Parents unknown. Not the same as Elizabeth Chybnall
Elizabeth Hall on Wikitree.com
Elizabeth Hall on Familysearch.org
No record of Elizabeth's maiden name has yet been found. Some researchers name her as Elizabeth Wingfield, but the source of this information is uncertain.
Since Elizabeth was already married to Richard Hall when she arrived in Maryland in 1658, her assumed age would be about 18 giving her a birth year of 1640.
28 Aug 1688: Dated 17th Sep 1687, proved 28th Aug 1688. Will of Richard HALL of Calvert County. To eld. son Elisha, and hrs., 750 A., part of "Hall's Hills," on e. side of Patuxent River, and 300 A., part of "Hogsdowne." To son Joseph and hrs., 250 A., residue of "Hall's Hills" (for description see will). To son Benjamin and hrs., 100 A., "Micham," on e. side Patuxent River, and 100 A., residne of "Hogadowne." To son Aaron and hrs., 200 A., "The Spittle," and 100 A., "Additional Spittle." To dau. Rachel, wife of Walter SMITH, and hrs., 300 A., "Alldermason." To dau. Elisa: and hrs., 100 A., part of "The Hope" in Cecil County. To dau. Sarah and hrs., residue of "The Hope" afsd., and 300 A., part of "Hall's Lot." To sons Elisha and Benjamin afsd. and hrs., "Hall's Choice" in Cecil County, and residue of "Hall's Lot." Sons to be of age at 18 yrs. To wife Eliza:, all personalty during widowhood. To dau. Lucia, wife of John SMITH, personalty. To the Quaker Church, personalty. Mention is made of certain property having been given to son-in-law, John SMITH. Exs.: Sd. wife and 3 sons afsd., viz., Elisha, Joseph and Benjamin. Overseers: Wm. RICHARDSON, Edw. TALBOTT, Sam'l CHEW, Nehemiah BIRCKHEAD. Test: Geo. LINGAN, E. BOTELER, Jno. BATY, Geo. COLE, Ann TANEHILL. 6:13.,
!29 Nov 1742: Elisabeth Hall 19.252 A CA £37.18.1 £14.4.5 Nov 29 1742 Payments to: Benjamin Sedwick, Elisabeth Hamilton, Ellis Dixson, Elisabeth Dixson, John Rigbie, Rose Wilkinson, Benjamin Dixson. Mentions: Sarah Hall (daughter, now dead), Gabril Parker, Daniel Dulany. Administrator: William Sharplis.
Elizabeth mentioned in the record of Elizabeth Halle [1]
1."England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975", database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NRZQ-1FM : 20 March 2020), Elizabeth in entry for Elizabeth Halle, 1672.
https://books.google.com/books?id=nsxMAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA481&lpg=PA481&d..., page 481
https://books.google.com/books?id=fSgUAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA292&lpg=PA292&d..., page 292
1640 |
England (United Kingdom)
1663 |
July 8, 1663
South River, Anne Arundel, Maryland, United States
1665 |
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
1667 |
Calvert County, Maryland, Colonial America
1669 |
Of Calvert, Maryland
1670 |
Calvert County, Maryland, Colonial America
1671 |
Calvert County, Maryland
1673 |
Calvert County, Maryland, United States
1677 |
Of Calvert, Maryland