Matching family tree profiles for Barbe Guyon
Immediate Family
About Barbe Guyon
Genealogie online
- Location info: Perche, France (birth,marriage), Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul, Isle d'Orléans (death); a également habité Beauport et La Sainte-Famille
- Contrat de mariage entre Pierre Paradis et Barbe Guyon le 11 fév 1632 en France par notaire Mathurin Roussel.
- Pionnière de la Nouvelle-France. Arrive au Québec en 1652.
- Barbe a demeuré avec sa fille Maire Bauché dans ses dernères années.
- Leveillée dot net
More Notes
Pierre Came to Canada in 1652. He was 48 years old. He came with his wife Barbe Guyon, 35 and their children, Jacques, 11, Marie, 10, Guillaume, 8, Pierre, 5, Jean, 2
Barbe and her husband came to New France about 1652. Barbe Guyon in her later days resided with daughter Marie Bauché.
She arrived with mother and sibblings except Jean in 1635. Father and brother arrived in 1634. Marie Barbe GUYON was baptized on 19 April 1617 in Saint-Jean de Mortagne, Perche, France. Godparents were Jean POUSSET & Barbe POULARD. She died 27 and was buried on 29 Novemer 1700 in St-Pierre, Île d'Orléans, Québec. On 11 February 1632 in Tourouvre, Perche, France, she married Pierre PARADIS, son of Jacques PARADIS & Michelle LEPELLE, who was born on 20 July 1604 in Mortagne, Perche, France. Pierre died on 29 and was buried on 30 January 1675 St-Pierre, Île d'Orléans, Québec. (1)(3)(10) (12)
(1)Frère Éloi-Gérard, B.A., B.P., Mariste, Receuil de Généalogies des comptés de Beauce, Dorchester, Frontenac, 1625-1946, Collège du Sacré-Coeur, Beauceville, P.Q. p. 164. (3) Ibid., Certificat de famille No. 56. (10) A. Godbout, "Origins of French-Canadian Families">, p. 152. (12) PRDH - Université de Montréal.
Barbe and Pierre were married on 11 February 1632 in Mortagne, Perche, France.
@R-894037715@ Canada, Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,60527::0 1,60527::3081248
@R-894037715@ Canada, Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,60527::0 1,60527::3081248
@R-894037715@ Canada, Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,60527::0 1,60527::3081248
@R-1195646461@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations Inc 1,1091::0
@R-1195646461@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations Inc 1,1091::0
@R-1195646461@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations Inc 1,1091::0
@R1050710867@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.
@R1050710867@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.
@R1050710867@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.
@R1050710867@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.
@R1050710867@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.
@R1050710867@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.
!BIRTH: Date of birth and date of christening are the same; see below for sources.
!CHRISTENING: Data in Godbout, Origine des Familles Canadiennes-Francaises, First Series, Page 151; Brouwer & Cie., Lille, Fncrae, 1925 (republished by Editions Elysee, Montreal, 1979); available at the Library of Congress, Local History & Genealogy Room, open stacks area, call number CS89.G6 (1979); exact date and place found in the French Canadian and Acadian Genealogical Review, Volume I, Number 1 (Spring 1968), "Jean Guyon Before His Departure for Canada," page 18; publication and source data unknown; photocopy in possession of Adrian J. Gravelle; also in the French Canadian and Acadian Genealogical Review, Volume VII, Number 2 (Summer 1979), "A Single Jean Guyon," page 92; publication and source data unknown; photocopy in possession of Adrian J. Gravelle; information also in Tanguay, Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Canadiennes, Volume 6, Page 223; Montreal, 1887 (republished by Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1967); available at the Library of Congress,Local History & Genealogy Room, open stacks area, call number CS81.T312 (1967).
