Claude Petitpas Sieur de la Fleur

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Claude Petitpas Sieur de la Fleur (Petitpas)

French: Petitpas
Also Known As: "sieur de La Fleur"
Birthplace: France
Death: circa 1691 (56-73)
Port-Royal, Acadie, [French Colonial North America]
Immediate Family:

Son of Isaac Petitpas
Husband of Catherine Bugaret
Father of Bernard Petitpas; Marguerite Petitpas; Marguerite Petitpas; Claude Claude Petitpas; Jean Baptiste Petitpas and 11 others

Occupation: Greffier du Tribunal, Greffier, Greffier au tribunal, Laboureur, Greffier au Tribunal 1686
Managed by: Marsha Gail Kamish
Last Updated:

About Claude Petitpas Sieur de la Fleur

  • Sources:
    • 1671 Acadie Census - shown to be 45 years old which estimates birth c.1626.

The French birthplace of Claude Petitpas is unknown, but the date was probably 1624. In one record he mentions that his father's name was Isaac Petitpas. He was in Acadia by 1645, listed as a "laboreur," but he must have been literate, because he was soon a court clerk and a landowner. Later in life he was known as the "sieur de Lafleur," having accumulated considerable property and influence, and was a royal notary. The family made money trading with the Micmac in the early years of the colony.

Claude and Catherine had at least thirteen children (birth order uncertain): Bernard (1659); Marguérite (1661, married Martin Dugas and Claude Guédry); Claude (c1663, married Marie-Thérèse ?, 4 children, and then Françoise Lavergne); Jean (1664); Jacques (1664, twin? married Geneviève Serreau dit St-Aubin); Marie (1669?-1709?, married c1689 Michel de Forest, brother of our ancestor René); Isabelle (married Olivier Boudreau and then Alexandre Richard, half-brother of our ancestor Michel Richard): Henriette (1674-1756, married Prudent Robichaud, 11 children); Paul (1675); Charles (1676); Martin (1677); Pierre (1681); and Anne (c1681, married Jacques Levron Girouard, 6 children).

In 1645 Claude came to Acadia, where he became clerk of court at Port-Royal (now Annapolis Royal). For his services to the government he was given the title Sieur De LaFleur. It is considered by many that Claude Petitpas I was a Basque, from the region of the Pyrannes along the French/Spanish border at the Atlantic.

AKAN: Sieur de la Fleur

Serait arrivé en Acadie vers 1645. Greffier du Tribunal à Port-Royal.

Notaire royal à Jemseg, Acadie en 1680. Greffier à Port Royal, Acadie en 1687.

See Geni Tree Claude Petitpas Sieur de la Fleur


CITING THIS RECORD "Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 24 July 2018), entry for Claude /Petitpas-Sieur-de-LaFleur/, cites sources; file (2:2:2:MMQJ-MLS), submitted 12 May 2011.

Clerk of the court at Port-Royal (Annapolis Royal, N.S.)
Sieur de Lafleur Claude Petitpas
French: Petitpas
Birthdate: 1624
Birthplace: Ville Franche Du Queyran,Gascony,,France
Death: 1690 (65-66)
Died at Sea
Immediate Family:

Son of Isaac Pesselet and Saint Martin Dugueret

Husband of Catherine Briard Petitpas

Father of
Bernard Petitpas;
Marguerite Grivoire-Laverdure Guedry dit Grivios;
Claude Petitpas, Jr.;
Jean Petitpas;
Jacques Petitpas;
Marie Madeleine de Forest;
Élizabeth Petitpas;
Henriette H. Robichaud;
Paul Petitpas;
Charles Petitpas;
Martin Petitpas;
Pierre Petitpas and
Anne Girouard « less

Half brother of Marie Pesseley; Barbe Batchelder; Etienne Pesseley; Marguerite Pesseley; Perrette Pesseley; Jeanne Pesseley; Charlotte Pesseley; Henriette Pesseley; Marie Pesselet and Gilles Pesseley « less
Occupation: Greffier du Tribunal, Greffier, Greffier au tribunal, Laboureur, Greffier au Tribunal 1686

