Historical records matching Betti Alver
Immediate Family
About Betti Alver
Betti Alver, born in 1906 in a small railway settlement in Jõgeva, was part of the first generation of Estonian intellectuals to acquire their education in the predominantly Estonian-language educational system of the Republic of Estonia (1918-1940). Alver finished grammar school in Tartu and studied for a while at the University. For her generation, using one’s mother tongue in every field of life was natural, although their knowledge of foreign languages and world literature was quite impressive as well. After President Konstantin Päts established his authoritarian regime in 1934, a number of younger intellectuals opposed the simplified understanding of literature in cultural policy, and its usage as a mere tool of national propaganda. Alver’s later work in the 1960s– 1980s also shows her intellectual superiority and opposition to the Soviet totalitarian power.
Betti Alver's poetry in English: http://elm.einst.ee/issue/23/poetry-betti-alver / http://www.myspace.com/arbujad
- http://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betti_Alver
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betti_Alver
- http://krzwlive.kirmus.ee/et/lisamaterjalid/ajatelje_materjalid?ima...
- http://www.bettimuuseum.ee/
- Sünd: Saaga EAA.2434.1.150:279
- Jõgeva personaalraamat: http://www.ra.ee/dgs/_purl.php?shc=EAA.2434.1.171:414?353,1040,1048...
- Luuletaja, prosaist ja tõlkija - - Eesti Kirjanike Leksikon, Tln. 1995 ja 2000, lk.29
- TÜ matrikkel nr 5436: http://ra.ee/apps/andmed/index.php/matrikkel/view?id=5626
- Foto - http://ra.ee/fotis/index.php/et/photo/view?id=43348
Betti Alver's Timeline
1906 |
November 10, 1906
Laiuse khk, Tartumaa
1989 |
June 19, 1989
Age 82
???? |
Raadi kalmistu, Tartu, Estonia