https://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g9/p9504.htm doesn't have a date of death recorded.
Name Bastiaan Colijn
Record Year 1719
Residence Place Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Record Source 1719 Census Cape Town, Opgaafrolle KA 4060 (April 1720)
Repository Cape Town Archives
District Cape District
Free Male
Source Information
Ancestry.com. South Africa, Voter Indexes, 1719-1996 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.
Original data: Various sources from across South Africa.
Bastiaan COLYN word n burger in 1691. Hy was ook bekend as Bastiaan Jansz van "s Gravenzande (Schoeman, p 652). Die moeder van sy kinders is Maria EVERTS, sy was die dogter van Evert van Guinea en Anna van Guinea...
1650 |
's-Gravenzande, Westland, Province of Holland, Netherlands
1684 |
Cape of Good Hope
1692 |
December 26, 1692
Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1694 |
Kaapstad, Suid Afrika, Kaap
1696 |
Suid Afrika, Kaap
1700 |
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
1719 |
Age 69
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa