Matching family tree profiles for Benjamin Very, Sr.
Immediate Family
About Benjamin Very, Sr.
Benjamin Very of Salem, son of Samuel Very (6 Oct 1622-ca 1683/4) & Alice Woodice (-aft 20 Apr 1714). Born ca 1671/2. Benjamin died ca 1739.
Married at Salem on 9 Jun 1698 to Jemima Newhall. Born on 31 Dec 1678 in Lynn, MA.228 Jemima died aft 1725. She was the daughter of Joseph Newhall & Susanna Farrar.
Children of Benjamin and Jemima (Newhall) Very, born at Salem:
- i. Samuel Very, b. 14 Apr 1699;
- ii. Isaac Very, b. 30 Jul 1715;
- iii. Keziah Very, bp. 6 Jun 1714;
- iv. Ephraim Very, bp. 6 Jun 1714; and
- v. Daniel Very, b. 19 May 1718.
From the Essex Historical Collections:
The original family name is Varennne (similiar to Warrenne) or Verren (Warren).
The farm of Samuel Very was much larger than that of his mother, which it adjoined.It was purchased from Richard Way of Dorchester in 1656 and was over 170 acres. It is descrbed as ten acres belonging to Joshua Varenne and 160 acres on Cedar Pond, which Hilliard Verren, late husband of Dorcas Verren, gave unto his son HIlliard Verren, in his last will and testament. Also one acre of land where the house of Phillip Varren formerly stood.
Philip and Joshua Verren received from the town grants of this in 1634. The Verys, Varrens, and other families from Salisbury, England settled in this neighborhood. One of the bounds of Samuel Very's farm "on the east and to the south" was a rock called Wigwan Rock. The rock is also mentioned on Edmund Batter's deed is now the same called Ship Rock.
Samuel Very left the homestead to his son Benjamin, who left it to his eldest son Samuel, who in 1769 gave it to his wife Abigail (Pepper) and her children. In 1793, John, George, Amos and William Very sell to Nathaniel Nurse "all their right to the estate of their honored father, Samuel Very, deceased."
"Mary Giles was the last of that name who owned land in that vicinity.She had a claim on the farm where the Danvers Alms House now stands, which she sold to Mr. Nurse.She married John Oakes and lives in New Salem."
After 1700, some fo Bridget Very's descendants moved farther down on Goldthwaite's Brook, where they also owned about 70 acres of land.Of this, 30 acres were mostly level and called "Very's Plain"...........
The Village Burial ground, so called, was used before 1732, and doubtless some of the family were buried there. In 1736, 12 acres of the Plain was sold to Benjamin Ives, but not the Burial Ground. More information on the land transfers continues............
The following genealogy if from the Register of Deeds, and of Probate; the Church and town Records of Salem and Danvers, from which a full history of the family can be obtained:
Bridget Very was born abt. 1600 and made her will 1680;
Here children were:
Samuel b. 1619 d. 1683-84
Thomas b. 1626 d. 1694
(She also mentions her two sons by her second husband:
Eleazar Giles bap. 1640 d. 1726
John Giles bap. 1645 d. 1709-15.
She also mentions 2 daughters by her second husband:
Mehetabel who married John Collens in 1658;
Remember who married Henry Moses in 1659;
(See a genealogy of the Giles family by John A. Vinton).
Source: https://books.google.com/books?id=kB0FAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA34&lpg=PA34&dq=... p34
- In an old Essex Antiquarian Article(Essex Antiquarian Volume: 10 (1906) Page(s): 58) It says under Joseph Boyce (b. c 1672 in Salem s of Joseph Boyce and Sarah Meachum) That he married Rebecca (Trask) about 1695, widow of Samuel Potter of Salem, and Joseph Boyce died in 1723. Rebecca (Trask) [Potter] Boyce then married Benjamin Very of Salem (pub. int. Dec 4, 1731), and then Rebecca (Trask) [Potter] [Boyce] Very became a widow again when Benjamin Very died in 1739. AmericanAncestors
Benjamin Very, Sr.'s Timeline
1671 |
Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, Colonial America
1699 |
Salem, Essex, Massachussetts, British North America
1704 |
October 1, 1704
Salem, Essex, Province of Massachusetts Bay
1705 |
November 1705
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
1739 |
Age 68
Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, Colonial America
1879 |
April 1, 1879
Age 68
1932 |
May 23, 1932
Age 68
1966 |
August 22, 1966
Age 68