Immediate Family
About Charibert, count of Laon
Please provide supporting sources here for assertions like "could be Flore, King of Hungary" or "Hardrade", or listing exact dates when only approximate dates are documented in known sources. Thanks
He was Count of Laon (720). His name suggests he was of Merovingian descent. His mother is known from contemporary records. His father has been speculated as Martin of Laon or Norbert of Aquitaine, but there are problems with either identification. His wife is unknown.
- From Darryl Lundy's Peerage page (Forrás / Source):
- Heribert de Laon, Comte de Laon
- M, #625 Last Edited=15 Jan 2003
- Heribert de Laon, Comte de Laon, gained the title of Comte de Laon.
- Child of Heribert de Laon, Comte de Laon: -1. Bertha de Laon+ b. c 720, d. 12 Jul 783
- Child of Heribert de Laon, Comte de Laon: -1. Bertha de Laon+ b. c 720, d. 12 Jul 783
- From the French Wikipedia page on Caribert de Laon:
- On ne sait que peu de choses sur le comte Caribert de Laon ou Héribert (né avant l’an 696 - mort en avril 747 [r%C3%A9f. nécessaire]). *Biographie En 721, il signe avec sa mère Bertrade l'Ancienne l'acte de fondation de l'abbaye de Prüm, puis la même année et toujours avec sa mère une donation faite à l'abbaye d'Echternach.
- D'après un acte de sa fille et son gendre, il est mort avant 762. *Généalogie
- Son père est inconnu. Ce père inconnu de Caribert est soit un Robertien, soit un Hugobertide.
- On a pensé qu'il était le comte ou duc Martin, frère ou cousin de Pépin de Herstal dont parle le continuateur de Frédégaire [1], mais ce Martin doit son existence à une mauvaise interprétation de texte et, si ce Martin est bien existant, il n'est pas le père de Caribert, selon Christian Settipani [2].
- Le nom de son épouse n'est pas mentionnée dans des documents contemporains ou ultérieurs. Selon des études récentes cette épouse pourrait se prénommer Gisèle [3].
- En 744, sa fille Bertrade de Laon dite Berthe au Grand Pied, épouse [4] Pépin le Bref, maire du palais et futur roi des francs.
Notes et références
- 1.↑ Histoire du royaume mérovingien d'Austrasie pages 459, 460....
- 2.↑ Christian Settipani, Les Ancêtres de Charlemagne, Paris, 1989, 170 p. (ISBN 2-906483-28-1), p. 28
- 3.↑ voir article Gisèle de Laon pour les sources.
- 4.↑ Christian Settipani Les ancêtres de Charlemagne, 1989, p. 10
- From the English Wikipedia page of Caribert of Laon:
- Caribert (also spelled Charibert and Heribert), Count of Laon, was the maternal grandfather of Charlemagne. He was the father of Charles's mother, Bertrada of Laon.
- Only his mother is known from contemporary records, although it has been suggested that his father may have been an earlier Martin of Laon. (['http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caribert_de_Laon the french Wikipedia denies Martin de Laon as his father]:
- In 721, Caribert signed, with his mother Bertrade l'Ancienne or Bertrada of Prüm or Bertrade von Prüm, the foundation act of the Abbey of Prüm. The same year, also with his mother, he made a donation to the Abbey of Echternach.
By 744, his daughter Bertrada of Laon (by Bertrada of Cologne) had married Pepin the Short, mayor of the palace of Neustria and Burgundy and later king of the Franks.
Caribert died before 762, as stated in an act of his daughter and son-in-law. Genealogy
His father is unknown - either a Robertian or a Hugobertide.
It was thought to be a Comte or Duc Martin, brother or cousin of Pepin of Heristal, as mentioned in the continuation of Fredegaire [1], but that Martin owes his existence to a misunderstanding of the text, and if this Martin existed, he is not the father of Caribert, according to Christian Settipani [2].
The name of his wife is not mentioned in contemporary or later documents. Recent studies show that his wife could carry the first name Gisele [3].
In 744, his daughter, Bertrade de Laon, called Bertha the Big Footed, married [4] Pepin the Short, Mayor of the Palace and future King of the Franks.
(The external links associated with this text no longer work, but the references still apply)
1. History of the Merovingian Kingdom of Austrasia, pp 459, 460...
2. Christian Settipani, The Ancestors of Charlemagne, Paris 1989, 170 p. (ISBN 2-90643-28-1), pg. 28
3. See the French Wikipedia page for Gisele de Laon for sources (4 exist alongside Reference 2 in this list)
4. Christian Settipani, The Ancestors of Charlemagne, 1989, pg. 10.
Född: mellan 700 och 705 Laon, Frankrike
Anorna fortsätter:
Caribert (also spelled Charibert and Heribert), Count of Laon, son of Martin of Laon, was the maternal grandfather of Charlemagne. He was the father of Charles's mother, Bertrada of Laon. In 721, he signed, with his mother Bertrada of Prüm, the foundation act of the Abbey of Prüm. The same year, also with his mother, he made a donation to the Abbey of Echternach. By 744, his daughter Bertrada of Laon (by Bertrada of Cologne) had married Pepin the Short, mayor of the palace of Neustria and Burgundy and later king of the Franks. He died before 762, as stated in an act of his daughter and son-in-law.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caribert_of_Laon for more information.
Occupation: Count of Laon
[http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FRANKSMaiordomi.htm#_Toc184117371 H. MEROVINGIAN COUNTS, 8th century
1. --- . m BERTRADA, daughter of ---. The editor of Einhard's Annals in the MGH SS series records that "Pippinus…uxoris pater et Avia Charibertus et Bertradana" founded the monastery of Prüm[533]. This is presumably based on the charter dated 23 Jun 720 under which "Bertrada seu Berta et filius meus Chairibertus" donated property to Prüm, witnessed by "Bernarius, Chrodolande, Theodericus"[534], although the charter is probably spurious as it predates the foundation of the abbey. It is assumed that this refers to the mother of Charibert, father of Queen Bertrada, although another possibility is that it refers to the wife of Charibert and an otherwise unknown son of Charibert, brother of Queen Bertrada. The Monumenta Epternacensia record a donation by "Berta, filiis meis Chardradus et Harbertus"[535]. [Three] children:
a) HARDRAD (-after 720). The Monumenta Epternacensia record a donation by "Berta, filiis meis Chardradus et Harbertus"[536].
b) CHARIBERT [Heribert] (-after 23 Jun 720). "Bertrada seu Berta et filius meus Chairibertus" donated property to Prüm by charter dated 23 Jun 720[537], although the charter is probably spurious as it predates the foundation of the abbey. The Monumenta Epternacensia record a donation by "Berta, filiis meis Chardradus et Harbertus"[538]. Comte de Laon. m ---. The name of Charibert´s wife is not known. Charibert & his wife had one child:
i) BERTRADA [Berta] "au Grand Pied" ([720]-Choisy-au-Bac, near Compiègne 12 Jun 783[539], bur église de l'abbaye royale de Saint Denis). The Annales Laurissenses record the marriage in 749 of "Bertradem cognomine Bertam, Cariberti Laudunensis comitis filiam" and "Pippinus"[540]. "Pippinus rex Francorum" donated property to found Kloster Prüm by charter dated 13 Aug 762 which names "coniux mea Bertrada…genitor suus Heribertus"[541]. Pepin planned to divorce his wife, but was convinced otherwise by Pope Paul I in 762. After the death of her husband, Bertrada assumed a prominent role in government. She tried unsuccessfully to reconcile her two sons, meeting with Carloman at Seltz and also travelling to Italy in 770[542]. The necrology of Argenteuil Priory records the death "IV Id Jul" of "Bertrada regina"[543]. m ([743/44]%29 PEPIN maior domus, son of CHARLES "Martel" maior domus of Austrasia and Neustria [Carolingian] & his first wife Chrothrudis (715-Saint-Denis 24 Sep 768, bur église de l'abbaye royale de Saint Denis). He succeeded in 751 as PEPIN “le Bref” King of the Franks.
c) [WETA . "Asuarius" abbot of Prüm noted a donation to the abbey by "filia in Christo Wetane", which names "genetricis tue [Wetane] Bertradane" and "Cario et coniuge tue Wettane", by undated charter dated to [762/804][544]. It is not certain that "Bertradane" was the same person as the mother of Charibert, although the common connection with Prüm indicates that this is possible. If this is correct, the charter is probably datable to the earliest part of the suggested date range, assuming that the date of Bertrada's 720 charter (see above) is correct and at that date her son Charibert was already an adult. m CARIO .