!MARRIAGE: Date and place found in the French Canadian and Acadian Genealogical Review, Volume I, Number 1 (Spring 1968), "Jean Guyon Before His Departure for Canada," page 24; publication and source data unknown; photocopy in possession of AdrianJ. Gravelle; marriage with no date or place given is also found in Tanguay, Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Canadiennes, Volume 1, Pages 294 & 461, and Volume 6, Page 223, Montreal, 1871 & 1887 (republished by Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1967); available at the Library of Congress, Local History & Genealogy Room, open stacks area, call number CS81.T312 (1967). NOTE: Tanguay is incomplete and incorrect regarding this person's children, birthplaces and dates; see the French Canadian and Acadian Genealogical Review, Volume VII, Number 2 (Summer 1979), "A Single Jean Guyon," pages 91- 92; publication andsource data unknown; photocopy in possession of Adrian J. Gravelle; and, Godbout, Origine des Familles Canadiennes-Francaises, First Series, Page 151; Brouwer & Cie., Lille, France, 1925 (republished by Editions Elysee, Montreal, 1979); available at the Library of Congress, Local History & Genealogy Room, open stacks area, call number CS89.G6 (1979).
!IMMIGRATION: From Mortagne, Perche, France to Quebec about 1652. The sources are conflicting, some saying 1642 and some saying 1652. One source advocating 1642 is the French Canadian and Acadian Genealogical Review, Volume VII, Number 2 (Summer1979), "A Single Jean Guyon," pages 91- 92; publication and source data unknown; photocopy in possession of Adrian J. Gravelle (says the couple came about 1642, bringing three children born in France); Jette, giving specific baptismal dates for children baptised in France in 1650 and in Quebec in 1653, shows the couple probably immigrated about 1652.
!DEATH: Information from Jette, Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles du Quebec, page 871; University of Montreal Press, 1983; available at the Library of Congress, Local History and Genealogy Room, open stacks area, call number CS88.Q4J47 (1983).
!BURIAL: Information from Tanguay, Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Canadiennes, Volume 6, Page 223; Montreal, 1887 (republished by Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1967); available at the Library of Congress, Local History & Genealogy Room, open stacks area, call number CS81.T312 (1967).
OTHER SOURCES: French Canadian and Acadian Genealogical Review, Volume I, Number 1 (Spring 1968), "Jean Guyon Before His Departure for Canada," pages 17-27, and Volume VII, Number 2 (Summer 1979), "A Single Jean Guyon," pages 91-95; publication and source data unknown; copies in the possession of Adrian J. Gravelle (extensive documentation, with translations of original source documents in France and in Quebec on this family from the 1500s; in English). Godbout, Origine des Familles Canadiennes-Francaises, First Series, Page 151; Brouwer & Cie., Lille, France, 1925 (republished by Editions Elysee, Montreal, 1979); available at the Library of Congress, Local History & Genealogy Room, open stacks area, call number CS89.G6 (1979)(quotes original source material from France, including Guyon family baptismal and marriage records; in French). LaForest, Our French Canadian Ancestors, volume 1, pages 120-24; Ste. Anne de Beaupre, 1983; available at the Library of Congress, Local History & Genealogy Room, open stacks area, call number CS89.L413 (1983) (a whole chapter on Jacques Paradis and his son, Pierre Paradis and his family).
Etat Civil - Acte de naissance Date de l'acte :19/04/1616Lieu de l'acte :Mortagne-Au-Perche (61) SUJET : GUYON Barbe Père : GUYON SIEUR DUBUISSON Jean Mère : ROBIN BOULE Mathurine MadeleineInfos complémentaires : Sexe: F Source Acte n° : 101100057914513329 Auteur du relevé : GENEALOGIE EN CORREZE
enterrement http://interactive.ancestry.ca/1091/d13p_30770379/14922941?backurl=...
!BIRTH: Date of birth and date of christening are the same; see below for sources.
!CHRISTENING: Data in Godbout, Origine des Familles Canadiennes-Francaises, First Series, Page 151; Brouwer & Cie., Lille, Fncrae, 1925 (republished by Editions Elysee, Montreal, 1979); available at the Library of Congress, Local History & Genealogy Room, open stacks area, call number CS89.G6 (1979); exact date and place found in the French Canadian and Acadian Genealogical Review, Volume I, Number 1 (Spring 1968), "Jean Guyon Before His Departure for Canada," page 18; publication and source data unknown; photocopy in possession of Adrian J. Gravelle; also in the French Canadian and Acadian Genealogical Review, Volume VII, Number 2 (Summer 1979), "A Single Jean Guyon," page 92; publication and source data unknown; photocopy in possession of Adrian J. Gravelle; information also in Tanguay, Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Canadiennes, Volume 6, Page 223; Montreal, 1887 (republished by Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1967); available at the Library of Congress,Local History & Genealogy Room, open stacks area, call number CS81.T312 (1967).
