Captain Ambrose Madison, Sr.

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Captain Ambrose Madison, Sr. (1755 - 1794)

Birthplace: Montpelier, Orange, Virginia, United States
Death: before December 22, 1794
Orange County, Virginia, United States (Cancer)
Place of Burial: Montpelier Station, Orange County, Virginia, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of Col. James Madison, Sr.; Col James Madison, Sr.; Eleanor Rose "Nellie" (Conway) Madison and Madison
Husband of Mary Willis Madison
Father of Nelly Conway Willis and Unknown Madison
Brother of President James Madison, Jr.; Francis Madison; Catlett Madison; Eleanor Conway Madison; General William Taylor Madison and 22 others

Occupation: Army Officer
DAR: Ancestor #: A073053
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Captain Ambrose Madison, Sr.

A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA with the rank of Captain. DAR Ancestor # A073053

Died of 'yellow fever'

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Captain Ambrose Madison, Sr.'s Timeline

January 27, 1755
Montpelier, Orange, Virginia, United States
December 29, 1780
United States
United States
December 22, 1794
Age 39
Orange County, Virginia, United States
Montpelier Estate National Historic Site, Montpelier Station, Orange County, Virginia, United States