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Immediate Family
About Elizabeth FitzHerbert
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Fitzherbert (of Norbury, Derbyshire, England).
Both Ralph's and Elizabeth's wills are still available, and her will states that she "should be buried in the church of Saint Barloke before the image of Saint Nicholas and beside the body of her husband, Ralph Fitzherbert."[6]
- The Visitacion of Staffordschire (1883)
- https://archive.org/details/visitacionofstaf00graz
- https://archive.org/stream/visitacionofstaf00graz#page/74/mode/1up
- Fitzherbert of Norbury. Pg.74-76
- Nicholaus Fizherb't de Norbury, sup'stes an'o 30 H. 6. = Alicia, filia Henrici Boothe de Arleston. ; ch: Joh'es (m. Margeria Babington), Rob'tus (m. . . . . Joscelyn) Fitzherb't, (Pg.75 Rad'us (m. Elizabetha Marshall) Fitzherb't)
- Joh'es Fitzherb't de Etwall, s'd's filius, Rememorator Regis H. 8 in scaccario = Margeria filia Rob'ti Babington. ; ch: Henricus, . . . (m. Copwoode), Johanna (m. . . . Port), Barbara (m. Thomae Cokayn) Fitzherb't
- Henricus Fitzherb't = ; ch: Eustachius Fitzherb't
- Eustachius Fitzherb't. = ; ch: . . . . (m. Smith), . . . . (m. Smithe) Fitzherb't.
- . . . . filia, nupta Smith.
- . . . . filia, nupta Smithe.
- Eustachius Fitzherb't. = ; ch: . . . . (m. Smith), . . . . (m. Smithe) Fitzherb't.
- . . . . filia, nupta . . . . Copwoode.
- Johanna, nupta . . . . Port. ; ch: Johannes Porte.
- Johannes Porte.
- Barbara, nupta Thomae Cokayn, militi.
- Henricus Fitzherb't = ; ch: Eustachius Fitzherb't
- Rob'tus Fitzherb't de Uphall in Com. Herford. = . . . . filia . . . . Joscelyn. ; ch: (Pg.75 Humfridus (m. Dionisia Elveden) Fitzherb't
- https://archive.org/stream/visitacionofstaf00graz#page/75/mode/1up
- Humfridus Fitzherb't. = Dionisia, filia et cohaeres Henrici Elveden. (A fesse dancettee between three bugle-horns.) ; ch: Johannes (m. Anna Weyman), Antonius, Michaell, Dorothea (m. Joh'i Wingfeild), Wilgefort (m. Rob'to Tansfeild), Helena (m. Will'mo Gevelite), Cracea (m. . . . Robinson) Fitzherb't
- Johannes Fitzherb't, miles. = Anna Weyman.
- Antonius
- Michaell.
- Dorothea, nupta Joh'i Wingfeild de Letheringha' .
- Wilgefort, nupta Rob'to Tansfeild.
- Helena, nupta Will'mo Gevelite. ; ch: Maria Gevelott.
- Gracea, nupta . . . . Robinson.
- Rad'us Fitzherb't de Norbury. = Elizabetha, filia et cohaeres . . . . Marshall de Upton in Com. Leicest'r. ; ch: Margeria (m. Nicolai Purferey), . . . . (m. . . . . Cumberford), Editha (m. Thomae Babington & . . . Litster), Johannes (m. Benedicta Bradborne), Henricus, Anthonius (m. Matildis Cotton) Fitzberb't.
- Margeria, ux. Nicolai Purferey.
- . . . . fulia, nupta . . . . Cumberford, cui peperit Humfridum Cumberford.
- Editha, p'mo nupta Thomae Babington de Dethick, deinde renupta . . . . Litster.
- Johannes Fitzherb't de Norbury. = Benedicta, filia et haeres Johannis Bradborne del Hoghe. ; ch: Nicolaus (m. Dorothea Longford), Elizabetha (m. Phillippo Draycott), Anne (m. Johanni Welles) Fitzherb't
- Nicolaus Fitzherb't de Norbury, duxit Dorothea', filia' Rad'i Longford, militis; obijt sine exitu.
