From his Find A Grave page:
Corneilus Symonse Van Arsdalen
From The Vanguard December 1998 Pages 5,7, & 8, article by Mark Alan Thomas
Cornelis Sijmonsz van Aersdalen was born about 1665 in New Amersfoort, on the island of Nassauw, the first son of Sijmon Jansz van Arsdalen and Pieterje Klaasz (van Schouw). His father was an immigrant from Amsterdam, Holland, and his mother was a native of New Amsterdam. There are numerous records of Sijmon Jansz van Arsdalen in New Netherland and in the province of New Yorke after 1664. However, records of his oldest son Cornelis are much more difficult to find.
The earliest record I have found of Cornelis is dated Oct. 1681, when "Cornelis Symons Van Arsdalen", then 16 years old, became a member of the Reformed Dutch Church of Amersfoort based "on profession of faith." This record was found in the 1915 Frost copy of the "Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the Town of Flatbush, Kings Co., New York," in a section titled, "Marriage Fees; Deaths; Members," page 57. On 16 March 1687, "Cornelis Symonsen from Alldael and Altie Willemse young dame, both residing Amersfort" were married in this same church. This record can be found in a section of these records titled, "Marriages from the records of Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the town of Flatbush, Kings Co., New York", Volume 1, page 29. His first wife Altie was said to be born December 14, 1665 to Willem Gerretse Van Kouwenhoven and his second wife Jennetje Pieterse Monfoort ("The Monfoort Family" by Teunis Bergen in Genealogies of Long Island Families, vol. l, p. 597, also James Riker's Annals of Newton, p 364).
In the year 1687, citizens of the five Dutch towns on Long Island of foreign birth or questionable loyalties were required to take the Oath of Allegiance to the British Crown. "Cornelis Simonsen Van Aerts daalen" took this oath, declaring he was a native of the province. This was recorded in the "Documentary History of the State of New York," Quarto, Vol. l pp. 429-432.
In the year of 1688, Cornelis Simonse owned lots Nos. 1 and 29 in Gravesend Neck, as per Gravesend records, according to Teunis G. Bergen in his classic book titled, "Register In Alphabetical Order of the Early Settlers of Kings County, Long island, N. Y., From Its First Settlement by Europeans to 1700; With Contributions to Their Biographies and Genealogies, Complied From Various Sources." New York, 1881 (reprinted 1973 by Polyanthos, Inc.), p. 262
Cornelis and Altie Van Arsdalen had one child, a daughter named Jannetje, named after Altie's mother. Jannetje Van Arsdalen was born about 1689-90, and her mother died shortly after her birth. I have found no primary record of the births of any of Cornelis Sijmonsen Van Aersdalen's children. There is a strange absence of records of the Reformed Dutch Church during the period of his children's births. The dates we do have are approximations, or come from secondary sources such as family Bible records.
On 02 May 1691, "Cornelis Symonse widower of Aeltie Wellimse Kouwenhoven and Marytie Dirks young dame, both residing at New Amersfoort" were betrothed. Marytie Dirks was the daughter of Dirk Jansen Amerman and Aeltje Pauwelse Van der Beeck (Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, vol. 20, p. 50; NY Co. Wills 9:438; and NYGBR vol. 67, p.227). This record was filed in "Marriages from the records of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the Town of Flatbush, Kings Co., New York," Volume l, by Josephine C. Frost, 1915, p, 36. This record is often referred to as their marriage date, in error.
In 1695, a Cornelis Simonse was a grand-juryman at the Court of Sessions, and this was suspected by Teunis G. Bergen to be Cornelis Simonse Van Arsdalen of Flatlands, who signed his name as "Cornelis Symons" and "Cornelis Symonsen," in "Early Settlers of Kings County," p. 262.
