Immediate Family
About Emma de Langetot
see https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/soc.genealogy.medieval/PRaP... for a discussion about this family. This suggests that the father of her children may have been Geoffrey FitzWilliam.
Emma de Langetot
Emma de Langetot was, according to Medlands below, mother of Muriel wife of Alan de Dunstanville.
[EMMA de Langetot ([1124/25]-after 1185). Domesday Descendants says that the “principal heir [of Ralph [II] de Langetot] seems to have been Emma de Langetot, probably his daughter” adding that “she was the niece of Matilda sister of ‘Ranulf’ de Langetot - an error for Ralph - according to a Thetford charter of her daughter Muriel”[432]. The Rotuli de Dominabus of 1185 records “Emme de Langetot” with land “Esintone et Singelberge in dote...de feodo Roesie de Auberville” in Buckinghamshire and in another passage that “--- Langetot...lx annorum” held “in hundredo de Holt feodum i militis et iii partes feodi i militis...in Binetre...in hundredo de Eineford...ii milites fefatos et ii partes i militis” in Norfolk[433]. The Rotuli de Dominabus of 1185 records that [her daughters] “uxor Alani de Dunstanville…xxx annorum et uxor Alardi filii Willelmi…xxiv annorum” were the heirs of “Emme de Langetot…lx annorum…de genere illarum de Chedney et Joscelini Crispini” in Buckinghamshire[434]. Emma’s relationship with Joscelin Crispin has not been traced. “Chedney” presumably indicates the Chesney family of Oxfordshire, who was descended from Emma’s supposed paternal aunt (see below).] m ---. The name of Emma’s husband is not known. Two children:
(1) MURIEL ([1154/55]-after 10 Oct 1200). The Rotuli de Dominabus of 1185 records that “uxor Alani de Dunstanville…xxx annorum et uxor Alardi filii Willelmi…xxiv annorum” were the heirs of “Emme de Langetot…lx annorum…de genere illarum de Chedney et Joscelini Crispini” in Buckinghamshire[435]. An order of King John dated 10 Oct 1200 relates to "heredem Alani de Dunstanvill qui est in custodia matris sue uxoris quondam predicti Alani", addressed to "Willelmo de Cantilupo"[436]. Domesday Descendants says that the “principal heir [of Ralph [II] de Langetot] seems to have been Emma de Langetot, probably his daughter” adding that “she was the niece of Matilda sister of ‘Ranulf’ de Langetot - an error for Ralph - according to a Thetford charter of her daughter Muriel”[437]. The primary source which confirms her name has not been identified. m ALAN de Dunstanville, son of [ALAN de Dunstanville & his wife ---] (-before 10 Oct 1200).
(2) CECILIA ([1161/62]-). The Rotuli de Dominabus of 1185 records that “uxor Alani de Dunstanville…xxx annorum et uxor Alardi filii Willelmi…xxiv annorum” were the heirs of “Emme de Langetot…lx annorum…de genere illarum de Chedney et Joscelini Crispini” in Buckinghamshire[438]. Domesday Descendants names her Cecilia but the primary source on which this is based has not been identified[439]. m ALARD FitzWilliam, son of WILLIAM & his wife ---.
Emma de Langetot's Timeline
1116 |
Wiltshire, England
1157 |
May 7, 1157
Age 41
Combe, Wiltshire, England
???? | |||
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