Basina II of the Thüringians

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Basina II of the Thüringians's Geni Profile

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Basina (435 - 470)

French: Basine
Also Known As: "Basinia", "Basina", "Basine", "Bassina", "Vasina de Turingia", "Liething", "Princess of Thuringia"
Birthplace: Saxon Tribal Lands, [Wittenberg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany]
Death: November 28, 470 (34-35)
Kingdom of the Thuringii, [Free State of Thuringia, Germany]
Place of Burial: France
Immediate Family:

Wife of Childéric I, King of the Franks
Ex-wife of Basinus I, king of the Thüringians
Mother of Basinus II, king of the Thüringians; Clovis I the Great, King of the Franks; Audofledis "Blanchefleur" of the Salian Franks, Princess Of France; Albofled and Lanthechilde

Occupation: Princess of the Thüringians, Queen of the Franks, koningin van Thuringen, Reine de Thuringe
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Basina II of the Thüringians

Basina (Basine, Basina II), was queen of Thuringia in the middle of the fifth century. She left her husband king Bisinus (Basinus I) and went to Roman Gaul. She herself took the initiative to ask for the hand of Childeric I, king of the Franks, and married him. For as she herself said, "I want to have the most powerful man in the world". This remark of her may have been related to Childeric's successful invasion of the Roman Empire and his attempt to settle a Frankish kingdom on Roman soil. Basina's name is probably Low Franconian for 'female boss'. She is the mother of the man who is remembered as the founder of the Frankish realm and modern France. She (not her husband Childeric) named her son Chlodovech, but he is better remembered under his Latinized name Clovis I. The simple fact that Chlodovech's name comes from Basina is remarkable since it was a common practice for the Franks to name a son after a member of the family of the male-line of ancestors. Through the ages historians have been intrigued by the story of Basina since she obviously acted as a player and not as bystander — which is not uncommon for the women of the Franks, but highly uncommon for the Italians.

Children of marriage 1 x Basinus I, king of the Thuringians: -1. Basin II, M, king of the Thuringians .

Children of marriage 2 x Childeric I, king of the Franks: -1. Theodoric "the Great", M, King of the East Franks. -2. Chlodovech / Clovis I the Great, M, King of the Franks. -3. Lantéchilde des Francs, F. -4. Audofledis of the Salian Franks, F.

About Childeric I (c. 436): Chlodio I Long-Hair married ca. 410 A.D. to Princess Basina I, daughter of Widelphrus, King of the Thuringians (a state in Germany near Bavaria). Of this marriage there were three sons recorded: 1. Merovius, b. 411 A.D.; 2. Sigemerus, b. 413 A.D.; and 3. Albero, b.417 A.D.. Merovius (Merovech I) succeeded his father as King of the Franks. Albero became Duke of Moselle, and the ancestor of the Carolingian kings of France, the Duke of Bavaria and the Kings of Lorraine (see Carolingian line). Childeric I was the son of Merovech I and Chlodeswinthe (Verica) of the Franks. According to legend, while Clodio's Wife was swimming in the ocean, she was attacked by a Quinotaur, a sea monster, and was impregnated.

On Wikipedia, Basina II is mentioned to be a daughter of the Thuringian king Basin and Basina, a Saxon princess, with reference to Gregory of Tours. Whether this is correct, is unclear, as there seems to be no further known confirmation. Possibly, there is a confusion with Basina I, daughter of Widelphrus/Weldelphus King of the Thuringians, and wife of Chlodio I and grandmother of Childeric I.

The current Free State of Thuringia (German: Freistaat Thüringen) is located in central Germany. It has an area of 16,171 square kilometers (6,243.7 sq mi) and 2.29 million inhabitants, making it the sixth smallest by area and the fifth smallest by population of Germany's sixteen Bundesländer (federal states). The capital is Erfurt.

Sources/information: . Gregory of Tours, 'Historia Francorum'/'History of the Franks'.

