Elizabeth Richarde, SM/PROG

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Elizabeth Richarde, SM/PROG (1667 - 1740)

Also Known As: "Isabeau Maria Ryksardiùs"
Birthplace: Saint-Martin-de-la-Brasque, Vaucluse, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
Death: October 07, 1740 (69-73)
Paarl, Drakenstein, Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
Place of Burial: Paarl, Cape, South Africa
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Jean Richarde and Louise Ramberte
Wife of Pierre Mallan and Pierre Joubert, a1SV/PROG
Mother of Jacques (Jacob) Joubert; Elisabeth Joubert; Pierre Joubert, a1b4; Francina Joubert; Louise Joubert and 7 others

1st Married surname: MALAN
Maiden name: Isabeau
Maiden surname: Richarde
MtDNA: T2b4-T152C
Managed by: Daan Botes
Last Updated:

About Elizabeth Richarde, SM/PROG

Never assumed surname of either husband as per the custom at the Cape.

Elisabeth Richarde (c1668 - 7 Oct 1740,Drakenstein, Cape of Good Hope)

To Jean Richarde and Louise Ramberte, from Peipin

  • x 2 July 1687 in Saint Martin de la Brasque, Pierre Malan
  • xx > 20 Mar 1688, Pierre Jaubert (c 1664 -30 Jun 1732), son of Jacques Jaubert & Francoise Rambert
  1. Jacob (1691-1736)
  2. Elisabeth (1692 ->1742)
  3. Pierre (1694 - c Sep 1730)
  4. Jean (7 Dec 1695 - <16 Mar 1738)
  5. Françoise (<11 Nov 1697-<28 Mar 1723)
  6. Louise (<6 Dec 1699 -1764)
  7. Gideon (c 1702-1739)
  8. Josue (<13 Aug 1702 -1733)
  9. François (<28 Nov 1706 -1761)
  10. Rachel (c 1710 -1790)
  11. Marie (<27 Oct 1710 -8 Apr 1746)
  12. Geertruyd (12 Nov 1713)

From First Fifty Years - http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g5/p5761.htm E-mails from Robert Rey and website (http://gw.geneanet.org/robertrey) to Delia Robertson, February 2014 "Mariage le 02.07.1687 à Saint-Martin-de-la-Brasque de "Pierre MALAN, 25 ans, fils de Daniel et de feue Marguerite SADAILLAN, de ce lieu de Saint Martin, avec Elisabeth RICHARDE fille de feu Jean et de feue Louise RAMBERTE, de Peipin ". My thanks to Robert Rey for sharing this record."

"Marriage on 02.07.1687 in Saint-Martin-de-la-Brasque of" Pierre MALAN, 25 year old, son of Daniel and the late Marguerite SADAILLAN, from this place of Saint Martin, with Elisabeth RICHARDE daughter of the late Jean and the late Louise RAMBERTE, from Peipin

Judi Marais-Meyer register Daar is 4 boedel/inventarisse in die Kaapse Weescamer aangaande die sterfte van Pieter(Pierre Joubert) met weduwee Elisabeth Richard.

MOOC8/10.35 ½, MOOC10/5.35 ged 28/11/1740;MOOC8/6.64 ged 16/10/170 en MOOC8/6.65 ged 19/10/1740

In alle gevalle word haar naam as Elisabeth Richard aangegee weduwee van Pieter Jubert(Joubert) d'Oude/

2 plase word genoem nl. Belligham gelegenonder't distrik van Drakenstein volgens erfgorndbrief van transport 14 Julie 1700 en Lormarins gelegen onder't disrik Drakenstain volgens erfgrondbrief van den 19 Desmeber 1713 getransport de dato 22 Maart 1727 Ek plaas die uittreksel aangaande die erfgename asook alle eiendomme genoem. Daar is heelwat eiendomme, plase, huise, ens.