Last Changed: October 15, 2019 by
Occupation •
Clerk of Court
Last Changed: October 15, 2019 by
Custom Event •
Port Royal, Acadia, Canada
2 guns, 22 cattle, 10 hogs, 12 arpents of land
Last Changed: March 22, 2020 by
Occupation •
Greffier du Tribunal, Greffier, Greffier au tribunal, Laboureur, Greffier au Tribunal 1686
Last Changed: October 1, 2020 by
Title of Nobility •
Acadia, New France
Sieur de la Fleur


Claude Petitpas
Birth  1624 • France
Death  1686 • Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Marriage  1658
Parents  Isaac Petitpas • Marie Barbe Bajolet
Spouse  catherine bugaret


FamilySearch: France, Saône-et-Loire, Parish and Civil Registration, 1530-1892
Claude Petit in entry for Jean Baptiste Petit, "France, Saône-et-Loire, Parish and Civil Registration, 1530-1892"
Lead confidence: 2


claude petitpas
Birth  1626 • France
Death  1691 • Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Marriage  1658 • Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Parents  barbe marie bajol • isaac petitpas
Spouse  catherine bugaret


FamilySearch: Find A Grave Index
Claude Petitpas, "Find A Grave Index"
Lead confidence: 5


FamilySearch: Family Tree
Claude Petitpas sr.
Birth  November 1624 • Villefranche-du-Queyran, Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine, France
Death  about 1690 • Bridgetown, Annapolis, Nova Scotia, Canada
Parents  Barbe Bajolet • Claude Isaac Petipas
Spouse  Catherine Bugaret
Children  Anne Petitpas • Bernard Petitpas • Charles Petitpas • Claude Petitpas Jr • Elizabeth Petitpas • Henriette Petipas • Jacques Petitpas • Jean Baptiste Petitpas • Marguerite Petitpas • Marie Margueritte Petit • Marie Petitpas • Martin Petitpas • Paul Petitpas • Pierre Petitpas

Lead confidence: 5


!SOURCES: 1. Pedigree Resource File




Claude arrived in Acadie in 1645. He was Registrar of the TribunalatPort Royal. He was the first trustee of Port Royal.


Non-standard gedcom data: 1 REFN Dup2002+ 2 SOUR Mor8044


REFN: 1250


Nec. Explan: Claude Pettipas came to Acadia abt 1645


Sieur de Lafleur, Clerk of Court at Port Royal, Acadia. Arrived in Acadia about 1645. They had 10 children


! Claude arrived in Acadia (Canada) about 1645.
Notes from Steve Natalie's website, 'German-Acadian Coast Genealogy', 2225 May 2001. list a census "Taken by Monsierur De Meulles, Intendant of New France and Acadia at the beginnign of 1686". Claude is listed as 60 years of age with the title of "la Fleur Gressier".


!BIRTH: Information on place of birth not found; year of birth from the 1671 census for Port Royal, Acadia, which shows his age as 45; see census information, below.

!CHRISTENING: Information based on date of birth as listed in the 1671 Port Royal census; see census information, below.

!MARRIAGE: Approximate date from information on ages of children as listed in the 1671 census of Port Royal, Acadia; see census information, below.

!CENSUS: 1671 Census of the parish of Port Royal, Acadia (Nova Scotia); shows Claude Petit Pas, 45, with wife, Catherine Bagard, 4 named sons and 3 unnamed daughters (presumably including Marguerite, then age 10); census published in LeBlanc, The Acadian Miracle, page 23; Evangeline Pub. Co., Lafayette, LA, 1966, Library of Congress catalogue number 65-28646, available at the Fairfax County Library, Fairfax, VA, call number 971.6 L.
1686 Census of the parish of Port Royal, Acadia (Nova Scotia); shows Claude Petitpas, with wife, Catherine Bugart, no ages given, with 4 named sons and 5 unnamed daughters; census published in Leblanc, above, at page 377.

!DEATH: Information as to date not found, but occurred after the 1686 Acadian census; place assumed to be at Port Royal, Acadia.