Note to curators: In the text above these lines, I have made an attempt to combine the available and relevant information about Basina II, in a clear and logical way. The huge amount of text below these lines is what was already there. It contains many many repetitions of the same info, and is very fragmented. My proposal to the curators of this profile is therefore to remove everything below these lines. (Moved that text to attached text document, “about cleanup”)

According to legend, while Clodio's Wife was swimming in the ocean, she was attacked by a Quinotaur, a sea monster, and was impregnated.

Basina o Basine fue reina de Turingia a mediados del siglo V. Dejó a su esposo, el rey Basino, y fue a la Galia romana. Ella misma tomó la iniciativa de pedir la mano de Childerico I, rey de los francos, y se casó con él. Ella dijo "Quiero tener al hombre más poderoso del mundo, aun si tengo que cruzar el océano por él". Esta frase se dice que fue relatada en la exitosa invasión de Childerico del Imperio Romano.

El nombre de Basina probablemente significa "Jefa" en francés bajo. Es la madre del hombre que se recuerda como el fundador de la Francia moderna. Llamó a su hijo Clodoveo I, pero fue recordado por su nombre latinizado, Clovis . El simple hecho de que el nombre de Clodoveo venga de Basina, es remarcable, porque era práctica común de los francos llamar a los hijos como algún miembro de la familia paterna.

A través de las épocas, los historiadores han estado intrigados por la historia de Basina desde que actuó como jugadora, no fue pasiva - lo que es común entre las mujeres de los Francos, pero raro para los romanos.


Ze verliet haar man koning Bisinus en ging naar het Romeinse Gallië. Zij nam zelf het initiatief om de hand te vragen van Childerik I, koning van de Franken en trouwde met hem. Zij gaf als reden: "Ik wil de machtigste man ter wereld, ook al moet ik voor hem de oceaan oversteken." Deze opmerking heeft waarschijnlijk te maken met Childeriks overwinning op het Romeinse Rijk en zijn poging om een Frankisch rijk te stichten op Romeins grondgebied.

Basina's naam is waarschijnlijk Nederfrankisch voor 'vrouwelijke baas'. Zij is de moeder van de man die bekend is als de stichter van het Frankische rijk en het moderne Frankrijk. Zij (niet haar man Childerik) noemde haar zoon Chlodovech. Chlodovech is beter bekend onder zijn gelatiniseerd naam Clovis. Het feit dat de naam Chlodovech van Basina komt, is opmerkelijk voor die tijd; het was namelijk de gewoonte onder de Franken een zoon te vernoemen naar een familielid uit de mannelijke lijn.

Door de eeuwen heen zijn de historici geïntrigeerd door de overlevering van Basina: ze speelde een rol als een speler en niet als figurant, wat niet vreemd is voor de vrouwen van de Franken maar wel erg ongewoon voor de Romeinen.


O Basině II of the Thüringians (čeština)

Basina (Basine, Basina II), was queen of Thuringia in the middle of the fifth century. She left her husband king Bisinus (Basinus I) and went to Roman Gaul. She herself took the initiative to ask for the hand of Childeric I, king of the Franks, and married him. For as she herself said, "I want to have the most powerful man in the world". This remark of her may have been related to Childeric's successful invasion of the Roman Empire and his attempt to settle a Frankish kingdom on Roman soil. Basina's name is probably Low Franconian for 'female boss'. She is the mother of the man who is remembered as the founder of the Frankish realm and modern France. She (not her husband Childeric) named her son Chlodovech, but he is better remembered under his Latinized name Clovis I. The simple fact that Chlodovech's name comes from Basina is remarkable since it was a common practice for the Franks to name a son after a member of the family of the male-line of ancestors. Through the ages historians have been intrigued by the story of Basina since she obviously acted as a player and not as bystander — which is not uncommon for the women of the Franks, but highly uncommon for the Italians.

Children of marriage 1 x Basinus I, king of the Thuringians: -1. Basin II, M, king of the Thuringians .

Children of marriage 2 x Childeric I, king of the Franks: -1. Theodoric "the Great", M, King of the East Franks. -2. Chlodovech / Clovis I the Great, M, King of the Franks. -3. Lantéchilde des Francs, F. -4. Audofledis of the Salian Franks, F.

