Matching family tree profiles for Captain Samuel Doty, I, of Piscataway
Immediate Family
About Captain Samuel Doty, I, of Piscataway
Descendant of Mayflower passenger Edward Doty
Samuel Doty is in the town records of Piscataway, Middlesex County, N. J., where in 1675 he was commissioned Lieutenant of the military company of New Piscataway, of which Francis Drake was Captam, his commission being renewed in 1678.
Seventh Day Baptist
”It is evident from the record that he was intelligent, industrious and thrifty, a man of ability and authority, as appears by his selection as Lieutenant of the military company soon after his arrival at Piscataway, and yet of blameless life, an affectionate husband and father, and a consistent member of the church. The sterling character of his children, and their uniformly upright and Christian lives, show good training on the part of their parents; and that patriotism was one of the virtues inculcated is evident by the services of his immediate descendants in the Indian Wars of 1756 and the Revolution.”
-Descendants of Edward Doty, an Emigrant By the Mayflower, 1620 (1897)
- MFIP Doty, 3rd ed., General Society of Mayflower Descendants, (1996).
- Lieutenant, Piscataway Milita Company (wikitree has numerous sources and a bunch of history)
- https://archive.org/stream/dotydotenfamilyi00doty#page/n5/mode/2up
- https://www.edwarddoty.org/tng/getperson.php?personID=P4&tree=DOTY
Captain Samuel Doty, I, of Piscataway's Timeline
1643 |
August 27, 1643
High Cliffe, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Colonial America
1679 |
August 27, 1679
Piscataway Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey, Colonial America
1680 |
February 24, 1680
Piscataway Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey, United States
1681 |
March 2, 1681
Piscataway, Middlesex, New Jersey, United States
1683 |
August 12, 1683
Piscataway Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey
1685 |
May 14, 1685
Piscataway Township, NJ, United States
1686 |
September 17, 1686
Piscataway, Middlesex, New Jersey
1687 |
February 24, 1687
Piscataway, Middlesex, New Jersey, United States
1691 |
May 14, 1691
Piscataway Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey, United States