Immediate Family
About Elizabeth (Elisiv) of Kiev
From the English Wikipedia page of Elisiv of Kiev:
Elisaveta Yaroslavna of Kiev (in Norwegian: Ellisif or Elisabeth), (1025 - ca 1067), was a Rus' Princess of Kiev and a Norwegian queen, wife and queen consort of king Harald III of Norway.
Elisaveta was born to Prince Yaroslav I of Kiev and Princess Ingegerd Olofsdotter of Sweden. She was the sister of Anne of Kiev, queen and regent of France, and Anastasia of Kiev, queen of Hungary.
During the winter of 1043-44, Elisaveta was married to Prince Harald Sigurdsson of Norway, who was in service of her father at the time.
In 1045, she followed Harald to Norway, were they became king and queen of Norway. In Norway, she was called Queen Elisiv.
In 1047, her husband became the sole ruler.
In 1048, Harald took another wife, Tora Torbergsdatter.
In 1066, Harald invaded England, where he died. Elisiv and her daughters followed Harald to England, where Maria died, as it was said, at the news of her father's death.
Elisiv and her second daughter Ingegerd returned to Norway with the Norwegian fleet. She lived the rest of her life with her step-son King Olav Kyrre on Ostlandet. She is not likely to have lived long as a widow, and is presumed to have died the year after she was widowed, although the year of her death is unknown.
It has sometime been said, that she married King Sweyn II of Denmark as a widow, but she may have been confused with Harald's second wife Tora Torbergsdatter, who is also suggested to have married Sweyn as a widow.
Elisabeth eller Elisaveta ble født i Kiev som datter av prins Jaroslav I av Kiev og prinsesse Ingegjerd Olofsdatter av Sverige. Hun var søster av Anne av Kiev, dronning og regent av Frankrike, gift med Henrik I av Frankrike; og Anastasia av Kiev, dronning av Ungarn , gift med Andreas I av Ungarn; og til sist Agatha av Kiev, gift med engelske Edvard den landflyktige. I løpet av vinteren 1043-1044 ble Elisaveta gift med leiesoldaten Harald Sigurdsson fra Norge som var i tjeneste hos hennes far på den tiden.
I 1045 fulgte Elisaveta, eller Ellisiv som hun ble hetende, Harald til Norge hvor hun ble dronning da Harald tvang sin nevø kong Magnus, sønn av Olav Digre, til å dele riket med seg. Kort tid etter døde nevøen etter en rideulykke og Harald ble enekonge av både Norge og Danmark i 1047. Året etter at Magnus døde giftet kong Harald til seg med ytterligere en kvinne, Tora Torbergdatter som han fikk to sønner med, Magnus og Olav. I 1066 invaderte Harald England da han mente at han hadde arvet et krav på landet etter Magnus den gode, men døde i slaget ved Stamford bro det samme året.
Ellisiv og hennes døtre, Maria og Ingegerd, fulgte kong Harald med på ferden til England. I henhold til Snorre Sturlason oppholdt Ellisiv seg ved skipene på et sted han kaller Ravnsør, i dag heter det Ravenseer, den ytterste odden av Holderness i East Riding of Yorkshire. Her skal Maria ha «fått brådød samme dag og samme stund som hennes far kong Harald hadde falt» [1].
Ellisiv og Ingegerd dro tilbake til Norge sammen med norske flåten. Hun bosatte seg sammen med stesønnen Olav på Østlandet, og det synes ikke som hun levde lenge, kanskje året etter var hun død.
Jaroslavna, Ellisif (Elizabeth) var gift första gången med Harald 'Hårdråde' och efter hans död år 1066 blev hon gift med danske kungen Sven Estridsen i dennes tredje äktenskap.
Elisabeth gifte sig med alla tiders största norska viking, Harald Hårdråde, gammal vapenbroder till Jaroslav. En vårdag år 1045 seglade de nygifta från Aldeigjuborg vid Ladoga till Sigtuna med skeppen nedlastade av guld och andra dyrbarheter som Harald hade samlat under sina år i den bysantinske kejsarens tjänst. Sedan dröjde det inte länge förrän Harald hade manövrerat sig upp på den norska tronen. (Källa: Rune Edberg, arkeolog och journalist, gm Patric Hadenius)
From Darryl Lundy's Peerage page (Forrás):
(Ben notes: This is the first time that I've seen Darryl Lundy this inaccurate - his work is usually well-researched. Jaroslawna would be the middle name in German. Presumably, Jiri Louda and Michael MacLagan must have got it wrong for this individual, and the mistake was transferred along.)
Jatoslawa of Novgorod (1)
F, #112975
Last Edited=7 Mar 2007
Jatoslawa of Novgorod is the daughter of Jarislaus I, Grand Duke of Kiev and Ingegarde of Sweden. (2), (3) She married Harald III Hardrade, King of Norway, son of Sigurd Syr, King of Ringeringe and Asta (?), in 1045. (1)
Jatoslawa of Novgorod was also known as Elizabeth.