!MARRIAGE: Date and place found in the French Canadian and Acadian Genealogical Review, Volume I, Number 1 (Spring 1968), "Jean Guyon Before His Departure for Canada," page 24; publication and source data unknown; photocopy in possession of AdrianJ. Gravelle; marriage with no date or place given is also found in Tanguay, Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Canadiennes, Volume 1, Pages 294 & 461, and Volume 6, Page 223, Montreal, 1871 & 1887 (republished by Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1967); available at the Library of Congress, Local History & Genealogy Room, open stacks area, call number CS81.T312 (1967). NOTE: Tanguay is incomplete and incorrect regarding this person's children, birthplaces and dates; see the French Canadian and Acadian Genealogical Review, Volume VII, Number 2 (Summer 1979), "A Single Jean Guyon," pages 91- 92; publication andsource data unknown; photocopy in possession of Adrian J. Gravelle; and, Godbout, Origine des Familles Canadiennes-Francaises, First Series, Page 151; Brouwer & Cie., Lille, France, 1925 (republished by Editions Elysee, Montreal, 1979); available at the Library of Congress, Local History & Genealogy Room, open stacks area, call number CS89.G6 (1979).
!IMMIGRATION: From Mortagne, Perche, France to Quebec about 1652. The sources are conflicting, some saying 1642 and some saying 1652. One source advocating 1642 is the French Canadian and Acadian Genealogical Review, Volume VII, Number 2 (Summer1979), "A Single Jean Guyon," pages 91- 92; publication and source data unknown; photocopy in possession of Adrian J. Gravelle (says the couple came about 1642, bringing three children born in France); Jette, giving specific baptismal dates for children baptised in France in 1650 and in Quebec in 1653, shows the couple probably immigrated about 1652.
!DEATH: Information from Jette, Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles du Quebec, page 871; University of Montreal Press, 1983; available at the Library of Congress, Local History and Genealogy Room, open stacks area, call number CS88.Q4J47 (1983).
!BURIAL: Information from Tanguay, Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Canadiennes, Volume 6, Page 223; Montreal, 1887 (republished by Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1967); available at the Library of Congress, Local History & Genealogy Room, open stacks area, call number CS81.T312 (1967).
OTHER SOURCES: French Canadian and Acadian Genealogical Review, Volume I, Number 1 (Spring 1968), "Jean Guyon Before His Departure for Canada," pages 17-27, and Volume VII, Number 2 (Summer 1979), "A Single Jean Guyon," pages 91-95; publication and source data unknown; copies in the possession of Adrian J. Gravelle (extensive documentation, with translations of original source documents in France and in Quebec on this family from the 1500s; in English). Godbout, Origine des Familles Canadiennes-Francaises, First Series, Page 151; Brouwer & Cie., Lille, France, 1925 (republished by Editions Elysee, Montreal, 1979); available at the Library of Congress, Local History & Genealogy Room, open stacks area, call number CS89.G6 (1979)(quotes original source material from France, including Guyon family baptismal and marriage records; in French). LaForest, Our French Canadian Ancestors, volume 1, pages 120-24; Ste. Anne de Beaupre, 1983; available at the Library of Congress, Local History & Genealogy Room, open stacks area, call number CS89.L413 (1983) (a whole chapter on Jacques Paradis and his son, Pierre Paradis and his family).
se nomme aussi Marie GUYON et Barbe DION ANCETRE (CT 11-02-1632 Mathurin Roussel (Mortagne) avec Pierre Paradis
Morte subitement, veuve à St-Pierre, I.O.
MP: Barbe Guyon
Mariage a 14 ans.
