Immediate Family
About Enguerrand I, "Isembart" comte de Ponthieu
Medlands (30 Mar 2023) "Northern France: Amiens, Montreuil, Ponthieu"
"ENGUERRAND (-1045, bur Saint-Riquier). The Chronique de Saint Riquier names "Angelran" as son of Hugues, commenting that he contented himself with the title avoué until his marriage when he adopted the title comte[691]. Avoué de Saint-Riquier...."
["m firstly ---]....... etc.
"m [secondly] ([after 1033]) as her second husband, ALEIDA, widow of BAUDOUIN Comte de Boulogne.....
"Enguerrand & his [first] wife had three children:
1. "HUGUES (-killed 20 Nov 1052, bur Saint-Riquier)....... etc.
2. "GUY (-1074). The Chronicon Hariulfi records.......etc.
3. "FOULQUES (-after 1059). The Chronique de Saint Riquier records"...... etc.
fr.Wikipédia: / Enguerrand Iᵉʳ de Ponthieu. Note: This Wikipedia article is more substantive than the the one in English.
en.Wikipedia: Enguerrand I of Ponthieu.
- Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Commission royale d’histoire (1898) Compte rendu des séances; ou Recueil de ses bulletins. Brussels, Belgium: Commission royale d’histoire. Disponible sur: Google Books.
- Chibnall, M. (ed.) (1969) The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis: Volume II, Book III. Edited & translated by M. Chibnall. Oxford, England, UK: Clarendon Press. Available at: Google Books, pp. 12-13.
- Collins, C. P. (1959) Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta Barons Including Ancestry of John Talbot, 10th Earl of Shrewsbury,[...]. Dallas, Texas, USA: Carr Pritchett Collins. Available at: Babel.HathiTrust.
- Dauphin, H. (1946) Le bienheureux Richard, abbé de Saint-Vanne de Verdun. France: Bureaux de la revue, Bibliothèque de l’université. Disponible sur: WorldCat.org.
- de Barthélémy, A. (1851) “Neustrie. — Ponthieu,” in Nouveau manuel complet de numismatique du Moyen Age et moderne.... Paris: Librairie encyclopédique de Roret. Disponible sur: Google Books.
- Dooghe, D.G. (1979) Les Saxons de Gaule: Enquête sur le Litus Saxonicum. France: Dooghe, L. (ed.). Disponible sur: WorldCat.org. pp. 56, 83.
- Freeman, E. A. (1869) The History of the Norman Conquest of England, Its Causes and Its Results: The Reign of Harold and the Interregnum. Oxford, England, UK: Clarendon Press. Available at: Google Books.
- Serrure, R. (1887) Dictionnaire géographique de l’histoire monétaire de la France (Région du Nord-Ouest): Abbeville–Cambrésis. Paris: Raymond Serrure (Rédacteur du Bulletin de Mumismatique et d’Archéolgie). Disponible sur: Google Books.
- Tanner, H. J. (1992) “The Expansion of the Power and Influence of the Counts of Boulogne under Eustace II,” in Chibnall, M. (ed.) Proceedings of the Battle Conference 1991. Woodbridge, England, UK: Boydell Press, pp. 262–263. Available at: WorldCat.org, pp. 262-63.
- Wurts, J. S. (1945) Magna Carta. Randolph, Vermont. USA: Brookfield Publishing. Available at: WorldCat.org, p. 212.
Enguerrand I, "Isembart" comte de Ponthieu's Timeline
970 |
Montreuil, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, France
1005 |
Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
1014 |
1019 |
1046 |
September 20, 1046
Age 76
Crécy En Ponthieu, Somme, Hauts-de-France, France
???? |