Immediate Family
About Berengar I, emperor of the Romans
Berengar I (Latin: Berengarius, Perngarius; Italian: Berengario; c. 845 – 7 April 924) was the king of Italy from 887. He was Holy Roman Emperor between 915 and his death in 924. He is usually known as Berengar of Friuli, since he ruled the March of Friuli from 874 until at least 890, but he had lost control of the region by 896.
Berengar rose to become one of the most influential laymen in the empire of Charles the Fat, and he was elected to replace Charles in Italy after the latter's deposition in November 887. His long reign of 36 years saw him opposed by no less than seven other claimants to the Italian throne. His reign is usually characterised as "troubled" because of the many competitors for the crown and because of the arrival of Magyar raiders in Western Europe. He was the last emperor before Otto the Great was crowned in 962, after a 38-year interregnum.
5. BERENGAR ([840/45]-murdered Verona 7 Apr 924). The Historia Ecclesiæ Cisoniensis records the testament of “Evrardus comes cum coniuge mea Gisla”, which bequeathes property “cortem in Anaspio…præter Grecinam et cortem nostrum Hildiolam in Hasbannis…et…in pago Condustrim” to “secundus…Berengarius”[279]. The Chronica Mon. Casinensis names "Berengarius Foroiulensis, filius Everardi marchionis Italiæ"[280]. "Gisle" granted "le fisc de Somain en Ostrevant" to "filii…Adelarde" by charter dated 14 Apr 869, which names "rex Karolus meus…germanus…senioris mei dulcis memorie Evrardi…tres infantes meos Rodulfum…et Berengarium…et…Adelarde"[281]. "Gisle" donated property to Cysoing for the anniversaries of "Ludovico imperatore patre meo et…Judith imperatrice matre mea et…rege Karolo…germano et…prole mea…Hengeltrude, Hunroc, Berengario, Adelardo, Rodulpho, Hellwich, Gilla, Judith" by charter dated to [874][282]. He succeeded his brother in 874 as BERENGARIO I Marchese di Friulia. The Gesta regum Francorum records "Berengarius…consanguineus imperator" being sent to expel "Wito comes Tuscianorum" in 883[283]. He was elected in 888 as BERENGARIO I King of Italy, supported principally by the German faction in Italy. "Berengarius rex" confirmed grants of property to "Angilbergæ…imperatrici", at the request of "…Vualfredus…marchio", by charter dated 8 May 888[284]. He was defeated by Guido of Spoleto in 889. He re-emerged as sole king in Italy in 898 after the death of Lambert of Spoleto. Louis King of Provence was elected as king of Italy in 900, with support particularly from Anscario Marchese d'Ivrea. Berengario defeated Louis twice, the second time conclusively in 905 when he had his rival blinded. He was crowned Emperor BERENGAR at Rome in 916. He allied himself with the Hungarians to defeat Rudolf II King of Upper Burgundy, who emerged as another rival candidate for the Italian throne, but was later forced back to Verona by Rudolf, and finally defeated by him at Firenzuola 29 Jul 923. Berengario returned to Verona with the intention of calling for further help from the Hungarians, who meanwhile had burned Pavia. He was murdered at Verona soon after.
m firstly ([880/3 Nov 890]) BERTILA di Spoleto, daughter of SUPPO II Duke of Spoleto & his wife --- (-executed before Dec 915). "Berengarius rex" confirmed grants of property "Mercoriatico in territorio [comitatu] Regiensi" to "Iohanne presbiter", at the request of "Berchtilæ…coniugis et consortis regni nostri", by charter dated 3 Nov 890[285]. Berengario I King of Italy "conjugis nostreque Regni consortis Berchtile" granted property "in comitatu Veronense" to "Anselmo…Comite, nostroque Compatre et Consiliario" by charter dated 26 Jul 910[286]. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. She was executed for alleged adultery.
m secondly (before Dec 915) ANNA, daughter of --- (-after May 930). "Berengarius…rex" granted "mansum in villa Evurio…de comitatu Oxilense de corticella…Beura" to "fideli nostro…Hervino nepoti…Dagiberti episcopi", at the request of "Anna…coniuncx nostram", by charter dated to [915][287]. Her marriage is confirmed by the charter dated 920 under which "Berengarius…Imperator Augustus" granted "curtem…de Prato Plano finibus Placentinis" to "Annæ…coniugi nostræ"[288].
King Berengario I & his first wife had three children:
Berengar dell'Italia (of Italy) (Cividale del Friuli, 850 (?) – Verona, 924)
Parents: Eberardo del Friuli & di Gisella (o Gisla), figlia di Ludovico il Pio Spouse: Bertilla de Spoleto Children: Gisela dell'Italia
WIKIPEDIA Berengar of Friuli (c. 845 – 7 April 924[1]%29 was the Margrave of Friuli from 874 until no earlier than 890 and no later than 896,[2] King of Italy (as Berengar I) from 887 (with interruption) until his death, and Holy Roman Emperor from 915 until his death.
Berengar rose to become one of the most influential laymen in the empire of Charles the Fat before he was elected to replace Charles in Italy after the latter's deposition. His long reign of 36 years saw him opposed by no less than seven other claimants to the Italian throne. Though he is sometimes seen as a "national" king in Italian histories, he was in fact of Frankish birth. His reign is usually characterised as "troubled" because of the many competitors for the crown and because of the arrival of Magyar raiders in Western Europe. He was the last emperor before Otto the Great was crowned in 962, after a 38-year interregnum.
Berenger Jag markisen av Ivrea kungen av Italien tysk-romersk kejsare
http://www.thepeerage.com/p11358.htm#i113576 Berenger I of Fuili, Emperor of Italy M, #113576, d. 924
Last Edited=10 Sep 2005
Berenger I of Fuili, Emperor of Italy was the son of Eberhard of Fuili, Markgraf of Fuili and Gisela d'Aquitaine. He died in 924.1
Berenger I of Fuili, Emperor of Italy gained the title of King Berengar of Italy in 888.2 He gained the title of Emperor Berengar I of Italy in 915. Children of Berenger I of Fuili, Emperor of Italy Gisella (?)+ Rosela of Italy2 d. 1003 Citations [S38] John Morby, Dynasties of the World: a chronological and genealogical handbook (Oxford, Oxfordshire, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1989), page 98. Hereinafter cited as Dynasties of the World. [S16] Jirí Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 64. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession.
Berengar I, emperor of the Romans's Timeline
845 |
865 |
- 874
Age 20
Corti di Anappes, Hildin e Condrost, France
874 |
- April 7, 924
Age 29
Marca del Friuli, Cividale, Lombardia, Italy
876 |
887 |
December 25, 887
- April 7, 924
Age 42
Regno d'Italia, Pavia, Lombardia, Italy
888 |
Age 43
King of Italy
Age 43
King of Italy
Age 43
- 924
Age 43
King of Italy