In about 1698, a Census of kings County was taken, compiling a list of all the freeholders, their wives, children, apprentices, and slaves on Nassauw Island. Simontz Van Aersdaelen." his wife, six children, and one slave were listed on this document, living in the Town of Flatands, also New Amesfoort. I found a reprint of this record in the book titled "Lists of Inhabitants of Colonial New York Exerpted from The Documentary History of the State of New-York," by Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan, reprinted by Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1979, p. 178
On 15 April 1698, in a land conveyance from William Wilkins to Reyneer Vansycklyn in the town of Gravesend, "Cornelis Symonse" was listed owning [land] and [living] nearby. This record can be found in Book No. 2 of Conveyances, Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY., pp. 169-170.
On 07 May 1700, Cornelis Simonse Van Arsdalen bought of his father Symon Jansen Van Arsdalen a farm in Gravesend, which he sold to his younger brother John or Jan Simonse Van Aersdalen on 10 May 1700, as per Gravesend records ("Early Settlers of Kings County," p. 308).
On 03 April 1705, "Cornelis Van Arsdalen" was a witness to an agreement at a town meeting to divide the common woodlands at Canarsie, aka: Flatlands Neck, an agreement which was not settled until 1718-19. This record comes from the book titled, "The Civil, Political, Professional and Ecclesiastical History and Commercial and Industrial Record of the County of Kings and the City of Brooklyn, N, Y. From 1683 to 1884," by Henry R. Stiles, Volume l, New York, undated, p. 71.
On the 1715 list of officers and soldiers belonging to the regiment of Militia in Kings County, "Cornelius Simason" (he was about 50 years old) was listed in "The Troop." This record can be found on p. 181 of O'Callaghan's book, "Lists of Inhabitants of Colonial New York".
On 26 December 1718, the Board of Supervisors for Kings Co., in the Province of New York, met and "Cornelius Vanarsdale" represented Flatlands. This record can be found in Stiles, p. 379.
On 25 December 1718, a division of the common woodlands at Canarsie, aka: De Baye's Neck or Flatlands Neck, was advertised, and on 20 April 1719 the division was made at Amersfoordt naming "Cornelis Van Arsdalen." On 04 May 1719 "Cornelis Van Arsdalen was allotted 9-4/5 acres of Lot No. 23 at Fresh Kills Point, 40-7/10 acres of Lot No. 14 at the Great Division named the Neck, and 4-9/10 acres of Lot No. 16 at Kanasing" (op cit, p. 72).
In 1738, a list of all the Inhabitants of the Township of Flatt Lands, in Kings County was taken, giving whites and blacks, males and females. It listed "cornlvs van arsdalen" in a household with four white males above 10 years, and four white females above 10 years (O'Callaghan, p. 240).
All the records cited above suggest that Cornelis Sijmonsen Van Aersdalen lived in Flatlands or Gravesend continuously from 1681-1738. However, I have often seen it said that he may have also lived in Somerset County, East Jersey during this period. I can neither confirm or deny this claim, since I have not seen the proof.
On 25 April 1738, Cornelis Van Aersdalen" wrote his will living in Flatlands, Kings County on the Island of Nassauw, and this will was proved on 19 April 1745 in New York County, in the province of New York. His will was preserved in its recorded form in the Surrogate's office in the County of New York, Liber 15, page 380.
Family links:
Burial: Flatlands Dutch Reformed Church Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, USA
Source: New York co NY Will Book Vol. 15 page 352
Written: 25 Apr 1738
Probated: 19 Apr 1745
The Will of Cornelius Van Aersdalen proved the 19th of April 1745 before Geo.
Jos. Moore, Esq.
Name: Capt Simon Van Arsdalen
Will of Simon Cornelisz Van Arsdalen made when he was 90 years of age.
In the name of god Amen. The third day of December in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven, I Simon Vanarsdalen the elder of Straban Township, York County, state of Pennsylvania, Yeoman, being sick and weak in body and of sound and perfect mind and memory and understanding. Thanks be given unto Almightiest God therefore and calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing it is appointed for all men once to die to make and ordain this my last will and testament in the following manner and form. It is my will and I do order in the first place all my just debts and funeral charges be paid and satisfied. Item: I give and bequeath unto my grandson Simon, son of Cornelius, my Silver cup for his birthright. Item: it is my will and I do order that all the remainder of my whole Estate, personal, shall be sold as convenietly can be after my decease. Item: It is my will and I do order that my whole real estate shall be sold as conveniently can be after my decease by my Executors here in after named. Item: It is my will that my son John shall be paid out of my estate for the improvements he make on my real estate. Item: It is my will and I do order that the money arising from my whole Estate real and personal to be equally divided among all my children, viz: my son John, Abraham, Isaac , and Jannetey, and my sons Cornelius, Gerret, and Simon to share and share alike, but my sons Cornelius, Gerret, and Simon's share to be equally divided among their sons, and daughters, share and share alike of their father's share which are deceased unto them and their heirs forever. Item: It is my will and I do order that my executors shall keep the money of my grandchildren in their hands until they be of age and if any of my grandchildren should die without lawful heirs then their share to be equally divided among their brothers and sisters. Item: I do give hereby and grant unto my Executors herein after named survivors or Survivor of them the god right and full power lawful and absolute authority to sell and dispose of all and singular my Estate as aforesaid. Lastely I do hereby nominate, consitute and appoint my sons John Vanarsdalen, Abraham Vanarsdalen and grandson Simon Vanarsdalen all of York County and State of Pennsylvania to be my Executors of this my last will and testament, and confirming this to be my last Will and Testament and do hereby revoke, dissolve and make void all former Wills and Testaments made by me at any time here to fore made. In witness whereof I the said Testor, Simon Vanarsdalen have set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Simon Vanarsdalen
Signed, sealed and delivered by Simon Vanarsdalen as his last will and testament in the presence of subscribers, John Cownover, Abraham Bodine, Cornelius Bodene Cownover.
Will probated 29 April 1789.
Recorded the last will and testament of Cornelius Van Aorsdalon proved before Mr. Moore the 19 of April 1745. Recorded. In the name of God. Amen. The 25th day of April, in the year of our Lord, One thousand, seven hundren and thirty eight,
I, Cornelius Van Aerdalen, of Flatlands in Kings County, on the Island of Nassau, yeoman, being at present in health and of perfect mind and memory, thanks be to God therefore, and calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God who gave it and for my body I recommend it to the earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner, at the discretion of my Executors, nothing but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God. And as touching such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, devise and dispose of the same in following manner, and from , Imprimis. After my lawful debts are paid and my funeral charges are defrayed, I give and bequeath unto Marretie, my loving wife, all and singular, my real and personal estate, in Flatlands in King County, abovesaid, for her to use, possess and occupy, to enjoy, without any let, hinderance or molestation of any person or persons whatso ever, and during the natural life of my said loving wife.
Item, I do give and bequeath unto my eldest son, Dirk Van Aersdalen my Silver Tankard as a token for his first right.
Item I do give and bequeath unto my ten children by name Dirk Van Aersdalen, John Van Aersdalen, Symon Van Aersdalen, Philip Van Aersdalen, Abraham Van Aersdalen, and Jacobus Van Aersdalen and my daughters Jannetie, Aeltie, Petronella, and Maria, my whole real and personal estate, and unto them my said children their heirs and assignes forever to be divided equally among them, immediately after my loving wife's decease.
Item, since my daughter Jannetie which I have procreated by my former wife, has had her mother's inheritance it is my will that she shall have no part of that inheritance which is to come by my present wife, Marretie, Immediately after her decease, and I do constitute and appoint my loving wife Marreite, to be Executrix of this my last will and testament and I do hereby utterly disallow, revoak, and disannual all and every other former testament, will, legacies, bequestsm, and Executors by me in any way before this time made, willed and there to be my bequeathed, ratifying, and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament.
In withness whereof I have this day, set my hand and seal 25th day of April, in the year of our Lord, 1738.
