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Immediate Family
About Eadwulf of Bamburgh
See the overview for his son, Ealdred I of Bamburgh for much information about Eadwulf (the 4th Eadwulf). Also, the overview for Ealdred's son Eadwulf (the 5th Eadwulf), Reeve of Bamburgh, has many more sources and information on the history of the Eadwulf's of Northumberland.
For a more integrated history of Eadwulf see the overview for his grandfather, Eadwulf II. That overview covers the history of all the Eadwulfs and successors from Eadwulf II through Siward, Earl of Northumberland died 1055.
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Eadwulf of Bamburgh's Timeline
830 |
Bamburgh, Northumberland, England
860 |
Bamborough, Northumberland, England (United Kingdom)
913 |
Age 83
York, Yorkshire, England
???? |
Breedon on the Hill, Leicestershire, England