Elisabeth ...

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Elisabeth ... (1597 - 1665)

Also Known As: "Pies"
Birthplace: Dorweiler, Nörvenich, Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Death: after May 07, 1665
Schloss Waldeck,Dorweiler,Herzogtum Pfalz,Heiliges Römisches Reich
Immediate Family:

Wife of Diederich Pies zu Uedem
Mother of Johann Schwickard Pies, I; Jodocus Pies; Johann Pies; Gertrud Wickert; Katharina Pies and 3 others

Managed by: Mary Susan Newton
Last Updated:

About Elisabeth ...

Evidence needed to support as daughter of Ritter Johann Philipp Boos von Waldeck zu Montfort

Elisabeth, wife of Diederich Pies from Mannebach, was born about 1597 and died after 7th of May 1665 (mentioned as Godmother at a child baptism).

There is no evidence other than the publications of Dr. Eike Pies that this person existed in the first place (meaning that Johann Philipp Boos von Waldeck und Montfort had a daughter by the name of Elisabeth) and secondly that this profile (the legitimate wife of Diederich Pies) is the illegitimate daughter of Johann Philipp Boos zu Waldeck.

Dr. Pies "claims" this relationship on assumptions (where the Elisabeth, the wife of Diederich Pies is a Godparent on a single occasion very late in her life) and otherwise just writes that the church book of the castle Waldeck was lost and therefore no written proof longer exist. The fact that they had property close by with the Knight family of von Waldeck and Montfort also isn't much evidence for an illegitimate relationship as in those times first of all only male descendants would inherit property and if it comes to favours, only male illegitimate would maybe get some benefit from their birth fathers.

By genealogical standards this isn't enough evidence. I refer you to this excellent article which explains what kind of assumptions are acceptable and which aren't: https://www.legacytree.com/blog/what-constitutes-genealogical-proof

"The challenge is to avoid making what seems like an appropriate assumption but is really based on faulty reasoning or bias."

I also refer you to this article: https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Evaluate_the_Evidence

Use the five elements of the Genealogical Proof Standard as a guide to help improve the quality of your research, evaluation of the evidence, and reasoning:

1) Reasonably exhaustive research has been conducted.
2) Each statement of fact has a complete and accurate source citation.
3) The evidence is reliable and has been skillfully correlated and interpreted.
4) Any contradictory evidence has been resolved.
5) The conclusion has been soundly reasoned.

Near the end of research on especially controversial connections or significant families, compose a "proof statement" that explains how you reached your conclusions. Using the Genealogical Proof Standard will significantly increase the likelihood that your genealogical conclusions reflect what really happened.

Any proof statement is subject to re-evaluation when new evidence arises.

Uncertainty about the wife of Diederich III Pies zu Uedem and mother of his children

I've decided to rename his spouse from Elizabeth Boos von Waldeck to Elisabeth Unknown (see https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Unknown-484772).

I'm happy to discuss this in further detail but to me there isn't enough conclusive evidence given to be sure that indeed she is the wife and mother of his children.

All evidence goes back to Eike Pies publications, both in the Familienbuch Mannebach written by him (Eike Pies • Kirchenbücher Mannebach - Chronik Pies Band 17) as well as in the family history of his own family (Eike Pies - Chronik der Familie Pies) again written by him.

I'd like to point the interested user to the following detailed comment in a German genealogy forum from someone who not only has lived in the area but researched there for many years (please use Google Translate if you can't read German):


What seems to be conclusive though is that the first name of his wife was Elisabeth, as stated in the church book entry of a baptism on 7th of May 1665 (I/18,1) where "Elisabeth, wife of Diederich Pies from Mannebach" is mentioned as the Godmother at the baptism of Catharina Weis (father Ebertz Weis / mother Barbara N.).

There is still a chance that the mentioned "Elisabeth" wasn't the mother of all children of Diederich . After all, the church books in Mannebach are all starting way too late to capture the birth or even the marriage of Diederich's children:

- baptism from 1640 - marriages from 1680 - burial from 1677

Daughter of [father unknown] and [mother unknown] [sibling unknown]

Not known daughter of Ritter Johann Philipp Boos von Waldeck zu Montfort & Anna Ursula Boos von Waldeck und Montfort

source PLZ 


  1. Eike Pies: Kirchenbücher Mannabach (Chronik Pies Band 17) as stated in the church book entry of a baptism on the 7th of May 1665 (I/18,1) where "Elisabeth, wife of Diederich Pies from Mannebach" is mentioned as the Godmother at the baptism of Catharina Weis (father Ebertz Weis / mother Barbara N.).

Über Elisabeth ... (Deutsch)

Unsicherheit über die Ehefrau von Diederich III Pies zu Uedem und Mutter seiner Kinder

Ich habe beschlossen, seinen Ehepartner von Elizabeth Boos von Waldeck in Elisabeth Unknown umzubenennen (siehe https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Unknown-484772).

Ich freue mich, dies ausführlicher zu besprechen, aber für mich gibt es nicht genügend schlüssige Beweise, um sicher zu sein, dass sie tatsächlich die Frau und Mutter seiner Kinder ist.

Alle Beweise gehen auf Veröffentlichungen von Eike Pies zurück, sowohl im von ihm verfassten Familienbuch Mannebach (Eike Pies • Kirchenbücher Mannebach - Chronik Pies Band 17) als auch in der Familiengeschichte seiner eigenen Familie (Eike Pies - Chronik der Familie Pies) von ihm geschrieben.

Ich möchte den interessierten Benutzer auf den folgenden ausführlichen Kommentar in einem deutschen Ahnenforschungsforum von jemandem verweisen, der nicht nur in der Gegend gelebt hat, sondern dort viele Jahre recherchiert hat (bitte verwenden Sie Google Translate, wenn Sie kein Deutsch lesen können):


Was jedoch schlüssig zu sein scheint, ist, dass der Vorname seiner Frau Elisabeth war, wie im Kirchenbucheintrag einer Taufe am 7. Mai 1665 (I / 18,1) angegeben, in der "Elisabeth, Frau von Diederich Pies aus Mannebach" wird als Patin bei der Taufe von Catharina Weis (Vater Ebertz Weis / Mutter Barbara N.) erwähnt.

Es besteht immer noch die Möglichkeit, dass die erwähnte "Elisabeth" nicht die Mutter aller Kinder von Diederich war. Schließlich beginnen die Kirchenbücher in Mannebach viel zu spät, um die Geburt oder sogar die Ehe von Diederichs Kindern festzuhalten:

- Taufe ab 1640 - Ehen ab 1680 - Beerdigung von 1677

view all 11

Elisabeth ...'s Timeline

Dorweiler, Nörvenich, Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Dorweiler, Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Mannebach,,Kurfürstentum Pfalz,Heilges Römisches Reich
Burg Waldeck, Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
at Castle Waldeck,Dorweiler,Hunsruck,Germany
Mannebach, Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Schloss Waldeck,Dorweiler,Herzogtum Pfalz,Heiliges Römisches Reich
Burg Waldeck, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Schloss Waldeck,Dorweiler,Herzogtum Pfalz,Heiliges Römisches Reich
May 7, 1665
Age 68
Schloss Waldeck,Dorweiler,Herzogtum Pfalz,Heiliges Römisches Reich