Signed, sealed, published, pronounced and declard by the said Cornelius
Arsdalen as his last will and testament in the presents of us subscribers.
signed by:
Cornelis Van Arsdallen
Oukeen Voorhees
Tounis Reynerson (X as his mark)
S. Gerritson
Will proved Apr 29, 1745. Filed New York City
3. CORNELIUS SIMONSZEN3 VANARSDALLEN (SIJMON JANZEN2, JAN PAUWELSEN1 VAN AERSDAELE) was born 1665 in Ameersfoort (Flatlands) L.I., Kings Co., New Amsterdam (NY), and died Bet. April 19 - 25, 1745 in Flatlands, Long Island, Kings Co., NY. He married MARRETJE DIRKSDOCHTER AMMERMAN Bet. May 02 - June 14, 1691 in Dutch Reformed Church, Flatlands, L.I., New Amsterdam (NY), daughter of DIRCK AMMERMAN and ADEITJE VANDERBEEK/BREECK. She was born 1672 in Flatlands, L.I., New Amsterdam (NY), and died Aft. 1738.
from Van Arsdallen researcher Donald Schutt:
from RootsWeb site "VanArsdale Archives," Van Arsdallen reseachers Charles Vanorsdale et. al.:
"letter dated March 22, 1733, signed Cornelis Simonsz Van Aersdalen, his brother Jan Simonsz, and the husband of their sister Metje Simonse, at that time the surviving children of Simon Jansz, which shows the early interest in family history, in which they state:
'You were writing you were interested in knowing to what number our family-tree has expanded; we are over two hundred now. Cornelis Simonsz van Aarsdal has got eleven children, eight of whom are married and has over forty descendants; Jan Simonsz van Aarsdal has got eleven children and Geertje, Jannetje and Jetje have got many children and grandchildren. You will understand it is just impossible to enumerate them; however, I can inform you they are all living on plantations of their own, breeding cattle and growing corn, maize, etc. We thank our Lord for leading our father to this country.'
"--letter translated from the original Dutch; published in "Jaarboek van Het Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie," deel 50 (1996): Den Haag, Netherlands. "Voorts weet ick neit meer te schrijven: Brieven van Niew Nederlandse Van Arsale's (1698, 1731, 1733)" e. Th. r. Unger. pp. 179-198. ["I do not know what else to write: letters from New Netherlands van Arsadale (1698, 1731, 1733)] also at State Archives of Central Holland, Gouda;"
the Dutch Reformed Church, Flatlands, Long Island, NY, is where Cornelius and Marretje were married and later where they were buried. Here are records of generations of the VanArsdallen and Ammermans. This building from the 1840s sits on the site of the original with its accompanying cemetery in which the original immigrant, Cornelius's father, Sijmon Jansz Van Aersdalen, is also buried. The address is on Kings Highway, along which Cornwallis marched his forces to confront Washington in the Battle of Long Island during the Revolutionary War.
also at the above site, from Bryce Stevens:
"These two letters were written by family members in America, and regards to an inheritance left Simon or his descendants. They were located in the Gouda City archives (file registration number 616), among records of the Gouda Orphans Court and deal with the estate of Geertruijt van Haesdale...
"Address: to mister Harmanus van Hombergen, candle-maker at Gouda.
Nieuw-Amersfoort, September 22nd, 1731.
'Dear cousin,
'Your letter of May 10th, 1731 has been delivered to us by mr. Hagoort. You wrote us our cousin Geertruif van Aersdal died and that she willed her uncle, Simon Janse Aesdal or in case he predeceased his surviving children one-thousand guilders.
'There are four of us yet, we, the undersigned, Corneis Simonsz van Aersdal and Jan Simonsz van Aersdal, and our sister Jannetje and Mettie van Aersdal. We (Cornelis and Jan) have been appointed as executors of the last will of our father and administrators of his estate. We understand the money should be collected in 1733 and we will empower you to act for us in good time but please let us know which Orphan's Court it should be addressed to. We thank you for informing us of the legacy and hope this letter may find you and the family in good health.
'In case you would write again please direct your letter to Cornelijs Sijmenijs van Aersdale at Nieuw-Amersfoort in the isle of Nassau.
' Cornelijs Sijmenijse van Aersdal
'Ian Sijmense van Aersdal'
'Dear cousin Van Homberg,
'Reverend Hagoort handed us your letter of July 2, 1732. We are enclosing a proxy to you drawn up with the assistance of our ministers and our judges...
