Historical records matching Edmund Ruffin
Immediate Family
About Edmund Ruffin
Genealogy from: "The Diary of Edmund Ruffin: The years of hope, April 1861-June 1863" http://books.google.com/books?id=GQD3w-pOlhkC
Edmund Ruffin (January 5, 1794 – June 17, 1865) was a farmer and slaveholder, a Confederate soldier, and an 1850s political activist: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmund_Ruffin
Edmund Ruffin (January 5, 1794 – June 18, 1865) was a wealthy Virginia planter and slaveholder. In the last three decades before the American Civil War, his pro-slavery writings received more attention than his agricultural work. Ruffin staunchly advocated states' rights and slavery, arguing for secession years before the Civil War, and became a political activist with the so-called Fire-Eaters. Ruffin is given credit for "firing the first shot of the war" at the Battle of Fort Sumter in April 1861 and fought as a Confederate soldier despite his advanced age. When the war ended in Southern defeat in 1865, he committed suicide rather than submit to "Yankee rule."
Ruffin's chief legacy may be his pioneering work in methods to preserve and improve soil productivity. He recommended crop rotation and additions to restore soils exhausted from tobacco monoculture. Early in his career, he studied bogs and swamps to learn how to correct soil acidity. He published essays and, in 1832, a book on his findings for improving soils. He has since become known as "the father of soil science" in the United States.
Edmund Ruffin was a prominent Southern nationalist, noted agriculturalist, writer and essayist, and Virginia state senator (1823–1827). After dropping out of college and serving briefly in the Virginia militia during the War of 1812, Ruffin began a long career farming along the James River and studying the soil. He published the results of his experiments and founded a journal, the Farmers' Register, in 1833. During these years, Ruffin's politics also became radicalized, first around banking issues, and then around states' rights, slavery, and secession. After John Brown's failed raid on Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in October 1859, Ruffin began speaking out against what he considered to be Northern aggression, and he even joined cadets from the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington so he could attend Brown's execution. Ruffin continued to agitate for secession during the United States presidential election of 1860, and he is erroneously credited with firing the first shot on Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, starting the American Civil War (1861–1865). A popular hero in the South, Ruffin nevertheless suffered financial setbacks during the war, as well as declining health, and in 1865, following the Confederates' defeat, he killed himself.
Early Years
Ruffin was born on January 5, 1794, in Prince George County, Virginia. Ruffin's mother, Jane Lucas Ruffin, died while he was an infant, and his father, George Ruffin, remarried a few years later. A small and sickly boy, Edmund read voraciously; he mastered the plays of William Shakespeare by the age of eleven. His father died in 1810, not long after Edmund Ruffin began study at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg. An ambivalent and middling student, he left college after roughly one year.
Before he died, George Ruffin designated a family friend, Thomas Cocke, as his son's guardian, and Cocke soon became his young charge's counselor and close confidante. The two, much alike in personality and upbringing, shared, in Edmund Ruffin's words, "an intimate & warm friendship" until Cocke committed suicide in 1840. Ruffin served as a private in the Virginia militia during the War of 1812, but did not see battle. In 1813, he married Susan Hutchings Travis of Williamsburg; the couple moved to a farm Ruffin inherited from his grandfather, at Coggin's Point, along the James River in Prince George County. They had eleven children before Susan Ruffin died in 1846.
Ruffin's property, like many others in Tidewater Virginia, had suffered soil depletion over the previous century. Heavy tobacco production rendered large swaths of land all but barren, helping to spark many Virginians' westward migration. But rather than abandoning his family's base, Ruffin threw himself into the study of agriculture, intent on rejuvenating the land and restoring its productivity. Following the lead of Sir Humphry Davy's studies of agricultural chemistry, Ruffin experimented with the use of marl, an earthy deposit consisting of clay and calcium carbonate. Marl countered the depletion of lime, and thus neutralized soil acidity. Ruffin's trials met with success, and he publicized his findings. He became a prominent advocate for agricultural reform, writing in John S. Skinner's journal, the American Farmer, and then publishing a book, An Essay on Calcareous Manures (1832). Ruffin focused less on his own properties, and produced his own journal, Farmers' Register, for several years; he moved to Petersburg in 1835.