Inventaris van alle soodanige goederen roerende en onroerende, schulden en inneschulden als sijn naargelaaten en met ’er dood ontruijmt door Elisabeth Richard wed:w wijlen den landbouwer Pieter Jubert d’ oude ten voordeele van haare naargelaatene meerderjaarige kinderen, mitsgd:s minderjaarige kindskinderen als

  • Elisabeth Jubert getrouwt met den oud heemraad Paul Roux
  • Louisa Jubert wed:w Jacob Villiers de jonge
  • Francois Jubert
  • Maria Jubert gehuwt met den landbouwer Jan Loots, en
  • Rachel Jubert getrouwt met den landbouwer Dirk Craffort, vervolgens
  • Elisabeth Jubert getrouwt met Jan Villiers Jacobsz: en bij representatie van hunlieden overledene vader Pieter Jubert
  • Pieter Jubert

welkers plaatse neevens de twee eevengen: meede is representeerende

  • Susanna Villiers dogter van den landbouwer Abraham Villiers, die in huwelijk gehad heeft *Susanna Jubert, dogter van boovengen: Pieter Jubert, voorts
  • Pieter bij plaatsvullinge van wijlen hun vader Jan Jubert, wijders
  • Jan
  • Jacob
  • Arie Willemsz:
  • Elisabeth
  • Josua en
  • Gideon Jubert
  • Pieter bij representatie van hun overleedene vader Josua Jubert, en eijndelijk
  • Jan en
  • Susanna Jubert
  • Pieter als ter erffenis treedende in plaatse van wijlen hun vader Gideon Jubert
  • Margaretha
  • Gideon
  • Jacob
  • Josua en
  • Elisabeth Jubert

soodanig en in diervoegen als deselve door de presente meerderjaarige erfgenaamen sijn aageweesen en door de onder te noemene gecommitt:e Weesmeesteren sijn bevonden te bestaan in ’t volgende, naamentlijk

  • 1 plaats ofte hofsteede gen:t Bellingkamp geleegen onder ’t district van Drakenstijn volgens erfgrondbrief de dato 8:e October 1695, mitsgd:s ’t laatste transport van den 14 Julij 1700
  • 1 plaats ofte hofsteede gen:t Lormarins geleegen onder ’t district van Drakenstijn volgens erfgrondbrief van den 19 December 1713 mitsgd:s transport de dato 22 Maart 1727
  • 1 plaats ofte hofsteede gen:t Le Rocke geleegen in de Olifantshoek onder Drakenstijn volgens erfgrondbrief de dato 22:e December 1695, mitsgd:s ’t laatste transport de dato 9 September 1723
  • 1 plaats oft hofsteede gen:t de Winterhoek geleegen in de Olifantshoek onder Drakenstijn volgens erfgrondbrief van den 1 November 1696, mitsgd:s transport de dato 8 Maij 1716
  • 1 plaats ofte hofsteede gen:t La Motte geleegen in d’ Olifantshoek onder Drakenstijn volgens erfgrondbrief de dato 9:e Januarij 1695, en transport van den 7 September 1709
  • 1 plaats ofte hofsteede gen:t La Provence geleegen in d’ Olifantshoek onder Drakenstijn volgens erfgrondbrief van den 11:e Maij 1712, aan wijlen den landbouwer Pieter Jubert d’ oude verleent
  • 1 huijs en erf geleegen in de Tafel Valleij volgens drie erfgrondbrieven en kaarten de datis 12 Augustus en 24 November 1701, mitsgd:s 21 October 1710, en ’t laatste transport de dato 11:e November 1718
  • 1 plaats ofte hofsteede gen:t de Plaisante geleegen onder Drakenstijn in ’t Land van Waveren over de Breede Rivier volgens erfbrief de dato 26 Maij 1716


Aldus gedaan en g’inventariseert op voorschreeven hofsteede Bellingkamp den 16 en 17 October 1740 ...

- Inventories of the Orphan Chamber Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa Reference no.: MOOC8/6.64 on http://databases.tanap.net/mooc/


It seems that Isabeau had an illetigimate relationship before 1707 with Guillaume Loret. He then married her daughter Elisabeth. At the wedding ceremony Ds.Beck refused to read the necessary marriage documents, and Pierre Joubert and a schoolmaster on his farm, David Du Buisson, wrote a petition against Ds Beck.. but it never came to that.

Isabeau Richard

  • Migrated on Berg China which left Rotterdam 20 Mar 1688 and arrived Table Bay 4 Aug 1688.
  • On the Ships list she is named Isabeau Richard Malan Joubert.
  • Married to Pierre Joubert
  • Daughter Louisa Joubert born 1699

Die name van Isabeau Richard en haar vorige eggenoot, Pierre Malan, verskyn op die skeepslys van die "Berg China", opgestel 23 November 1687. Die Berg China Rotterdam op 30 Maart 1688 verlaat en op 4 Augustus 1688 Tafelbaai bereik.

Die waarskynlikheid is dat Susanne Reyne (Pierre Joubert se 1ste vrou) en Pierre Malan (Isabeau se 1ste man) oorlede is voordat die Berg China in Tafelbaai aangekom het.

Birth: 1668

 La Motte-d'Aigues, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Frankryk Alternate Birth:	  Saint Martin de la Brasque, Aigues Valley, Provence, France Marriage:	Marriage to: Pierre Malan, Zai Circa 1680
 Frankryk Immigration:	1688 Marriage:	Marriage to: sv pa Pierre (Pieter) Joubert Joubert, a1 Mar 20 1688
 Ter See aan boord China op pad na K d G H, Suid-Afrika Death:	Oct 7 1748
 Paarl, Drakenstein, Kaap de Goede Hoop, Suid-Afrik

Isabeau Richarde in Booyens 'China'

There are three Mallans living in and around Saint Martin de la Brasque:

  • i. Pierre Mallan is married to Isabeau Richarde.
  • ii. Anthoine Mallan is married to Isabeau Verdette and they have a little daughter.
  • iii. The third is Jacques Mallan, cousin of Pierre and Anthoine. He is as yet unmarried.

Pierre Mallan, wife Isabeau Richarde from St. Martin de la Brasque; Church records for arrival in Genève 12.09.1687; Schaffhausen 30.09.1687; Frankfurt 31.10.1687 (In South Africa she is known as Richard(e), and it is given that way also by the VOC, but at Frankfurt, the only church where Mallan's wife is identified by name, it is Tricharde. This was likely an error as the surname Richard was reasonably common in the Luberon.) VOC records in Rotterdam Dec 1687 for proposed China ship list: Pierre Malan (23) and his wife Isabeau Richarde (20)

...When Isabeau Richarde steps off the China, she is by all accounts already married to Pierre Joubert although there is no emphatic record of that. We therefore conclude that Pierre Joubert, though in a slightly different category, also sailed on the China and, likely, was married to Isabeau by the ship's unknown chaplain ...Isabeau Richarde -Boarded and survived - married to P. Mallan then P. Joubert ...Given that his wife, Isabeau Richarde, has been concluded to be on the ship, it is most likely that Pierre Mallan boards the ship with her, but perishes on board. Isabeau then marries Pierre Joubert, after he loses his own young wife, Suzanne Reyne on board.

Pierre Joubert and Isabeau Richard will give us the huge Joubert family of South Africa, including Kommandant-General Piet Joubert, leader of the Boer forces in two wars against Britain. In this he will gain the reputation of being the only military leader in the world to formally defeat Britain in a war in the Victorian era – the First Anglo-Boer War of 1881. He will also be leader in the second war and gain thereby the admiration of all of Continental Europe. http://members.shaw.ca/cliffwoodfogge/Documents/China4thEdition.pdf

