w/o Wolney Pulaski "V P", 1st married Christmas 1856, divorced about 1896, remarried 1901. d/o Willam HOLLINGSWORTH & Martha Ann COONEY, older sister to Mary FLORA. Appointed Postmistress at Capital City May 1881. She and "V P" operated boarding houses, then she by herself after their split-up. Reportedly, noted as a former local Madam in a 2012 publication of Montrose, Colorado.
Grant E Houston, President; Hinsdale County Historical Society, wrote:
(12/30/05): "Both families [Flora & Borie] are well known here in Lake City and were among the real pioneers of our region, particularly up around Capitol City and Rose's Cabin, both of which are now ghost towns. Mrs. Flora was also extensively interested at various times in Lake City hotels and boarding houses, including the boarding house of the Ute-Ulay Mine on Henson Creek. Her Second Street boarding house between Gunnison and Silver Streets still exists, although it has been moved about a block from its original location."
1839 |
June 30, 1839
Tipton County, IN, United States
1865 |
October 27, 1865
Lyon County, KS, United States
1904 |
August 11, 1904
Age 65
Portland, Ouray County, CO, United States
???? |
Cedar Hill Cemetery, Ouray, Ouray County, CO, United States