Matching family tree profiles for Benjamin Liebermann
Immediate Family
About Benjamin Liebermann
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Benjamin Liebermann was a German textile manufacturer.[1] He was born at Märkisch Friedland (now Mirosławiec) on 4 February 1812 and died in Berlin on 15 January 1901. In 1825 his family moved to the latter city; and Liebermann, after completing a school course, entered the employ of a firm in London. Upon his return to Berlin he was taken into his father's business, which he soon developed into the largest calico-manufactory in Germany. That his ability was recognized is shown by the fact that he was elected to the presidency of the German merchants' association (Deutscher Handelstag). For many years he held the office of president of the Gesellschaft der Freunde, and he was treasurer of the Lehranstalt für die Wissenschaft des Judenthums at the time of its foundation.
Langjähriges Mitglied der »Gesellschaft der Freunde«, einem 1792 in Berlin gegründeten jüdischen Hilfsverein, der allerdings seit den 1880er Jahren vorwiegend als Club bzw. informelles Zentrum der Berliner Hochfinanz und Industrie fungierte.
Benjamin Liebermann's Timeline
1812 |
December 4, 1812
Märkisch Friedland, West Pomerania, Prussia
1841 |
January 13, 1841
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
1842 |
February 23, 1842
Berlin, Prussia
1843 |
July 4, 1843
Berlin, Brandenburg, Prussia
1901 |
January 15, 1901
Age 88
Berlin, Brandenburg, Germany
???? |
Jüdischer Friedhof Schönhauser Allee, Berlin, Germany