'Our sister Jannetje Simons van Aarsdal who was married to a certain Bogart died round about Christmas last year[1732]. She had been paralysed and was confined to her bed for several years. So was our sister Geertje, who died about two years ago.
'You were writing you are interested in knowing to what number our family-tree has expanded...
'Please had Levinus Clarkson, a merchant in Amsterdam the money. He will deliver it to our minister...
'With kindes regards,
'Cornelis Simonsen van Aersdal
'Jan Sijmonsen van Aersdalen
'Mettie Sijmonsen van Aersdalen
'We the undersigned Cornelius Simons van Aersdal, Jan Simons van Aersdal and Philip Volkers, husband of Metie Simons van Aersdal, being the surviving children of the late Simon Janse van Aersdal, living in the province of New York (formerly Nieuw Nederland), situated in North-America in the isle of Nassau in King's County empower Mr. Harmanus...
'We undersigned ministers of the Dutch reformed church at Midwoud, King's County...testify they are the surviving children of the late Simon Jansse van Aersdal who we were acquainted with. Two children of his Geertje and Jannetje died in the mean time."
Burial: Flatlands, Kings Co., NY
Fact 1: married in Dutch Reformed Church, NY;
Fact 2: will probated April 1745; in NY Surrogates Records, Book 15, p. 380;
Fact 3: was married twice before: Heltje Willemse van Kouwenhoven, children: Philip and John; and to Tjelletje Wizzelpinning, no issue;
Fact 4: gave oath of allegiance in 1687 when his father died;
Fact 5: given a farm from his father in 1700 at Gravesend, Kings Co., NY;
Fact 6: ownership of land shown on 1717 plat map for Flatlands, Long Island, NY;
Fact 7: listed as a representative;
Fact 8: estate probated April 19, 1745 in NYC, NY;
Somerset County historical quarterly By A Van Doren Honeyman, Somerset County Historical Society (N.J.)
Children Of Symon J. Van Arsdalen (1) And Pieterje Wyckoff:
(Order unknown)
2. Geektje, b. about 1660; m. Oct. 13, 1678, her cousin, Cornelis Pietersc Wyckoff, son of Pieter Claes Wyckoff and Grietje Van Ness. They resided at New Lotts, and their numerous children are well known. Four of their sons settled in Somerset in Franklin twsp., on 1,200 acres of land which Cornelis purchased. (See Quarterly, Vol. IV, p. 130 et seq.).
3. Cornelis, of Flatlands, through whom the Somerset lines are derived, b. (perhaps about) 1662; d. 1745, as his will was probated in New York City April 19, 1745; m. (1) Tjelletje Rynierse Wizzelpenning; (2), Mar. 16, 1687, Aeltje Kouwenhoven; (3), May 2, 1691, Marretje Dirkse (parentage unknown).N It is certain that Cornelius took the oath of allegiance when his father died (1687), and on the roll was entered thus: "Cornelis Simonsen Van Aerts daalen, native." Except that he hnd a farm at Flatlands, and one at Gravesend purchased of his father in 1700, and d. leaving a will 'of April 25, 1738, probated Apr. 19, 1745, we have no further knowledge of him than above stated.
As to Cornelis' first wife, a Wizzelpenning, we have no knowledge. Aeltje Kouwenhoven was b. Dec. 14, 1665 and d. about 1689, and was the dau. of William Gerretsen Couwenhoven (so signed his name) and Altie, dau. of Joris Dircksen Rrinckerhofl. Marritje Dirckse may have been an Amerman, the dau. of Derek Jansen Amerman and Aeltje Paulus Vander Beeck, who emigrated in 1650 and settled in Flat- lands, but this is uncertain.
While Cornelis, himself, never resided in Franklin twsp. (Somerset co.), it may be he purchased land there on which to settle a son, as in1 1735 a Cornelius was taxed in Franklin on 200 acres of land. Or that may have been his nephew, son of his brother Jan.