Caribert (also spelled Charibert), Count of Laon, son of Martin of Laon, was the maternal grandfather of Charlemagne. He was the father of Charles's mother, Bertrada of Laon. In 721, he signed, with his mother Bertrada of Prüm, the foundation act of the Abbey of Prüm. The same year, also with his mother, he made a donation to the Abbey of Echternach. In 744, his daughter Bertrada of Laon (by Bertrada of Cologne) married Pepin the Short, mayor of the palace of Neustria and Burgundy and later king of the Franks. He died before 762, as stated in an act of his daughter and son-in-law.
Caribert (also spelled Charibert), Count of Laon, son of Martin of Laon, was the maternal grandfather of Charlemagne. He was the father of Charles's mother, Bertrada of Laon. In 721, he signed, with his mother Bertrada of Prüm, the foundation act of the Abbey of Prüm. The same year, also with his mother, he made a donation to the Abbey of Echternach. In 744, his daughter Bertrada of Laon (by Bertrada of Cologne) married Pepin the Short, mayor of the palace of Neustria and Burgundy and later king of the Franks. He died before 762, as stated in an act of his daughter and son-in-law.
Info from Findagrave.com: Birth: unknown Laon Departement de l'Aisne Picardie, France Death: unknown Laon Departement de l'Aisne Picardie, France
Birth:690 Death:4/747
Count of Laon
Family links:
Martin de Laon
Bertrade de Prüm de Laon
Gisele d'Aquitaine de Laon*
Gerberge de Laon von Hornbach*
V de Laon d'Herstal*
Berthe de Laon (726 - 783)*
Charibert de Laon
Chrodelinde de Laon d'Aquitaine d'Autun*
*Calculated relationship
Burial: Saint Denis Basilique Saint-Denis Departement de Seine-Saint-Denis Île-de-France, France
Edit Virtual Cemetery info [?]
Created by: Memerizion Record added: May 06, 2015 Find A Grave Memorial# 146134947
Charibert (also spelled Caribert and Heribert), Count of Laon, was the maternal grandfather of Charlemagne. He was the father of Charles's mother, Bertrada of Laon. Only his mother is known from contemporary records. In 721, Charibert signed, with his mother Bertrada of Prüm the foundation act of the Abbey of Prüm. The same year, also with his mother, he made a donation to the Abbey of Echternach. By 744, his daughter Bertrada of Laon had married Pippin the Younger, mayor of the palace of Neustria and Burgundy and later king of the Franks. He died before 762, as stated in an act of his daughter and son-in-law.
Charibert (also spelled Caribert and Heribert), Count of Laon, was the maternal grandfather of Charlemagne. He was the father of Charles's mother, Bertrada of Laon.[1] Only his mother is known from contemporary records. In 721, Charibert signed, with his mother Bertrada of Prüm the foundation act of the Abbey of Prüm.[1] The same year, also with his mother, he made a donation to the Abbey of Echternach.[1] By 744, his daughter Bertrada of Laon had married Pippin the Younger, mayor of the palace of Neustria and Burgundy and later king of the Franks. He died before 762, as stated in an act of his daughter and son-in-law.
Charibert, count of Laon's Timeline
696 |
between 687 and 690, Laon, (Present département de l'Aisne), Duché d'Austrasie (Present région Picardie), Frankish Kingdom (Present France)
720 |
Age 24
747 |
April 747
Age 51
Laon, (Present département de l'Aisne), Duché d'Austrasie (Present région Picardie), Frankish Kingdom (Present France)
???? |
???? |
???? |
Also known as Canbert of Laon
???? |
Saint Denis Basilique, Saint-Denis, Departement de Seine-Saint-Denis, Île-de-France, France