Immediate Family
About Björn Hunda-Steinarson
Björn Hunda-Steinarson
- Son of Hunda-Steinar, Jarl in England and Álöf Ragnarsdóttir
- Bjorn Hunda-Steinarson First name / surname: Bjørn Location: England Relations: Son of the English Earl Hunde-Steinar. Father of Audun Carriage Bar. Sources: Country Book: 143
The Book of Settlements: Landnámabók, Translated by Hermann Palsson
55. kafli
Hunda-Steinar was named Earl of England; he had Alafa, daughter of Ragnar fur coat. Their children were Björn, the father of Audun Skökull, and Eiríkur, the father of Sigurd's bidding, and Isgerður, who had Earl Thorir in Vermalandi.
Audun Skokull went to Iceland and settled at Víðidal and lived at Audunstadir. With (him) came Thorgils his prodigious companion, the father of Thorarin the god. Audun Skokull was the father of Thora Moshal, mother of Ulfhild, mother of Asta, mother of King Olaf the Holy. The son of Audun Skokull was Asgeir to Asgeirsá; he had Jorunn, the daughter of the old Ingimund. Their children were Thorvaldur, father of Dalla, mother of Gissur the bishop, and Audun, father of Asgeir, father of Audun, father of Egil, who had Ulfheeda, daughter of Eyjolfur Gudmundsson's son, and their son Eyjolfur, who was slain in the Althing, father of Orm, chaplain. Bishop. Another son of Audun Skokull was Eystein, father of Thorstein, father of Helgi, father of Thororm, father of Odd, father of Hallbjorn, father of Sighvat the priest. Asgeir's daughter at Asgeirsá was Thorbjörg classmate.
177. Audun skökull
There was a jarl in England called Hunda-Steinar. He married Álöf, Ragnar loðbrók’s daughter, and their children were Bjorn, father of Audun skökull, Eirik, father of Sigurd Bjodaskallo and Isgerd who married Earl Thorir of Vermaland.
Audun skökull went to Iceland, tookk possession of Vididale and lived at Audunsstead. His comrade Thorgils Gjallandi, father of Thorarin the Priest, came to Iceland with him.
Audun skökull was father of Thora Mosháls , mother of Ulfhild, mother of Asta, mother of King Olaf the Holy. Audun had a son called Asgier of Asgiers River, who married Jorunn, daughter of Ingimund the Old. Their children were Thorvald, father of Dalla, mother of Bishop Gizur, and the Audun, father of Asgeir, father of Audun, father of Egil who married Ulfheid, daughter of Eyjolf Gudmundarson, and their son was Eyjolf, who was killed at the Althing, the father of Bishop Thorlak’s chaplain, Orm.
Audun skökull had another son called Eystein, father of Thorstein, father of Helgi, father of Thororm, father of Odd, father of Halbjørn, father of Sigvat the Priest. Asgeir of Asgeirs River had a daughter Thorbjørg Bekkjarbót.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bj%C3%B6rn_Eriksson
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_legendary_kings_of_Sweden
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Muns%C3%B6
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Sweden_(800%E2%80%931521)
- https://baekur.is/bok/000233823/0/404/Landnamabok
- https://www.snerpa.is/net/snorri/landnama.htm
- http://heimskringla.no/wiki/Landnamabogen
- Hauksbók, edited by Eiríkur Jónsson, Finnur Jónsson - https://books.google.com/books?id=qvw_AAAAYAAJ&pg=PA512&lpg=PA512&d...
- Íslendínga sögur: bd. Fortale [af Finnur Magnússon] Íslendíngabók Ara prests - https://books.google.com/books?id=I6QFAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA399&lpg=PA399&d...
- The article Björn in Nordisk familjebok.
- N. Kershaw's English translation of the Hervarar saga. Archived 2006-12-27 at the Wayback Machine.
- S. Laing's English translation of Harald Fairhair's saga.
- S. Laing's English translation of the Saga of Olaf Haraldsson.
- Íslendinga sögur: udgivne efter gamle Haandskrifter af det ..., Volume 1 - https://books.google.com/books?id=uGgJAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA399&lpg=PA399&d...
