Capt. Bernabe GONZALEZ Hidalgo765,902,909 was born (date unknown). Parents: Capt. Marcos GONZALEZ Hidalgo and Mariana (Juana) NAVARRO.
Spouse: Leonor GARCIA GUTIERREZ (aka Leonor Gutierrez). Leonor GARCIA GUTIERREZ (aka Leonor Gutierrez) and Capt. Bernabe GONZALEZ Hidalgo17 were married. Children were: Capt. Bernabe GONZALEZ, Juana Josepha GONZALEZ, Alferez Matheo GONZALEZ Hidalgo, Nicolas GONZALEZ, Leonor GONZALEZ (aka Leonor Gutierrez Hidalgo), Micaela GONZALEZ Hidalgo, Joseph GONZALEZ Hidalgo, Sgt. Major Antonio GONZALES HIDALGO, Maria GONZALEZ Hidalgo, Marcos GONZALEZ Hidalgo, Lucas GONZALEZ Hidalgo, Petronila GONZALEZ.
1606 |
Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico
1635 |
Monterey, Nuevo Reino de León, Reino de Nueva España
1638 |
October 2, 1638
Caderreyta, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Monterrey, Nuevo Reino de León, Reino de Nueva España
1639 |
April 1639
Cadereyta, Cadereyta Jiménez, Nuevo León, México
1640 |
Nuevo Reino de León, Reino de Nueva España
Nuevo León, Mexico
1649 |
December 14, 1649
Cadereyta Jiménez, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Cadereyta Jiménez, Nuevo Reino de León, Reino de Nueva España