Baldwin IV, count of Hainaut

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Baldwin (1108 - 1171)

French: Baudouin, Dutch: Boudewijn, German: Balduin
Also Known As: "Baudouin IV", "comte de Hainaut"
Birthplace: 159 Chaussée de Binche, Mons, Hainaut, Wallonie, 7000, Belgium
Death: November 08, 1171 (63)
6 Place de l'Hôpital Général, Valenciennes, Nord, Hauts-de-France, 59300, France
Place of Burial: St. Waldthrud Abbey, Mons, Belgium
Immediate Family:

Son of Baldwin III, count of Hainaut and Yolande van Gelre, Vrouwe van Dodewaard en Dalen, von Wassenberg, Grafin von Gelre von Wassenberg, Countess of Hennegau
Husband of Alice of Namur, Countess of Hainaut
Ex-partner of Concubine
Father of Anthonette de Hainaut; Yolande van Hengouwen; Agnes 'La Boiteuse' de Coucy; Lauretia van Henegouwen; Godefroy de Hainaut, comte d'Ostrevant and 5 others
Brother of Yolande de Hainaut; Gerhard I of Hainault, Graaf van Dale; Richildis de Hainault and Ida of Hainaut
Half brother of Berthe de Ribemont, dame de Bouchain and Godefroi III de Ribemont, seigneur de Bouchain

Occupation: Comte, de Hainaut, Graaf van Henegouwen, Comte de hainaut, Count of Hainaut
Managed by: Private User
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About Baldwin IV, count of Hainaut


Baudouin IV de Hainaut

Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Baudouin IV de Hainaut, né en 1108, mort le 8 novembre 1171, comte de Hainaut de 1120 à 1171, fils de Baudouin III, comte de Hainaut, et de Yolande de Wassemberg.

Comme il était mineur à la mort de son père, la régence fut assurée par sa mère qui dirigea le pays avec prudence et fermeté. Elle négocia les fiançailles de son fils avec Alix de Namur, et assura par traité les droits de cette dernière au comté de Namur. Elle laissa son fils gouverner en 1127.

Peu après, le comte de Flandre Charles de Danemark fut assassiné et plusieurs prétendants, parmi lesquels figurait Baudouin, se manifestèrent. Le roi de France Louis VI le Gros choisit Guillaume Cliton. Irrité, Baudouin envahit le pays d'Alost, mais se rendit compte qu'il ne pouvait garder sa conquête et se retira en incendiant Audenarde. Après la mort de Guillaume (1128), il tenta à nouveau de conquérir la Flandre, mais fut repoussé par Thierry d'Alsace, le nouveau comte.

En 1147, il profita du départ de Thierry en croisade pour envahir à nouveau la Flandre, malgré le risque d'excommunication qu'il encourait pour s'attaquer aux biens d'un croisé. Sibylle d'Anjou, femme de Thierry, réussit à défendre ses terres, le temps que Thierry revînt en hâte de Constantinople. La guerre fit rage et ravagea les deux comtés. Finalement, les deux comtes, las de leur conflit, conclurent la paix en 1151 et fiancèrent leur enfants. Ce mariage conduisit quarante ans plus tard à la réunion des deux comtés.

Baudouin se consacra à soumettre ses vassaux les plus indociles, et réunit au comté plusieurs terres. Il acquit son surnom de bâtisseur en fortifiant la plupart des villes du Hainaut et en favorisant la construction d'églises et de cathédrales. En 1169, à l'occasion des noces de son fils avec Marguerite d'Alsace, il fit visiter son palais du Quesnoy en construction à plusieurs seigneurs. Ils eurent l'imprudence de monter sur des échafaudages mal étayés qui s'écroulèrent sous eux. Certains se relevèrent légèrement blessés, mais Baudouin eut les cuisses et les reins brisés. Il mourut deux ans plus tard.

