A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA. DAR Ancestor # A066231
(Lightly edited by FD to agree w/ DAR info)
Immigrant from Ireland, Benjamin Kimzey/KImsey (1725-a1810). He married Agnes Lane 1750 place unproven) After Benjamin's death before 1810, we find Agnes living next door to her son William in Buncomb twp, Beaufort Co, NC. We get her birthday and her marriage date from the Long Bible. She married Joseph Long 14 Dec 1814 and they they move to Tennessee with some of their children. Benjamin took the Oath of Alliengce in 1778. This was given to males over 16 who were foreign Born.
Old bible records sh
Humphrey P Kimsey 1805 married Margaret Euliss Feb 22 1825 dau/of Adam Ulis Bedford co, Tn
William Feb 23 1783
David Nov 12 1783
Benjamin E 24 Feb 1784(stone says 1786)
Betsey (Elizebeth) 25 Oct 1786
Polly ( Mary) 31 Dec 1790
Nancy (Ann) 4 May 1793 ( The Daniel Bible says 5 May 1793)
Hiram 3 Jan 1797
Solomon 25 Feb 1799
Thomas Morris 19 May 1802
Humphrey P 22 Jan 1804
Abstract Henry Co Estray Book 1 1777-1778 by Graves
Benjamin Kinsey Jr 29 April 24 1779, near the head of Smith River
Tax Lists 1778 1789 of Henry Co by Adams
1779 Tax List
Kimzey, Benjamin, Jr
Henry Co Tax List
1779 Kimzey, Benj Jr 1 10 6
1785 Kinzey Benj 1 Tith 1 white 4 Col (stud horse 20) Him or father?
1785 Henry Co Land tax col by John Henderson Kinzey Benjamin, Jr 44 8
Henry Co, Va 1790 Census Benjamin Kimsey, Sr 1 white tithe taken July 22
Henry Co Va 1790 Census Benjamin Kimsey, Jr 1 white tithe 2 horses
Henry Co Va 1790 Census James Kimsey 1 white tithe 1 horse
Patrick Co, Va Kinzy, Benj jr Grantor
30 July 1798 to Geo Booth Grantee 2/112 deed
Kinzy, Benjamin Grantor to Wm Thurman Grantee 16 July 1797 1/549 deed
Kinzey, Benj and Agnes Grantors to Elijah Dehart 8 Nov 1804 2/422 Deed
29 Mar 1804 Joseph Reynolds grantor to Kimzey, Benjamin grantee deed 2/345
Henry Co, Va Estray book 1 1777-1778 ( had to report when stray animal found)
Benjamin Kinsey Jr 29 April 24 1779 near head of smith River
Buncombe County Court Records, 1st Monday of April 1808, page 394
" Agness Kimsey and William Kimzey came in and prayed to administer the estate of Benjamin Kimsey, deceased. After entering into bond and approved security to wit Bazil B Edmundson & William Fletcher, bound in eight hundred pounds Ordered that letters of Admin. issue accordingly, issue sworn"
October 1808
Notice is hereby given to all persons who have cany claims against the estate of Benjamin Kimsey, deceased, that administration has been granted to Agness Kimsey and William Kimsey and that such persons are hereby notified to prepare their claims and demands within the time by law directed otherwise they may expect to be barred. April 7 1808 /s/Agness Kimsey, William Kimsey, Administrators
October 1808
State of North Carolina, Buncombe Co. Be it known to all persons that on the 2nd day of May ensuing at the house of the intestate Benjamin Kimsey will be sold at public vendue,the personal estate of Benjamin Kimsey, deceased, consisting of horses, cattle , hogs, a wagon, a quantity of bacon and number of other articles. The sale will commence at 10 o'clock continue until all is sold. Twelve months credit will be given by th purchaser giving bond and approved security attendance will be given by Agness and William Kimsey
Buncombe County Court Records October 1808 page 420
"Inventory of the Estate of Ben Kimsey, deceased was returned into Court oby Agnes & William Kimsey, Admx and admr as follows to wit
Two negroes, one a wench of 20 year of age the other a boy of 16 years, subject to a mortgage of five hundred dollars, four head of horses, of a middling kind five cows, four calves, one three year old steer , three heifers, fifteen hogs, one waggon 1197 lbs of bacon, one log chain, one of gears, three bee stands, one saw, one cutting box, one qun, one gunbarrel, 25 lb of sugar, one pair of saddle bags, one set of waggon boxes ,one saddle, one pair of stretchers, one dresser of funiture, two beds, one pot, one oven, one fry pan, one tray, five chairs, two churns, one table, one sieve,, One pot rack, one Bookcase, one coffee pot, two pair of card, 5 bells, one wedge, 2 plows, 4 hoes, 2 axes, one loom, one umbrella, one pocket compass, one inkstand, one trunk, one pan, 3 reap hooks, 16 horse shoes, one hammer, one cowhide, 4 iron hooks, one mill, 2 barrels, 3 pair of bridle bits and one razor
one note of Thomas Fletcher 6.52
one note of Benjamin kimsey 2.50
one note of Thomas Jordon 43.00
One judgement on Solomon Israel 50.00
one judgement on john Brooks 3.92
Amount of Sales of the estate of Benjamin Kimsey, deceased, returned into court by Agnes and William Kimsey, Administratorys:
Amount of sales: $1,382.46
Notes and judgements 105.96
Cash on hand 9.86
total 1,498.28
The commissioners approved by last court to lay off one years provisions for the support of the widow and family of the widow and of Benjamin Kimsey--Report that t they have met and being duly sworn laid off the following articles of provision for said widow and family to wit. Four milch cows and one for a beef, fifteen head of hogs & 200 lbs of bacon for family use & 300 lbs of bacon to dispose of to buy grain for the support of the family until corn is made and one horse worth eighty dollars April 28 1808
signed David Russell
Elijah wlilliamson
John Jones
August 9 1808 Buncombe Co, NC
Agnes Kimsey and William Kimsey Administrators of estate of Benjamin Kimsey ordered by Court to pay $139.70 to Ann Steel
October 1810, first Monday
Committee: Ordered by the Court that james Whitaker, James McBrayer and Robert Anderson, Esquires be appointed as committee of Court to settle with William Kimzey, admr. of the estate of Ben Kimzey, Deceased
January 1811 Report of Settlement
James McBrayer and James Whitaker , esquires, who were appointed by Court to settle with William Kimsey, one of the administrators of the estate of Ben Kimsey, deceased, report that they find the amount of sales, notes and judgements owing.
Cash on hand $1494.04
Amt of cash paid out 1169.51
Allowance to Wm Kimsey for adm -107.75
Balance $216.78
/s/James McBrayer, James WhitakerWhen his brother in law,
The land that he received from his Uncle William Kimsey in 1778 was later sold by this Benjamin's son William Kimzey.
Children are William, David, Benjamin E, Elizabeth "Betsey", Mary "Polly", Anna "Nancy", Hiram, Soloman, Thomas Morris, Humphrey Poseiy.* Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy: May 17 2024, 15:11:33 UTC
1725 |
1750 |
probably, Ireland
1810 |
Age 85
Buncombe County, North Carolina, United States