public profile
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constance_of_Antioch
- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ANTIOCH.htm#ConstanceAntiochdied1163B
CONSTANCE of Antioch, daughter of BOHEMOND II Prince of Antioch & his wife Alix of Jerusalem ([1127]-[1163/67], bur St Mary, Josaphat). Her name and parentage are recorded by William of Tyre[123]. The Lignages d'Outremer name "Costance" as daughter of "Beymont…prince" and his wife, recording her marriage to "Reimont le fill au comte de Poitiers"[124]. She succeeded her father in 1130 as CONSTANCE Pss of Antioch, under the regency successively of her mother, her maternal grandfather and her mother’s brother-in-law Foulques d'Anjou King of Jerusalem. Her succession was challenged by Roger II King of Sicily, as nearest male heir, but he was unable to press his claim due to more urgent business in southern Italy. "Fulco rex Hierosolymitanus rector ac bajulus principatus Antiocheni filiæque Boamundi II iunioris" confirmed a donation to the church of the Holy Sepulchre by charter dated Sep 1134[125]. Her first marriage was arranged by Foulques d'Anjou King of Jerusalem, in secret from her mother who had offered her hand to Manuel Komnenos, son of Emperor Ioannes II[126]. She succeeded her mother [after 1136] as Lady of Latakieh and Jabala. She rejected three potential candidates as her second husband proposed by Baudouin III King of Jerusalem: Yves de Nesle Comte de Soissons, Gauthier de Fauquemberghes Châtelain de Saint-Omer, and Raoul de Merle[127]. She also rejected Ioannes Dalassenos Rogerios [Jean Roger the Norman] who had been proposed by Emperor Manuel I[128]. "Raimundus I princeps Antiochenus" donated property to the church of the Holy Sepulchre, with the consent of "uxoris Constantiæ", by charter dated 19 Apr 1140[129]. William of Tyre records her second marriage[130]. The Lignages d'Outremer name "Rinaldo de Castellion" as second husband of "Costanza…la Nova Princessa[131]. When her second husband was taken prisoner in 1160, Constance claimed that power in Antioch had reverted to her. However, Baudouin III King of Jerusalem declared her son Bohémond as the rightful prince under the regency of Patriarch Aimery. Constance appealed to Emperor Manuel I, who sent ambassadors to Antioch to negotiate a marriage between her daughter and the emperor, their presence alone being sufficient to re-establish Constance's rule in Antioch[132]. Following riots in the city, Pss Constance was exiled in 1163 and her son installed in her place[133]. Runciman specifies that Constance appealed to Konstantinos Dukas Kalamános as Governor of Cilicia for help when she was exiled, but this appears incorrect as Kalamános was only appointed Governor in 1167[134]. Her date of death is not known, but in a charter dated 1167, her son called himself "Prince of Antioch, Lord of Latakieh and Jabala"[135] which was his mother's dower, implying that she had died by then. Bohémond III Prince of Antioch confirmed donations to the church of St Mary, Josaphat, confirming that "mater sua Constantia, frater Raynaldus et soror Philippa" were buried there, by charter dated Sep 1181[136].
m firstly ([Apr/May] 1136) RAYMOND de Poitiers, [illegitimate] son of GUILLAUME IX Duke of Aquitaine [GUILLAUME VII Comte de Poitou] & [his mistress Amauberge [Dangerose] ---] (-killed in battle near Inab 28 Jun 1149)... ... ...
m secondly (before May 1153) as his first wife, RENAUD de Châtillon, son of --- (-beheaded Hattin [Jul/Aug] 1187)... ... ...
Constance of Antioch
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Constance of Antioch (1127-1163) was the Princess regnant of the principality of Antioch (a crusader state) from 1130 to her death.