About Childeric I (c. 436): Chlodio I Long-Hair married ca. 410 A.D. to Princess Basina I, daughter of Widelphrus, King of the Thuringians (a state in Germany near Bavaria). Of this marriage there were three sons recorded: 1. Merovius, b. 411 A.D.; 2. Sigemerus, b. 413 A.D.; and 3. Albero, b.417 A.D.. Merovius (Merovech I) succeeded his father as King of the Franks. Albero became Duke of Moselle, and the ancestor of the Carolingian kings of France, the Duke of Bavaria and the Kings of Lorraine (see Carolingian line). Childeric I was the son of Merovech I and Chlodeswinthe (Verica) of the Franks. According to legend, while Clodio's Wife was swimming in the ocean, she was attacked by a Quinotaur, a sea monster, and was impregnated.

On Wikipedia, Basina II is mentioned to be a daughter of the Thuringian king Basin and Basina, a Saxon princess, with reference to Gregory of Tours. Whether this is correct, is unclear, as there seems to be no further known confirmation. Possibly, there is a confusion with Basina I, daughter of Widelphrus/Weldelphus King of the Thuringians, and wife of Chlodio I and grandmother of Childeric I.

The current Free State of Thuringia (German: Freistaat Thüringen) is located in central Germany. It has an area of 16,171 square kilometers (6,243.7 sq mi) and 2.29 million inhabitants, making it the sixth smallest by area and the fifth smallest by population of Germany's sixteen Bundesländer (federal states). The capital is Erfurt.

Sources/information: . Gregory of Tours, 'Historia Francorum'/'History of the Franks'.

Note to curators: In the text above these lines, I have made an attempt to combine the available and relevant information about Basina II, in a clear and logical way. The huge amount of text below these lines is what was already there. It contains many many repetitions of the same info, and is very fragmented. My proposal to the curators of this profile is therefore to remove everything below these lines. (Moved that text to attached text document, “about cleanup”)

According to legend, while Clodio's Wife was swimming in the ocean, she was attacked by a Quinotaur, a sea monster, and was impregnated.

Basina o Basine fue reina de Turingia a mediados del siglo V. Dejó a su esposo, el rey Basino, y fue a la Galia romana. Ella misma tomó la iniciativa de pedir la mano de Childerico I, rey de los francos, y se casó con él. Ella dijo "Quiero tener al hombre más poderoso del mundo, aun si tengo que cruzar el océano por él". Esta frase se dice que fue relatada en la exitosa invasión de Childerico del Imperio Romano.

El nombre de Basina probablemente significa "Jefa" en francés bajo. Es la madre del hombre que se recuerda como el fundador de la Francia moderna. Llamó a su hijo Clodoveo I, pero fue recordado por su nombre latinizado, Clovis . El simple hecho de que el nombre de Clodoveo venga de Basina, es remarcable, porque era práctica común de los francos llamar a los hijos como algún miembro de la familia paterna.

A través de las épocas, los historiadores han estado intrigados por la historia de Basina desde que actuó como jugadora, no fue pasiva - lo que es común entre las mujeres de los Francos, pero raro para los romanos.


Ze verliet haar man koning Bisinus en ging naar het Romeinse Gallië. Zij nam zelf het initiatief om de hand te vragen van Childerik I, koning van de Franken en trouwde met hem. Zij gaf als reden: "Ik wil de machtigste man ter wereld, ook al moet ik voor hem de oceaan oversteken." Deze opmerking heeft waarschijnlijk te maken met Childeriks overwinning op het Romeinse Rijk en zijn poging om een Frankisch rijk te stichten op Romeins grondgebied.

Basina's naam is waarschijnlijk Nederfrankisch voor 'vrouwelijke baas'. Zij is de moeder van de man die bekend is als de stichter van het Frankische rijk en het moderne Frankrijk. Zij (niet haar man Childerik) noemde haar zoon Chlodovech. Chlodovech is beter bekend onder zijn gelatiniseerd naam Clovis. Het feit dat de naam Chlodovech van Basina komt, is opmerkelijk voor die tijd; het was namelijk de gewoonte onder de Franken een zoon te vernoemen naar een familielid uit de mannelijke lijn.

