From Medlands:
Raoul [VII] & his [second] wife had one child:
i) DENISE ([1172/73]-1221, bur Déols). A manuscript entitled "Progenies Dolensium Principum" names "Dionysia uxor Andreæ domini de Calveniaco" as the daughter of "Radulphi de Dolis"[351]. The Complete Peerage says that Denise was the daughter of Raoul [VII] by his second wife[352]. This is consistent with the manuscript entitled "Généalogie de la noble et très-puissante lignée de Chauvigny" quoted above, but contradicts the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois Fontaines which records the unnamed sister of "Henricus frater Odo …[et] Egidii de Solleiro" as the mother of "matrem Guilelmi de Cavingni qui per eam factus est domnus de castro Radulfi"[353]. If it is correct, as stated in the Complete Peerage, that Denise was three years old in 1176[354], the chronology appears tight for her father to have married again after Denise was born and before he died in 1176. If that is correct, it is more probable that Denise was born from her father’s second marriage. This suggestion is confirmed by a charter dated Apr 1216 under which [her son by her second husband] “Guillermus de Calvigniaco dominus Castri Radulphi” recorded that “Domina Agnes avia mea maritata fuit domino Radulpho avo meo cum castello et castellania de Mellant” which “dominus Ebo de Carentonio pater eiusdem domina” gave her “in maritagio”[355]. The primary source which confirms Denise’s first marriage has not been identified. The manuscript entitled "Généalogie de la noble et très-puissante lignée de Chauvigny" records the marriage of "Madame Denise de Deoulx" and "Seigneur André de Chauvigny, nepveu du Comte de Flandre"[356], although his connection with the family of the count of Flanders has not been traced. “Dionisia Dolensis domina filia Radulphi Dolensis domini” confirmed the freedoms granted to “Castelleto et de Castellania” by “Ebbo avus meus et Radulphus pater meus”, with the consent of “Guillelmo filio meo”, by charter dated 16 Jun 1203[357]. The primary source which confirms her third marriage has not been identified. The Chronicon Dolensis Cœnobii records the death in 1221 of "Dionysia, undecima domina Dolensis, uxor Andreæ Calviniaco"[358].
m firstly (Betrothed 1177) BALDWIN de Reviers Earl of Devon, son of RICHARD de Reviers Earl of Devon & his wife Denise of Cornwall (-10 or 28 May 1188).
m secondly (Salisbury Aug 1189) ANDRE [I] de Chauvigny Seigneur de Chauvigny, son of --- (-1202 after 30 Aug). Seigneur de Déols, de iure uxoris.
m thirdly (after 16 Jun 1203, maybe repudiated before 1207) as his first wife, GUILLAUME [I] Comte de Sancerre, son of ETIENNE [I] Comte de Sancerre [Champagne-Blois] & his wife Alix [Mathilde] de Donzy (-Epirus 1217).
1173 |
1190 |
1195 |
Chauvigny, Vienne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
1207 |
Age 34
???? |