Pierre Jaubert, Suzanne Reyne & Isabeau Richarde in Boucher

The name Pierre Jaubert (Joubert) does not appear in the December 1687 list of refugees on the Berg China; that of Susanne Reyne (Resne), however, “jonge dochter out 20 jaren”, is included. There was clearly a last-minute marriage here, as the register of the Walloon church at Brielle in the United Provinces indicates. The ceremony took place on February 1, 1688 and was conducted by Godefroi Lambiron after the publication of the required banns in a single day, with special permission of the town-council. The wording of the marriage entry has perpetuated an error: the bride is described as “Susanne Reyne de la Roque, native d’Antheron en provence”. It should read: “Susanne Reyne, native de La Roque-d’Antheron en Provence”.171 La Roque, closely linked until 1663 with the Lourmarin church, lies south of the Durance. Pierre Jaubert’s place of birth is correctly given as La Motte- d'Aigues. At the time of his marriage he would be about twenty-four years of age.

Also in the embarkation list for the Berg China are Pierre Malian (Malan), a young man of twenty-three, and his wife of twenty, Isabeau Richarde. Herein lies an apparent mystery, since we hear no more of Pierre Malian and Susanne Reyne and find that at the Cape Pierre Jaubert is the husband of Isabeau (Elisabeth) Richarde. It is perhaps no mystery at all. Death doubtless claimed two of these refugees and the survivors remarried.172 The place where this second ceremony took place remains uncertain.

• M. Boucher.M (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA: Ch 7: Cape Settlers III: from South-Eastern France and Adjoining Territories p189

I WAS NAMED AFTER HER!!! My mother (ANNA MARIA JOUBERT) always told me my names were very important and the ancestral name for the Jouberts.... ISABEAU ELIZABETH. I battled with the name for years, but eventually came to love it and be proud of it.


{geni:about_me} *Birth Date 1668

  • Death Date 10/7/1740
  • First Name Isabeau
  • Last Name Joubert
  • Suffix SM/PROG
  • Maiden Name Richarde
  • Gender Female
  • Birth Location St Martin de la Brasque, France, Provence
  • Death Location Drakenstein, Paarl, South Africa
  • Burial Date 1740

Judi Marais-Meyer register
Daar is 4 boedel/inventarisse in die Kaapse Weescamer aangaande die sterfte van Pieter(Pierre Joubert) met weduwee Elisabeth Richard.

MOOC8/10.35 ½, MOOC10/5.35 ged 28/11/1740;MOOC8/6.64 ged 16/10/170 en MOOC8/6.65 ged 19/10/1740

In alle gevalle word haar naam as Elisabeth Richard aangegee weduwee van Pieter Jubert(Joubert) d'Oude/

2 plase word genoem nl. Belligham gelegenonder't distrik van Drakenstein volgens erfgorndbrief van transport 14 Julie 1700 en Lormarins gelegen onder't disrik Drakenstain volgens erfgrondbrief van den 19 Desmeber 1713 getransport de dato 22 Maart 1727 Ek plaas die uittreksel aangaande die erfgename asook alle eiendomme genoem. Daar is heelwat eiendomme, plase, huise, ens.

Inventaris van alle soodanige goederen roerende en onroerende, schulden en inneschulden als sijn naargelaaten en met ’er dood ontruijmt door Elisabeth Richard wed:w wijlen den landbouwer Pieter Jubert d’ oude ten voordeele van haare naargelaatene meerderjaarige kinderen, mitsgd:s minderjaarige kindskinderen als

  • Elisabeth Jubert getrouwt met den oud heemraad Paul Roux
  • Louisa Jubert wed:w Jacob Villiers de jonge
  • Francois Jubert
  • Maria Jubert gehuwt met den landbouwer Jan Loots, en
  • Rachel Jubert getrouwt met den landbouwer Dirk Craffort, vervolgens
  • Elisabeth Jubert getrouwt met Jan Villiers Jacobsz: en bij representatie van hunlieden overledene vader Pieter Jubert
  • Pieter Jubert