!BURIAL: Information as to date not found, but occurred after the 1686 Acadian census; place assumed to be at Port Royal, Acadia.


Histoire et Genealogie des Acadiens, Vol 2, p 721; Arrived in Acadia about 1645


!INFORMATION: This information was taken from the following enternet site: THE GUÉDRY, GUIDRY, GIDRY, GEDDY, JEDDRY, GUIDRY dit LA BINE. LA BINE & LA BEAN FAMILY, from Daryl LA BINE, e-mail:, 80 Windward St., St Catharines, Ontario, L@m4c2, Canada. The family started when Claude GUÉDRY came to Acadia in the mid 1670's. He [Claude GUÉDRY] married Marguerite PETITPAS, daughter of Claude PETITPAS & Catherine BUGARET ABOUT 1681. From this union, the family was established in North America. They [Claude GUÉDRY & Marguerite PETITPAS] had eleven childern whowere born in Acadia, present day Nova Scotia, Canada. From vaious records, we see that the family [GU%C3%89DRY] farmed & fished. As for the location of the family [GU%C3%89DRY], they settled in Port Royal, which was the Acadian captial. The family [GU%C3%89DRY] being Acadian lived in peace till the English conquest of it from France. They [GU%C3%89DRY family] werethere till the Acadian Deportations of 1755. The various family members were deported to different locations. Some members of the [GU%C3%89DRY] family were deprted back to France. From here [France] these fa,milies left & settled in Louisiana & other southern states. Some of the members served as officers & enlisted in the Civil War. The GUIDRY branch of the family is very numerous now in the southern states.The LABINE branch of the family are descendants of Pierre GUIDRY dit LABINE, son of Claude GUÉDRY. During the Acadians Deportations, this family group were sent to Boston, MA.. From here they moved to St. Jacques l'Achigan in Quebec about 1767. With the passage of time, various members moved on. Some of them went to Montreal, Quebec, others to Ontario, while others to the United Atates. One branch of the family moved to Michigan & they spell their surname "LABEAN". The reason they figure that the name changed, was that a census taker came through & spelled it that way & they have not changed it back.The GEDDRY OR JEDDY family are members of the family that still live in what used to be Acadia, present day Nova Scotia & New Brunswick. Many of the family members are also located down into the New England States. As they were still living there the family name transformed into the present day GEDDY or JEDDRY as the English took over after the Acadian Deportations. The reason as to the difference in this branch is that when they are born, the rual doctors call the JEDDRY. On the baptismal certificates, the surnames of GEDDRY was used. Within some families, some of them use the GEDDRY name & others use the JEDDRY name. The GUIDRY members of the family is the smallest branch of the family. I have only a few of them that can connect back top Claude GUEDRY &Marguerite PETITPAS. It is believed that this branch comes about due to the priest spelled it this way at the time of the childern were baptised. This branch is located in the Maritimes (Nova Scotia & New Brunswick) & some are down into the New England States. Information was obtained from Nancy @ (GP Moteurs et Sports) about Catherine BUGARET, né en 1630, dècèdè en 1695, épouse Claude PETITPAS, né en 1624 et dècèdè en 1690, fils de Isaac PETITPAS, elle a eu 1 enfant Marguerite PEITIPAS & related lines, on 10 Mar 2000. !INFORMATION: This information was taken from the following enternet site: THE GUÉDRY, GUIDRY, GIDRY, GEDDY, JEDDRY, GUIDRY dit LA BINE. LA BINE & LA BEAN FAMILY, from Daryl LA BINE, e-mail:, 80 Windward St., St Catharines, Ontario, L@m4c2, Canada. This will show the descendants fo Pierre GUILDRY dit La Bine son of Claude GUÉDRY & Marguerite PETITPAS. As to ehy Pierre GUILDRY changed the spelling of the surname from GUÉDRY to GUILDRY is unknown.There is the question as to where the La Bine name came from. There is two stories about it as (1) was that Pierre was fishing on an island named Labine or something close to this. (2) The ot her was that the family were in Boston, Mass. & ate so many beans that they became know as LaBine. Some members of this branch spell their name with a large "B" & other members use the small "b". I have found it both ways in various documents& it seems to be up to the family members as to which spelling they use, LaBine or Labine. This branch of the family is a listing of the author of this web page, Daryl LaBine. (1) Claude GUÉDRY married ca. 1681 in Port Royal, Acadia to Marguerite PETITPAS daughter of Claude ....PETITPAS & Catherine BUGARET. (2) Pierre GUILDRY dit LaBine married ca. 1720 in Port Royal, Acadia to Marguerite BRASSEAU .....daughter of Pierre BRASSEAU & Gabrielle FOREST dit Michel. (3) Jean Baptistes GUILDRY dit LaBine married ca. 1755 Marie Marguerite PICOTTE daughter of Michel ....PICOT & Anne BIN. (4) Joseph Augustin GUILDRY dit LaBine married 7 Jan 1783 in Notre-Dame Church, Montreal...Quebec to Marie Genevieve MARTINEAU daughter of Etienne MARTINEAU & Marie Josephte...Genevieve DEMERS. (5) Joseph GUILDRY dit LaBine married 5 Jun 1810 St. Jacques l'Achigan, Quebec to Scholastique...DUGAS daughter od Joseph DUGAS & Marie Magdeleine VAILLANT. An interesting note is that if....we trace the roots of JoseohDUGAS, we find out he is descendented from Marguerite PETITPAS. ...Marguerite PETITPAS was married first to a Abraham DUGAS & had a son called Abraham. (6) Oliver LaBine [LABINE] MARRIED 16 Nonv 1847Alumette Island, Chapeau, Quebec to Elizabeth Jane...FLANNAGAN daughter of Patrick FLANNAGAN & Jane REED. (7) Joseph Oliver LaBine married 24 Feb 1873 Grand Calument Island, Quebec to Sarah ....MCCAULEY daughter of James MCCAULEY & Elizabeth DAGG. (8) James LABINE married in Haileybury, Ontario to Winifred Mary May HURLEY daughter of Michael.... HURLEY & Cathrine MCCOSHAM. (9) Ronald LABINE married 18 Jun 1951 in LaPasse, Ontario to Cecile LEBLANC daughter of ....Napolean "Paul" LEBLANC & Eleonore SOUCY. (10) Daryl LABINE. !TRANSLATION OF WORDS: à = at; Angleterre = England; au = to the, at the; Août = August; cette = this, that; de = of; dècèdè = deceased; déportée = ? deport; des = some, any, of the; deuxiemes = second; du = of the; en = in, into, to, as; enfant = child; est = is; et = and; établir = establish; été = summer; épouse = spouse; époux = spouse; famille = family; femme = woman, wife; Février = February; fille = daughter, girl; fils = son; il = he, it; ils = they; Janvier= January; Juillet = July; le = the; leurs = their; marié = bridgegroom or groom; membre(s) = member; né = born; Novembre = November; oû = where; père = father; sa = his, her, its; secondes = second;sont = are; sur = on, over, upon; vers = toward; veuve = widow;