Dictionnaire national des Canadiens-français, 1608-1760: p. 56; p. 1023.
Barbe Guyon du Buisson was born on 18 Apr 1617 inSt Jn de Mortagne, Perche, Orne, France. She was baptized on 19 Apr 1617 in St Jn de Mortagne, Perche, Orne, France. She died on 27 Nov 1700 in St Pierre, Isle Orleans, Que. She was buried on 29 Nov 1700 in St Pierre, Isle Orleans, Que. By 1626 Jean Guyon, father of Barbe Guyon, was ready to move into a more spacious house, and he purchased one in the parish of Notre Dame de Mortagne. It had two lower chambers with a high chamber and a small study above them and an upstairs over the high chamber. There was also a cellar, a wood house and a courtyard. This house was on the Rue de la Barberye, which extended from the St Denis Gate to the college of Toussaint. It was in this house in the parish of Notre-Dame de Mortagne that, on 11 Feb 1632, there was entered into the marriage contract between Barbe, eldest daughter of Jean Guyon, then not quite 15, and Pierre Paradis, gunsmith, son of the late Jacques Paradis and of Michelle Pesle. Pierre was attended by his mother, his brothers Jacques and Guillaume Paradis, his brother-in-law Francois Lespinay (Godbout calls him LESVERON), carpenter, and his cousin Jean Dupont. As a trousseau, Barbe had half a dozen sheets, half a dozen table cloths, 12 napkins, a feather bed with canopy, curtains, bed clothes and bedstead, an expandable table with two forms, 4 stools, 2 chairs, one small bed, all made of wood, a half dozen porringers and plates with a pot and a pint container, all made of pewter, 2 dishes and cups of pewter, a boiler with its spoon and cover and a small caldron and frying pan, all made of iron. She was to be given 30 pounds the day of her wedding and 90 pounds one year later. For his part, Pierre Paradis was allowed the usage for 6 years of all the tools and equipment needed for his trade.
Notes- Barbe's family left for Canada in the Spring of 1634 in the Company of Robert Gifford. Barbe and Pierre did not leave with them because she was with child and could not make the crossing at that time. The child, Charlotte, was born on April 4, 1634, but died shortly thereafter.
Category:Comt%C3%A9 de Saint-Laurent en 1681
Category:La Côte de Notre Dame des Anges en 1667
Category:Beaupr%C3%A9 en 1666
Category:Beauport, Canada, Nouvelle-France
Category:Qu%C3%A9bec, Canada, Nouvelle-France
Category:St-Pierre, Île d'Orléans, Canada, Nouvelle-France
Category:Migrants du Perche au Canada, Nouvelle-France
{{Migrating Ancestor
| origin = France
| destination = New France
| origin-flag = Flags.png
| destination-flag = Sample-4-1.png
}} lang=fr
Biographie ==Barbe GUYON (1617 - 1700) ≤ref>Fichier Origine 249000: Denis Guyon≤/ref>≤ref name="prdh-62847">
lang=fr : Pierre Paradis≤/ref>≤ref name="Tanguay-1-461a">Tanguay, vol. 1, p. 461: Barbe Guyon≤/ref>≤ref name="perche-quebec">perche-quebec.com: Barbe Guyon≤/ref> [Carpin #213]≤ref name="Carpin1999-576"> Carpin 1999, Annexe D, p. 576≤/ref>≤ref name="Note-10f">Numéroté #213 dans la liste de Carpin et dans la liste qu'on peut voir à la page Percheron Immigration Category.≤/ref>
Père et mère:≤br>Fille de Jean Guyon Dubuisson et Mathurine Robin dite Boulé et filleule de Jean Pousset et Barbe, femme de Nicolas Poulard, sieur des Portes,
Naissance:≤br>Barbe Guyon naît le 17 avril 1617 et est baptisée le 19 avril 1617 dans l'église Saint-Jean de Mortagne située dans le diocèse de Sées et l'ancienne province du Perche.≤ref name="FO-249000-b">Fichier Origine 249000 Fédération québécoise des sociétés de généalogie//Québec Federation of Genealogical Societies≤/ref>≤ref name="perche-quebec-b">perche-quebec.com≤/ref>≤ref name="Note-1">Mortagne est aujourd'hui connu comme la commune française de Mortagne-au-Perche (INSEE 61293) située dans le département de l'Orne en région [[https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normandie_%28r%C3%A9gion_administrati... https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normandie_(r%C3%A9gion_administrative)] Normandie].≤/ref>
Mariage:≤br>Ayant le 11 février 1632 passé un contrat de mariage à Mortagne par devant le notaire Mathurin Roussel, Barbe Guyon épousa, sans doute peu après en 1632,( l'acte de mariage a été perdu), Pierre Paradis, baptisé le 20 juillet 1604, fils de Jacques Paradis et de Michelle Pesle, originaire de la paroisse Saint-Jean à Mortagne.