Constance was the only daughter of Bohemund II of Antioch by his wife Alice, princess of Jerusalem. She became princess of Antioch when she was only four-years-old, under the regency of Baldwin II of Jerusalem (1130-1131) and Fulk of Jerusalem (1131-1136). Her mother Alice did not want the principality to pass to Constance, preferring to rule in her own name. Alice attempted to ally with the Muslim atabeg of Mosul, Zengi, offering to marry Constance to a Muslim prince, but the plan was foiled by Alice's father Baldwin, who exiled her from Antioch. In 1135 Alice attempted once again to take control of the principality, and sought a husband for Constance in Manuel Comnenus, at that time the heir to the Byzantine throne. Fulk exiled her again and re-established the regency for Constance. In 1136, while still a child, Constance was married to Raymond of Poitiers, whom the noble supporters of the regency had secretly summoned from Europe; Alice was tricked into believing Raymond was going to marry her, and, humiliated, left Antioch for good when the marriage was performed. From this union three children were born:
Bohemund III of Antioch, who succeeded her in 1163
Maria of Antioch (1145-1182), married (rechristened as "Xena") to Manuel I Comnenus
Philippa of Antioch, mistress to Andronicus I Comnenus
In 1149, Raymond died in the battle of Inab and Constance remarried in 1153 to Raynald of Chatillon, who also became co-ruler of Antioch. Constance had one daughter from Raynald:
Agnes (1154-1184), married king Bela III of Hungary
According to some sources[1], Constance and Raynald had another daughter, Jeanne, possibly the second wife of Boniface I of Montferrat.
Raynald was captured in 1160 and spent the next sixteen years in a prison in Aleppo. A dispute arose between Constance and her son, Bohemund, when Bohemund tried to seize power in Antioch. A riot broke out, and Constance was exiled from the city. She died in 1163.
Constance of Antioch (1127 – 1163) was the only daughter of Bohemund II of Antioch by his wife Alice, princess of Jerusalem. She was also Princess regnant of the Principality of Antioch (a crusader state) from 1130 to her death.
She became princess of Antioch when she was only four-years-old, under the regency of Baldwin II of Jerusalem (1130-1131) and Fulk of Jerusalem (1131-1136).
Her mother Alice did not want the principality to pass to Constance, preferring to rule in her own name. Alice attempted to ally with the Muslim atabeg of Mosul, Zengi, offering to marry Constance to a Muslim prince, but the plan was foiled by Alice's father Baldwin, who exiled her from Antioch. In 1135 Alice attempted once again to take control of the principality, and sought a husband for Constance in Manuel Comnenus, at that time the heir to the Byzantine throne. Fulk exiled her again and re-established the regency for Constance. In 1136, while still a child, Constance was married to Raymond of Poitiers, whom the noble supporters of the regency had secretly summoned from Europe; Alice was tricked into believing Raymond was going to marry her, and, humiliated, left Antioch for good when the marriage was performed. From this union three children were born:
* Bohemund III of Antioch, who succeeded her in 1163
* Maria of Antioch (1145-1182), married (rechristened as "Xena") to Manuel I Comnenus
* Philippa of Antioch, mistress to Andronicus I Comnenus
In 1149, Raymond died in the Battle of Inab and Constance remarried in 1153 to Raynald of Chatillon, who also became co-ruler of Antioch. Constance had one daughter from Raynald:
* Agnes of Antioch (1154-1184), married king Bela III of Hungary
According to some sources believe that Constance and Raynald had another daughter, Jeanne, possibly the second wife of Boniface I of Montferrat.
Raynald was captured in 1160 and spent the next sixteen years in a prison in Aleppo. A dispute arose between Constance and her son, Bohemund, when Bohemund tried to seize power in Antioch. A riot broke out, and Constance was exiled from the city. She died in 1163.
Constance of Antioch (1127-1163) was the Princess regnant of the principality of Antioch (a crusader state) from 1130 to her death.