Door de eeuwen heen zijn de historici geïntrigeerd door de overlevering van Basina: ze speelde een rol als een speler en niet als figurant, wat niet vreemd is voor de vrouwen van de Franken maar wel erg ongewoon voor de Romeinen.



Basina či Basine (438–477) byla durynskou královnou, manželkou durynského krále Basina a později franskou královnou, manželkou franského krále Childericha I.

Když opustila svého manžela, krále Bisina a odešla do římské Galie, kde požádala o ruku franského krále Childericha I. za něhož se provdala. Sama prohlásila: „Chci mít nejmocnějšího muže světa, i kdybych za ním měla překonat oceán“.[13] Tato její poznámka může směřovat k Childerichově úspěšné invazi Římské říše a jeho pokus usadit Franské království na římské půdě.

Jméno Basina patrně pochází z dolnofranského spojení ženský velitel. Je matkou Chlodovecha, který se stal zakladatelem Franské říše a moderní Francie. Chlodovech je více známý pod latinizovaným jménem Chlodvík I. Jméno Chlodovech navrhla patrně Basina, protože u Franků bylo běžnou praxí pojmenovávat syna po členu rodiny v mužské linii předchůdců.

Basina byla v historii Franské říše výjimečná, protože se svou politikou výrazně zasáhla do dějin v době vznikající Franské říše, což je obvyklé pro ženy německých klanů, ale velmi neobvyklé pro Římany. Podle Gesta episcoporum Cameracensium byli král Ragnachar a jeho bratr Richar z oblasti Cambrai spřízněni s Basinou.

Roku 463 se Basina provdala za Childericha I., syna Merovecha a jeho ženy. V manželství s Chilperichem se narodily čtyři děti:

Chlodvík I. (466–511)
Audofleda (467–511), královna Ostrogótů. Manželka Theodoricha Velikého
Lantechild (468–?)
Abofled (470–?).

About Basine (Français)

Basina (Basine, Basina II), was queen of Thuringia in the middle of the fifth century. She left her husband king Bisinus (Basinus I) and went to Roman Gaul. She herself took the initiative to ask for the hand of Childeric I, king of the Franks, and married him. For as she herself said, "I want to have the most powerful man in the world". This remark of her may have been related to Childeric's successful invasion of the Roman Empire and his attempt to settle a Frankish kingdom on Roman soil. Basina's name is probably Low Franconian for 'female boss'. She is the mother of the man who is remembered as the founder of the Frankish realm and modern France. She (not her husband Childeric) named her son Chlodovech, but he is better remembered under his Latinized name Clovis I. The simple fact that Chlodovech's name comes from Basina is remarkable since it was a common practice for the Franks to name a son after a member of the family of the male-line of ancestors. Through the ages historians have been intrigued by the story of Basina since she obviously acted as a player and not as bystander — which is not uncommon for the women of the Franks, but highly uncommon for the Italians.

Children of marriage 1 x Basinus I, king of the Thuringians: -1. Basin II, M, king of the Thuringians .

Children of marriage 2 x Childeric I, king of the Franks: -1. Theodoric "the Great", M, King of the East Franks. -2. Chlodovech / Clovis I the Great, M, King of the Franks. -3. Lantéchilde des Francs, F. -4. Audofledis of the Salian Franks, F.

About Childeric I (c. 436): Chlodio I Long-Hair married ca. 410 A.D. to Princess Basina I, daughter of Widelphrus, King of the Thuringians (a state in Germany near Bavaria). Of this marriage there were three sons recorded: 1. Merovius, b. 411 A.D.; 2. Sigemerus, b. 413 A.D.; and 3. Albero, b.417 A.D.. Merovius (Merovech I) succeeded his father as King of the Franks. Albero became Duke of Moselle, and the ancestor of the Carolingian kings of France, the Duke of Bavaria and the Kings of Lorraine (see Carolingian line). Childeric I was the son of Merovech I and Chlodeswinthe (Verica) of the Franks. According to legend, while Clodio's Wife was swimming in the ocean, she was attacked by a Quinotaur, a sea monster, and was impregnated.

