From “The baronage of England, or, An historical account of the lives and most memorable actions of our English nobility in the Saxons time to the Norman conquest, and from thence, of those who had their rise before the end of King Henry the Third's reign deduced from publick records, antient historians, and other authorities.” Dugdale, William, Sir, 1605-1686. <link>
[3 Edw. 2.]
THe first mention I find of this Family, is in 16 H. 2. at which time Bartholomew de Badlesmere* was in sutea with William de Cheney, for certain Lands in Kent: and after∣wards, scilicet, in 22 H. 2. amerc'tb at Twenty Marks, for trespassing in the King's Forests.
To him succeeded William de Badlesmere. Which William,* adheringc to the Rebellious Barons, a∣bout the latter end of King Iohn's Reign, was ta∣ken Prisoner,d with some others, their Compli∣ces, in the Castle of Rochester; and not re∣leased tille 6 Hen. 3.
After him I meet with Giles de Badlesmere;* who, in An. 1248. (32 Hen. 3.) was slainf in a Skirmish betwixt the English and Welsh.
And, next to him, Gunceline de Badlesmere,* a Great Re∣bel g to King Henry the Third, for which cause, he was (amongst others) Excommunicatedh by the Archbishop of Canterbury: but afterwards returning to obedience, was Constituted Justice i of Chester; in which Office he continued k till 9 Edw. 1.
1145 |
Castle Tonge, Tonge, Kent, England
1170 |
Castle, Tong, Kent, England
1189 |
Age 44
Castle Tonge, Tonge, Kent, England
1935 |
April 13, 1935
Age 790
April 13, 1935
Age 790
April 13, 1935
Age 790
1989 |
October 18, 1989
Age 844
October 18, 1989
Age 844
October 18, 1989
Age 844