Children of Jatoslawa of Novgorod and Harald III Hardrade, King of Norway
-1. Maria (?) d. 1066
-2. Ingegard (?)+ (1)
-3. Magnus II Haraldsson, King of Norway+ b. 1049, d. 1069 (2)
-4. Olav III Haraldsson, King of Norway+ b. 1050, d. c 1093 (2)
1.[S16] Jirí Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 16. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession.
2.[S16] Louda and MacLagan, Lines of Succession, table 24.
3.[S262] Russia, online http://www.friesian.com/russia.htm. Hereinafter cited as Russia.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Russia Rurikid:
IELIZAVETA Iaroslavna (-after 25 Sep 1066).
Snorre records the marriage of King Harald and Elisabeth "called by the Northmen Ellisif" daughter of "King Jarisleif", specifying in a later passage that "the Swedish king Olaf…was brother of [her] mother"[167]. Morkinskinna records the marriage of “Haraldr Sigurdarson” and “King Yaroslav and Queen Ingigerdr…daughter…Elisabeth, the Norsemen call her Ellisif”[168].
Snorre records that "Queen Ellisif came from the West…with her stepson Olaf and her daughter Ingegerd" after her husband was killed[169].
m (1044) HARALD Sigurdson, son of SIGURD Syr King of Ringeringe & his wife Asta Gudbrandsdatter (1015-killed in battle Stamfordbridge 25 Sep 1066). He succeeded in 1047 as HARALD III "Hardråde" King of Norway.
From the English Wikipedia page of Elisiv of Kiev:
Elisaveta Yaroslavna of Kiev (in Norwegian: Ellisif or Elisabeth), (1025 - ca 1067), was a Rus' Princess of Kiev and a Norwegian queen, wife and queen consort of king Harald III of Norway.
Elisaveta was born to Prince Yaroslav I of Kiev and Princess Ingegerd Olofsdotter of Sweden. She was the sister of Anne of Kiev, queen and regent of France, and Anastasia of Kiev, queen of Hungary.
During the winter of 1043-44, Elisaveta was married to Prince Harald Sigurdsson of Norway, who was in service of her father at the time.
In 1045, she followed Harald to Norway, were they became king and queen of Norway. In Norway, she was called Queen Elisiv.
In 1047, her husband became the sole ruler.
In 1048, Harald took another wife, Tora Torbergsdatter.
In 1066, Harald invaded England, where he died. Elisiv and her daughters followed Harald to England, where Maria died, as it was said, at the news of her father's death.
Elisiv and her second daughter Ingegerd returned to Norway with the Norwegian fleet. She lived the rest of her life with her step-son King Olav Kyrre on Ostlandet. She is not likely to have lived long as a widow, and is presumed to have died the year after she was widowed, although the year of her death is unknown.
It has sometime been said, that she married King Sweyn II of Denmark as a widow, but she may have been confused with Harald's second wife Tora Torbergsdatter, who is also suggested to have married Sweyn as a widow.
Elisaveta was married to Harald in 1043 or 1044. They had two known children:
1. Maria Haraldsdotter of Norway, died in England 1066.
2. Ingegerd of Norway, (d. 1120), queen of Denmark and Sweden.
This article is a translation of its equivalent on Bulgarian Wikipedia
Snorre Sturlason: Snorres kongesagaer, bind II: «Harald Hårfagres saga» side 217. Oslo 2003.
Född 1032 i Ukraina.
Gifte och barn
Harald III "hårdråde" Sigurdsson.
Maria Haraldsdotter.
Ingierd Haraldsdotter.
Sven II Estridsen.
Knut II "den helige" Svensen.
Benedict Bengt Svensen.
Erik I Ejegod Svensen.
Björn Svensen.
Olof I Hunger Svensen.
Sven "Tronkrävare" Svensen.
Niels Svensen.
Guttorm Svensen.
Eymund Svensen.
Thorgils Svensen.
Ingrid Svensdatter.
Ulf (Ubba) Svensen.
Ragnhild Svendsdotter.
Helen (Gunhild) Svendsdotter.
Sigurd Svensen.
Margareta Svendsdotter.
Elizabeth (Elisiv) of Kiev's Timeline
1032 |
Kiev, Kiev Rus (present Ukraine)
http://www.artursson.se/Engelska/0002/2401.htm --------------------------
Gifte och barn Gifte 1:
Barn: Maria Haraldsdotter.
Knut II "den helige" Svensen.
1046 |
Hordaland, Norway
1047 |
Bergen, Norge (Norway)
- September 25, 1066
Age 15
1070 |
Age 38
Østlandet (East-Norway), Norway
Age 38
1931 |
March 3, 1931
Age 38