GERHARD, son of GOTTFRIED Graf im Jülichgau & his wife Ermentrude of the Franks ([930/35]-after 963). The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont in [930s/940s] names (in order) "Gotefridus, Ermendrudis, Gotefridus, Gebardus, Gerardus, Adelardus, Girberga" assumed to be Gottffried, his wife, four sons and daughter[873]. Graf von Metz 963. The Vita Adelheidis refers to the four brothers of "Gerbirg…filia ducis Godefridi", of whom "unus paterno nominee...obiit [sine] legitimæ uxoris et liberorum…alter …attavus fuit Henrici nuper defuncti imperatoris [Heinrich III]", the remaining two being ancestors of German nobles[874].
m ---. The name of Gerhard's wife is not known.
Gerhard & his wife had [two possible children]:
1. [RICHARD ([950/55][875]-after 986). Graf [von Metz]. 982. Nephew of Wicfrid Bishop of Verdun, although the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified, nor the precise nature of the relationship. "Varneri comitis, Richardi comitis…" witnessed the charter dated 986 under which Gérard Bishop of Toul donated the church of Andelier to the abbey of Saint-Mansuy[876].]
2. [GERHARD . No proof has been found of the paternity of Richard and his possible brother Gerhard. However, the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines provides some interesting support for the affiliation shown here by recording "comes Hugo de Daburg, pater sancti Leonis pape" as "consobrinus" of "imperator Conradus"[877]. If Liutgarde, supposed paternal grandmother of Richard and Gerhard, married twice as shown above, Hugo [VI] Graf von Egisheim would have been second cousin once removed of Emperor Konrad, the emperor being the great-grandson of Liutgarde by her first marriage, Hugo being her grandson by her first marriage. Either Richard or Gerhard was father of, although the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified:
- see below.
Children either of RICHARD Graf von Metz (-after 982), or his brother GERHARD:
1. GERHARD (-[1021/33]). Herimannus names "Gerhardum comitem, Counradi postea imperatoris avunculum" when recording his defeat in 1017 by "Godefridus dux partis Lotharingorum"[878]. Wipo names "Adalheida ex nobilissima gente Litharingorum oriunda…soror…comitem Gerhardi et Adalberti" and mother of "maioris Chuononis", specifying that the brothers were "de antiquo genere Troianorum regem"[879]. Graf [von Metz] 1006. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed the properties of the convent of St Vanne at Verdun, among which that donated by "Gerardi comitis…[et] Rodulfi filii Rodulfi comitis…[et] comes Gotdefridus…et Herimannus comes in comitatu Bracbantinse…[et] frater eius dux Godefridus", and donated "Mosomum" on the petition of "Herimanni comitis" by charter dated 1015[880]. "Comes Gerardus" donated property to the monastery of Fruttuaria, at the request of "conjuge Eva" for the soul of "filii sui Sigifredi defuncti", by charter dated 1020, witnessed by "Girardi, Giselberti, Folmarii comitum…"[881]. m EVA [de Luxembourg], daughter of SIEGFRIED Comte [de Luxembourg] & his wife Hedwig --- (-19 Apr after 18 Jun 1040). "Comes Gerardus" donated property to the monastery of Fruttuaria, at the request of "conjuge Eva" for the soul of "filii sui Sigifredi defuncti", by charter dated 1020, witnessed by "Girardi, Giselberti, Folmarii comitum…"[882]. Her parentage is deduced from Thietmar naming her son Siegfried, son of Count Gerhard, "the empress's nephew"[883]. This is confirmed by "Henricus…rex" granting property "in villa Morlinga in pago Musiligeauue in comitatu Uirad" to "Abenze…ex parte sue sororis contectalis Heinrici imperatoris" by charter dated 18 Jun 1040[884]. Gerhard & his wife had [two] children:
a) SIEGFRIED (-[27 Aug 1017/3 Feb 1020]). Thietmar names Siegfried, son of Count Gerhard, specifying that he was the empress's nephew and recording that he was captured when his father met Godefroi Duke of Lower Lotharingia for "a judicial duel" 27 Aug 1017[885]. "Comes Gerardus" donated property to the monastery of Fruttuaria, at the request of "conjuge Eva" for the soul of "filii sui Sigifredi defuncti", by charter dated 1020, witnessed by "Girardi, Giselberti, Folmarii comitum…"[886].
b) [BERSCINDA . The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. Abbess of Remiremont [1030/1040].]
2. ADALBERT (-(-[1 Feb/30 Jun] 1037 or after, bur Bourzonville Monastery). Wipo names "Adalheida ex nobilissima gente Litharingorum oriunda…soror…comitem Gerhardi et Adalberti" and mother of "maioris Chuononis"[887]. Graf von Metz.
- see below.