Ruffin's journal testifies to his gradual shift toward politics. His editorials railing against the banking establishment earned him enemies and provoked the end of the publication. Though he held only one political office, as state senator, Ruffin nonetheless developed into one of the foremost champions of states' rights, the defense of slavery, and secession. Like other prominent Virginian planters, he once held relatively moderate views; the scholar William K. Scarborough notes that in 1831 Ruffin "interceded vigorously on behalf of a black wrongfully accused of complicity in the Nat Turner revolt." But by the 1850s, Ruffin had come to embody Southern planters' investment in, and dependence on, chattel slavery. Ruffin's family held more than two hundred enslaved African Americans in 1860, and he became convinced that the South would eventually have to secede in order to maintain its social and economic structure.
To that end, Ruffin began to devote his energy to politics. He distributed his land to his children, freeing him from day-to-day property management, and focused on furthering the cause of Southern nationhood. Ruffin lacked the oratorical skill and the temperament for political office; his irascible demeanor dictated a role focused on lobbying officials and producing publications. He became acquainted with William Lowndes Yancey of Alabama; together, the two secessionists pushed and prodded the Southern states to action. Ruffin's influence on the general public may have been minimal, but he nonetheless stoked fire-eating secessionism, and prominent Southerners took note.
John Brown's failed attempt at instigating a slave rebellion at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in October 1859, provided fodder for the secessionists' cause. After depicting Brown's raid as an act indicative of Northern aggression against the South—despite many Northerners' rejection of Brown and his tactics—Ruffin and other secessionists howled for retaliation. Determined to witness Brown's execution, he rushed to Charles Town, where he was promptly arrested as a "suspicious person." Ruffin learned that only military personnel would be allowed to witness Brown's hanging, so he appealed to the superintendent of the Virginia Military Institute, who made a place for him among the cadets. In his diary, Ruffin, then sixty-five years old, described himself as "somewhat ludicrous" among this "company of boyish soldiers." Still, he watched Brown die. Having obtained several of the pikes that Brown and his men carried, he then sent them to Southern governors as a visceral reminder of the purported intent of Northern abolitionists. Ruffin both understood and exploited the shock waves that Brown had set off, arguing, "Such a practical exercise of abolitionist principles is needed to stir the sluggish blood of the south."
Civil War and Later Years
The election of 1860 proved pivotal, as the Democratic Party split and nominated two candidates. Ruffin and Yancey pushed Southern Democrats to insist on protections for slavery that Northern delegates deemed unnecessary and damaging to their electoral chances outside the South. The Democratic division opened the door for Republican Abraham Lincoln's victory—just as many secessionists had hoped—and the nation found itself on the brink of civil war. Ruffin continued to argue passionately for disunion as he traveled across the South. He was in both Florida and South Carolina when those states seceded.
In Charleston, on April 12, 1861, Ruffin joined South Carolina troops as they initiated the Civil War by firing cannons on Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor. There are several theories about who actually fired the first shot of the war, but most scholars agree that the person who fired the first shot is unknown. Ruffin is believed, however, to have fired "the first shot" from Morris Island after the fusillade had already begun. Either way, his presence in Charleston afforded him a hero's status in the South. Ruffin bemoaned Virginia's reluctance promptly to follow its Southern neighbors' example, referring to the Richmond convention formed to consider secession as a "submissionist" group. After Fort Sumter, however, the tide turned; Virginia's convention voted to secede on April 17, 1861.
During the war, Ruffin initially continued to rally Southern troops and to travel to battle sites but soon felt compelled to remain behind. Physical limitations and Union troops' occupation of his properties eventually forced him to retreat to Redmoor, a farm in Amelia County. When Confederate general Robert E. Lee surrendered his Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865, Ruffin's sense of loss and disappointment was profound. Reeling from the South's defeat, suffering from failing health, and wanting to avoid being a burden to his family, Ruffin committed suicide on June 17, 1865 by shooting himself—following the example of his friend Thomas Cocke some twenty-five years before. He was buried two days later at his Hanover County plantation, Marlbourne.
