Cai Georg Wilhelm Ahlefeldt-Dehn

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Cai Georg Wilhelm Ahlefeldt-Dehn

Birthplace: Kohöft-Kohøved, Ludwigsburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutchland
Death: April 13, 1834 (53)
Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutchland
Immediate Family:

Son of Baron Carl Frederik Ulrik von Dehn, til Ludwigsburg and Baronesse Sophie Charlotte Friedericke von Dehn
Husband of Johanne von Heinen
Father of Sophie Marie Albertine Ahlefeldt; Charlotte Louise Friederikke Ahlefeldt; Cajus Christian Frederik Marius Ahlefeldt and Sophie von Benzow
Brother of Frederik Ahlefeldt-Dehn; Louise Ulrikke Marie Antoinette Ahlefeldt-Dehn; Amalie Georgine von Ahlefeldt-Dehn; Carl Adolph von Ahlefeldt-Dehn; Sophia Maria Albertina Benzon and 1 other

Managed by: Private User
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About Cai Georg Wilhelm Ahlefeldt-Dehn

1787 Fænrik a´la suite i Oldenburgske Infanteri Regiment. 1789 Secondløjtnant a´la suite. 1798 Premiereløjtnant. 1803 Kaptajn.1807 Kompagnichef. 1809 Kammerjunker. 1812 Major ved grenaderkorpset. 1816 Afsked.1830 Kar. Oberstløjtnant.

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Cai Georg Wilhelm Ahlefeldt-Dehn's Timeline

October 25, 1780
Kohöft-Kohøved, Ludwigsburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutchland
March 16, 1800
Altona, Hamburg, Germany
March 16, 1810
November 10, 1811
Altona, Hamburg, Germany
August 22, 1815
Fredericia, Vejle, Syddanmark, Denmark
April 13, 1834
Age 53
Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutchland