Catherine of Bosnia, Countess-Consort of Cilli/Cilji

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Katarina Kotromanić (1336 - 1385)

Slovenian: Katarina Celjska (Kotromanić), German: Katharina von Cilli (von Bosnien)
Also Known As: "Kotromanić"
Birthplace: Jajce, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Death: circa 1385 (40-57)
Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija, Celje, Celje, Slovenia
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Stephan II Kotromanic, the Great Ban of Bosnia and Elisabetha Piast de Kujava
Wife of Hermann I Count von Celje, count
Mother of John de Cillia; Anna of Celje; Catherine of Celje and Hermann II, Count of Celje, of Zagorje, and of Ortenburg & Prince of the Holy Roman Empire
Sister of Kotromanić Erzsébet and Olga Stjepanović
Half sister of Radiša Kotromanić; 1? Kotromanić; 2? Kotromanić and Vuk Kotromanić

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Catherine of Bosnia, Countess-Consort of Cilli/Cilji

Katarina Kotromanić, Countess of Celje, today has descendants on all European thrones.
Katarina Kotromanić, celjska grofica, danas ima potomke na svim evropskim prijestoljima

Katarina Kotromanić, Countess of Celje, was the daughter of Bosnian Princes Vladislav Kotromanić and Jelena Šubic.
Katarina Kotromanić, grofica Celja, bila je kćerka bosanskog kneza Vladislava Kotromanića i Jelene Šubić.[1]

It was first mentioned in sources in 1377. [2] In 1361, [3] during the life of Count Ulrik I, she married Herman I and the following year gave birth to the first of two sons, Hans. [4] In 1365, she gave birth to her husband's heir, the future Count Herman II.
U izvorima se prvi put spominje 1377. godine. [2] Godine 1361, [3] još za života grofa Ulrika I, udala se za Hermana I i sljedeće godine rodila prvog od dvojice sinova, Hansa. [4] Godine 1365. rodila je muževog nasljednika, budućeg grofa Hermana II. [5]

Katarina died after 1400, which is confirmed by an exquisitely decorated coin from the 15th century with her image.
Katarina je umrla nakon 1400. godine, što potvrđuje izvanredno ukrašeni novčić iz 15. stoljeća s njenim likom. [6][7]

Catherine's son was the father of Barbara Celjska, empress of the Holy Roman Empire, and through her Katarina is the ancestor of all today's European royal families. Origin
Katarinin sin je bio otac Barbare Celjske,, carice Svetog Rimskog Carstva, a preko nje Katarina je predak svih današnjih evropskih kraljevskih porodica. Porijeklo [uredi]

Katarina was patrilinearly a descendant of the Bosnian ruler family Kotromanić, and her mother was a descendant of the Croatian ruler family Šubić. Her father's mother, Jelisaveta Nemanjić, was the daughter of a Serbian king whose mother was a descendant of the Anžuj dynasty originally from Naples and a Hungarian princess whose mother was the daughter of the head of the Turkish Kumana tribe.
Katarina je patrilinearno bila potomak bosanske vladarske porodice Kotromanića, a njena majka je bila potomak hrvatske vladarske porodice Šubića. Majka njenog oca, Jelisaveta Nemanjić, bila je kćerka srpskog kralja čija je majka bila potomak dinastije Anžuj porijeklom iz Napulja i ugarske princeze čija je majka bila kćerka poglavara turskog plemena Kumana.

8. Prijezda I, ban Bosne

4. Stjepan I, ban Bosne

2. Vladislav Kotromanić

20. Stefan Uroš I, kralj Srbije

10. Dragutin Nemanjić

21. Jelena Anžujska

5. Jelisaveta Nemanjić

22. Stjepan V, kralj Ugarske

11. Katarina od Ugarske

23. Elizabeta Kumanska

1. Katarina Kotromanić

24. Stjepko II Šubić

12. Pavao I Šubić

6. Juraj II Šubić

13. Ursa

3. Jelena Šubić

7. nepoznato

Reference [uredi]

   ↑ Katarina of Bosnia, Genealogics - Leo van de Pas
   ↑ van de Pas, Leo; Genealogics
   ↑ Simpozijum "Srednjovjekovna Bosna i evropska kultura", Zenica, Yugoslavia, Simpozijum Srednjovjekovna Bosna i evropska kultura, Fikret Ibrahimpašić, Radovi sa simpozijuma Srednjovjekovna Bosna i evropska kultura, Muzej grada Zenice, 1973
   ↑ van de Pas, Leo; Genealogics
   ↑ van de Pas, Leo; Genealogics
   ↑ Ignacij Voje: Katarina Celjska-Kotromanićka in njen pečat
   ↑ International Numismatic Commission: A Survey of numismatic research, 1978-1984: Ancient, medieval and modern numismatics (Katharine von Celje-Kotromanic" und ihr Siegel); 1986

Bs, En


It is known that Catherine was of Bosnian origin, but her parentage is disputed. Some believe that Catherine was the daughter of Vladislav Kotromanić and his wife Jelena Šubić. Others[citation needed] believe she was the second daughter of Stephen II, Ban of Bosnia, and his third wife Elizabeth of Kuyavia. If Catherine was a daughter of Stephen, she was the sister of Queen Elizabeth of Hungary; if she was a daughter of Vladislav, she was sister of King Tvrtko I of Bosnia.

Catherine's parentage is not clear because there is no evidence to link Catherine to either of the couples.

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Catherine of Bosnia, Countess-Consort of Cilli/Cilji's Timeline

Jajce, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Celje, Slovenia
Age 49
Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija, Celje, Celje, Slovenia