Historical records matching Dr. Alexander Leighton
Immediate Family
About Dr. Alexander Leighton
Alexander Leighton (c. 1570 – 1649) was a Scottish medical doctor and puritan preacher and pamphleteer best known for his 1630 pamphlet that attacked the Anglican church and which led to his torture by King Charles I....
Leighton was born in Scotland about 1570.[1] The Dictionary of National Biography states that he was descended from an ancient family possessed of the estate of Ulysham (Ulishaven) near Montrose.[2]
He was a physician and divine. His persecution was one of the great scandals of the reign of Charles I. "The Dictionary of National Biography states that he was descended from an ancient family possessed of the estate of Ulysham near Montrose. He was outspoken in his opposition to the Roman Papacy and published a book, "Sion's Plea, " against Roman Catholicism in 1628 in Holland. He was tried for this by the Star Chamber and in June 1630 was sentenced to pay a fine of £10,000, to have both nostrils slit, to have both ears cut off, and to have his face branded with the letters "S.S." for "Sower of Sedition." Only a part of this sentence, however, was carried out and the Long Parliament released him from prison in 1640, canceled his fine, and paid him £6,000 for his suffering. In 1642 he was appointed Keeper of Lambeth House, which had been converted into a prison." Garland Branch, The Leighton Connection (Niskayuna, New York, about 1980).
He had four sons and two daughters: James, Robert, Elisha, Caleb, Elizabeth and Sapphira. Only Robert and Elisha and one daughter survived to maturity. He was twice married, his second wife being the daughter of Sir William Musgrave of Cumberland. Ibid.
Alexander Leighton (c.1570 – 1649) was a Scottish medical doctor and puritan preacher and pamphleteer best known for his 1630 pamphlet that attacked the Anglican church and which led to his torture by King Charles I. Early life Leighton was born in Scotland about 1570.[1] The Dictionary of National Biography states that he was descended from an ancient family possessed of the estate of Ulysham (Ulishaven) near Montrose.
Whilst his father was a Roman Catholic, Leighton himself became a Presbyterian and a strong opponent of Catholicism. Religious controversy[edit] Leighton published his controversial pamphlet Zion's plea against Prelacy: An Appeal to Parliament in 1628 in Holland. In this publication, he criticised the church, and in particular the Bishops who then ruled the Church of Scotland, condemning them as "antiChristian and satanic". He was sentenced by Archbishop William Laud's High Commission Court to public whipping, to having the letters 'SS' branded on him (for 'Sower of Sedition'), and having his ears cut off. Medical records say that, "since he had been censured by the Star Chamber on religious grounds (& had had his ears cropped)", that he should now be 'infamis' in his profession, and he was permanently banned from further practice.[4] John Taylor Brown, writing in Encyclopædia Britannica, expressed the opinion that Leighton's persecution and punishment "form one of the most disgraceful incidents of the reign of King Charles I".
Once the warrant for his arrest was issued by the High Commission Court, Leighton was taken to William Laud's house and then to Newgate prison without any trial. He was put in irons in solitary confinement in an unheated and uncovered cell for fifteen weeks, in which the rain and snow could beat in upon him. None of his friends nor even his wife were permitted to see him during this time. According to four doctors, Leighton was so sick that he was unable to attend his supposed sentencing. Durant notes that Leighton also "was tied to a stake and received thirty-six stripes with a heavy cord upon his naked back; he was placed in the pillory for two hours in November's frost and snow; he was branded in the face, had his nose split and his ears cut off, and was condemned to life imprisonment" He was only released from jail when his son Robert was ordained as a Minister at Newbattle.
In the end, the Star Chamber's sentence was not carried out in full. The Long Parliament released him from prison in 1640, when they cancelled his fine, and paid him 6000 pounds for his suffering. In 1642, Leighton was appointed Keeper of Lambeth House, which had been converted into a prison.Death[edit] His date of death, which probably took place in London, has been disputed. Although some sources name the date as 1644[9][10] evidence from his own son indicates he died between about June and September 1649.[1][2]
Leighton was twice married. His first wife and mother of his six children was Scottish. His second wife was the daughter of Sir William Musgrave of Cumberland. Leighton had four sons – Robert, Elisha, James, and Caleb – and two daughters – Sapphira and Elizabeth. James and Caleb did not survive to maturity.[2] His son Robert Leighton became Bishop of Dunblane, Archbishop of Glasgow and Principal of the University of Edinburgh. His son Elisha (later Sir Ellis Leighton) (d. 1684) was secretary to John Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton when he was Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland in 1670 and British Ambassador to France in 1675. Elisha died on 9 January 1684 and his will mentions a daughter Mary. Leighton's daughter Sapphira (sometimes known as Susan) (1623–1704) married Edward Lightmaker of Broadhurst Manor, Sussex.[9] Leighton's other daughter Elizabeth married a Mr. Rothband.
2. Branch, Garland (1980). "The Leighton Connection". Archived from the original on 28 October 2009. Retrieved 6 January 2007. < link >
Dr. Alexander Leighton's Timeline
1568 |
Edinburgh Canongate, Midlothian, Scotland
1605 |
Scotland, United Kingdom
1609 |
Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1611 |
Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
1615 |
Scotland, United Kingdom
1617 |
1620 |
1623 |