Details of inquiry re Gabriel Hesketh 6 March 1616
Ira Cestrii Sui allegance ex
pte [part] Margaret Hesketh Admx. [Administratrix]
Gabriel Hesketh dect. Con
reignii James ?? ext. ye
Capt. iiii Novem. 1619
Richardus Walton par. de Winwicke genoss [abbrevation of “generosus”?]
? ? content allegance [allegiance] ? ?
? Sui Corporal ad fra dei
Charged ? ? ? ? upon
ye Sixth daie of March in ye xiii
year of ye Kings Ma[jes]ties raigne
? now is as ? unto ye ?
Parishe of ye County of Lancaster
and by value of a Spicall [special?] Cause
alleged to ye Said Sherife directed
dyd [did?] impannell a Jurie att Orke [Ormskirk]
by ye offes [offices?] of xii [twelve] men dyd find
ye [?] Gabriell Hesketh dyed outlawed
and possessed of all and [evrie] ye
goods menconed in ye [Juren?] remayninge
as would in ye House and were
Seised by ye [debt] by value of a
deputacon [deputation] from ye Said Sherife to yr.
Ma[jes]ties Use according to ye [?] of
ye Said Wrytt [Writ] And furth [further] that
? were Sevrall [Several] Judgmts. agte. [againste] ye
Said deceadent at ye time of his death
to ye same use anywise ? & Secured
agte. [againste] ye said Margaret to ye knowledge of
[rip] ? in reference ye goods were
[rip] afforesd as his ? ?
15 die Novembri Anno dmi
Edmundi Parke por. de 6 ? state
Sue xxxiii (33) Anno and ? Crirter
? bene ptes litigan[?]
A Contenta in allegacon [allegation] Sui quo ?
[unclear line] believeing ye
decesd Gabriell Hesketh dyed
Outlawed for ? Soon after his
death ? Came a Wrytt of Inquirie
by Vertie of this Wrytt a Further
was impainild [impanelled] for ye findinge
out of what goods ye Said decede
dyed possessed & also ? Saveinge
ye next was one of the [further]
Edmund Parke
1542 |
1577 |
Aughton, Ormskirk, Lancashire
1578 |
September 3, 1578
Aughton, Lancashire, England
1581 |
Aughton, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
1583 |
Aughton, Ormskirk, Lancashire
1585 |
Aughton, Ormskirk, Lancashire
1587 |
Aughton, Ormskirk, Lancashire
1600 |
February 19, 1600
Age 58