- Islenzkar æviskrár frá landnámstímum til ársloka 1940 (1948-1976), Páll Eggert Ólason, Jón Guðnason, and Ólafur Þ. Kristjánsson, (6 volumes. Reykjavík: Hid Íslenzka Bókmenntafélags, 1948-1952, 1976), FHL book 949.12 D3p., Vol. 1 p. 107.
- Borgfirzkar æviskrár (1969), Aðalsteinn Halldórsson, Ari Gíslason, Guðmundur Illugason, Þuríður J. Kristjánsdóttir, ([Sl]: Sögufélag Borgarfjarðar, 1969-), FHL book 949.1218 D3h., Vol. 1 p. 208.
- Jonas Ramus (1689), Nori Regnum hoc est Norvegia Antiqva & Ethnica, sive Historiae Norvegicae, Prima initia, A primo Norvegiae Rege, Noro, usqve ad Haraldum Harfagerum , Wedemann (ed.), P. 56.
- Hermann Pálsson (ed.), The Book of Settlements: Landnámabók , Univ. Of Manitoba Press, 2007, ISBN 0887553702 p. 82: 177.
- Guðbrandur Vigfússon, Carl Rikard Unger, Flateyjarbok : En samling af norske konge-sagaer med indskudte mindre fortællinger om begivenheder i og udenfor Norge samt annaler , PT Malling, 1868, Vol I p. 309.
Om Björn Hunda-Steinarson (Dansk)
Source texts:
55. kafli
Hunda-Steinar hét jarl á Englandi; hann átti Álöfu, dóttur Ragnars loðbrókar. Þeirra börn voru þau Björn, faðir Auðunar skökuls, og Eiríkur, faðir Sigurðar bjóðaskalla, og Ísgerður, er átti Þórir jarl á Vermalandi.
Auðun skökull fór til Íslands og nam Víðidal og bjó á Auðunarstöðum. Með (honum) kom út Þorgils gjallandi félagi hans, faðir Þórarins goða. Auðun skökull var faðir Þóru mosháls, móður Úlfhildar, móður Ástu, móður Óláfs konungs hins helga. Son Auðunar skökuls var Ásgeir að Ásgeirsá; hann átti Jórunni, dóttur Ingimundar hins gamla. Þeirra börn voru þau Þorvaldur, faðir Döllu, móður Gissurar byskups, og Auðun, faðir Ásgeirs, föður Auðunar, föður Egils, er átti Úlfheiði, dóttur Eyjólfs Guðmundarsonar, og var þeirra son Eyjólfur, er veginn var á alþingi, faðir Orms, kapalíns Þorláks byskups. Annar son Auðunar skökuls var Eysteinn, faðir Þorsteins, föður Helga, föður Þórorms, föður Odds, föður Hallbjarnar, föður Sighvats prests. Dóttir Ásgeirs að Ásgeirsá var Þorbjörg bekkjarbót.
The Book of Settlements: Landnámabók
177. Audun skökull
There was a jarl in England called Hunda-Steinar. He married Álöf, Ragnar loðbrók’s daughter, and their children were Bjorn, father of Audun skökull, Eirik, father of Sigurd Bjodaskallo and Isgerd who married Earl Thorir of Vermaland.
Audun skökull went to Iceland, tookk possession of Vididale and lived at Audunsstead. His comrade Thorgils Gjallandi, father of Thorarin the Priest, came to Iceland with him.
Audun skökull was father of Thora Mosháls , mother of Ulfhild, mother of Asta, mother of King Olaf the Holy. Audun had a son called Asgier of Asgiers River, who married Jorunn, daughter of Ingimund the Old. Their children were Thorvald, father of Dalla, mother of Bishop Gizur, and the Audun, father of Asgeir, father of Audun, father of Egil who married Ulfheid, daughter of Eyjolf Gudmundarson, and their son was Eyjolf, who was killed at the Althing, the father of Bishop Thorlak’s chaplain, Orm.
Audun skökull had another son called Eystein, father of Thorstein, father of Helgi, father of Thororm, father of Odd, father of Halbjørn, father of Sigvat the Priest. Asgeir of Asgeirs River had a daughter Thorbjørg Bekkjarbót.
Björn Hunda-Steinarson's Timeline
830 |
England (United Kingdom)
860 |
Vestfold, Norway
890 |
Age 60
Uppsala, Uppsala County, Sweden
???? |