Historical records matching Dª. Inés de Ayala, señora de Malpica
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Immediate Family
About Dª. Inés de Ayala, señora de Malpica
Inez Alfonsa de Ayala
- F, #212034, b. 1337
- Inez Alfonsa de Ayala was born in 1337 at Toledo, Spain.1
- She was the daughter of Fernan Perez de Ayala and Elvira Alvarez de Zavallos
PEDRO López de Ayala His ancestry is set out by Argote Molina [4] . Lord of Unza, Mena and Albudeite. Adelantado mayor of the kingdom of Murcia. Mistress (1) : INÉS de Azagra, daughter of ---.
Pedro had two illegitimate children by Mistress (1): INÉS de Azagra
- a) PEDRO López de Ayala Señor de Campos, Albudeite and Yeast. Alférez mayor del P endón de la Banda 1367, as such present at the battle of Nájera.
- b) [5] FERNANDO Pérez (-after 2 Dec 1378 [6] , bur Quijana, Torre de Ayala). Lord of the Ayala Valley. [7] . Ayala´s Crónica de Pedro I records that King Pedro I granted " a land ... Las Encartaciones ... near Vizcaya " to " Don Ferrand Perez de Ayala " in 1351 [8] . He was the author of a genealogical treatise on his family ' Ayala Lords Lineage Book ' [9] , completed by his son. married ELVIRA Álvarez de Ceballos, daughter of DIEGO Gutiérrez de Ceballos & his wife Juana García Carrillo [10] (-before 1372, bur Quijana, Torre de Ayala).
Fernando & his wife had ELVIRA five children:
- i) PEDRO López de Ayala "the Chronicler" (Vitoria 1332-Calahorra 1407, bur Quijana, Torre de Ayala). Lord of Ayala and Salvatierra de Álava. Chancellor of Castile 1406-1407. M ost of King Juan I of Castile. Greater Merino from Guipúzcoa. Ensign Major of the Banda Bande 5 Sep 1371 to 21 Jul 1385. married LEONOR de Guzmán, daughter of PEDRO Suárez de Toledo Señor de Bolaños & his wife María Ramírez de Guzmán.
Pedro & his wife LEONOR had two children:
- (a) FERNÁN Pérez de Ayala (-17 Sep 1436). Lord of Ayala and Salvatierra de Álava. Ensign Major of the Banda 1402. married MARÍA Sarmiento Señora de Salinillas, daughter of DIEGO Gómez Sarmiento Señor de Salinas & his wife Leonor de Castilla (-1438).
- (b) are.
- ii) INÉS Alfonso de Ayala married DIEGO Gómez de Ayala, are of ---.
Two children:
- (a) SANCHA de Ayala married WALTER Blount, are of ---.
- (b) TERESA de Ayala (-31 Aug 1424). Florez records a donation made to Santo Domingo el Real by " Doña Ines de Ayala " which names " Maria my fixed granddaughter of King D. Pedro ... of my fixed Doña Teresa, Prioress ... of the Sorores of Santo Domingo el Real ”, Dated 15 Jun 1395 [11] . Prioress of Santo Domingo el Real. An epitaph in Santo Domingo el Real records the death 31 Aug 1424 of " Doña Teresa de Ayala, Prioress of this Monastery, daughter of D. Diego Gomez de Ayala, Mayor of Toledo, and Doña Ines de Ayala " [12] . Mistress of: PEDRO I "el Cruel" King of Castile and León, are of ALFONSO XI "el Justo" King of Castile and Leon & his second wife Infanta dona Maria de Portugal (Burgos 30 Aug 1334-murdered Montiel 22 Mar 1369).
- iii) ELVIRA from Ayala, married PEDRO Suárez de Guzmán, son of PEDRO Suárez de Toledo & his wife María Ramírez de Guzmán.
- iv) LEONOR de Ayala, Lady of Torrejón de Velasco. Her marriage is confirmed by the charter dated 11 Sep 1441 which her daughter " Doña Maria de Ayala daughter of Fernán Álvarez de Toledo, lord of Hijares and of Mrs. Teresa de Ayala Mrs. de Pinto " issued relating to " her inheritance of Dosbarruelos, municipality of Toledo " [13] . married (1366) FERNANDO Álvarez de Toledo Lord of Valdecorneja, they are of --- GARCÍA Álvarez de Toledo & his wife Mencia de Meneses (-near Lisbon 1384).
- v) ALDONZA de Ayala " Pedro González de Mendoza lord of Hita y Buitrago, major butler of King Juan I and his wife Aldonza de Ayala " donated property to " his eldest son Diego Hurtado de Mendoza major admiral of Castilla " by charter dated 14 Nov 1376 [14] . married ([1360]%29 as his third wife, PEDRO González de Mendoza Señor de Hita, son of GONZALO Ibáñez de Mendoza & his wife Juana de Orozco (Guadalajara [1340] -killed in battle Aljubarrota 9 Sep 1385, bur San Francisco de Guadalajara ).
- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SPANISH%20NOBILITY%20LATER%20MEDIEV...
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Blount_(soldier)
- http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fern%C3%A1n_P%C3%A9rez_de_Ayala
- http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedro_Su%C3%A1rez_de_Toledo
- http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedro_I_de_Castilla
- http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diego_G%C3%B3mez_de_Toledo
- http://realacademiatoledo.es/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/files_tolet...
- http://www.mathematical.com/ayalainez1338.html
- http://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p497.htm#i...
- http://www.thepeerage.com/p21204.htm#i212034
- http://realacademiatoledo.es/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/files_tolet...
- http://www.mathematical.com/ayalainez1338.html
- medieval and modern genealogy, memory and history — part of nltaylor.net - https://nltaylor.net/sketchbook/archives/72
- [S3914] Unknown author, DeAyala of Castile, The Augustan, XIII, #6, p. 289, by Dom W. Wilfrid Bayne; Stemmata Robertson, p. 203.
- [S11600] 40000 Ancestors of the Counts of Paris, 23-319.
- [S13] Worldroots.com.
- Tim Boyle, "re: Boyle Family," e-mail message from <e-mail address> (unknown address) to Darryl Roger Lundy, 16 September 2006. Hereinafter cited as "re: Boyle Family."
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Dª. Inés de Ayala, señora de Malpica's Timeline
1338 |
Castilla, La Mancha, Toledo, Spain
1352 |
Of, Toledo, New Castile, Spain
1356 |
Toledo, Castilla La Nueva, España (Spain)
1358 |
Of, Toledo, New Castile, Spain
1360 |
June 1, 1360
Toledo, (Present Provincia de Toledo), Comuna de La Mancha (Present Castilla-La Mancha), La Corona de Castilla (Spain)
1364 |
Toledo, Toledo, New Castile, Spain
1366 |
Of, Toledo, New Castile, Spain
1368 |
of, Toledo, New Castile, Spain
1435 |
June 15, 1435
Age 97
Toledo, New Castile, Spain