3. ADELHEID ([975][888]-19 May [1039/46], bur Öhningen Stiftskirche). Wipo names "Adalheida ex nobilissima gente Litharingorum oriunda…soror…comitem Gerhardi et Adalberti" and mother of "maioris Chuononis"[889]. Her second marriage is suggested by the Vita Meinwerci which names "Gebehardus iuvenis, frater imperatoris" when recording his tonsure at the synod in 1028[890], Gerhard not being named elsewhere as the full brother of Emperor Konrad I. m firstly HEINRICH Graf im Wormsgau, son of OTTO Duke of Carinthia, Graf im Nahe-, Speier-, und Wormsgau [Salier] & his wife Judith --- (-[20 Sep 989/1000]). m secondly ---. The name of Adelheid's second husband is not known. Adelheid & her second husband had [three] children:
a) GEBHARD ([after 1000]-1060). The Vita Meinwerci names "Gebehardus iuvenis, frater imperatoris" when recording his tonsure at the synod in 1028[891]. Herimannus names "Gebehardus, Counradi imperatoris ex matre Adalheide frater" when recording his installation as Bishop of Regensburg in 1036[892]. "Heinricus…rex" granted property "in loco…Ramprehtestetin/Ramarsstetin…in marchia et in comitatu Arnoldi marchionis" to "Adalrammo fideli nostro" by charter dated 1 Oct 1043 on the petition of "Gebehardi episcopi patrui nostri"[893].
b) [ROTHILD ([after 1000]-2 Dec
i) DADA "de Monte Walcherii" (-17 Oct
(a) FRIEDRICH (-11 Feb before [1140]). The death of "Fredericus laycus, frater meus" is recorded "III Idus Feb" in the Necrologium included in the Chronicon Hugonis[897].
(b) GERHARD (-16 Oct before [1140]). The death of "Gerardus laycus, frater meus" is recorded "XVII Kal Nov" in the Necrologium included in the Chronicon Hugonis[898].
(c) RAINER (-11 Dec before [1140]). The death of "Raynerus iunior, frater meus" is recorded "III Id Dec" in the Necrologium included in the Chronicon Hugonis[899].
(d) HUGO (Verdun 1065-[1140][900]). Monk at Verdun and at the abbey of Flavigny, he was the author of the Chronicon Hugonis.
c) [---. m ---.]
i) LIETARD . "Lietardus, imperatoris Conradi nepos et consanguineus" is named in the Gesta Episcoporum Virdunensium, when recording that he became a monk at Verdun under Frederic of Lotharingia "Bailodium [=Baileu] tradens"[901]. This must have occurred before 1022, the date of Frederic's death. It is not known how Lietard was related to Emperor Konrad, but the most likely possibility is that one his parents was the emperor's uterine brother or sister. This is further supported by the reference to Verdun, where the son of his supposed first cousin was also a monk. The name Lietard suggests a family connection with the Comtes de Huy (see the document LOWER LOTHARINGIAN NOBILITY).
GERHARD, son of GOTTFRIED Graf im Jülichgau & his wife Ermentrude of the Franks ([930/35]-after 963). The Liber Memorialis of Remiremont in [930s/940s] names (in order) "Gotefridus, Ermendrudis, Gotefridus, Gebardus, Gerardus, Adelardus, Girberga" assumed to be Gottffried, his wife, four sons and daughter[1102]. Graf von Metz 963. The Vita Adelheidis refers to the four brothers of "Gerbirg…filia ducis Godefridi", of whom "unus paterno nominee...obiit [sine] legitimæ uxoris et liberorum…alter …attavus fuit Henrici nuper defuncti imperatoris [Heinrich III]", the remaining two being ancestors of German nobles[1103]. m ---. The name of Gerhard's wife is not known. Gerhard & his wife had [two possible children]:
1. [RICHARD ([950/55][1104]-after 986). Graf [von Metz]. 982. Nephew of Wicfrid Bishop of Verdun, although the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified, nor the precise nature of the relationship. "Varneri comitis, Richardi comitis…" witnessed the charter dated 986 under which Gérard Bishop of Toul donated the church of Andelier to the abbey of Saint-Mansuy[1105].]
2. [GERHARD . No proof has been found of the paternity of Richard and his possible brother Gerhard. However, the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines provides some interesting support for the affiliation shown here by recording "comes Hugo de Daburg, pater sancti Leonis pape" as "consobrinus" of "imperator Conradus"[1106]. If Liutgarde, supposed paternal grandmother of Richard and Gerhard, married twice as shown above, Hugo [VI] Graf von Egisheim would have been second cousin once removed of Emperor Konrad, the emperor being the great-grandson of Liutgarde by her first marriage, Hugo being her grandson by her first marriage. Either Richard or Gerhard was father of, although the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified: - see below.
920 |
Jülich, Cologne, NRW, Germany
950 |
Metz, France
960 |
963 |
Age 43
Jülich, Cologne, NRW, Germany
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