PEDRO López de Ayala His ancestry is set out by Argote Molina [4] . Lord of Unza, Mena and Albudeite. Adelantado mayor of the kingdom of Murcia. Mistress (1) : INÉS de Azagra, daughter of ---.
Pedro had two illegitimate children by Mistress (1): INÉS de Azagra
Fernando & his wife had ELVIRA five children:
- i) PEDRO López de Ayala "the Chronicler" (Vitoria 1332-Calahorra 1407, bur Quijana, Torre de Ayala). Lord of Ayala and Salvatierra de Álava. Chancellor of Castile 1406-1407. M ost of King Juan I of Castile. Greater Merino from Guipúzcoa. Ensign Major of the Banda Bande 5 Sep 1371 to 21 Jul 1385. married LEONOR de Guzmán, daughter of PEDRO Suárez de Toledo Señor de Bolaños & his wife María Ramírez de Guzmán.
Pedro & his wife LEONOR had two children:
- (a) FERNÁN Pérez de Ayala (-17 Sep 1436). Lord of Ayala and Salvatierra de Álava. Ensign Major of the Banda 1402. married MARÍA Sarmiento Señora de Salinillas, daughter of DIEGO Gómez Sarmiento Señor de Salinas & his wife Leonor de Castilla (-1438).
- (b) are.
- ii) INÉS Alfonso de Ayala married DIEGO Gómez de Ayala, are of ---.
Two children:
- (a) SANCHA de Ayala married WALTER Blount, are of ---.
- (b) TERESA de Ayala (-31 Aug 1424). Florez records a donation made to Santo Domingo el Real by " Doña Ines de Ayala " which names " Maria my fixed granddaughter of King D. Pedro ... of my fixed Doña Teresa, Prioress ... of the Sorores of Santo Domingo el Real ”, Dated 15 Jun 1395 [11] . Prioress of Santo Domingo el Real. An epitaph in Santo Domingo el Real records the death 31 Aug 1424 of " Doña Teresa de Ayala, Prioress of this Monastery, daughter of D. Diego Gomez de Ayala, Mayor of Toledo, and Doña Ines de Ayala " [12] . Mistress of: PEDRO I "el Cruel" King of Castile and León, are of ALFONSO XI "el Justo" King of Castile and Leon & his second wife Infanta dona Maria de Portugal (Burgos 30 Aug 1334-murdered Montiel 22 Mar 1369).
- iii) ELVIRA from Ayala, married PEDRO Suárez de Guzmán, son of PEDRO Suárez de Toledo & his wife María Ramírez de Guzmán.
- iv) LEONOR de Ayala, Lady of Torrejón de Velasco. Her marriage is confirmed by the charter dated 11 Sep 1441 which her daughter " Doña Maria de Ayala daughter of Fernán Álvarez de Toledo, lord of Hijares and of Mrs. Teresa de Ayala Mrs. de Pinto " issued relating to " her inheritance of Dosbarruelos, municipality of Toledo " [13] . married (1366) FERNANDO Álvarez de Toledo Lord of Valdecorneja, they are of --- GARCÍA Álvarez de Toledo & his wife Mencia de Meneses (-near Lisbon 1384).
- v) ALDONZA de Ayala " Pedro González de Mendoza lord of Hita y Buitrago, major butler of King Juan I and his wife Aldonza de Ayala " donated property to " his eldest son Diego Hurtado de Mendoza major admiral of Castilla " by charter dated 14 Nov 1376 [14] . married ([1360]%29 as his third wife, PEDRO González de Mendoza Señor de Hita, son of GONZALO Ibáñez de Mendoza & his wife Juana de Orozco (Guadalajara [1340] -killed in battle Aljubarrota 9 Sep 1385, bur San Francisco de Guadalajara ).
1. Tim Boyle, "re: Boyle Family," e-mail message from <e-mail address> (unknown address) to Darryl Roger Lundy, 16 September 2006. Hereinafter cited as "re: Boyle Family."
Alt birth year: 1320
Alth Death date: c. 6/15/1395
born abt 1310 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain
born Abt 1282 Of New Castile, Spain
born Abt 1284 Of New Castile, Spain
married Abt 1308 Of New Castile, Spain
born Abt 1306 Of Toledo, New Castle, Spain
married Abt 1331 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain
Pedro Lopez De Ayala born 1332 Toledo, New Castile, Spain died 1407
Mencia De Ayala born abt 1340 Toledo, New Castile, Spain
Diego Lopez De Ayala born Abt 1334 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain
Juan Sanchez De Ayala born Abt 1336 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain
Juana Garcia De Ayala born Abt 1342 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain
Sancha Fernandez De Ayala born Abt 1344 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain
Aldonza Fernandez De Ayala born Abt 1346 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain
Elvira Alvarez De Ayala born Abt 1348 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain
Leonor Fernandez De Ayala born Abt 1350 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain
biographical and/or anecdotal:
notes or source:
Elvira Álvarez de Ceballos, señora de Escalante Gender: Female Birth: 1337 Marriage: Spouse: Fernán Pérez de Ayala, IX señor de Ayala Circa 1331
Toledo,New Castile,,Spain Death: Circa 1372 Burial: Quijana, Ayala, Basque Country, Spain Father: Diego Gutiérrez de Ceballos Mother: Juana García Carrillo Husband: Fernán Pérez de Ayala, IX señor de Ayala Children: Diego López de Ayala Pedro 'el Cronista' López de Ayala, canciller mayor de Castilla y señor de Ayala Juan Sánchez de Ayala Inés Alfonsa Alfonso de Ayala (born López de Ayala), señora de Malpica Mencia Fernández de Ayala y Álvarez de Ceballos (born López de Ayala), Señora de Escalante, Treceño y Pontejos, del Valle de Valdáli Juana García de Ayala Sancha Fernández (born Fernández de Ayala) Aldonza Fernández de Ayala, señora de Hita y Buitrago Elvira de Ayala (born Alvarez de Ayala) Leonor de Ayala, señora de Torrejón de Velasco y de Ceballos Fernán López de Ayala Siblings: Gutierre González de Ceballos y de la Hoz Pedro Díaz de Ceballos Diego Gutiérrez de Ceballos María Díaz de Ceballos Ruy González de Ceballos Source: View full record on Geni website __________________________________________________________________________
Elvira Alvarez de Zavallos is the daughter of Diego Gutierrez de Zavallos and Juana Garcia Carrillo.1
Child of Elvira Alvarez de Zavallos and Fernan Perez de Ayala:
Inez Alfonsa de Ayala+1 b. 1337
1. Tim Boyle, "re: Boyle Family," e-mail message from <e-mail address> (unknown address) to Darryl Roger Lundy, 16 September 2006. Hereinafter cited as "re: Boyle Family."
Alt birth year: 1320
Alth Death date: c. 6/15/1395
Elvira Alvarez De Zavallos born abt 1310 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain
Diego Gutierrez De Zavallos born Abt 1282 Of New Castile, Spain
Juana Garcia Carrillo born Abt 1284 Of New Castile, Spain
married Abt 1308 Of New Castile, Spain
Fernan Perez De Ayala born Abt 1306 Of Toledo, New Castle, Spain
married Abt 1331 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain
Inez Alfonsa De Ayala born Abt 1338 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain Pedro Lopez De Ayala born 1332 Toledo, New Castile, Spain died 1407
Mencia De Ayala born abt 1340 Toledo, New Castile, Spain
Diego Lopez De Ayala born Abt 1334 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain
Juan Sanchez De Ayala born Abt 1336 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain
Juana Garcia De Ayala born Abt 1342 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain
Sancha Fernandez De Ayala born Abt 1344 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain
Aldonza Fernandez De Ayala born Abt 1346 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain
Elvira Alvarez De Ayala born Abt 1348 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain
Leonor Fernandez De Ayala born Abt 1350 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain
biographical and/or anecdotal:
notes or source:
Senora de Escalante
1307 |
1330 |
Toledo, Toledo, Castile-La Mancha, Spain
1332 |
Vitoria, Basque Country, España (Spain)
1336 |
Toledo, Toledo, Castile-La Mancha, Spain
1338 |
Castilla, La Mancha, Toledo, Spain
1340 |
Toledo, New Castile, Spain
1344 |
Toledo, Toledo, Castile-La Mancha, Spain
1346 |
Toledo, Toledo, CM, Spain
1348 |
Toledo, Toledo, Castile-La Mancha, Spain