On Wikipedia, Basina II is mentioned to be a daughter of the Thuringian king Basin and Basina, a Saxon princess, with reference to Gregory of Tours. Whether this is correct, is unclear, as there seems to be no further known confirmation. Possibly, there is a confusion with Basina I, daughter of Widelphrus/Weldelphus King of the Thuringians, and wife of Chlodio I and grandmother of Childeric I.

The current Free State of Thuringia (German: Freistaat Thüringen) is located in central Germany. It has an area of 16,171 square kilometers (6,243.7 sq mi) and 2.29 million inhabitants, making it the sixth smallest by area and the fifth smallest by population of Germany's sixteen Bundesländer (federal states). The capital is Erfurt.

Sources/information: . Gregory of Tours, 'Historia Francorum'/'History of the Franks'.

Note to curators: In the text above these lines, I have made an attempt to combine the available and relevant information about Basina II, in a clear and logical way. The huge amount of text below these lines is what was already there. It contains many many repetitions of the same info, and is very fragmented. My proposal to the curators of this profile is therefore to remove everything below these lines. (Moved that text to attached text document, “about cleanup”)

According to legend, while Clodio's Wife was swimming in the ocean, she was attacked by a Quinotaur, a sea monster, and was impregnated.

Basina o Basine fue reina de Turingia a mediados del siglo V. Dejó a su esposo, el rey Basino, y fue a la Galia romana. Ella misma tomó la iniciativa de pedir la mano de Childerico I, rey de los francos, y se casó con él. Ella dijo "Quiero tener al hombre más poderoso del mundo, aun si tengo que cruzar el océano por él". Esta frase se dice que fue relatada en la exitosa invasión de Childerico del Imperio Romano.

El nombre de Basina probablemente significa "Jefa" en francés bajo. Es la madre del hombre que se recuerda como el fundador de la Francia moderna. Llamó a su hijo Clodoveo I, pero fue recordado por su nombre latinizado, Clovis . El simple hecho de que el nombre de Clodoveo venga de Basina, es remarcable, porque era práctica común de los francos llamar a los hijos como algún miembro de la familia paterna.

A través de las épocas, los historiadores han estado intrigados por la historia de Basina desde que actuó como jugadora, no fue pasiva - lo que es común entre las mujeres de los Francos, pero raro para los romanos.


Ze verliet haar man koning Bisinus en ging naar het Romeinse Gallië. Zij nam zelf het initiatief om de hand te vragen van Childerik I, koning van de Franken en trouwde met hem. Zij gaf als reden: "Ik wil de machtigste man ter wereld, ook al moet ik voor hem de oceaan oversteken." Deze opmerking heeft waarschijnlijk te maken met Childeriks overwinning op het Romeinse Rijk en zijn poging om een Frankisch rijk te stichten op Romeins grondgebied.

Basina's naam is waarschijnlijk Nederfrankisch voor 'vrouwelijke baas'. Zij is de moeder van de man die bekend is als de stichter van het Frankische rijk en het moderne Frankrijk. Zij (niet haar man Childerik) noemde haar zoon Chlodovech. Chlodovech is beter bekend onder zijn gelatiniseerd naam Clovis. Het feit dat de naam Chlodovech van Basina komt, is opmerkelijk voor die tijd; het was namelijk de gewoonte onder de Franken een zoon te vernoemen naar een familielid uit de mannelijke lijn.

Door de eeuwen heen zijn de historici geïntrigeerd door de overlevering van Basina: ze speelde een rol als een speler en niet als figurant, wat niet vreemd is voor de vrouwen van de Franken maar wel erg ongewoon voor de Romeinen.


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Basina II of the Thüringians's Timeline

Saxon Tribal Lands, [Wittenberg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany]
Loire-Atlantique, Pays de la Loire, France

His birth year is determined by the fact that he was 15 years old at the time of his father's death.

November 28, 470
Age 35
Kingdom of the Thuringii, [Free State of Thuringia, Germany]
Tournai (Turnacum), Belgica (Present Belgium), Roman Empire
September 17, 1923
Age 35
November 3, 1927
Age 35
February 13, 1993
Age 35
February 13, 1993
Age 35