Vitalis records that "Baldrico Teutonico" came "cum Wigerio fratre suo in Normanniam" to serve "Ricardo duci" [presumably Duke Richard II] and that together they held "honorem de Balgenzaio"[120]. "Guillermus Normannorum dux" confirmed the properties of Saint-Evroul, including "terram de Balchencei sicut tenuerat Baldricus eius comitis arcearius" bought from "Ernaldo...Willelmi filio consenciente Roberto suo avunculo et jubente comite Willelmo" by undated charter, witnessed by "...Malgerii archiepiscopi..." [which dates the document to 1037/53][121]. m ___ , daughter of ___ . Orderic Vitalis records that "Gislebertus comes Brionnæ nepos Ricardi ducis Normannorum" married "neptem suam" to "Baldrico Teutonico", who had come "cum Wigerio fratre suo in Normanniam" to serve "Ricardo duci" [presumably Duke Richard II][122]. Her exact parentage is not known. Baldric & his wife had [eight or more] children: a) NICOLAS de Baqueville (-after [1048/63]). Orderic Vitalis names "Nicolaus…de Baschevilla et Fulco de Alnou, Rodbertus de Curceio et Ricardus de Nova-Villa, Baldricus de Balgenzaio et Wigerius Apuliensis" as the sons of Baldric and his wife[123]. "Nicholaus filius...Baldrici...fiius meus Rogerius" donated "ecclesiam...in villa...Chitrei quam pater meus in honore Sancti Petri construxit" to Saint-Wandrille, for the soul of "mee uxoris que in...Fontanella...iacet", by charter dated to [1032/47][124]. Robert Abbot of Saint-Wandrille confirmed the purchase of "terre...Lebecors" from "Nicholao Baldrici filio coram uxore sua Geretrude filiisque" by charter dated to [1048/63], subscribed by "Willelmi comitis, Nicholay"[125]. m firstly ___ (bur Saint-Wandrille). "Nicholaus filius...Baldrici...fiius meus Rogerius" donated "ecclesiam...in villa...Chitrei quam pater meus in honore Sancti Petri construxit" to Saint-Wandrille, for the soul of "mee uxoris que in...Fontanella...iacet", by charter dated to [1032/47][126]. "...Nicholaus filius Baldrici..." subscribed the charter under which Guillaume Duke of Normandy donated the church of Arques to Saint-Wandrille, dated to [1035/55][127]. m secondly GERTRUDE, daughter of ___ . Robert Abbot of Saint-Wandrille confirmed the purchase of "terre...Lebecors" from "Nicholao Baldrici filio coram uxore sua Geretrude filiisque" by charter dated to [1048/63], subscribed by "Willelmi comitis, Nicholay"[128]. The chronology of the charters quoted in this section indicate that Gertrude must have been the second wife of Nicolas. Nicolas & his first wife had one child: i) ROGER de Baqueville . "Nicholaus filius...Baldrici...fiius meus Rogerius" donated "ecclesiam...in villa...Chitrei quam pater meus in honore Sancti Petri construxit" to Saint-Wandrille, for the soul of "mee uxoris que in...Fontanella...iacet", by charter dated to [1032/47][129]. m ___ , daughter of ___ . Guillaume of Jumièges records that "nepotes...plures...Gunnor...earum...altera" married "Nicolao de Bascheritivilla" among whose descendants were "Willelmus Martellus et Walterus de Sancto Martino"[130]. b) FOULQUES de Aunou (-after Oct 1066). Orderic Vitalis names "Nicolaus…de Baschevilla et Fulco de Alnou, Rodbertus de Curceio et Ricardus de Nova-Villa, Baldricus de Balgenzaio et Wigerius Apuliensis" as the sons of Baldric and his wife[131]. The Brevis Relatio de Origine Willelmi Conquestoris records that "Fulcone Dauno" contributed 40 ships towards the invasion of England in 1066[132]. c) ROBERT de Courcy . Orderic Vitalis names "Nicolaus…de Baschevilla et Fulco de Alnou, Rodbertus de Curceio et Ricardus de Nova-Villa, Baldricus de Balgenzaio et Wigerius Apuliensis" as the sons of Baldric and his wife[133]. - COURCY. d) RICHARD de Neufville . Orderic Vitalis names "Nicolaus…de Baschevilla et Fulco de Alnou, Rodbertus de Curceio et Ricardus de Nova-Villa, Baldricus de Balgenzaio et Wigerius Apuliensis" as the sons of Baldric and his wife[134]. e) BAUDRY de Bauquencey . Orderic Vitalis names "Nicolaus…de Baschevilla et Fulco de Alnou, Rodbertus de Curceio et Ricardus de Nova-Villa, Baldricus de Balgenzaio et Wigerius Apuliensis" as the sons of Baldric and his wife[135]. m BILLEHELDIS, daughter of ___ (-after [1093]). "Billeheldis uxor Baldrici de Balchenceio" donated to Saint-Evroul, with the consent of "filii sui Rodbertus...dominus de honore et Baldricus", dated to "tempore Rogerii abbatis qui abbati Serloni successit", witnessed by "Wigerius patruus eorumdem fratrem [error for fratrum?] et filius eius Fulco..."[136]. "Hugo comes Cestrensis atque Ermentrudis comitissa" donated property to St Werburgh, Chester, and records other donations including that "Billeheld uxor Baldrici" donated "Pecfortunam", by charter dated to [1093][137]. Baudry & his wife had two children: i) ROBERT de Bauquencey . "Billeheldis uxor Baldrici de Balchenceio" donated to Saint-Evroul, with the consent of "filii sui Rodbertus...dominus de honore et Baldricus", dated to "tempore Rogerii abbatis qui abbati Serloni successit", witnessed by "Wigerius patruus eorumdem fratrem [error for fratrum?] et filius eius Fulco..."[138]. ii) BAUDRY de Bauquencey . "Billeheldis uxor Baldrici de Balchenceio" donated to Saint-Evroul, with the consent of "filii sui Rodbertus...dominus de honore et Baldricus", dated to "tempore Rogerii abbatis qui abbati Serloni successit", witnessed by "Wigerius patruus eorumdem fratrem [error for fratrum?] et filius eius Fulco..."[139]. f) VIGER de Apulia . Orderic Vitalis names "Nicolaus…de Baschevilla et Fulco de Alnou, Rodbertus de Curceio et Ricardus de Nova-Villa, Baldricus de Balgenzaio et Wigerius Apuliensis" as the sons of Baldric and his wife[140]. "Billeheldis uxor Baldrici de Balchenceio" donated to Saint-Evroul, with the consent of "filii sui Rodbertus...dominus de honore et Baldricus", dated to "tempore Rogerii abbatis qui abbati Serloni successit", witnessed by "Wigerius patruus eorumdem fratrem [error for fratrum?] et filius eius Fulco..."[141]. m ___ . The name of Viger´s wife is not known. Viger & his wife had one child: i) FOULQUES . "Billeheldis uxor Baldrici de Balchenceio" donated to Saint-Evroul, with the consent of "filii sui Rodbertus...dominus de honore et Baldricus", dated to "tempore Rogerii abbatis qui abbati Serloni successit", witnessed by "Wigerius patruus eorumdem fratrem [error for fratrum?] et filius eius Fulco..."[142]. g) GUNNORA . The De nobili genere Crispinorum records that "Gislebertus…Crispini cognomen" married "senioris Fulconis de Alnou germanam…Gonnorem"[143]. m GILBERT Crispin, son of ___ . h) daughters . Orderic Vitalis records that Baldric and his wife had "plures filiæ"[144]. 2. VIGER . Orderic Vitalis records that "Baldrico Teutonico" came "cum Wigerio fratre suo in Normanniam" to serve "Ricardo duci" [presumably Duke Richard II] and that together they held "honorem de Balgenzaio"[145]. 3. ELISABETH . Orderic Vitalis records that "Baldrico Teutonico" married "Elizabeth sororem suam" to "Fulconi de Bona-Valle...militi" and granted "ecclesiam Sancti Nicolai quam pater suus construxerat"[146]. m FOULQUES de Bonneval, son of ___ . Foulques & his wife had two children: a) GUILLAUME de Bonneval . Orderic Vitalis records that "Baldricus et Wigerius et Willermus de Bona-Valle" confirmed the charter under which "Fulco" offered "Teodericum filium suum", who had been baptised by "Teodericus abbas", to Ouche Saint-Evroul and donated "ecclesiam Sancti Nicolai"[147]. b) THIERRY de Bonneval . Orderic Vitalis records that "Baldricus et Wigerius et Willermus de Bona-Valle" confirmed the charter under which "Fulco" offered "Teodericum filium suum", who had been baptised by "Teodericus abbas", to Ouche Saint-Evroul and donated "ecclesiam Sancti Nicolai", adding that Thierry lived for 57 years as a monk[148].
970 |
990 |
1000 |
1019 |
1020 |
Eure, Haute-Normandie, France
Courcy-Sur-Dives, Normandy, France
1022 |
Bacqueville En Caux, Seine-Maritime, Normandy, France
1033 |
Age 63
Caen, Calvados, Normandy, France