Bernard I de Senlis

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Bernard I de Senlis

Also Known As: "Hubert de St. Liz Comte d' Senlis"
Birthplace: France
Death: 927 (47-57)
Immediate Family:

Husband of Unknown de Senlis and Bertha "Beatrice" Vermandois
Father of Bernard II, count of Senlis

Managed by: Marian Gail "DiFiore" "Weber"
Last Updated:

About Bernard I de Senlis

Bernard ll de Senlis was an adherent of Hugh the Great. The name Bernard suggests a connection with the Counts of Vermandois (descended from Bernard of Italy) and Bernard of Senlis seems to have a Vermandois mother. A Count Bernard, probably Bernard of Senlis, was named in the Annales (923) as a consobrinus or cousin germain on the female side of Herbert II of Vermandois.

Same as Bernard (Bormard) Comte de Senlis?

dates are different: (919-after 965)

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