welkers plaatse neevens de twee eevengen: meede is representeerende

  • Susanna Villiers dogter van den landbouwer Abraham Villiers, die in huwelijk gehad heeft *Susanna Jubert, dogter van boovengen: Pieter Jubert, voorts
  • Pieter bij plaatsvullinge van wijlen hun vader Jan Jubert, wijders
  • Jan
  • Jacob
  • Arie Willemsz:
  • Elisabeth
  • Josua en
  • Gideon Jubert
  • Pieter bij representatie van hun overleedene vader Josua Jubert, en eijndelijk
  • Jan en
  • Susanna Jubert
  • Pieter als ter erffenis treedende in plaatse van wijlen hun vader Gideon Jubert
  • Margaretha
  • Gideon
  • Jacob
  • Josua en
  • Elisabeth Jubert

soodanig en in diervoegen als deselve door de presente meerderjaarige erfgenaamen sijn aageweesen en door de onder te noemene gecommitt:e Weesmeesteren sijn bevonden te bestaan in ’t volgende, naamentlijk

  • 1 plaats ofte hofsteede gen:t Bellingkamp geleegen onder ’t district van Drakenstijn volgens erfgrondbrief de dato 8:e October 1695, mitsgd:s ’t laatste transport van den 14 Julij 1700
  • 1 plaats ofte hofsteede gen:t Lormarins geleegen onder ’t district van Drakenstijn volgens erfgrondbrief van den 19 December 1713 mitsgd:s transport de dato 22 Maart 1727
  • 1 plaats ofte hofsteede gen:t Le Rocke geleegen in de Olifantshoek onder Drakenstijn volgens erfgrondbrief de dato 22:e December 1695, mitsgd:s ’t laatste transport de dato 9 September 1723
  • 1 plaats oft hofsteede gen:t de Winterhoek geleegen in de Olifantshoek onder Drakenstijn volgens erfgrondbrief van den 1 November 1696, mitsgd:s transport de dato 8 Maij 1716
  • 1 plaats ofte hofsteede gen:t La Motte geleegen in d’ Olifantshoek onder Drakenstijn volgens erfgrondbrief de dato 9:e Januarij 1695, en transport van den 7 September 1709
  • 1 plaats ofte hofsteede gen:t La Provence geleegen in d’ Olifantshoek onder Drakenstijn volgens erfgrondbrief van den 11:e Maij 1712, aan wijlen den landbouwer Pieter Jubert d’ oude verleent
  • 1 huijs en erf geleegen in de Tafel Valleij volgens drie erfgrondbrieven en kaarten de datis 12 Augustus en 24 November 1701, mitsgd:s 21 October 1710, en ’t laatste transport de dato 11:e November 1718
  • 1 plaats ofte hofsteede gen:t de Plaisante geleegen onder Drakenstijn in ’t Land van Waveren over de Breede Rivier volgens erfbrief de dato 26 Maij 1716


Aldus gedaan en g’inventariseert op voorschreeven hofsteede Bellingkamp den 16 en 17 October 1740 ...

- Inventories of the Orphan Chamber Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa Reference no.: MOOC8/6.64 on http://databases.tanap.net/mooc/


It seems that Isabeau had an illetigimate relationship before 1707 with Guillaume Loret. He then married her daughter Elisabeth. At the wedding ceremony Ds.Beck refused to read the necessary marriage documents, and Pierre Joubert and a schoolmaster on his farm, David Du Buisson, wrote a petition against Ds Beck.. but it never came to that.

Isabeau Richard

  • Migrated on Berg China which left Rotterdam 20 Mar 1688 and arrived Table Bay 4 Aug 1688.
  • On the Ships list she is named Isabeau Richard Malan Joubert.
  • Married to Pierre Joubert
  • Daughter Louisa Joubert born 1699

Die name van Isabeau Richard en haar vorige eggenoot, Pierre Malan, verskyn op die skeepslys van die "Berg China", opgestel 23 November 1687. Die Berg China Rotterdam op 30 Maart 1688 verlaat en op 4 Augustus 1688 Tafelbaai bereik.

Die waarskynlikheid is dat Susanne Reyne (Pierre Joubert se 1ste vrou) en Pierre Malan (Isabeau se 1ste man) oorlede is voordat die Berg China in Tafelbaai aangekom het.