In his will Cornelis made his wife "Maritie," so'e executor, and gave to her all his estate, real and personal, for life; to his eldest son, Dirck, a silver tankard as his birthright; then, after his wife's death, the estate to his ten children, who are named, from which recitation of names we know their order of birth, except that the sons are all mentioned first and then the daughters. As to "Jannetie," whom he stated was by a "former wife," as she had had her mother's inheritance, she was not to share in anything further coming from her father's last wife.
4. Jannetje, b. about 1670; m. (1), John ; (2), Apr. 16, 1689, Gysbert Bogaert (son of Teunis, common ancestor of the Bogart family), a magistrate of Brooklyn. Several ch.
5. Jan, of* Flatlands; sup. to have had four wives, Jannetje Dor- lant, Lammetje Probasko, Sarah Van Voorhees and Libertje Newberrie. (See Bergen's "Early Settlers," p. 308). He d. in Jamaica. L. I., having been a leading member of the Flatlands Dutch church. Is said to have had six sons, John/ Christopher, Abraham and Nicholas. The writer judges Christopher was" the Christoffel, who m. Magdalen Reynierson (see Quarterly, Vol. Vt, p. 55) and who was one of the earliest members (1717) of the Dutch church at New Brunswick, his sons being John, Okie, Cornelius (these three had ch. bapt. at Six-Mile Run) and ChrisToffel, Jr., of near Millstone. In 1735 Christoffel, Sr., lived in Franklin twsp., Somerset co., but was not a land owner. In 1745 he owned 200 acres there. ("Our Home," pp. 343, 406). As before stated, a Cor- nelis also in 1735 owned 200 acres of land in Franklin twsp. Abraham and Nicholas, sons of Jan (5) settled in Southampton twsp., Bucks co., Pa.
6. Marretje; m. Jan Barendse, of Flatlands.
7. Simon (sup.). A John, whose eldest son was Simon, d. at Jamaica, L. I., in 1756, and we suppose his father to have been a Simon.
8. Matte; m. Evert Van Marklen, of Flatlands.
Child Of Cornelis Van Arsdalen (3) And Aeltje Kouwenhoven:
9. Jannetje, b. about 1690; m., Sept. 17, 1709, Dirck Barkeloo, (son of William, common Barcalow ancestor), who d. 1744. Resided at Freehold, N. J., after about 1710.
Children Of Cornelis Van Arsdalen (3) And Marretje Dirkse: [Order only certain as to sons and daughters]
10. Altie; m., Sept. 19, 1719, Jeronimus Rapalje (son of Teunis Rapalje and Sarah Van Veghten). They resided at New Brunswick and had several ch.
11. Dirck. Probably settled near Three-Mile Run, Somerset co., N. J. A Dirck was there in 1723, and was deacon in 1734 and 1736 in the Dutch ch. in New Brunswick. Not further traced.
12. Jan; d. 1750; settled on the Harlingen, N. J., tract, in Somerset Co. On May 4, 1741, he and Hendrick Vanderveer jointly purchased Lot No. 21 of Cornelius Van Duyn, of Brooklyn. (Trenton Deeds, Book G 2, p. 494). Will shows he had two wives, the second Mary - . It was probated May 26, 1750, and names as ch., Cornelius, Garret, Jo- Hannis, Isaac, Maritie (wife of John Van Nuise), Johanna and Sara; also an expected child. His executors were his brother Philip and Nicolas Wyckoff. Second wife living but not named. (Trenton Wills, Book E, p. 350). His ch. Johannis, Jannetje (deceased in 1750) and Johanna were baptized at Readington 1731 and later, and he was a deacon of that church in 1733, and elder in 1736. It is said that the Rev. Cornelius C. Van Arsdale, D. D., prominent minister in Philadelphia (1841-9), who d. in 1856, was Jan's grandson.
13. Simon, bapt. Aug. 16, 1697; m., Oct. 30, 1716, Yannetje Ro- meyn. He settled in Bucks co., Pa. Had several ch., and was probably the grandfather of Rev. Simeon Van Artsdalen (he so wrote his name), pastor of the Readington, N. J., Ref. Dutch ch., 1783-86, who was b. in Bucks co.
