Abdullah ibn Muhammad (عبد الله بن محمد), (January 11, 844 - October 15, 912) of the Umayyad dynasty, was the seventh Emir of Córdoba, reigning from 888 to 912 in the Al-Andalus (Moorish Iberia).
[source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdallah_ibn_Muhammad]
Abdullah ibn Muhammad al-Umawi From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Umayyad dynasty came to power forty-five years after Muslim forces swept through Iberia, led by Abd ar-Rahman I. The Umayyad were already a very distinguished family, a branch of which once lead to the Islamic Caliphate. Also, the family could proudly claim descent from the Quraysh, the tribe of the Islamic prophet Muhammad himself.
Rise to power
Contemporary historians were quick to accuse ibn Muhammad of orchestrating the death of his elder brother, al-Mundhir, whereby he ascended to power. This is unlikely, as ibn Muhammad showed very little interest in governing, becoming a neurotic recluse who was only interested in hunting and his faith.
Once in power, however, he showed no reluctance to dispose of those he viewed as a threat, even if they were family. Two of his own brothers were executed on his orders, and he commanded one of his sons (al-Mutarrif) to kill his own brother. Even this extreme display of loyalty was not enough to save al-Mutarrif, as he too was executed for treason a few years later. The apathy ibn Muhammad showed towards ruling had disastrous consequences for his emirate. By the time he died, he was ruler in name only, as local warlords had seized control throughout his kingdom. For instance, the second largest city under his rule, Seville, fell under the control of Ibrahim ben al-Hajjaj. He was a strong patron of literature
Father Muhammad I ibn 'Abd al-Rahman, amir al-Qurtubi1,2 b. circa 826, d. 886 Mother Ishar (?)1,2 b. circa 836
Family 2 Oneca Fortunez de Navarra b. circa 847 Child Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allâh al-Qurtubi+ b. c 8761
Abdullah was the son of Muhammad I and the younger brother of al-Mundhir.
Around 863, Abdullah married Onneca Fortúnez, daughter of Fortún Garcés,[4] King of Pamplona and his wife Aurea (Orea). She was repudiated sometime before 880 and returned to the Kingdom of Pamplona, most probably with her father who returned that year,[2] and took her cousin Aznar Sánchez of Larraun as her second husband with whom she had at least three children, including Queen Toda of Navarre who was, therefore, the aunt of Abd al-Rahman III.[2]
Abdullah had several children:
Abdullah ibn Muhammad al-Umawi
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Abdullah ibn Muhammad (عبد الله بن محمد; January 11, 844 - October 15, 912) of the Umayyad dynasty, was the seventh Emir of Córdoba, reigning from 888 to 912 in the Al-Andalus (Moorish Iberia).
The most formidable threat for the emir was Umar Ibn Hafsun, who had conquered the provinces of Rayyo (including Bobastro), Elvira (including Granada) and Jaén, and had allied with the populations of Archidona, Baeza, Úbeda and Priego. In 891 Ibn Hafsun was defeated near the castle of Polei and lost several cities; Abdullah after the victory massacred all the Christians, while the Muslims of the conquered cities were pardoned. However, by the following year Ibn Hafsun had already recovered, and conquered back all the lost territories.
The emir signed a peace with Ibn Hafsun (who had allied with the Banu Qasi family, controlling the Ebro valley, and the Kingdom of Asturias) in 901; the war however broke out again the following year, only to be halted by the death at Córdoba of Abdullah, who was improving his positions. The son he has designed as successor was killed by one of Abdullah's brothers. The latter was in turn executed by Abdullah's father, who named as successor Abd ar-Rahman III, son of the killed son of Abdullah.
[edit] Sources
* Altamira, Rafael (1999). "Il califfato occidentale". Storia del mondo medievale. II. pp. 477–515.
Abdullah ibn Muhammad al-Umawi
Banu Umayyah
Cadet branch of the Banu Quraish
Preceded by
al-Mundhir Emir of Cordoba
888 – 912 Succeeded by
Abd-ar-Rahman III
El Rey D.Ramiro el Segundo de Leon,p.4.n.17. oyendo alabar la hermoſura i bõdad de una hermana de Alboazar Albucadan , hija de D. Zadan Zada, biſnieta del Rey Aboali, que venció al Rey D.Rodrigo, aviendo tenido guerras con el Alboazar, que era ſeñor de Gaya, i de toda la tierra, que deſde alli corre haſta Santaren , celebrò con èl pazes con mueſtras de grande amiſtad, ſolo por el amor que tenia a ſu hermana. Entròſe en una galera , i con màs dos entrò por la boca del Duero, i ſubiendo al caſtillo de Gaya, que allí eſtà eminente, vioſe con Alboazar, i por fin de las platicas le pidiò a ſu hermana, prometiendole ſe caſaria con ella: porque ſi bien eſtava caſado con D. Aldonça [A] eran tan parientes, que ſiendo el caſamiento invalido, facilmente le revocaria la Igleſia. Eſcuſoſe Alboazar con que la tenia prometida al Rey de Marruecos. Pero el Rey valiẽdoſe de la Arte Mágica de Amon, grande Aſtrologo,que traìa conſigo,robò la Mora una noche, i ſe fue a ſus galeras con ella; i acudiendo ſu hermano huvo una pelea, en que murieron algunos, i toda via el Rey la llevò a Miñor, i deſde alli a Leon: hizola bautizar con el nombre de Ortiga, que quiere dezir, enſeñada, i perfecta.
in: Nobiliario del Conde de Barcelos Don Pedro, Hijo del Rey Don Dionisio de Portugal por Alonso Paredes, Madrid, 1646. Titulo 21, p. 111 <http://books.google.com.br/books?pg=PA113&dq=hermigo+alboazar&ei=Eb...>
Reinando D.Rodrigo en Eſpaña [A] vinieron con èl a batalla Avali [B] Alboazar Rey de Marruecos ...
in: Nobiliario del Conde de Barcelos Don Pedro, Hijo del Rey Don Dionisio de Portugal por Alonso Paredes, Madrid, 1646. Titulo 3, p. 1 <http://books.google.com.br/books?pg=PA1&dq=hermigo+alboazar&ei=Ebb8...>
7th Emir of Córdoba (0888-15 Oct 0912)
843 |
December 843
Cordoba Al Andalus, Córdoba, Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
876 |
Cordoba, Spain
883 |
Córdoba, Espanha (Spain)
912 |
October 15, 912
October 16, 912
Age 68
Cordoba Al Andalus, Córdoba, Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain
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