NAME: (420) PETITPAS Claude Sieur de La Fleur
Son of

BIRTH: 1626
PLACE: , , France
PLACE: Port Royal, Acadie



ID: 133059
NAME: Claude Petitpas Sieur de LaFleur
SURNAME: Petitpas
SUFFIX: Sieur de LaFleur
BIRTH: 1626 in France
DEATH: 1691 in Port Royal, Acadie
UID: 7AA2D3F1D722D611A67144455354000007E4
NOTE: Claude was the "pioneer" of this family in Acadia. He came to Acadia during the Governorship of Charles de Menou d'AULNAY. He and Catherine had a family of thirteen children, seven of whom were sons. At the 1671 Census, Claude resided at Port Royal with his wife and four of his sons, Bernard, Claude, Jean and Jacques. His farm consisted of thirty cultivated acres, twenty head of cattle and twelve ewes (sheep). Claude was fairly well educated apparently. He held several official positions in the government at Port Royal, among them; Royal Notary and Clerk of Court. He appears to have beensomewhat adventurous as he carried on trade with the Micmac (Indians) and Acadian Metis (Indians). His sons accompanied him on some of his expeditions among the indians and they reportedly came to like this way of life. Source includes, but is not limited to; "New Brunswick Genealogical Information , by Fidele THERIAULT of Frederiction, New Brunswick, Canada. Found in the Telegraph-Journal, Saturday, 09 Aug 1994, Page A6, See also; For the connection to Claude to his daughter Henriette, who married Prudent ROBICHAUD, Sr. see the reference below; "New Brunswick Genealogical Information", by Fidele THERIAULT of Frederiction, New Brunswick, Canada. Found in the Telegraph-Journal, Saturday, 08 Aug 1994, Page A5.
Change Date: 7 Mar 2005 at 00:00:00

