Barbara of Poland
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Barbara of Poland (15 July 1478 — 15 February 1534 [1]) was a princess of Poland and a duchess of Saxony.
Barbara was the daughter of Casimir IV Jagiellon and his wife Elizabeth of Austria and Bohemia. Her paternal grandparents were Jogaila and his fourth wife Sophia of Halshany. Her maternal grandparents were Albert II of Germany and his wife Elizabeth of Bohemia.
Barbara shared her name with her great-grandmother, Barbara of Cilli. Barbara was the twelfth of thirteen children born to her parents. Barbara's siblings included: Vladislas II of Hungary, Jadwiga, Duchess of Bavaria, Saint Casimir, John I Albert of Poland, Alexander Jagiellon, Sigismund I the Old, Anna, Sophia, Margravine of Brandenburg and three sisters named Elizabeth.
Barbara married on 21 November 1496 at a glittering ceremony, in Leipzig to George, Duke of Saxony (1471-1539). At the wedding, 6286 German and Polish nobles were said to be present. This marriage was a key part of relations between Germany and Poland. For Barbara's family the marriage was also important due to their rivalry with the House of Habsburg.
Barbara founded with her husband in 1513 Meissen Cathedral several Masses and liturgical celebration of Easter, have been listed to have taken place since then. Barbara sent letters to her husband while he at battles. Witnesses say the couple had a very loving and happy marriage. Barbara died 15 February 1534. George was stricken by greif, he grew a beard during this time, which was why he was nicknamed "the Bearded".
Barbara was buried in the cathedral of Meissen in her husband's funeral chapel, built betweem 1521-1524. Barbara and George were the last Prince and Princess of the House of Wettin to be buried at the cathedral. The altarpiece in the chapel was the grave of Lucas Cranach the Elder. They are surrounded by apostles and saints [2].
George and Barbara had ten children:
Christoph (died young)
Johann (24 August – 11 January 1537)
Wolfgang (died young)
Anna (died young)
Christoph (died young)
Agnes (died young)
Friedrich (15 March 1504 – 26 February 1539)
Christine (25 December 1505 – 15 April 1549), married Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse
Magdalena (7 March 1507 – 25 January 1534), married Joachim II Hector, Elector of Brandenburg
Margarethe (died young)
Through her daughter Christine, Barbara of Poland is a direct matrilineal ancestor of Nicholas II of Russia. Provided the genealogy is correct, this implies that she and all her matrilineal relatives are members of mitochondrial haplogroup T.
Barbara of Poland (15 July 1478 — 15 February 1534 [1]) was a princess of Poland and a duchess of Saxony.
Barbara was the daughter of Casimir IV Jagiellon and his wife Elizabeth of Austria and Bohemia. Her paternal grandparents were Jogaila and his fourth wife Sophia of Halshany. Her maternal grandparents were Albert II of Germany and his wife Elizabeth of Bohemia.
Barbara shared her name with her great-grandmother, Barbara of Cilli. Barbara was the twelfth of thirteen children born to her parents. Barbara's siblings included: Vladislas II of Hungary, Jadwiga, Duchess of Bavaria, Saint Casimir, John I Albert of Poland, Alexander Jagiellon, Sigismund I the Old, Anna, Sophia, Margravine of Brandenburg and three sisters named Elizabeth.
Barbara was married on 21 November 1496 at a glittering ceremony, in Leipzig to George, Duke of Saxony (1471-1539). At the wedding, 6286 German and Polish nobles were said to be present. This marriage was a key part of relations between Germany and Poland. For Barbara's family the marriage was also important due to their rivalry with the House of Habsburg.
Barbara founded with her husband in 1513 Meissen Cathedral; several Masses and liturgical celebration of Easter have been listed to have taken place since then. Barbara sent letters to her husband while he was at battles. Witnesses say the couple had a very loving and happy marriage. Barbara died 15 February 1534. George was stricken by grief, he grew a beard during this time, which was why he was nicknamed "the Bearded".
Barbara was buried in the cathedral of Meissen in her husband's funeral chapel, built between 1521-1524. Barbara and George were the last Prince and Princess of the House of Wettin to be buried at the cathedral. The altarpiece in the chapel was the grave of Lucas Cranach the Elder. They are surrounded by apostles and saints [2].
G eorge and Barbara had ten children:
Christoph (died young)
Johann (24 August – 11 January 1537)
Wolfgang (died young)
Anna (died young)
Christoph (died young)
Agnes (died young)
Friedrich (15 March 1504 – 26 February 1539)
Christine (25 December 1505 – 15 April 1549), married Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse
Magdalena (7 March 1507 – 25 January 1534), married Joachim II Hector, Elector of Brandenburg
Margarethe (died young)
Through her daughter Christine, Barbara of Poland is a direct matrilineal ancestor of Nicholas II of Russia. Provided the genealogy is correct, this implies that she and all her matrilineal relatives are members of mitochondrial haplogroup T.
Barbora (1478 m. liepos 15 d. Sandomieže – 1534 m. vasario 15 d. Drezdene) – Lietuvos didžiojo kunigaikščio ir Lenkijos karaliaus Kazimiero Jogailaičio ir Elžbietos Habsburgaitės duktė.
1496 m. ištekėjo už Meiseno (Saksonija) markgrafo Georgo Barzdotojo, Albrechto Drąsiojo sūnaus. Pasak šaltinių vestuvėse dalyvavo 6 286 vokiečių ir lenkų didikų. Vedybomis siekta užtikrinti gerus diplomatinius santykius tarp Vokietijos ir Lenkijos.
Georgas priklausė jaunesniajai Saksonijos kunigaikščių elektorių linijai, vadinamiesiems Albertinams. Barboros vyro jaunesnįjį brolį Frydrichą 1498 m. Vokiečių Ordinas išsirinko didžiuoju magistru.
Iš viso turėjo 10 vaikų, iš jų pilnametystės sulaukė 4.
Barborai ir Georgui gimė vaikai[1]:
Kristupas (*/† 1497)
Johanas (1498—1537), buvo vedęs Elžbietą;
Volfgangas (1499—1500)
Аna (*/† 1500)
Kristupas(*/† 1501)
Аgnesa (*/† 1503)
Frydrikas (1504—1539), Buvo vedęs grafaitę Elžbietą fon Mansfeld;
Kristina (1505—1549), buvo ištekėjus už Pilypo, Geseno landgrafo;
Magdalena (1507—1534), buvo ištekėjus už Joachimo, Branderburgo kurfiursto;
Margareta (1508—1510).
1478 |
July 15, 1478
Sandomierz, Świętokrzyskie, Poland
1497 |
September 8, 1497
Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR)
1498 |
August 24, 1498
Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR)
1499 |
Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR)
1500 |
January 21, 1500
Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR)
1501 |
May 27, 1501
Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR)
1503 |
January 7, 1503
Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR)
1504 |
March 15, 1504
Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR)
1505 |
December 25, 1505
Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR)