Matching family tree profiles for Baron Ignazio / Ignaz Weil Weiss di Lainate
Immediate Family
About Baron Ignazio / Ignaz Weil Weiss di Lainate (italiano)
https://books.google.ca/books?id=gjNpAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA189&lpg=PA189&dq... Poesie Varie di Giovanni Rezzonico da Como - Milano 1854 - Poesia per il matrimonio di Ignazio Weil Weiss e Enrichetta Basilea
Ignazio ha sposato in seconde nozze Adele Morpurgo
Con la morte del Duca Antonio Litta, nel 1866, tutti i suoi beni di Lainate, cioè pressoché l'intero paese, furono venduti all'asta ed, in parte, acquistati dal Barone Ignazio Weil Weiss, veronese, e quindi suddito austriaco, ma già dal 1860 residente a Torino ed ammesso al godimento della cittadinanza italiana da Vittorio Emanuele II, Re di Sardegna. Anzi egli, pochi anni più tardi, cioè dopo l'acquisto dei beni di Lainate, effettuato nel 1872, chiese ed ottenne di aggiungere al suo cognome la desinenza "di Lainate" al fine di conferirgli una nota di italianità. Nel 1916 suo figlio Giuseppe la vende a Erminio Riboni.
https://books.google.ca/books? id=gjNpAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA189&lpg=PA189&dq=%22enrichetta+basilea%22&source=bl&ots=UNJrZjbwAv&sig=lsEGeD7k5oX7EcKqcy9ZV1aXf9w&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiB6MvOu-DYAhVCMqwKHeTABF8Q6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=%22enrichetta%20basilea% 22 & f = false
Various Poems by Giovanni Rezzonico from Como - Milan 1854 - Poetry for the wedding of Ignazio Weil Weiss and Enrichetta Basel
Ignazio may have married Adele Morpurgo on second marriage?
With the death of Duke Antonio Litta, in 1866, all of Lainate's assets, that is almost the entire country, were sold at auction and, in part, purchased by Baron Ignazio Weil Weiss, from Verona, and then Austrian subject, but already from 1860 resident in Turin and admitted to the enjoyment of Italian citizenship by Vittorio Emanuele II, King of Sardinia.
Indeed, a few years later, that is, after the purchase of Lainate's property, carried out in 1872, he asked and obtained to add to his surname the ending of "Lainate" in order to give it a note of Italianness.
In 1916 his son Giuseppe sold it to Erminio Riboni.
Baron Ignazio / Ignaz Weil Weiss di Lainate's Timeline
1817 |
March 10, 1817
Zagreb, Croatia
1849 |
March 17, 1849
Verona, Province of Verona, Veneto, Italy
1852 |
1854 |
Verona, Province of Verona, Veneto, Italy
1863 |
or 1857, Milano, Turin, Metropolitan City of Turin, Piedmont, Italy
1900 |
February 4, 1900
Age 82
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