Marriage 1 Catherine Bugaret b: 1638 in Gironde, France

Married: 1658 in Port Royal, Acadia

1. Bernard Petitpas b: 1659 in Acadie
2. Paul Petitpas b: 1660
3. Marguerite Petitpas b: 1661 in Port Royal, Acadie
4. Martin Petitpas b: 1662
5. Claude Jr Petitpas b: 1663 in Port Royal, Acadie
6. Jean Petitpas b: 1664
7. Jacques Petitpas b: 1666 in Port Royal, Acadie
8. Pierre Petitpas b: 1666 in Port Royal, Acadie
9. Marie Petitpas b: May 1669
10. Anne Petitpas b: 1684 in Port Royal, Acadie
11. Elizabeth Isabelle Petitpas b: 1670 in Port Royal, Acadie
12. Herriette Petitpas b: 1674 in Port Royal, Acadie
13. Charles Petitpas b: 1676 in Acadie
14. Martin Petitpas b: 1677


Claude Petitpas & Catharine Bugaret dit Bagard had 13 children.


HE ARRIVED ABOUT 1645, WAS NOTARY ROYAL AND CHIEF CLERK AT THE TRIBUNAL. Census 1686 Port Royal, sieur de La Fleu, town clerc, and Catherine Bugart, his wife, 4 fils: Claude, 23 ans; Jacques, 19; Paul, 11; Charles, 10; plus 5 filles; 12 arpents de terre et 22 betes a cornes( hoofed animals) et 6 moutons(sheep) Arrived 1645. Also known as Issac.


He arrived in Acadia in 1645.


A trustee at Port Royal in 1639. In 1626 became town cler k of Port Royal.


Claude PETITPAS, 45, wife Catherine BAGARD 33; Children: Bernard 12, Claude 8, Jean 7, Jacques 5, Marguerite 10, Marie 2, Elisabeth 1; cattle 26, sheep 11. 1671 Acadian Census Port Royal


Claude Petitpas, b./ 1624, was Sieur de LaFleur. Some history of this family is in Hist and Gen of Acadiens 1:477; Canadean Archives 1905, 2:3, and New Brunswick magazine 1: 123, 1671 census. Claude Petitpas, b./ 1624, was Sieur de LaFleur. Some history of this family is in Hist and Gen of Acadiens 1:477; Canadean Archives 1905, 2:3, and New Brunswick magazine 1: 123, 1671 census. Claude Petitpas,b./ 1624, was Sieur de LaFleur Claude Petitpas, b./ 1624, was Sieur de LaFleur. Some history of this family is in Hist and Gen of Acadiens 1:477; Canadean Archives 1905, 2:3, and New Brunswick magazine 1: 123, 1671 census. Claude Petitpas, b./ 1624, was Sieur de LaFleur. Some history of this family is in Hist and Gen of Acadiens 1:477; Canadean Archives 1905, 2:3, and New Brunswick magazine 1: 123, 1671 census.