Birth: 1668 La Motte-d'Aigues, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Frankryk Alternate Birth: Saint Martin de la Brasque, Aigues Valley, Provence, France Marriage: Marriage to: Pierre Malan, Zai Circa 1680 Frankryk Immigration: 1688 Marriage: Marriage to: sv pa Pierre (Pieter) Joubert Joubert, a1 Mar 20 1688 Ter See aan boord China op pad na K d G H, Suid-Afrika Death: Oct 7 1748 Paarl, Drakenstein, Kaap de Goede Hoop, Suid-Afrik

Isabeau Richarde in Booyens 'China'

There are three Mallans living in and around Saint Martin de la Brasque:

  • i. Pierre Mallan is married to Isabeau Richarde.
  • ii. Anthoine Mallan is married to Isabeau Verdette and they have a little daughter.
  • iii. The third is Jacques Mallan, cousin of Pierre and Anthoine. He is as yet unmarried.

Pierre Mallan, wife Isabeau Richarde from St. Martin de la Brasque; Church records for arrival in Genève 12.09.1687; Schaffhausen 30.09.1687; Frankfurt 31.10.1687 (In South Africa she is known as Richard(e), and it is given thatway also by the VOC, but at Frankfurt, the only church where Mallan's wife is identified by name, it is Tricharde. This was likely an error as the surname Richard was reasonably common in the Luberon.) VOC records in Rotterdam Dec 1687 for proposed China ship list: Pierre Malan (23) and his wife Isabeau Richarde (20)

...When Isabeau Richarde steps off the China, she is by all accounts already married to Pierre Joubert although there is no emphatic record of that. We therefore conclude that Pierre Joubert, though in a slightly different category, also sailed on the China and, likely, was married to Isabeau by the ship's unknown chaplain ...Isabeau Richarde -Boarded and survived - married to P. Mallan then P. Joubert ...Given that his wife, Isabeau Richarde, has been concluded to be on the ship, it is most likely that Pierre Mallan boards the ship with her, but perishes on board. Isabeau then marries Pierre Joubert, after he loses his own young wife, Suzanne Reyne on board.

Pierre Joubert and Isabeau Richard will give us the huge Joubert family of South Africa, including Kommandant-General Piet Joubert, leader of the Boer forces in two wars against Britain. In this he will gain the reputation of being the only military leader in the world to formally defeat Britain in a war in the Victorian era – the First Anglo-Boer War of 1881. He will also be leader in the second war and gain thereby the admiration of all of Continental Europe. http://members.shaw.ca/cliffwoodfogge/Documents/China4thEdition.pdf

Pierre Jaubert, Suzanne Reyne & Isabeau Richarde in Boucher

The name Pierre Jaubert (Joubert) does not appear in the December 1687 list of refugees on the Berg China; that of Susanne Reyne (Resne), however, “jonge dochter out 20 jaren”, is included. There was clearly a last-minute marriagehere, as the register of the Walloon church at Brielle in the United Provinces indicates. The ceremony took place on February 1, 1688 and was conducted by Godefroi Lambiron after the publication of the required banns in a single day, with special permission of the town-council. The wording of the marriage entry has perpetuated an error: the bride is described as “Susanne Reyne de la Roque, native d’Antheron en provence”. It should read: “Susanne Reyne, native de La Roque-d’Antheron en Provence”.171 La Roque, closely linked until 1663 with the Lourmarin church, lies south of the Durance. Pierre Jaubert’s place of birth is correctly given as La Motte- d'Aigues. At the time of his marriage he would be about twenty-four years of age.

Also in the embarkation list for the Berg China are Pierre Malian (Malan), a young man of twenty-three, and his wife of twenty, Isabeau Richarde. Herein lies an apparent mystery, since we hear no more of Pierre Malian and Susanne Reyne and find that at the Cape Pierre Jaubert is the husband of Isabeau (Elisabeth) Richarde. It is perhaps no mystery at all. Death doubtless claimed two of these refugees and the survivors remarried.172 The place where this second ceremony took place remains uncertain. • M. Boucher.M (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA: Ch 7: Cape Settlers III: from South-Eastern France and Adjoining Territories p189

I WAS NAMED AFTER HER!!! My mother (ANNA MARIA JOUBERT) always told me my names were very important and the ancestral name for the Jouberts.... ISABEAU ELIZABETH. I battled with the name for years, but eventually came to love it and be proud of it.


