Emigrated to Australia on the "Neptune" sailing from Gravesend, June 1 1839. He was described as a farm labourer of good bodily health and probable usefulness! It was noted that he could read.
Ship arrived 26 September 1839.
Settled in the Morpeth district. Later lived at Day St, Prymont.
Death registered as Edward STILES 1074/1888 Sydney, NSW
Most of his descendants used the STILEs [rather than STYLES] spelling.
1804 |
February 4, 1804
Goudhurst, Kent, England, United Kingdom
1827 |
January 29, 1827
Goudhurst, Kent, England, United Kingdom
1829 |
May 31, 1829
Goudhurst, Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1830 |
November 25, 1830
Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1834 |
January 23, 1834
Goudhurst, Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1837 |
March 7, 1837
Goudhurst, Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1840 |
March 31, 1840
Butterwick, New South Wales, Australia
1842 |
October 8, 1842
Butterwick, New South Wales, Australia
1845 |
January 4, 1845
Maitland, New South Wales, Australia