- Elizabetha, nupta Phillippo Draycott, militi. ; ch: Elizabetha (nupta . . . . Foljambe) Draycott
- Anne, nupta Johanni Welles
- Henricus Fitzherb't, 2 filius. = ; ch: Elizabetha (m. . . . White & . . . . Fery) Fitzherb't
- Elizabetha, p'mo nupta . . . . White, deinde renupta . . . . Fery. ; ch: Antonius, Ricardus, Joh'es, Ric's, Georgius White.
- Anthonius Fitzherb't, miles, serviens ad legem. = Matildis, filia et una 4 haeredu' Ricardi Cotton de Rideware. ; ch: (Pg.76 Thomas (m. . . . Eyre), Johannes, Ric'us, Will'm's, Dorothea (m. Rad'o Longford & Joh'i Port), Catherine Joh'i Sachverell), Elizabetha (m. Will'mo Bassett) Fitzherb't
- https://archive.org/stream/visitacionofstaf00graz#page/76/mode/1up
- Thomas Fitzherb't, miles, duxit . . . . filia' et haered' Arthuri Eyre de Padley.
- Johannes.
- Ric'us.
- Will'm's.
- Dorothea, p'mo nupta Rad'o Longford, militi, postea Joh'i Port, militi. ; ch: Nicholaus Longford.
- Catherina, nupta Joh'i Sachverell. ; ch: Henricus Sachverell.
- Elizabetha, nupta Will'mo Bassett. ; ch: Will'm's Bassett. ____________________________________
- Joh'es Fitzherb't de Etwall, s'd's filius, Rememorator Regis H. 8 in scaccario = Margeria filia Rob'ti Babington. ; ch: Henricus, . . . (m. Copwoode), Johanna (m. . . . Port), Barbara (m. Thomae Cokayn) Fitzherb't
- Elizabeth Marshall1
- F, #61088, b. circa 1431, d. 20 October 1490
- Father John Marshall1 b. c 1410, d. c 1460
- Mother Elizabeth Bingham2 b. c 1410, d. c 1457
- Elizabeth Marshall was born circa 1431 at of Norbury, Derbyshire, England.1 She married Ralph FitzHerbert, son of Nicholas FitzHerbert, Sheriff of Derbyshire and Alice Booth, circa 1452.1 Elizabeth Marshall died on 20 October 1490.1
- Family Ralph FitzHerbert b. c 1430, d. 2 Mar 1494
- Children
- Edith FitzHerbert+2 b. c 1453, d. c 1511
- Sir Anthony FitzHerbert1 b. c 1487, d. 27 May 1538
- Citations
- [S61] Unknown author, Family Group Sheets, Family History Archives, SLC.
- [S11597] Ancestry.com, Robert Taylor Family Tree.
- http://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p2033.htm#... ____________________________
- 'Fitzherbert01'
- .... etc.