Constance was the only daughter of Bohemund II of Antioch by his wife Alice, princess of Jerusalem. She became princess of Antioch when she was only four-years-old, under the regency of Baldwin II of Jerusalem (1130-1131) and Fulk of Jerusalem (1131-1136). Her mother Alice did not want the principality to pass to Constance, preferring to rule in her own name. Alice attempted to ally with the Muslim atabeg of Mosul, Zengi, offering to marry Constance to a Muslim prince, but the plan was foiled by Alice's father Baldwin, who exiled her from Antioch. In 1135 Alice attempted once again to take control of the principality, and sought a husband for Constance in Manuel Comnenus, at that time the heir to the Byzantine throne. Fulk exiled her again and re-established the regency for Constance. In 1136, while still a child, Constance was married to Raymond of Poitiers, whom the noble supporters of the regency had secretly summoned from Europe; Alice was tricked into believing Raymond was going to marry her, and, humiliated, left Antioch for good when the marriage was performed. From this union three children were born:
Bohemund III of Antioch, who succeeded her in 1163
Maria of Antioch (1145-1182), married (rechristened as "Xena") to Manuel I Comnenus
Philippa of Antioch, mistress to Andronicus I Comnenus
In 1149, Raymond died in the battle of Inab and Constance remarried in 1153 to Raynald of Chatillon, who also became co-ruler of Antioch. Constance had one daughter from Raynald:
Agnes (1154-1184), married king Bela III of Hungary
According to some sources, Constance and Raynald had another daughter, Jeanne, possibly the second wife of Boniface I of Montferrat.
Raynald was captured in 1160 and spent the next sixteen years in a prison in Aleppo. A dispute arose between Constance and her son, Bohemund, when Bohemund tried to seize power in Antioch. A riot broke out, and Constance was exiled from the city. She died in 1163.
Constance of Antioch (1127-1163) was the Princess regnant of the principality of Antioch (a crusader state) from 1130 to her death.
Constance was the only daughter of Bohemund II of Antioch by his wife Alice, princess of Jerusalem. She became princess of Antioch when she was only four-years-old, under the regency of Baldwin II of Jerusalem (1130-1131) and Fulk of Jerusalem (1131-1136). Her mother Alice did not want the principality to pass to Constance, preferring to rule in her own name. Alice attempted to ally with the Muslim atabeg of Mosul, Zengi, offering to marry Constance to a Muslim prince, but the plan was foiled by Alice's father Baldwin, who exiled her from Antioch. In 1135 Alice attempted once again to take control of the principality, and sought a husband for Constance in Manuel Comnenus, at that time the heir to the Byzantine throne. Fulk exiled her again and re-established the regency for Constance. In 1136, while still a child, Constance was married to Raymond of Poitiers, whom the noble supporters of the regency had secretly summoned from Europe; Alice was tricked into believing Raymond was going to marry her, and, humiliated, left Antioch for good when the marriage was performed. From this union three children were born:
Bohemund III of Antioch, who succeeded her in 1163
Maria of Antioch (1145-1182), married (rechristened as "Xena") to Manuel I Comnenus
Philippa of Antioch, mistress to Andronicus I Comnenus
In 1149, Raymond died in the battle of Inab and Constance remarried in 1153 to Raynald of Chatillon, who also became co-ruler of Antioch. Constance had one daughter from Raynald:
Agnes (1154-1184), married king Bela III of Hungary
According to some sources, Constance and Raynald had another daughter, Jeanne, possibly the second wife of Boniface I of Montferrat.
Raynald was captured in 1160 and spent the next sixteen years in a prison in Aleppo. A dispute arose between Constance and her son, Bohemund, when Bohemund tried to seize power in Antioch. A riot broke out, and Constance was exiled from the city. She died in 1163.
She became princess of Antioch when she was only four-years-old, under the regency of Baldwin II of Jerusalem (1130–1131) and Fulk of Jerusalem (1131–1136).
