Capt. Isaac Platt

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Isaac Platt, I

Birthplace: Ware, Hertfordshire, England (United Kingdom)
Death: July 31, 1691 (58)
Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, United States
Place of Burial: Old Burying Hill Cemetery, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, USA
Immediate Family:

Son of Dea. Richard Platt and Mary Platt
Husband of Elizabeth Platt and Abigail Platt
Father of Elizabeth Brush (Platt); Jonas Platt; John Platt; Joseph Platt; Jacob Platt and 2 others
Brother of Mary Whitmore; Deacon John Platt; Samuel Platt (died young); Sarah Merwin; Epenetus Platt and 3 others

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Capt. Isaac Platt

Isaac Platt

  • BIRTH 10 Apr 1633 Ware, East Hertfordshire District, Hertfordshire, England
  • IMMIGRATION 1638 - New Haven, Connecticut, British Colonial America
  • RESIDENCE Huntington, Suffolk, New York, British Colonial America
  • DEATH 31 Jul 1691 (aged 58) Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, USA [16][17][18][19][20][21][22])
  • BURIAL Burial Details Old Burial Hill Cemetery, Huntington, Suffolk, County, New York MEMORIAL ID 141488577 [2}[23][24])


Richard Platt 1603–1684
Mary Wood Platt 1605–1675

Elizabeth Wood Platt 1645–1691 (m. 1664)

Mary Platt Whitmore 1629–1669
Sarah Platt Merwin 1636–1670
Hannah Platt Comstock 1643–1702
Josiah Platt 1645–1724
Joseph Platt 1649–1704

Children 6x
Elizabeth Platt Griffin (1665-1739); m1Thomas Brush, m2 John Brush, m3 Samuel Griffin
Jonas Platt (1667- 1724) m Sarah Scudder
John Platt (1669--1731) m Phoebe Vale
Mary (born 26 Oct 1674, in Huntington, died ~1691).[15]She is mentioned in her father's 1691 will (she was 17 when he died). It is unproven that she married a John Good Clevenger in New Jersey in 1704.
Joseph Platt
Jacob Platt (1682-1713)


6 April 1663 Isaac Platt "Isack Plate" was chosen to be a messenger to Hartford.

At a general assembly at Hartford, May 12, 1664, Isaac Platt, Epenetus Platt (et al) residing on Long Island, were made free planters with liberty to act in the choice of public officers, for the carrying on of public affairs in that plantation".

13 December 1664, Isaac and Thomas Weeks were chosen to collect the rate for the minister Eliphalet Jones and "to take as fair what may be for his comfort as far as concerns the towne so long as Mr Jones dos stay or the town se case (see cause)" (Town Minutes, Vol. 1, p.1).

1666 Isaac Platt and his brother Epenetus were among the 57 landowners of Huntington.

30 December 1666, Isaac was named a patentee in the Nicoll's confirmatory patent and the following year on 2 April he and Henry Whitson each received a two-acre grant at Santipauge Neck from the town.

19 May 1668, he had joined with Thomas Weeks, Capt. Fleet and Nathaniel Foster in a complaint against the unsatisfactory practices of Mark Meggs, the town miller.

1669 an inventory was taken of Isaac's lands. Unfortunately it is badly fragmented but does indicate holdings in the east field, commonage and meadowlands (Deeds: Vol 1, p. 4).

2 July 1670, Isaac and Thomas Powell were named executors of the will of Thomas Weeks.

12 April 1671, Isaac and Thomas Powell were named overseers and Content Titus chosen constable. At the same meeting, "all foreigners (other than townsmen) are prohibited from killing whales or other small fishes" (T.M., Vol. 1, p. 35).

16-17 April 1672, Isaac shared the 7th farm in the Ten-Farm allotment at Crabmeadow Little Neck. His fellow owners were Thomas Weeks, Richard Brush, John Green and Mr. Bryan.

14 August 1673, Isaac was selected, with Thomas Skidmore, by the town to treat with the Dutch upon the occasion of their resumption of power.

6 October, Isaac, Epenetus and three others constituted a committee to call upon the Dutch authorities in New York and petition them not to exact a pledge of allegiance from the town but instead put it on good behavior for a year.

Isaac was serving as constable when on 11 January 1674 he was cited before the Governor for neglecting to attend the Court of Sessions at Jamaica and for not furnishing Captain Salisbury with post horses when he was riding express. The extent of his punishment is not indicated.