Mariage et enfants

Il épousa vers 1130 Alix de Namur (1115 † 1169), dernière fille de Godefroy, comte de Namur, et d'Ermensende de Luxembourg, sa seconde femme. Elle mourut en juillet 1169 et fut inhumée dans l'église de Sainte Waudru de Mons. C'est par ce mariage que leurs descendants ont hérité du marquisat de Namur. Leurs enfants ont été:

   * Baudouin, mort jeune, enterré à Binche,

* Godefroy, comte d'Ostrevant, mort à Mons à 16 ans le 6 avril 1159 (ou 1161) sans postérité, marié à 15 ans avec Éléonore de Vermandois.
* Baudouin V (1150 † 1195), comte de Hainaut.
* Guillaume de Hainaut, seigneur de Château-Thierry au comté de Namur, marié en premières noces avec Mahaud de Lalaing, et en secondes noces avec Avoye de Saint-Sauve,
* Henri, seigneur de Sebourg, d'Angre et du Fay. Il gît à Sebourg où, sur sa tombe, il est écrit « oncle de Baudouin, empereur de Constantinople », marié avec Jeanne de Cisoing,
* Yolande, mariée en premières noces avec Yves III, seigneur de Néelle et de Falvy, comte de Soissons, mort sans enfants en 1157, puis en secondes noces avec Hugues IV, comte de Saint-Pol,
* Agnès, dite la Boîteuse, première femme de Raoul, sire de Coucy, de Marle, la Fere, Crécy, Vervins, Landousies et de Pinon, morte avant 1173,
* Laurence, qui avec son second mari, fit beaucoup de biens à l'abbaye du Val, à l'ordre de Citeaux, au diocèse de Paris, où elle fut enterrée après sa mort survenue le 9 août 1181 ; mariée avec Thierry de Gand, dernier seigneur d'Alost et de Waës, avec lequel elle vivait encore en 1160 et qui mourut sans enfants en 1165 ; puis en secondes noces peu après 1171 avec Bouchard IV, seigneur de Montmorency.

   * J-J. de Smet,  « Baudouin IV », Académie royale de Belgique, Biographie nationale, vol. 1, Paris, 1866 [d%C3%A9tail des éditions], p. 808-810

Baldwin V of Hainaut (1150 – 17 December 1195) was count of Hainaut (1171–1195), count of Flanders as Baldwin VIII (1191–1195) and margrave of Namur as Baldwin I (1189–1195).

[edit] History

He was the son of Baldwin IV, Count of Hainaut. Flanders was acquired via his marriage to Margaret I of Flanders in 1169. Namur was acquired from his mother Alice of Namur.

[edit] Family

With Margaret, Baldwin had the following issue:

Isabelle of Hainaut (Valenciennes, April 1170 – March 15, 1190, Paris), married king Philip II of France

Baldwin VI of Hainaut (1171–1205), also count of Flanders and Latin Emperor

Yolanda of Flanders (1175–1219), married Peter II of Courtenay, Latin Emperor

Philip I, Marquis of Namur (1175–1212)

Henry of Flanders (1176–1216), Latin Emperor

Sybille of Hainault (1179 – 9 January 1217), married c. 1197 Guichard IV, Sire de Beaujeu (d. 1216)

Eustace of Hainault (d. 1219), regent of the Kingdom of Thessalonica

Godfrey of Hainault

[edit] See also

Counts of Hainaut family tree

Counts of Flanders family tree

Preceded by

Philip Count of Flanders

1191 – 1194

With: Margaret I Succeeded by

Baldwin VI/IX

Preceded by

Baldwin IV Count of Hainaut

1171 – 1195

Preceded by

Henry Marquis of Namur

1189 – 1195 Succeeded by

Philip I

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Categories: House of Hainaut | Counts of Flanders | Counts of Hainaut | Margraves of Namur | 1150 births | 1195 deaths | European nobility stubs

aldwin IV, Count of Hainaut

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Baldwin IV (1108 – November 8, 1171) was count of Hainaut from 1120 to his death. He was the son of Baldwin III, Count of Hainaut.


Also known as Baldwin the Builder, he purchased the property of Ath in 1158 and built the Burbant tower. He ceded the locality of Braine-la-Willotte also known as Braine-le-Comte to the chapter of Sainte-Waudru in 1158. In 1159, he incorporated the seigniory of Chimay and in 1160, the châtellenies of Valencians and of Ostrevent.


Baldwin married Alice of Namur, heiress of Namur, and had the following issue:

Yolande (1131–1202), married Hugh IV, Count of St Pol

Baldwin (1134–1147)

Agnes (1142–1168)

Geoffrey, Count of Ostervant (1147–1163)

William (Guillaume) (?–1230), married Mahaut de Lalaing

Lauretta (1150–1181), married Bouchard IV, Count of Montmorency

Baldwin V (1150–1195), also count of Flanders by his marriage to Margaret I of Flanders


Baldwin IV (1108 – November 8, 1171) was count of Hainaut from 1120 to his death. He was the son of Baldwin III, Count of Hainaut.