GEDCOM Import _UPD = 10 DEC 2008 21:11:52 GMT+2


GEDCOM Import _UPD = 10 DEC 2008 21:11:52 GMT+2


Arriveer in 1688 saam met haar 2de man vanaf Saint-Martin-de-la-Brasque, Frankryk op die skip "Berg China" en vestig haarself op die plaas La Provence, Franschoek. Sy is tydens die seevaart op die skip getroud met 'n Franse voortvlugtige, Pierre Jaubert en het ten tye van haar dood die plase Bellingham, La Roche, La Motte, La Province en De Plaisonte besit.


1688 aankoms op die skip Berg China saam met haar man Pierre Joubert. Haar naam en dié van haar eggenoot, Pierre Malan, verskyn op die skeepslys van die Berg China, opgestel 1687.12.23; die waarskynlikheid is dus dat Susanne Reyneen Pierre Malan oorlede is voordat die Berg China in Tafelbaai aangekom het


Arrived 1688 aboard Berg China. Settled at La Provence, Franschhoek. Illiterate. Continued farming after Pierre's death, independently of sons.


GEDCOM Import _UPD = 10 DEC 2008 21:11:52 GMT+2


Arriveer in 1688 saam met haar 2de man vanaf Saint-Martin-de-la-Brasque, Frankryk op die skip "Berg China" en vestig haarself op die plaas La Provence, Franschoek. Sy is tydens die seevaart op die skip getroud met 'n Franse voortvlugtige, Pierre Jaubert en het ten tye van haar dood die plase Bellingham, La Roche, La Motte, La Province en De Plaisonte besit.


Arriveer in 1688 saam met haar 2de man vanaf Saint-Martin-de-la-Brasque, Frankryk op die skip "Berg China" en vestig haarself op die plaas La Provence, Franschoek. Sy is tydens die seevaart op die skip getroud met 'n Franse voortvlugtige, Pierre Jaubert en het ten tye van haar dood die plase Bellingham, La Roche, La Motte, La Province en De Plaisonte besit.


Arrived 1688 on the ship Berg China together with her husba nd Pierre Joubert. Her name and that of her spouse Pierre M alan, is shown on the ships manifest of the Berg China. Th e probability is thus that Susanne Reyne and PierreMalan d iedbefore the Berg China arrived in Table Bay.


Arrived 1688 on the ship Berg China together with her husba nd Pierre Joubert. Her name and that of her spouse Pierre M alan, is shown on the ships manifest of the Berg China. Th e probability is thus that Susanne Reyne and PierreMalan d iedbefore the Berg China arrived in Table Bay.


Arrived 1688 on the ship Berg China together with her husba nd Pierre Joubert. Her name and that of her spouse Pierre M alan, is shown on the ships manifest of the Berg China. Th e probability is thus that Susanne Reyne and PierreMalan d iedbefore the Berg China arrived in Table Bay.


Pierre JOUBERT and Isabeau RICHARD married 28 March 1688 en route to the Cape, she died 1748. He arrived in Table Bay 4 August 1688 on board the 'Berg China' that left Rotterdam on 20 June 1688.

The names Isabeau RICHARD and her husband Pierre MALAN appears on the passenger list of the Berg China, compiled 23 Dec 1687. It is therefor probable that Susanne REYNE (Pierre JOUBERT's first wife) died before the Berg China departed Rotterdam or en route to the Cape and that Pierre MALAN (Isabeau's husband)died before the Berg China arrived in Table Bay.