In 1681, Isaac Platt, James Smith, Thomas Skidmore and John Jackson traveled to Stratford, Connecticut to testify concerning the handling by Jacob Walker of the affairs of Mark Meggs, Huntington's former miller who had moved to Connecticut.

In April of that same year he and Epenetus, along with Samuel Titus, Jonas Wood and Thomas Weeks were imprisoned in New York by Governor Sir Edmund Andros for seeking redress for the town's grievances. On their release and return, the town voted to pay their expenses and any damages that they might have suffered in the town's interest.

24 September, he was one of the deputies named to act on the town's behalf in the general assembly to review the discontent and hostility which was emerging from the tyrannical conduct of Governor Andros. This was a bold move as they had been jailed the preceding April. Fortunately, the unpopular governor was recalled to England shortly thereafter.

23 May 1681 Isaac received a 5-acre grant of land from the town on the south side of the east field path, adjoining his other holdings.

3 October he received 16-18 acres toward his division at Jonathan Hartnet's Hollow on the north side of the path to Stony Brook.

1 April 1682, Isaac was again constable and with the overseers established the terms and conditions under which John Adams was granted a right to build a grist mill and saw mill at Cold Spring.

1683, the practice of naming 3 commissioners to constitute a town court was instituted but proved unpopular and was discontinued after several years. The first to be named, Thomas Fleet, Thomas Powell and Thomas Whitson, refused to take the requisite oath as they had become Quakers. In their places, Isaac and Epenetus Platt, with John Corey, were named commissioners on 7 April 1684.

10 March 1686, Isaac and others entered into a disputed boundary line agreement with James Lloyd concerning differences between Huntington and Lloyd's Neck. In later years the dispute rekindled and in 1734 the boundary required further codification.

16 October 1686, Isaac and Thomas Powell were designated to reply to Governor Thomas Dogan's "desire to know just what land Huntington had already purchased from the Indians and what remained still unpurchased".

10 November he and Powell were sent to New York to answer the governor's letter being authorized to "do what was for the town good". One of the governor's demands was the payment of £10, a typical ploy of confirmatory patents and one which the town agreed to pay, although under duress.

15 March 1687, Isaac rendered a detailed bill to the town covering his various services, costs and disbursements. Included was a journey of 11 days to New York for himself and horse; trips to Oyster Bay to see their patent; incidental expenses for cider, meals and meat; another 5-day journey to New York; compiling the town's rates and assessments and the time and difficulties of getting the taxes collected. In all his statement amounted to £5 5s 6d.

4 April 1687, Isaac, James Chichester Sr., and Samuel Ketcham were named commissioners. Apparently also serving as town clerk, Isaac wrote a letter to a Mr. Graham, apparently a functionary of the governor, outlining the town's desires in regard to the forthcoming confirmatory patent.

20 September 1687, Isaac, Capt. Thomas Fleet and Thomas Powell were chosen "to carry on all matters relating to the finishing of their Patent" (Town. Min. Vol. 1, p. 150). That same day he was chosen, with Mr. Wood and Thomas Powell, to serve as assessor for the 3 1/2 pence per pound of valuation ordered by the Governor and Council.

2 April 1688, Isaac was again named commissioner, with Joseph Whitman and John Sammis.

11 December 1688, Isaac bought 15 acres at East Neck from Joseph Whitman and Sarah his wife.

5 November 1689, Isaac was named in the Indian deed to Sumpwam's Neck South, together with Jonas Wood, Captain Epenetus Platt, Captain Thomas Fleet and others. The consideration paid Wameas, Pamequa and other Indians amounted to £90 in silver or goods valued at silver prices.

The last record reference to Isaac was on 1 April 1690, when he was permitted to take in an old footpath abutting his property on the north as well as 9 acres on the south side of the old path which led to Stony Brook.

Last Will & Testement

His will was dated 22 May 1691, with the following provisions: To his son Jonas, the house between Samuel Woods and Jonathan Jarvis; a £100 right of commonage purchased from the town and two parcels of meadowland on the south side. Also, a yoke of 3-year-old steers and, "if he abide with his mother & brethren until ye 29th of Sept next and faithfully improve his time about their occasions then I do also give him ten bushels of wheat, twelve bushels of corn, a quarter of an ox called Darling that is now feeding, half an ox hide tanned and as much upper leather as will make two pair of shoes". To his wife, a 1/3 part of all other lands and meadows as long as she remained a widow. If she remarried then the above interest in the lands would revert to the three youngest sons. His widow also received 1/3 of all the goods and chattels plus her own room in the homestead. To his daughter Elizabeth he gave £5 as valued in the inventory. The balance of lands and meadows he devised to his sons John, Jacob and Joseph, to divide equally. The balance of the goods and chattels went to his four sons and daughter Mary, to be divided equally. If Jonas the eldest son should die without issue, then his share went to the surviving younger sons. If any of them died unmarried then distribution would be among the surviving brothers and sister. Specific provision was made that the buildings remain solely with John, Joseph and Jacob and that the eldest son Jonas and his sister Mary be excluded as to the homestead title. The reason for this exclusion is not clear, other than the probability that Jonas had a homestead of his town and that Mary had married and had her own home as well. The executor was his second son John, the overseers were Epenetus Platt and Isaac's brother-in-law John Wood. Witnesses were Joseph Bayley and Robert Ketcham.