Major Works
An Essay on Calcareous Manures (1832)
Report of the Commencement and Progress of the Agricultural Survey of South Carolina for 1843 (1843)
The Influence of Slavery; or, Its Absence, on Manners, Morals, and Intellect (1852)
Premium Essay on Agricultural Education (1853)
Essays and Notes on Agriculture (1855)
Consequences of Abolition Agitation (1857)
Communications on Drainage and Other Connected Agricultural Subjects (1857)
The Political Economy of Slavery (1857)
African Colonization Unveiled (1859)
Slavery and Free Labor Described and Compared (1859)
Notes on the Pine Trees of Lower Virginia and North Carolina (1859)
Anticipations of the Future (1860)
Agricultural, Geological, and Descriptive Sketches of Lower North Carolina … (1861)
The Diary of Edmund Ruffin (3 volumes, 1972–1989)
Incidents of My Life: Edmund Ruffin's Autobiographical Essays (1990)
Time Line
January 5, 1794 - Edmund Ruffin is born in Prince George County to George Ruffin and Jane Lucas Ruffin. His mother dies while he is still an infant.
1810 - Edmund Ruffin enters the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg but leaves after about one year of study. Ruffin's father, George Ruffin, dies at this time, having appointed Thomas Cocke, a family friend, as his son's guardian.
August 1812 - Ruffin joins a Virginia militia company as war with Great Britain erupts. He serves as a private, but does not see any action in battle.
1813 - Edmund Ruffin marries Susan Hutchings Travis of Williamsburg, and the couple will have eleven children. Ruffin takes over the family plantation at Coggin's Point in Prince George County.
February 1813 - Edmund Ruffin leaves the army having seen no combat in the War of 1812.
1821 - Edmund Ruffin, an agriculturalist, publishes the results of his experiments with marl, an earthy deposit consisting of clay and calcium carbonate, in John S. Skinner's journal, American Farmer.
1823 - Edmund Ruffin is elected to the Senate of Virginia. The planter finds the legislative process cumbersome and irritating, and does not seek reelection, serving one term, until 1827.
1832 - Edmund Ruffin publishes a book on his agricultural experiments, An Essay on Calcareous Manures.
June 1833 - Edmund Ruffin launches the Farmers' Register, a journal devoted to agricultural improvement. As Ruffin's publications gain currency, he becomes known as a leading agriculturalist and takes an active role in the Virginia State Agricultural Society. The magazine will fold in 1842.
1841–1842 - Edmund Ruffin publishes and edits the Bank Reformer, a monthly political magazine.
1843 - Edmund Ruffin serves as Agricultural Surveyor for South Carolina.
1844 - Edmund Ruffin moves from Coggin's Point to Marlbourne, a plantation in Hanover County.
1852 - Edmund Ruffin, a vocal secessionist, publishes The Influence of Slavery; or, Its Absence, on Manners, Morals, and Intellect.
1852 - Edmund Ruffin is elected president of the Virginia Agricultural Society.
1860 - Edmund Ruffin visits South Carolina, Georgia, and North Carolina, speaking on behalf of secession.
May–June 1860 - Edmund Ruffin strenuously lobbies his Democratic Party colleagues at their national conventions in Charleston, South Carolina, and Baltimore, Maryland, on behalf of proslavery positions and, if those fail, secession.
April 12, 1861 - Edmund Ruffin reportedly fires the first shot on the U.S. installation, Fort Sumter, in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. The act initiates the Civil War and makes Ruffin a popular hero in the South.
1861–1865 - Edmund Ruffin lives at Beechwood, the Prince George County home of his son, Edmund Jr., as well as at Marlbourne, his Hanover County plantation, and at Redmoor in Amelia County. His finances flounder and his health begins to fail.
June 17, 1865 - Edmund Ruffin commits suicide by shooting himself.
June 19, 1865 - Edmund Ruffin is buried at Marlbourne, his Hanover County plantation.
Edmund Ruffin's Timeline
1794 |
January 5, 1794
Evergreen, Appomattox, VA, United States
1814 |
August 31, 1814
Williamsburg, Va.
1817 |
1821 |
July 14, 1821
Prince George, Prince George County, Virginia, United States
1823 |
1824 |
1827 |
1829 |
1832 |
September 10, 1832
Prince George, VA, United States