Ephraim Fischel Kitover, [of Brody]

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Ephraim Fischel Kitover (Gershon Ashkenazi), [of Brody] (1675 - 1720)

Hebrew: אפרים פישל, [of Brody]
Also Known As: "Efraim", "Efrohim", "Ashkenazi"
Birthplace: Brody, Brodivs'kyi district, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
Death: circa 1720 (36-53)
Place of Burial: Poland
Immediate Family:

Son of Rabbi Abraham Gershon Ashkenazi, [of Kitov] and 1st wife, Avraham Gershon Ashkenazi, of Kitov
Husband of Etel Toba Yocheved Cohen Chayot חיות and Etel Cohen Chayut
Father of Rabbi Abraham Gershon Ashkenazi, [of Kitov]; Yitzchok Ashkenazi; Aaron Ma'Kitov Ashkenazi; Aharon Kitover; Leah Rachel (or Chana) Isserles, (Besht 2nd wife) and 2 others
Brother of Moses Kitover-Ashkenazi; Yitzhak Kitover-Ashkenazi and Yehudah Leib Kitover-Ashkenazi

Managed by: Chesky Pfeifer
Last Updated:

About Ephraim Fischel Kitover, [of Brody]

Indeed - there is no proof of him being the Schach's son! most likely - his grandson

Efrayim Kitover, was a Rav and Av Beis Din in one of the four batei din in Brody, Poland. His son, Rav Gershon Kitover, brother-in-law of the Baal Shem Tov (1696-1761). moved to Eretz Yisrael in 1742? (becoming the first of the talmidim of the Besht to do so), living first in Chevron and then in Yerushalayaim.

Rabbi Ephraim's Daughter:

According to some sources, Israel ben Eliezer, the Ba’al Shem Tov (1698-1760), first married at about age 18; his wife died soon thereafter. Around 1720, he married Leah Rachel (or Chanah), the daughter of Rabbi Ephraim of Brody. His wife’s brother was Rabbi Abraham Gershon Ashkenazi of Kuty (also known as Gershon Kittower or Kitover). He was the rabbi of Brody and a well-known Talmudic scholar and Cabalist

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Ephraim Fischel Kitover, [of Brody]'s Timeline

Brody, Brodivs'kyi district, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
Brodivs'kyi district, L'vivs'ka oblast, Ukraine
Kuty, Poland
Brody, Brodivs'kyi district, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
Age 45
Broide, Poland