Pierre Joubert en Isabeau Richard had 6 sons and 5 daughters:

1. Joshua * 1689 x Paarl 5 Aug 1725 Susanna Garde 2. Jacques (Jacob) * 1691 3. Isabeau (Elizabeth)* 1692 x 23 Jan 1717 Guillaume Loret van Nantes xx Paarl 25 May 1719 Paul Roux 4. Pierre (Pieter) *1694 + 1741 x 1 May 1718 Susanna de Villiers d/v Abraham 5. Jean ~ Paarl 7 Dec 1695 + voor 16 March 1738 x Paarl 22 Jun 1727 Maria van Wyk d/v Adriaan (Arie) 6. Francoise (Francina) ~ 11 Nov 1697 x Paarl 21 May 1719 Johannes Pleunis s/v Jacob 7. Louise ~ Paarl 6 Dec 1699 x Paarl 10 Oct 1718 Jean Lombard xx Jacobus de Villiers 8. Gideon * 1702 + 1738 x Stellenbosch 25 Feb 1725 Margaretha de Villiers d/v Jacob 9. Maria * 1704 + voor 24 Apr 1746 x Paarl 15 Sep 1726 Jan Loots van Amsterdam 10. Francois ~ Paarl 28 Nov 1706 + 1758, burger Drakenstein x Paarl 6 Nov 1729 Gesina van Deventer xx 18 Feb 1731 Elisabeth Cronje d/v Pierre 11. Rachel * 1710 x 22 Jan 1730 Dirk Willem Crafford van Utrecht xx 30 Oct 1744 Gerrit vanDeventer xxx Tulbagh 24 Aug 1754 Johannes Albertus van Emmenis

There were rumours that Isabeau Richard and her future son-in-law Guillaume Loret committed adultery. The minister Henricus Beck implemented church discipline as a result in 1707.

Verwysings: De Villiers/Pama Heese/Lombard GC de Wet die Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nederesetting Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek Verwysingsmateriaal, Springs LDS FHC biblioteek

Saamgestel deur: Martina Louw (nee van Breda) Kennethl@xtra.co.nz

Thanks to submission by: Adré Ellis adreellis@lantic.net webpage http://users.lantic.net/adreellis/ AM van Rensburg

church. There were rumours that Isabeau Richard and her future son-in-law Guillaume Loret committed adultery. The minister Henricus Beck implemented church discipline as a result in 1707.


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Pierre JOUBERT and Isabeau RICHARD married 28 March 1688 en route to the Cape, she died 1748. He arrived in Table Bay 4 August 1688 on board the 'Berg China' that left Rotterdam on 20 June 1688.

The names Isabeau RICHARD and her husband Pierre MALAN appears on the passenger list of the Berg China, compiled 23 Dec 1687. It is therefor probable that Susanne REYNE (Pierre JOUBERT's first wife) died before the Berg China departed Rotterdam or en route to the Cape and that Pierre MALAN (Isabeau's husband)died before the Berg China arrived in Table Bay.

Pierre Joubert en Isabeau Richard had 6 sons and 5 daughters

There were rumours that Isabeau Richard and her future son-in-law Guillaume Loret committed adultery. The minister Henricus Beck implemented church discipline as a result in 1707.

MTDNA via her daughter

DNA propagated to Elisabeth Loret, Roux (Joubert)
Elisabeth Loret, Roux (Joubert) is presumed to carry DNA based on test results from other relatives in the family tree:
from 3 relativesMultiple DNA tests confirm this result.
from 1 relativeMultiple DNA tests confirm this result.
from 1 relativeMultiple DNA tests confirm this result

Confusion with Elizabeth Richarde, SM/PROG ?
Parents and place of birth are different...

view all 24

Elizabeth Richarde, SM/PROG's Timeline

Saint-Martin-de-la-Brasque, Vaucluse, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Born 1667 in St Martin de la Brasque, Provence, France

Age 1
March 20, 1688
Age 21
Saint Martin DE La Brasque, France
March 20, 1688
Age 21
Saint Martin DE La Brasque, France
Age 21
Age 21
Paarl, Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid Afrika