public profile
Beli Mawr (translated into English as Beli the Great) was an ancestor figure in medieval Welsh literature and genealogies. He is the father of Caswallawn, Arianrhod, Lludd Llaw Eraint, Llefelys, and Afallach. In certain medieval genealogies he is listed as the husband of Anna, cousin of the Virgin Mary. Several royal lines in medieval Wales traced their ancestry to him.
He was Beli Mawr "the Great", Sovereign Lord of the Celtic Britons. The story of Beli Mawr given by Geoffrey of Monmouth in Historia matches perfectly with the historical record of Rome being captured by the Celts around 390 BCE. He was the Celtic god of the sun, called Belinus by the Romans. The festival of Beltane was May 1st; May Day.
A number of the Welsh royal families trace their ancestry to the man called Beli Mawr, whose pedigrees make him descend from the legendary Brutus of Troy. We doubt his birth-name was Beli (BAY-lee), this being one of the major Celtic gods, the God of the Sun. But a real man of some name spawned the ensuing families, so we shall call him Beli Mawr for lack of sources citing his birth name. He should not be confused with the fictional Beli and wife, Don, found in Welsh mythology.
The earliest extant pedigree contains what we believe to be a later copyist's gloss which attempts to describe his son Affleth as "who was son of Beli Mawr and Anna, she said to be a cousin of Virgin Mary mother of our Lord Jesus Christ". Not only was the era of Beli Mawr 100 years too early for such a wife, there appear to be at least two (incorrect) reasons why some early writers thought the ensuing family was related to the Virgin Mary. In some very early texts, his name was abbreviated "B.M." which was wrongly thought to mean "Beata Maria", the blessed Mary. But more likely, his name was simply confused with the Biblical man, Heli, who is cited as the wife of Anna and father of Mary. Geoffrey of Monmouth also referred to Beli Mawr as "Heli".
The Welsh ancestor-deity Beli Mawr may be derived from Belenus, who is sometimes linked with the Semitic deity Baal*. The legendary king Belinus in Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the Kings of Britain is probably also derived from this god. (For example, the name, Beli Mawr, is clearly based on Belinus... with “Mawr” being essentially “the Great”.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott's "Beli Mawr and Llyr Liediath in Welsh Pedigrees (http://www.ancientwalesstudies.org/id145.html) for a discussion negating Don as the wife of this Beli Mawr. Steven M Ferry 11/29/16.
Beli Mawr (translated into English as Beli the Great) was an ancestor figure in medieval Welsh literature and genealogies. He is the father of Caswallawn, Arianrhod, Lludd Llaw Eraint, Llefelys, and Afallach. In certain medieval genealogies he is listed as the husband of Anna, cousin of the Virgin Mary. Several royal lines in medieval Wales traced their ancestry to him.
He was Beli Mawr "the Great", Sovereign Lord of the Celtic Britons. The story of Beli Mawr given by Geoffrey of Monmouth in Historia matches perfectly with the historical record of Rome being captured by the Celts around 390 BCE. He was the Celtic god of the sun, called Belinus by the Romans. The festival of Beltane was May 1st; May Day.
Father: Digueillus, King of Britain, he submitted to the Gauls, BC ca. 250, He became King of Britain, BC 275
Cas "the Exile"
Lludd II, King of Britain, he became King of Britain, BC ca. 200
Nemed II, King of Britain
A number of the Welsh royal families trace their ancestry to the man called Beli Mawr, whose pedigrees make him descend from the legendary Brutus of Troy. We doubt his birth-name was Beli (BAY-lee), this being one of the major Celtic gods, the God of the Sun. But a real man of some name spawned the ensuing families, so we shall call him Beli Mawr for lack of sources citing his birth name. He should not be confused with the fictional Beli and wife, Don, found in Welsh mythology.
The earliest extant pedigree contains what we believe to be a later copyist's gloss which attempts to describe his son Affleth as "who was son of Beli Mawr and Anna, she said to be a cousin of Virgin Mary mother of our Lord Jesus Christ". Not only was the era of Beli Mawr 100 years too early for such a wife, there appear to be at least two (incorrect) reasons why some early writers thought the ensuing family was related to the Virgin Mary. In some very early texts, his name was abbreviated "B.M." which was wrongly thought to mean "Beata Maria", the blessed Mary. But more likely, his name was simply confused with the Biblical man, Heli, who is cited as the wife of Anna and father of Mary. Geoffrey of Monmouth also referred to Beli Mawr as "Heli".
The Welsh ancestor-deity Beli Mawr may be derived from Belenus, who is sometimes linked with the Semitic deity Baal*. The legendary king Belinus in Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the Kings of Britain is probably also derived from this god. (For example, the name, Beli Mawr, is clearly based on Belinus... with “Mawr” being essentially “the Great”.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott's "Beli Mawr and Llyr Liediath in Welsh Pedigrees (http://www.ancientwalesstudies.org/id145.html) for a discussion negating Don as the wife of this Beli Mawr. Steven M Ferry 11/29/16.
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BC, King, Siluria, Britian
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