Enfants connus / Known children: Barbe Guyon & Pierre Paradis:;1. Charlotte (4 apr 1634 - )≤ref name=godbout>Origine des familles canadiennes-françaises : extrait de l'état civil français, première série par Archange Godbout, SOCIÉTÉ SAINT-AUGUSTIN, DESCLÉE, DE BROUWER & Cie, 41, RUE DU METZ, LILLE 1925 PDF PG 151≤/ref>;2. +Marguerite (5 feb 1636 - )≤ref name=godbout />;3. +Marie (1642 - 1708) mariage en 1656 avec Guillaume (Baucher) Baucher dit Morency et Montmorency (Sainte-Famille, I.O.);4. +Jacques (24 mar 1641 - 1679)≤ref name=godbout />
;5. +Charles (1643 - )
;6. +Guillaume (1644 - 1716)
;7. +Pierre (1647 - 1700)
;8. +Jean (1650 - 1717);9. +Madeleine (1653 - 1669) mariage en 1667 avec Nicolas Roussin (L'Ange-Gardien);10. +Marie-Madeleine (1656 - 1684) mariage en 1674 avec Robert Chouret (Saint-Pierre, I.O.)
;11. +Jean (1658 - 1725);12. +Louise (1661 - 1713) mariage en 1678 avec Thomas Mezeray.
Migration en Nouvelle-France:≤br>Ils migrent vers le Canada arrivant à Québec en 1652 avec son épouxet leurs cinq enfants Marie, Jacques, Pierre, Jean et Guillaume.≤ref name="Carpin1999-576"/>≤ref name="Lesperance2002">Lesperance (2002)citant Jetté (1983), p. 871: "Pierre Paradis, cutlery maker, with wife Barbe Guyon and children Marie, Jacques, Guillaume, Pierre & Jean departed Mortagne 1652."≤/ref> Pierre Paradis est mentionné pour la première fois le 3 août 1653 à Québec, lors du baptême de safille Madeleine. Barbe Guyon rejoint donc neuf autres membres de sa famille qui avaient migré en 1634≤ref name="Carpin1999-571"> Carpin 1999, Annexe D, p. 571≤/ref> et 1636≤ref name="Carpin1999-572"> Carpin 1999, Annexe D, p. 572≤/ref>: ses père et mère Jean Guyon Dubuisson et Mathurine Robin; ses cinq frères Jean, Denis, Michel, Claude et Simon; et une sœur Marie.
Recensements:;- 1666, énumération pour Beaupré - Pierre Paradis, 55, coutelier, habitant ; Marie Guyon, 46, sa femme ; Jacques, 20, armurier ; Guillaume, 18 ; Pierre, 19 ; Magdelaine, 13 ; Jean, 12 ; Marie-Magdelaine, 10 ; Jean, 7 ; Louise, 4.≤ref name="Senecal1666">Senécal, Recensement de 1666≤/ref>;- 1667, énumération pour la côte de Notre-Dame-des-Anges - Pierre Paradis 59 ; Barbe Guyon, 40 ; Pierre, 18 ; Jean, 15 ; Madeleine, 13 ; Marie, 10 ; Jean, 7 ; Louise, 5 ; 8 bestiaux, 12 arpents en valeur.≤ref name="Senecal1667">Senécal, Recensement de 1667≤/ref>;- 1681, énumération pour comté de Saint-Laurent (I.O.) - Barbe Dion (veuve) 70.≤ref name="Senecal1681">Senécal, Recensementde 1681≤/ref>
Après le décès de son époux Pierre Paradis, le 29 janvier 1675, Barbe Guyon lègue la terre de Beauport à son fils Jean Paradis (1650-1717) et va habiter chez son gendre Guillaume (Baucher) Baucher dit Morency et Montmorency (1630-1687) Sainte-Famille, Île d'Orléans.
Décès≤br>Le 27 novembre 1700, Barbe Guyon âgée de 83 ans, (92 ans selonle registre paroissial des sépultures) décède subitement et va rejoindre son époux au cimetière. Elle est inhumée le 29 novembre 1700sans recevoir la communion de la sainte église sans avoir pû recevoir les derniers sacrements pour être morte subitement..., à Saint-Pierre, Île d'Orléans.≤ref>Sépulture / Burial - Barbe Guion - FamilySearch≤/ref>≤ref>famille Pierre Paradis≤/ref>≤ref>Percheron Group≤/ref>
Barbe Guion comptait 588 descendants en 1729.≤ref name="lmdq-bg">La Mémoire du Québec, Barbe Guyon≤/ref>
≤references />
- - Fichier Origine 249000
- - « 1667 en Nouvelle-France, Recensement de », compilé par Senécal, Jean-Guy; Sep 27, 1998, compilation OCR de trois documents Word disponible en ligne, ses documents se référant principalement au Tome IV & V, Chapitre IV du livre Histoire des Canadiens-Française de Benjamin Sulte, édition 1977.*- « 1667 en Nouvelle-France, Recensement de », compilé par Senécal*- « 1681 en Nouvelle-France, Recensement de », compilé par Senécal*- Bélanger, Raymond (Automne/Hiver 2007). Le Centre Franco-Américain, Université du Maine, Le Forum, « François Bélanger et Marie Guyon à Beauport (1634-1641) », « Quelle fut la participation de François Bélanger aux événements survenus à Beauport entre 1634 et 1641? » pp. 11, 24-25; "What was François Bélanger's participation in the events at Beauport between 1634 & 1641?", pp. 24, 26-28*- Bizier, Hélène-Andrée, Lacoursière, Jacques; « Nos Racines : chapitre 46 à 60 », chap. 54, p. image 215, « Les Guyon, Dion et Yon», ISSN 0226-7756*Carpin, Gervais (1999). Le Reseau du Canada: Étude du modemigratoire de la France vers Ie Nouvelle-France (1628-1662)*- Jetté, René & PRDH (1983). Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec des origines a 1730. 1176 pages*- Lesperance, Jerry (December 2002). “Le Perche”, Vermont French-Canadian Genealogical Society*- La Mémoire du Québec, Guyon (Barbe)*- [http://www.perche-quebec.com/files/perche/individus/guyon-jean.htmp...]: Jean Guyon*- perche-quebec.com: Pierre Paradis
- -
lang=fr : Pierre Paradis*- BAnQ: Tanguay, Cyprien, Dictionnaire Généalogique des Familles Canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu'à nos jours; Montréal, 1887 (7 volumes) Vol 1
Barbe Guyon's Timeline
1617 |
April 19, 1617
Paroisse Saint-Jean, Mortagne, Perche, France
April 19, 1617
Paroisse Saint-Jean, Mortagne, Perche, France
April 19, 1617
St. Jean, Mortagne, Perche, France
April 19, 1617
Mortagne-au-Perche, Orne, Normandy, France
April 19, 1617
Saint-Jean, MORTAGNE, Perche, France, ,
April 19, 1617
St. Jean, Mortagne, Perche, France
1634 |
April 4, 1634
Paroisse Saint-Jean, Mortagne, Perche, France
1636 |
February 5, 1636
Mortagne, Perche, France
1637 |
Notre-Dame-De-Mortagne, Perche, France