- Henry Fitzherbert of Norbury (a 1410) - continued above
- m. _ Downes
- 1. Nicholas Fitzherbert of Norbury, Sheriff of Derbyshire (d 19.11.1473) the first mentioned by Visitation
- m1. Alice Booth (dau of Henry Booth of Harlaston)
- A. Ralph Fitzherbert of Norbury (d 02.03.1483-4)
- m. Elizabeth Marshall (dau/heir of John Marshall of Upton)
- i. John Fitzherbert of Norbury (d 24.07.1531)
- m. Benedicta Bradburne (dau of John Bradburne of the Hoo (or Hoghe))
- a. Nicholas Fitzherbert (dvpsp 1517)
- m. (1501) Dorothy Longford (dau of Sir Ralph Longford)
- b. Elizabeth Fitzherbert
- m. Sir Philip Draycote of Draycote & Painsley
- c. Anne Fitzherbert
- m. John Wells of Hoar Cross
- d. Edith Fitzherbert
- ii. Henry Fitzherbert of London
- m. Elizabeth Godwin (dau of Robert Godwin)
- a. daughter
- iii. Sir Anthony Fitzherbert of Norbury (b 1470, d 27.05.1538, judge, 6th son)
- m1. Dorothy Willoughby (dsp 1597, dau of Sir Henry Willoughby of Wollaton)
- m2. Mathilda Cotton (dau of Richard Cotton of Hamstall Ridware)
- iv. Dorothy Fitzherbert
- m. Thomas Comberford of Comberford (d 1532)
- v. Edith Fitzherbert
- m. Thomas Babington of Dethick (d 15.03.1518)
- vi. Agnes Fitzherbert
- m. Richard Lister of Rowton
- vii. Elizabeth Fitzherbert
- m. _ Fuljambe
- viii. Margaret Fitzherbert
- m. Thomas Purefoy of (Fenny) Drayton (d 1542)
- ix. other issue - Richard, William (a 1506, prebendary of Lincoln), Thomas, Alice (a 1505, Abbess of Polesworth)
- B. John Fitzherbert of Etwall (d 18.11.1502, remembrancer of the Exchequer)
- m1. Margaret Babington (dau of Robert Babington "of the flette")
- BP1934 reports that, by Margaret, John was ancestor of the Fitzherberts of Perry Hall, Staffordshire. Visitation shows only his marriage to Margaret and shows their children as Henry & Jane with Eustace as Henry's only child. The following comes from Visitation (Essex, 1558, Jenour). We presume that a younger unmentioned son was ancestor of the Fitzherberts of Perry Hall.
- i. Henry Fitzherbert
- m. Cecylie Molineux (d 1502, dau/heir of John Molineux)
- a. Eustace Fitzherbert (d 16.09.1518)
- m. Jayne Meringe
- (1) Joanne Fitzherbert (d 14.08.1526)
- (2) Elizabeth Fitzherbert
- m1. Edward Smith (son of Sir John of Cressing Temple)
- m2. Thomas Smith of Camden
- ii. Jane Fitzherbert
- m1. (c1474) John de la Pole, younger of Radbourne
- m2. Sir John Port of Etwall
- John's 2nd wife is identified by BP1934 just as Joan. It looks as though she was probably ...
- m2. Joan Babington (dau of Robert Babington of Kiddington)
- iii.+ 4 daughters
- Probably of this generation, but by which wife is unknown, was ...
- C. Robert Fitzherbert of Uphall ancestor of Fitzherbert of Kiddington & Begbrooke
- Visitation provides the following.
- m. Elizabeth Jocelyn (dau of Ralph Jocelyn of Sawbridgeworth)
- i. Humfrey Fitzherbert
- m. Dyonise Elveden (dau/heir of Henry Elveden)
- a. Sir John Fitzherbert
- m. Anne Wayneman
- (1) Henry Fitzherbert
- b.+ other issue - Anthony, Michael
- D. Joan Fitzherbert
- m. John Cotton of Hampstall Ridware
- E. Isabella Fitzherbert
- m. _ Babington
- F.+ other issue - Roger (had issue), William, Douce, Anne
- m2. Isabel Ludlow of Stokeshay
- J.+ 2 sons and 2 daughters
- Main source(s): BP1934 (Stafford) with input/support from Visitation (Staffordshire, 1583, Fitzherbert of Norbury, etc.)
- From: Stirnet.com
- http://www.stirnet.com/genie/data/british/ff/fitzherbert01.php _____________________
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Elizabeth FitzHerbert's Timeline
1437 |
Norbury, Croydon, Surrey, England
1450 |
Norbury, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom
1457 |
Norbury, Staffordshire, England, United Kingdom
1462 |
Norbury, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom
1464 |
Norbury, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom
1466 |
Norbury, Derbyshire, England
1468 |
Norbury, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom
1470 |
Norbury, Croydon, Surrey, England
1472 |
Norbury, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom
1474 |
Norbury, Derbyshire, England