Also known as Baldwin the Builder, he purchased the property of Ath in 1158 and built the Burbant tower. He ceded the locality of Braine-la-Willotte (Braine-le-Comte) to the chapter of Sainte-Waudru in 1158. In 1159, he incorporated the seigniory of Chimay and in 1160, the châtellenies of Valencians and of Ostrevent.

Baldwin married Alice of Namur, heiress of Namur, and had the following issue:

Yolande (1131–1202), married Hugh IV, Count of St Pol

Baldwin (1134–1147)

Agnes (1142–1168)

Geoffrey, Count of Ostervant (1147–1163)

William (Guillaume) (?–1230), married Mahaut de Lalaing

Lauretta (1150–1181), married Bouchard IV, Count of Montmorency

Baldwin V (1150–1195), also count of Flanders by his marriage to Margaret I of Flanders

Baldwin IV was Count of Hainaut from 1120 to his death.

Baldwin was also known as Baldwin the Builder; he purchased the property of Ath in 1158 and built the Burbant tower.

Baldwin ceded the locality of Braine-la-Willotte (also known as Braine-le-Comte) to the chapter of Sainte-Waudru in 1158. In 1159, he incorporated the seigniory of Chimay and in 1160, the châtellenies of Valencians and of Ostrevent.

With his wife Alice of Namur, Baldwin had seven children, including our ancestor Baldwin V.

See,_Count_of_Hainaut for more information.

Baldwin IV (1108 – November 8, 1171) was count of Hainaut from 1120 to his death. He was the son of Baldwin III, Count of Hainaut.

Also known as Baldwin the Builder, he purchased the property of Ath in 1158 and built the Burbant tower. He ceded the locality of Braine-la-Willotte (Braine-le-Comte) to the chapter of Sainte-Waudru in 1158. In 1159, he incorporated the seigniory of Chimay and in 1160, the châtellenies of Valencians and of Ostrevent.

Baldwin married Alice of Namur, heiress of Namur, and had the following issue:

Yolande (1131–1202), married Hugh IV, Count of St Pol

Baldwin (1134–1147)

Agnes (1142–1168)

Geoffrey, Count of Ostervant (1147–1163)

William (Guillaume) (?–1230), married Mahaut de Lalaing

Lauretta (1150–1181), married Bouchard IV, Count of Montmorency

Baldwin V (1150–1195), also count of Flanders by his marriage to Margaret I of Flanders

About Baudouin IV, comte du Hainaut (Français)

Baudouin (et non Beaudoin, mon erreur - HD) IV de Hainaut Source

   * J-J. de Smet,  « Baudouin IV », Académie royale de Belgique, Biographie nationale, vol. 1, Paris, 1866 [d%C3%A9tail des éditions], p. 808-810

Baldwin V of Hainaut (1150 – 17 December 1195) was count of Hainaut (1171–1195), count of Flanders as Baldwin VIII (1191–1195) and margrave of Namur as Baldwin I (1189–1195).

[edit] History

He was the son of Baldwin IV, Count of Hainaut. Flanders was acquired via his marriage to Margaret I of Flanders in 1169. Namur was acquired from his mother Alice of Namur.

[edit] Family

With Margaret, Baldwin had the following issue:

Isabelle of Hainaut (Valenciennes, April 1170 – March 15, 1190, Paris), married king Philip II of France

Baldwin VI of Hainaut (1171–1205), also count of Flanders and Latin Emperor

Yolanda of Flanders (1175–1219), married Peter II of Courtenay, Latin Emperor

Philip I, Marquis of Namur (1175–1212)

Henry of Flanders (1176–1216), Latin Emperor

Sybille of Hainault (1179 – 9 January 1217), married c. 1197 Guichard IV, Sire de Beaujeu (d. 1216)

Eustace of Hainault (d. 1219), regent of the Kingdom of Thessalonica

Godfrey of Hainault

[edit] See also

Counts of Hainaut family tree

Counts of Flanders family tree

Preceded by

Philip Count of Flanders

1191 – 1194

With: Margaret I Succeeded by

Baldwin VI/IX

Preceded by

Baldwin IV Count of Hainaut

1171 – 1195

Preceded by

Henry Marquis of Namur

1189 – 1195 Succeeded by

Philip I

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Retrieved from ",_Count_of_Hainaut"

Categories: House of Hainaut | Counts of Flanders | Counts of Hainaut | Margraves of Namur | 1150 births | 1195 deaths | European nobility stubs

aldwin IV, Count of Hainaut

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Baldwin IV (1108 – November 8, 1171) was count of Hainaut from 1120 to his death. He was the son of Baldwin III, Count of Hainaut.