Line 16448 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Claude /Petitpas/ GIVN Claude Line 16449 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Claude /Petitpas/ SURN Petitpas [wft2.ftw] [Wft.ged] Line 16462 from GEDCOM File Modified on Import: NOTE [wft2.ftw] CONT [Brderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #3249, Date of Import: May 7, [Brderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #3249, Date of Import:May 7, Line 16463 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NOTE [wft2.ftw] CONC 1999] !LIFE: From article by Mary LaRocca in New England HGR, Jan 1898, p. Line 16466 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NOTE [wft2.ftw] CONC 5. He was notary of Port Royal and was married to Catherine Bugaret. Her source Line 16468 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NOTE [wft2.ftw] CONC is documented. Line 16448 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Claude /Petitpas/ GIVN Claude Line 16449 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Claude /Petitpas/ SURN Petitpas [wft2.ftw] [Wft.ged] Line 16462 from GEDCOM File Modified on Import: NOTE [wft2.ftw] CONT [Brderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #3249, Date of Import: May 7, [Brderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #3249, Date of Import: May 7, Line 16463 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NOTE [wft2.ftw] CONC 1999] !LIFE: From article by Mary LaRocca in New England HGR, Jan 1898, p. Line 16466 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NOTE [wft2.ftw] CONC 5. He was notary of Port Royal and was married to Catherine Bugaret. Her source Line 16468 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NOTE [wft2.ftw] CONC is documented.




Genealogy of French in North America
[44751] PETITPAS, Claude (..), laboureur (rec. 1671), greffier au tribunal (rec. 1686)/ploughman (rec. 1671), registrar (rec. 1686), sieur de Lafleur, né/born vers 1626 (rec. 1671) (rec. 1686)/about 1626 (census 1671) (census 1686) (France)

  • mariés/married vers 1658/about 1658, de/from (Acadie/Acadia)

BUGARET, Catherine (Bernard BUGARET dit SAINT-MARTIN & .. .. [86137]), née/born vers 1638 (rec. 1671) ou 1640 (rec. 1686)/about 1638 (census 1671) or 1640 (census 1686) Villefranche-du-Queyran (Lot-et-Garonne : 47320)
ADNmt/mtDNA calculé/computed (lignée par les femmes/by female descendance only) :
Haplogroupe/Haplogroup : H1
Signature : G107A A257G A263G 309.1C 309.2C 315.1C T477C 522- 523- T16183C T16189C T16249C T16362C T16519C
1) Marguerite, née/born vers 1661 (rec. 1671) ou 1658 (rec. 1698)/about 1661 (census 1671) or 1658 (census 1698) Port-Royal (Acadie/Acadia), marié/married (Acadie/Acadia) vers 1677/about 1677 Martin DUGAS, marié/married (Acadie/Acadia) vers 1681/about 1681 Claude GUÉDRY dit GRIVOIS
2) Anne, marié/married Port-Royal (Acadie/Acadia) 1704-11-03 Jacques GIROUARD
3) Bernard, marié/married (Acadie/Acadia) vers 1685/about 1685 .. ..
4) Claude, marié/married (Acadie/Acadia) après rec. 1686/after census 1686 Marie Thérèse .., marié/married Port-Royal (Acadie/Acadia) 1721-01-07 Françoise LAVERGNE
5) Henriette, marié/married Port-Royal ? (Acadie/Acadia) vers 1691/about 1691 Prudent ROBICHAUD
6) Isabelle, marié/married (Acadie/Acadia) vers 1686/about 1686 Olivier BOUDREAU, marié/married Port-Royal (Acadie/Acadia) vers 1690/about 1690 Alexandre RICHARD
7) Jacques, marié/married (Acadie/Acadia) vers 1690/about 1690 Geneviève SERREAU de SAINT-AUBIN
8) Marie, marié/married Port-Royal ? (Acadie/Acadia) vers 1689/about 1689 Michel FOREST






Category: Acadia, Immigrants from France
Category:Port-Royal, Acadie


{{Migrating Ancestor
| origin = France
| origin-flag = Flags.png
| destination = Acadia
| destination-flag = Acadie-1.png
NOTICE: this profile is protected by the Acadian Project because of frequent duplication, variant name spelling, attempts to add unsourced parents or is an historically important person, and is in the Top 100 highly viewed Acadian profiles. Please contact the Acadian Project before making any substantive changes. Thanks for helping make WikiTree the best site for accurate information.