14. Maria. No further trace; living in 1738.
15. Petronella; living in 1738; possibly m. Dirck Van Dyke.
16. Philip, b. at Flatbush, L. I., Feb. 25, 1702; d. June 28, 1796; m. (1) Apr. 30, 1726, Jane Van Dyke (dau. of Hendrick and Engeltie Van Dyke, of Red Mills, near Brooklyn, N. Y.), who was b. 1706 and d. Nov. 23, 1743; and (2) April 13, 1750, (license at Trenton dated Apr. 9) Hannah Macknish (or Magnish), of Middlesex co., who d. Sept. 12, 1776.
It is Philip's descending line which is hereinafter treated. What follows is by no means a complete line of Philip's descendants, but is such as has come to the writer's knowledge. Valuable assistance in this has been given by Mrs. Henrietta Huff and Mr. John A. Powelson, of Pluckemin, and others.
Philip must have settled in 1728, soon after his first marriage, within the bounds of the Readington congregation. On May 20, 1728, he received a deed from his father-in-law, Hendrick Van Dyke, for 230 acres of land, adjoining "the brook," Robert Burnett and ' Dumont.
While the exact location is uncertain it is to be judged it was in present Branchburg, possibly in present Hillsborough township, as a Philip Van Arsdale was among the inhabitants of Hillsborough in 1751. This land came afterward into the ownership of John, Philip's son, as in 1793 a sheriff's deed sold it away from John to Philip, Jr., the deed being recorded at Somerville and reciting the earlier deed from Hendrick Van Dyke. (Somerset Deeds, Book A, p. 296). As on Jan. 16, 1783, Philip (presumed to be Philip, Sr.) sold 240 acres of land near Pluckemin to his son Hendrick, it may be Philip spent his later days on this Pluckemin farm. In fact a deed to Johannes Powelson, of near Pluckemin, May I, 1767, stated it was along the line of Philip Van Arsdalen. The fact that Philip's wife, Jane, joined the Readington church in 1733, and he in 1741, makes it certain, we think, that he originally lived nearer Readington than to either Pluckemin or Somerville, but it is also probable that, before 1767, he had gone to near Pluckemin.
Philip's will of Oct. 23, 1787, was probated Aug. 10, 1796 (Trenton Wills, Book 35, p. 405), but only mentions his four living sons,.Hendrick, Philip, John and Jacob. As noted below, some of Philip's children were bapt. at Readington (1729-^4) and one at Somerville (1738) ; but subsequent baptisms have not been discovered. (For ch., see infra).
17. Abraham; d. 1753; m. Maria (perhaps Stryker). He settled near Harlingen. Whether he is the same Abraham who (in such case with an earlier wife) had a wife Catreytje, when a son, Wilhelmus, was bapt. at Somerville in 1737 is not known, but the Abraham of Harlingen left a will of Apr. 4, 1753, probated May 7, 1753 (Trenton Wills, Book F, p. 119) which shows his ch. were Isaac, William, Catherine, Cornelius, Abraham/ and an expected child.
18. Jacobus; m. Alida Hoagland (dau. of Harmanus Hoagland and Adriana Stoothoff, of Flatbush), who was b. Mar. 19, 1710, and had previously been married. They resided near Harlingen, N. J., and probably had ch., but not traced.
@R503450768@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=158643364&pi...
Betty Laverne Shirley Shirley Web Site MyHeritage family tree Family site: Shirley Web Site Family tree: 213504541-2 Discovery 213504541-2 MH:S500002
Cornelius Symonsz VAN ARSDALEN 3 1 JUL 2017 Added via a Person Discovery Discovery
1662 |
May 1, 1662
Nieuw-Amersfoort, Nieuw-Nederland
1689 |
Flatlands, Kings County, New York
1692 |
Flatbush, Kings County, New York
Flatlands, Kings County, New York
1695 |
Flatlands, Kings County, New York
1697 |
August 16, 1697
Flatlands, Kings County, Province of New York
1700 |
Flatbush, Kings County, Long Island Province of New York
1702 |
February 25, 1702
Flatlands, Kings, New York