Also known as Baldwin the Builder, he purchased the property of Ath in 1158 and built the Burbant tower. He ceded the locality of Braine-la-Willotte also known as Braine-le-Comte to the chapter of Sainte-Waudru in 1158. In 1159, he incorporated the seigniory of Chimay and in 1160, the châtellenies of Valencians and of Ostrevent.


Baldwin married Alice of Namur, heiress of Namur, and had the following issue:

Yolande (1131–1202), married Hugh IV, Count of St Pol

Baldwin (1134–1147)

Agnes (1142–1168)

Geoffrey, Count of Ostervant (1147–1163)

William (Guillaume) (?–1230), married Mahaut de Lalaing

Lauretta (1150–1181), married Bouchard IV, Count of Montmorency

Baldwin V (1150–1195), also count of Flanders by his marriage to Margaret I of Flanders


Baldwin IV (1108 – November 8, 1171) was count of Hainaut from 1120 to his death. He was the son of Baldwin III, Count of Hainaut.

Also known as Baldwin the Builder, he purchased the property of Ath in 1158 and built the Burbant tower. He ceded the locality of Braine-la-Willotte (Braine-le-Comte) to the chapter of Sainte-Waudru in 1158. In 1159, he incorporated the seigniory of Chimay and in 1160, the châtellenies of Valencians and of Ostrevent.

Baldwin married Alice of Namur, heiress of Namur, and had the following issue:

Yolande (1131–1202), married Hugh IV, Count of St Pol

Baldwin (1134–1147)

Agnes (1142–1168)

Geoffrey, Count of Ostervant (1147–1163)

William (Guillaume) (?–1230), married Mahaut de Lalaing

Lauretta (1150–1181), married Bouchard IV, Count of Montmorency

Baldwin V (1150–1195), also count of Flanders by his marriage to Margaret I of Flanders

Baldwin IV was Count of Hainaut from 1120 to his death.

Baldwin was also known as Baldwin the Builder; he purchased the property of Ath in 1158 and built the Burbant tower.

Baldwin ceded the locality of Braine-la-Willotte (also known as Braine-le-Comte) to the chapter of Sainte-Waudru in 1158. In 1159, he incorporated the seigniory of Chimay and in 1160, the châtellenies of Valencians and of Ostrevent.

With his wife Alice of Namur, Baldwin had seven children, including our ancestor Baldwin V.

See,_Count_of_Hainaut for more information.

Baldwin IV (1108 – November 8, 1171) was count of Hainaut from 1120 to his death. He was the son of Baldwin III, Count of Hainaut.

Also known as Baldwin the Builder, he purchased the property of Ath in 1158 and built the Burbant tower. He ceded the locality of Braine-la-Willotte (Braine-le-Comte) to the chapter of Sainte-Waudru in 1158. In 1159, he incorporated the seigniory of Chimay and in 1160, the châtellenies of Valencians and of Ostrevent.

Baldwin married Alice of Namur, heiress of Namur, and had the following issue:

Yolande (1131–1202), married Hugh IV, Count of St Pol

Baldwin (1134–1147)

Agnes (1142–1168)

Geoffrey, Count of Ostervant (1147–1163)

William (Guillaume) (?–1230), married Mahaut de Lalaing

Lauretta (1150–1181), married Bouchard IV, Count of Montmorency

Baldwin V (1150–1195), also count of Flanders by his marriage to Margaret I of Flanders

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Baldwin IV, count of Hainaut's Timeline

April 1108
159 Chaussée de Binche, Mons, Hainaut, Wallonie, 7000, Belgium
Hainaut, Walloon Region, Belgium
Hainaut, Walloon Region, Belgium
Braine, Aisne, Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie, France
Hainaut, Walloon Region, Belgium
Ostrevant, France
Hainaut, Wallonia, Belgium
Ostrevant, Germany