from http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NASSAU.htm v3.0 Updated 31 May 2014
RUPRECHT [II] (-after 1 Apr 1159). The Vita Lodewici comitis de Arnstein names "Rubertus frater Arnoldi", although the source appears to confuse Ruprecht [II] with Ruprecht [I], son of Dudo[23].
m BEATRIX, daughter of [--- Graf von Nassau & his wife ---]. A manuscript dated to end 13th/early 14th century records "…Beatrix comitissa et filius eius Walleramus comes et uxor eius Cunigundis et pueri eorum…"[24]. The necrology of Arnstein an der Lahn records the death 12 Jul of "Beatricis comitisse de Nassaue"[25]. It appears from the charter dated 1206, which records that "Domini de Metricha…Henricus comes de Nassowe et nepos suus Walramus, Anselmus de Moluisberg, Solomena…matrona cum filia sui Metildi et genero suo Rodulpho Palatino comite de Tuingen, Hermannus etiam miles eiusdem loci indigena" donated "terram…super ripam Mosellæ in loco…Rore" to Himmenrode monastery, with the consent of "hæredes eorum…prefatus Rodulphus Palatinus comes de Tuingen et filii sui Hugo, Rodolphus et Wilhelmus, Henricus junior comes de Sayne, Robertus et Henricus filii prædicti Walrami comitis de Nassowe, Everhardus bourchgravius de Arberg et uxor sua Adeleidis de Moluisberg"[26], that Beatrix was the sister of "Henricus comes de Nassowe" who has not yet been identified further.
Ruprecht [II] & his wife had [two] children:
1108 |
1146 |
Wetzlar, Giessen, HE, Germany
1148 |
Nassau, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
1159 |
Age 51