:Caution: His parents are unknown and unproven. *See new information at the bottom on his parent's Isaac Petitpas and Barbe Bajolet they were married in France in 1623. Claude was born 3 years later. (Unproven)

Around 1658 Claude married Catherine Bugaret, daughter of Bernard Bugaret and an unknown mother. Catherine's father had arrived in Acadia in1636 and Catherine was born around 1638. Between about 1659 and 1684,Claude and Catherine had 13 children: Bernard, Marguerite, Claude, Jean, Jacques, Marie, Isabelle (Elizabeth), Henriette, Paul, Charles, Martin, Pierre, and Anne.≤ref name=DGFA>White, Stephen A., Patrice Gallant, and Hector-J Hébert. Dictionnaire Généalogique Des Familles Acadiennes. Moncton, N.-B.: Centre D'études Acadiennes, Université De Moncton, 1999, Print, p 300 (Bugaret) 1295-1296 (Petitpas).≤/ref>
Until 1671, Claude and Catherine raised their children at Port Royal while it was held by the British. They were permitted to retain their land and belongings and were guaranteed religious freedom.≤ref name=Dunn/> Dunn describes life in Acadia during the 16 years of nominal British rule::"During the years of British rule, most of the Port-Royal population moved upriver away from the town. Using the agricultural practices initiated under D'Aulnay, the Acadians dyked and cultivated extensive salt marshes along the river and raised livestock. Through necessity, residents had reached an accommodation with New England traders who had become their sole source for the goods that they could not produce themselves... New England traders exchanged their goods for Acadian produce and furs... There were seventy to eighty families in the Port Royalarea in 1665." ≤ref name=Dunn/>
By 1671 the British had ceded Acadia to France and French settlement resumed.≤ref>In collaboration, “MORILLON DU BOURG,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 1, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed November 20, 2013≤/ref> Around 1671≤ref name=1671Land>Charles Trahan's translations adding land holdings to 1671 Census≤/ref>, the family homestead had 30 arpents≤ref name=arpent>Statistics Canada 1 arpent= 0.845 acres≤/ref> under cultivation and they had 26 cattle and 11 sheep.≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1671 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie. 1671 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671– 1752” Images 3-14.≤blockquote>Claude PETITPAS, 45, wife Catherine BAGARD 33; Children: Bernard 12, Claude 8, Jean 7, Jacques 5, Marguerite 10, Marie 2, Elisabeth 1; cattle 26, sheep 11, 30 arpents of land.≤/blockquote>≤/ref> It is not clear where the farm was located. By 1707, their son Claude had a farm upriver near present-day Bridgetown, east of the fort on the north bank of theDauphin (Annapolis River).
By 1690, the family' would be affected by King William's War (1689-1697) with France. In May 1690, Sir William Phipps≤ref name=biophips/> captured Port Royal, destroyed the church, plundered the settlement, and forced the inhabitants to swear an oath of allegiance to the English crown. He appointed Charles La Tourasse, a former sergeant of the French garrison, to serve as English commandant and leader of a council to keepthe peace and administer justice.≤ref name=biotourasse/> Phipps left Port-Royal within 12 days of arrival. Before the end of the summer, seamen from two ships looted Port-Royal and burned and looted between 28 and 35 homes and habitations including the parish church.≤ref name=Dunn/>
An English garrison was never established, possibly because the inhabitants refused to guarantee that the Indians would not attack if one was formed.≤ref name=biotourasse/>
Claude died in Port Royal around 1691, as his wife married Charles La Tourasse around 1692.≤ref name=DGFA/>


:c1626 birth, in France
:1632 Treaty Saint-Germain-en-Laye cedes Acadia to France; Razilly brings ~300 elite men≤ref>George MacBeath, Biography – RAZILLY, ISAAC DE – Volume I (1000-1700) – Dictionary of Canadian Biography Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed November 20≤/ref>:1636 Arrival of the first French families to settle permanently≤refname=mass> Massignon, Geneviève. "Les parlers français d'Acadie, enquête linguistique", Librairie Klincksieck, Paris, 1962, 2 tomes. p. 32 first French families in Acadia≤/ref>
:1654 British capture Port-Royal; French settlement ceases≤ref>William I. Roberts, 3rd, “SEDGWICK, ROBERT,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 1, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed November 20, 2013≤/ref>