Her mother Alice did not want the principality to pass to Constance, preferring to rule in her own name. Alice attempted to ally with the Muslim atabeg of Mosul, Zengi, offering to marry Constance to a Muslim prince, but the plan was foiled by Alice's father Baldwin, who exiled her from Antioch. In 1135 Alice attempted once again to take control of the principality, and sought a husband for Constance in Manuel Comnenus, at that time the heir to the Byzantine throne. Fulk exiled her again and re-established the regency for Constance. In 1135 Alice offered Emperor Manuel the hand of her seven-year daughter Constance, which was a concern for the French barons. Fulk of Jerusalem then chose Raymond of Poitiers, a younger son of William IX, Duke of Aquitaine, as future husband for Constance. Neither Alice nor Roger II of Sicily were to learn of this. To get to Antioch, Raymond had to dress up as a pilgrim and a servant, dodging the Scouts of the Normans to prevent them from learning of the agreement with Fulk. In 1136 Raymond arrived in Antioch. Alice was tricked into believing Raymond was going to marry her. This rumor was spread with the help of Patriarch Radulph, but in truth, Raymond didn't want to marry Alice but to kidnap Constance. While Alice was waiting the applicant in the palace, Constance and Raymond were married hastily. Alice retreated back to Latakia, humiliated.
In 1149 Raymond was killed in the Battle of Inab during an expedition against Nur ad-Din Zangi. He was beheaded by Shirkuh, the uncle of Saladin, and his head was placed in a silver box and sent to the Caliph of Baghdad as a gift. Raymond left Constance a 22-year-old widow.
Constance and Raymond had four children (three surviving). Her son Bohemond was just five years old when his father was killed. Therefore, the Patriarch Aimery took over power in Antioch. Baldwin III of Jerusalem was appointed Regent and proposed Constance marry an ally but with no success. Ives Nesle, Count of Soissons (House of Nesle), Walter of Falkenberg (Saint-Omer) and Ralph Merle, Baron from Tripoli were proposed as candidates however, but no decision was made, so they asked Emperor Manuel I to determine her a spouse. Manuel sent John Roger, who had been married to his late sister Maria, but Constance refused him and he had to return to Constantinople. In 1152 Baldwin and Constance were ordered to Tripoli with help from Baldwin's mother, Melisende of Jerusalem to encourage a new marriage to one another. But again, success remained elusive.
Constance remarried in 1153 to Raynald of Châtillon, who also became co-ruler of Antioch. Raynald had been in the service of Baldwin III of Jerusalem. The marriage was, however, unpopular because Raynald was considered an upstart.
Raynald was captured on a rampage in the anti Taurus by Madsch-ed-Din, the Governor of Aleppo, in 1160. Constance then claimed her independent rule over Antioch. The popular party supported her son from her first marriage, the 15-year-old Bohemond, however, Constance did not wish to hand over the Principality to her son, who was now legally old enough to rule. King Baldwin stepped in and had Bohemond made Prince and appointed an old opponent of Raynald's rich and wordly Patriarch Aimery of Limoges as regent. Constance protested against this decision to the Court of Constantinople.
In 1159 Bertha of Sulzbach, wife of Manuel I died, the Emperor married the following year in 1160 to Maria, the daughter of Constance and Raymond. The marriage strengthened the position of Constance, who now held the Regency of Antioch. Raynald was released only 1176.
In 1163 Constance asked the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia for aid in order to maintain her rule; the citizens of Antioch then rioted and exiled her. She died later that year, allowing Bohemond to take full control.
Constance had one daughter from Raynald: Agnes of Antioch (1154–1184), who married king Bela III of Hungary
Some sources [2] believe that Constance and Raynald had another daughter, Joan, possibly the second wife of Boniface I of Montferrat.
1127 |
Antioch, Syria (Syrian Arab Republic)
1141 |
Antioch, Antakya, Turkey
1145 |
Antakya, Hatay, Turkey
1146 |
Antioch, Antakya, Turkey
1154 |
1164 |
Age 37
Jerusalem, Israel
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