  • ************* Isaac Platt was born in England in 1633. In 1638, when Isaac was 5 years old, his family migrated to New England. They first settled in New Haven, Connecticut. The family later moved to Milford.

Isaac was one of the ten grantees of the tract called "Paugasuck" on Long Island, which the grantees placed under New Haven's jurisdiction in 1655. He moved to Huntington before 6 April 1663 (see the printed Records of Huntington, 1:45), and as a resident of Huntington was made a freeman of Connecticut 12 May 1664. The record reads: "...Thomas Scuddor ... Isaac Platt are accepted to be made free, and the Commissioners of Huntington are to administer the oath of freedom to them... Hartford: 12 May 1664."[1]

Isaac was Recorder for Huntington in 1687 and captain of the militia there. Isaac was a slave owner.In 1681 Gov. Andrus imprisoned Isaac and Epenetus Platt and others for attending a meeting of delegates of the several towns to devise means to obtain "a redress of grievances under his arbitrary rule." After their release, a vote was passed at a town meeting to cover their expenses. On 4 August 1683 he was mentioned as son in the will of Richard Platt of Milford, receiving L20 and three Bibles for his children. In 1688 when a new patent for Huntington was taken out, again both Isaac and Epenetus Platt were among the patentees.

Isaac married Elizabeth Wood 12 MAR 1664 New York. [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]

The will of Isaac Platt of Huntington was dated 22 May 1691. It mentions wife Elizabeth and children Elizabeth, Jonas, John, Mary, Joseph and Jacob:

Biographical Notes

On 6 April 1663, Isaac was chosen messenger to Hartford. Then, at the General Assembly at Hartford, 12 May 1664, Isaa c and his brother Epenetus, residing on Long Island, were m ade free planters with liberty to act in the choice of publ ic officers and carrying on public affairs in "that plantat ion." The Huntington Town Minutes, Vol. 1, p.1, show tha t on 13 December 1664, Isaac and Thomas Weekes were chose n to collect the rate for the Reverend Eliphalet Jones an d "to take as fair what may be for his comfort as far as co ncernes the towne so long as Mr. Jones dos stay or the tow n se case (see cause)." The following chronology is take n from an unpublished article entitled "Isaac Platt, Earl y Huntington Settler," by the Huntington Historical Society : 30 December 1666: Isaac named patentee in Gov. Nicoll' s confirmatory patent. 2 April 1667, Isaac & Henry Whitso n each received a two acre grant at Santipauge Neck from th e town. 19 May 1668, Isaac, Thomas Wicks, Capt. Fleet, & N athaniel Foster complained of the unsatisfactory practice s of Mark Meggs, town miller. 3 July 1670, Isaac & Thoma s Powell were named executors under the will of Thomas Wick s. 12 April 1671, Isaac & Thomas Powell were named oversee rs. At that meeting "all foreigners (other than townsmen ) were prohibited from killing whales or other small fishes ." 16-17 April 1672, Isaac shared the 7th farm in the 10 f arm allotment at Crabmeadow Little Neck with Thomas Wicks , Richard Brush, John Green and Mr. Bryan. 14 August 1673 , Isaac and Thomas Skidmore were selected by the town to tr eat with the Dutch upon the occasion of the latter's resump tion of power. On 6 October 1673, Isaac, his brother, Epen etus, and three others were formed a committee to call upo n the Dutch authorities in New York and to petition them no t to exact a pledge of allegiance from the town but to pu t it on good behavior for a period of one year. 11 Januar y 1674, Isaac, then constable, was cited by the Governor fo r neglecting to attend the Court of Sessions at Jamaica an d for not furnishing Captain Salisbury with post horses whe n he was riding express. Punishment not knownn. In 1681 , Isaac, James Smith, Thomas Skidmore, and John Jackson wen t to Stratford, Conn. to testify about Jacob Walker's handl ing of the affairs of Huntington's former miller, Mark Megg s. That year Isaac, Epenetus, Samuel Titus, Josas Wood an d Thomas Wicks were imprisoned in New York for seeking redr ess for the town's grievances. On their release and retur n to Huntington, the town voted to pay their expenses and a ny damages that they might have suffered in the town's inte rest. 23 May 1681 Isaac received a 5 acre grant from the t own on the south side of the east field, adjoining his othe r holdings. 24 September 1681 Isaac was one of the deputie s named to act for the town in the general assembly to revi ew the discontent and hostility which was emerging from th e tyranical conduct of Governor Sir Edmund Andros. 31 Octo ber 1681 Isaac received 16-18 acres toward his division a t Jonathan Hartnet's Hollow on the north side of the path t o Stony Brook. 1 April 1682 Isaac was again constable an d with the overseers established the terms and conditions u nder which John Adams was granted a right to build a gris t mill and saw mill at Cold Spring. 7 April 1684 Isaac an d Epenetus Platt and John Corey were named commissioners o f the town court. Six months later they delegated Thomas P owell and Abiel Titus to run a boundary line with Oyster Ba y. 10 March 1686 Isaac and others entered into a dispute d boundery line agreement with James Lloyd concerning diffe rences between Huntington and Lloyd's Neck. 16 October 168 6 Isaac and Thomas Powell were designated to reply to Gover nor Thomas Dongan's "desire to know just what lands Hunting ton had already purchased from the Indians and what remaine d still unpurchased." On 10 November, Isaac and Powell wer e sent to New York to answer the Governor's letter, being a uthorized to do what was for the town good. 15 March 1686/ 7 Isaac gave a detailed bill to the town for his various se rvices, including an 11 day journey to New York for himsel f and horse; trips to Oyster Bay to see that town's patent ; incidental expenses for cider, meals and meat; anothe r 5 day trip to New York; and compiling the town's rates an d assessments and the time and difficulties of collecting t he taxes. His bill amounted to f5 5s 6d. 4 April 1687 Isa ac, James Chichester Sr. and Samuel Ketcham were named comm issioners. Isaac was apparently also Town Clerk. On 18 Ap ril he prepared a letter to Mr. Graham, probably a function ary of the Governor, outlining the town's desires of the el ements to be incorporated in the forthcoming confirmatory p atent. 20 September 1687 Isaac, Capt. Thomas Fleet and Tho mas Powell were chosen "to carry on all matters relating t o the finishing of their Pattent." That same day Isaac wa s chosen with Mr. Wood and Thomas Powell to serve as assess ors for the 3 1/2 pence per pound of valuation ordered by t he Governor and Council. 2 April 1688 Isaac was again name d commissioner with Joseph Whitman and John Sammis. 11 Dec ember 1688 Isaac bought 15 acres at East Neck from Joseph W hitman and his wife, Sarah. 5 November 1689 Isaac was name d in the Indian deed to Sumpwam's Neck South with Jonas Woo d, Captain Epenetus Platt, Captain Thomas Fleet, and others . The Indians Wameeas, Pamequa and others were paid f90 i n silver or goods valued at silver prices. 1 April 1690 Is aac was permitted to take the old foot path abutting his pr operty on the north and 9 acres on the south side of the ol d path which led to Stony Brook. [2]


[1] Capt Isaac Platt] Long Island Genealogy


[3] Old Burying Hill Cemetery, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, USA]

[4] FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy: Jul 30 2020, 11:02:26 UTC


[5] A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, showing three generations of those who came before May, 1692, Savage, James, (Baltimore, Genealogical Pub. Co., 1965).

[6] Suffolk County Historical Society Register. Vol.XXV, No.1, 1999, Platt/Woolley/Allen/Treadwell Family Record, p.20

[7] The Colonial Society of Pennsylvania 1950.

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Capt. Isaac Platt's Timeline

April 10, 1633
Ware, Hertfordshire, England (United Kingdom)
April 10, 1633
Ware, Hertfordshire, England
April 10, 1633
Ware, Hrtfrd, Engl
April 10, 1633
September 15, 1665
Huntington, Long Island (Present Suffolk County), New Netherlands (Present New York), (Present USA)
August 16, 1667
Long Island, Province of New York
June 29, 1669
Huntington, Long Island, New York
September 8, 1677
Huntington, Suffolk, NY
September 29, 1682
Huntington, Suffolk, NY