:c1658 marriage to Catherine Bugaret, in Acadia
:c1659 birth, son Bernard
:c1661 birth, daughter Marguerite
:c1663 birth, son Claude
:c1664 birth, son Jean
:c1666 birth, son Jacques
:1667-70 Treaty of Breda cedes Acadia to the French; settlement resumes≤ref>In collaboration, “MORILLON DU BOURG,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 1, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed November 20, 2013≤/ref>

:c1669 birth, daughter Marie
:c1670 birth, daughter Isabelle
:1671 residence, in Port Royal
:c1674 birth, daughter Henriette
:c1675 birth, son Paul
:c1676 birth, son Charles
:c1677 birth, son Martin
:c1681 birth, son Pierre
:c1684 birth, daughter Anne
:c1686 residence, in Port Royal
:1687 War of the League of Augsburg (King William’s War) starts between England and France≤ref name=Griffiths2005>Griffiths, Naomi E.S.,From migrant to Acadian : a North-American border people, 1604-1755, Montreal (Québec), McGill-Queen's University Press, 2005, p147-151 (King William’s War); p 267-268 (oaths of allegiance)≤/ref>
:1690 Phipps captures and sacks Port-Royal, coerces inhabitants' oaths of allegiance to English Crown, sets up local Peacekeeping Council and leaves within 12 days.≤ref name=biophips>C.P.Stacey, “PHIPS, SIR WILLIAM,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 1, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003, accessed November 20, 2013≤/ref>≤ref name=biowikiphips>of William Phipps≤/ref>≤ref name=biotourasse>C.Bruce Fergusson,“LATOURASSE, CHARLES,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 1, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003, accessed November 20, 2013≤/ref> Seaman from two ships later loot and burn between 28 and 35homes/habitations including the parish church.≤ref name=Dunn>Dunn, Brenda. A History of Port Royal / Annapolis Royal 1605-1800. Nimbus Publishing, p vii,ix,1-12 (early European settlement); p13 (1629 Food abundance Scottish settlement); p32 (Church and School 1686));p 40,43 (1693 PR raid); p44-45 (1697 Treaty of Ryswick); p52-53(1702 Queen Anne’s War); p61-62 (Blockade of PR); p 71-73(1707 Attack on PR); p82-85(1710 Siege of PR).≤/ref>”

:c1691 death


of Parent
Parents of Claude Petitpas are Isaac Petitpas and 1st married Barbe Bajolet they were married in 1623 in France. (unproven)


Claude Petitpas est né vers 1626 en France.≤ref name=DGFA/> On ne sait pas quel est le lien entre lui et un syndic Claude Petitpas, qui était déjà en place à Port-Royal Acadie en 1636.≤ref name=SW94>White, Stephen A. La généalogie des trente-sept familles hôtesses des "Retrouvailles 94", Les Cahiers de la Société historiqueacadienne, vol. 25, nos 2 et 3 (1994).≤/ref> Claude devint notaire royal à Jemseg Acadie (1680) et greffier à Port Royal (1686).≤ref name=SW94/>≤ref name=DGFA/>
Vers 1658 Claude épousa Catherine Bugaret, fille de Bernard Bugaret et une mère inconnue.≤ref name=DGFA/> Entre 1659 et 1684 environ, le couple a eu 13 enfants: Bernard, Marguerite, Claude, Jean, Jacques, Marie, Isabelle (Elizabeth), Henriette, Paul, Charles, Martin, Pierre, etAnne.≤ref name=DGFA/>

Claude est décédé vers 1691.≤ref name=DGFA/>


≤references />
See also:*Melanson, F. J. Genealogies of the Families of Chezzetcook, N.S.: "the Petitpas". 2nd rev. ed. Halifax, N.S.: [the Author], 1983.

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Claude Petitpas Sieur de la Fleur's Timeline

Acadie, Nouvelle-France
Port-Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-France
Port Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-France
Port Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-France
Port Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-France
May 1669
Port Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-France